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08-16 投稿


barton 发音


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barton 中文意思翻译



barton 短语词组

1、Sydney Barton ─── 悉尼·巴顿

2、Barton's bandage ─── [医] 巴尔通氏绷带(8字形绷带)

3、barton associates ─── 巴顿协会

4、alan barton ─── 艾伦·巴顿

5、Ralph Barton Perry ─── [网络] 培里;裴瑞;派里

6、barton elite silicone watch bands ─── 巴顿elite硅胶表带

7、Sir Barton ─── [网络] 巴顿爵士

8、Barton's fracture ─── [医] 巴尔通氏骨折(桡骨下端骨折)

9、Barton reaction ─── 巴顿的反应

10、laura barton ─── 劳拉·巴顿

11、barton gellman ─── 巴顿·盖尔曼

12、barton watch bands ─── 巴顿表带

13、Barton's operation ─── [医] 巴尔通氏手术(治疗关节强直)

14、paul barton ─── 保罗·巴顿

15、barton watch bands review ─── 巴顿手表乐队评论

16、byron barton ─── 拜伦·巴顿

17、bernard barton ─── 伯纳德·巴顿

18、Barton forceps ─── [医] 巴尔通氏产钳

19、Barton Fink ─── [电影]巴顿·芬克;才子梦惊魂

barton 相似词语短语

1、carton ─── n.纸板箱;靶心白点;vt.用盒包装;vi.制作纸箱;n.(Carton)人名;(英、西)卡顿;(法)卡尔东

2、Warton ─── n.沃顿(姓氏)

3、baryon ─── n.[高能]重子

4、Parton ─── n.部分子

5、baryton ─── 介子

6、bartons ─── n.农家场院,庄园内的农场

7、burton ─── n.复滑车;n.(Burton)人名;(法)比尔东;(英、西、葡)伯顿

8、baron ─── n.男爵;大亨;巨头;n.(Baron)人名;(英、汤)巴伦;(匈)鲍龙;(法、俄、德、意、捷、荷、罗、以、瑞典、印尼)巴龙

9、Barton ─── n.巴顿(男子名)

barton 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A variety of occupations, of objects, and of company, which could not be procured at barton, would be inevitable there ─── 在这里肯定有五花八门的消遣、多种多样的打算和各式各样的朋友,而这些在巴顿是得不到的。

2、Internal fixation with T-TCP is an effective therapy to treat Barton fracture and it can prevent complications of radio-ulnar joint. ─── T钢板内固定是治疗Barton骨折有效的方法,是预防桡腕关节并发症的积极措施。

3、Alonso left the field on a stretcher last weekend following a high challenge from Newcastle's Joey Barton. ─── 上周末的比赛中,阿隆索遭到巴顿飞铲之后被担架台出场外。

4、Amid tough market conditions for consultancies, Mr Barton will be under pressure to make sure McKinsey continues to ¬justify its reputation and fee structure. ─── 在咨询业严峻的市场环境下,为确保麦肯锡的业绩继续与其声誉和收费结构相称,鲍达民将面临很大压力。

5、On the basis of discussion of the Barton equation, this article applies the least square method and compiles some programs to solve the problem, and a very good result is gotten. ─── 在充分讨论了巴顿方程后 ,本文应用最小平方法并编制一些计算程序 ,模拟了巴顿方程的三个参数并得到了理想的结果

6、Deformation module for jointed rock masses estimated empirical equations presented by Bieniawski, Serafim, Pereira and Barton et al are introduced. ─── 介绍了布艾希凯(Bieniawski)、希拉菲门(Serafim)和皮内纳(Pereira)、巴尔通(Barton)等人的经验方程估算节理岩体的变形模量;

7、The club today described as “absolute nonsense” reports suggesting that Keegan is at loggerheads with his board over his stance on Barton. ─── 俱乐部今天把报道描述为无稽之谈表明基冈对巴顿的姿态简直是个是个愚蠢的举动。

8、Studies on the chemical constituents of Chimaphila umbellate L. Barton ─── 伞形梅笠草的化学成分研究

9、Barton Fink ─── 巴顿·芬克(美国影片)

10、In 1987, Barton and Cendes applied the tetrahedral element to three-dimensional magnetic calculation. ─── 80年代初期,Bossavit和Verite将四面体棱边元应用于三维涡流问题,1987年,Barton和Cendes将四面体棱边元首次应用于三维磁场计算揭开了基于棱边的有限元方法在电磁问题中应用的序幕。

11、Then they drove the animals back to the barton, or sat down to milk them on the spot, as the case might require. ─── 接着他们就根据当时的情形,把牛赶回院子,或者坐在那儿为它们挤奶。

12、They called their good-bees back, but Cal Barton stood off to one side, his head bare in the sun, watching her leave him. ─── 他们相互告别,而卡巴顿站在一旁,太阳照着他的头,望着她离开他。

13、Pretty soon though, it was Barton and Robbie Fowler who were jubilantly celebrating following City's unexpected equaliser. ─── 不久,巴顿和福勒就开始喜气洋洋的庆祝曼城的扳平入球了。

14、This works thorough Mary Barton the life state of having depicted the the work class of 19 century carefully. ─── 《玛丽·巴顿》这部作品深入细致地描绘了十九世纪工人阶级的生活状态。 它通过约翰·巴顿这位工会骨干以及他的女儿玛丽·巴顿来切入主题。

15、Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840s. ─── 尤其在《玛丽·巴顿》这本书的前几章,是对19世纪40年代英国工业时代工人苦难的一个感人回应。

16、"It was only one dance, and Mr. Barton is a good dancer, " she said airily, refusing to be intimidated. ─── “就跳了一曲,巴顿先生舞跳得很好,”她不满地说,来抵抗所受到的恐吓。

17、Mr. Barton lived in a suburban town. ─── 巴顿先生住在城郊的一个镇上。

18、Cal Barton stepped off the train in Richmond Friday morning, tired and dusty and half out of humor. ─── 卡巴顿周五上午在里乞蒙下了火车,疲倦不堪,尘埃满面,无精打采。

19、The Barton Workshop plays John Cage ─── 巴顿乐坊演奏约翰·凯奇的作品

20、rick barton ─── [英]干草堆积场

21、They were of course very anxious to see a person on whom so much of their comfort at Barton must depend. ─── 她们当然非常渴望会见这位在巴顿给她们提供了许多便利的人。

22、The Chelsea player is not smiling along with the mockery: "I don't think Joey Barton should talk about me and Steven Gerrard. ─── 兰帕德对这种嘲笑感到不开心:“我认为巴顿不应该来谈论我和杰拉德。

23、Barton Darla. ─── 主演 Mischa.

24、To summarize the technology development in Ukraine Barton Welding Institute ─── 乌克兰巴顿焊接研究所技术发展综述

25、During the process of limit equilibrium analysis, we use the software to search the position of slide surfaces. The Barton formula is introduced to confirm the shear strengths of interfaces. ─── 利用极限平衡法分析红层软岩坡体稳定性时,提出了采用极限平衡软件自动搜索滑移面的位置和利用Barton公式确定节理面的抗剪强度。

26、Visit historic market towns like Brigg and Barton upon Humber as well as Epworth, birthplace of world Methodism. ─── 历史悠久的集镇布里格(Brigg)和亨伯河畔巴顿(Barton upon Humber),以及基督教循道宗教派的发祥地埃普沃思(Epworth),都值得一游。

27、Nora wasn't certain whether to be happy or sad that she wasn't able to dance even once with Cal Barton. ─── 甚至没能和卡巴顿跳一曲,劳拉不能肯定这是幸福还是忧伤。

28、' Newcastle and West Ham are reportedly interested in Barton, who is under police inquiry after a bust-up with team-mate Ousmane Dabo. ─── ”纽卡和西汉姆被报道对巴顿有意,他现在正因为袭击队友达博受到警方调查。

29、Despite some superb spadework by journalist Barton Gellman and others, we know very little about Cheney's true role.We have seen few of the pertinent documents and heard little relevant testimony. ─── 尽管BartonGellman和其他记者写过一些冠冕堂皇的基础报道,但因缺少眼见为实的文件和耳听为实的证词,我们对切尼的真正角色仍是知之甚少。

30、He thought of Hugh Barton's grave foxy face. ─── 他想到许·巴吞那张严肃、狡黠的脸。

31、Barton made his debut for the Magpies against Hartlepool on Tuesday and captained the side at Carlisle. ─── 周二巴顿在对阵哈特尔普尔的比赛中首次为喜鹊出战,并在对阵卡莱尔的比赛中担任队长。

32、The analysis results show that determining JRC value by quantifying Barton standard outline curve in fractal dimension is an efficient method,and this method can avoid errors by visual evaluation. ─── 分析表明 ,将 Barton标准轮廓曲线通过分形维定量化是确定 JRC值的有效方法 ,能避免目视产生的误差。

33、Unable to use the Hilton name outside of the United States(because of the sale of Hilton International), Barton Hilton started a new chain named the Conrad International Hotels. ─── (由于希尔顿国际的售出)巴龙·希尔顿不能在美国境外使用“希尔顿”这一名称,他便创建了名为“康纳德国际酒店”的新的连锁酒店。

34、Gym owner David Barton will guide them through a workout. ─── 健身房主人戴维?巴顿将指导他们完成锻炼。

35、How does Gaskell use the ballad "The Oldham Weaver" in Mary Barton? ─── 在《玛莉包顿》里,盖斯凯尔如何运用叙事诗“奥耳丹的织布工”?

36、In a letter to Jerry Yang, Barton also raised several specific issues, including bilateral cooperation will be how to carry out, the search data, such as how to use and preservation. ─── 在致杨致远的信件中,巴顿还提出了几个具体的问题,包括双方的合作将如何开展,搜索数据如何利用和保存等。

37、"You look very nice, Mr. Barton," Melly said with a grin. ─── "巴顿先生,你看上去很俊,"梅利说,咧着嘴笑。

38、Elisha Gray and Enos Barton form small manufacturing firm in Cleveland, OH. ─── 以利沙.格雷和以挪士.巴顿在俄亥俄州克利夫兰成立一家小制造工厂。

39、It is correct to say that we wanted the spectator to share in the interior life of Barton Fink as well as his point of view. ─── 可以说我们希望观众去分享巴顿芬克的内心世界以及他看问题的角度。

40、He thought of Hugh Barton's grave foxy face ─── 他想到许?巴吞那张严肃、狡黠的脸。

41、Regardless of the Joey Barton injury blow, the Newcastle United career of Kieron Dyer looks to be drawing to a close, with three clubs now rumoured to be interested in signing him. ─── 不管乔伊·巴顿正在受伤病的打击,但基隆·代尔的纽卡斯尔生涯貌似要结束了,现在正有3家俱乐部感兴趣签下他。

42、Barton and the Red Cross of the USA ─── 巴顿与美国红十字会

43、Stephanie Barton is Beatrix Potter's book publisher. ─── 史蒂芬妮巴顿,是碧翠丝波特的出版商。

44、Wichita State University, W. Frank Barton School of Business ─── 州立威奇托大学

45、” Only the guts of their soldiers, Barton said, kept the Germans in the war.“We outnumber them ten to one in infantry, 50 to one in artillery and an infinite number in the air. ─── 他说要使没有勇气,德国人根本无从在战场上坚持:“步兵方面我军数量是对方的十倍,炮兵50倍,空军都数不清多少倍了。”

46、Clara Barton replied, "I distinctly remember forgetting it. ─── 克拉拉?巴顿回答说:“我很清楚地记得自己已把它忘记了。”

47、Removal of Barton's tongs from skull ─── Barton钳从颅骨除去术

48、Barton, Elizabeth ─── 巴顿

49、Tg of MMA/EA copolymer increased as the MMA molar fraction in feeding monomer increased. Tg obtained by using the revised Barton & Johnson equation fitted well with experimental results. ─── MMA/EA共聚物玻璃化温度随着单体投料组成中MMA分率增加而增大,实验值和校正Barton与Johnson公式计算值符合较好。

50、Mischa Barton . ─── 复古造型.

51、Thematic Development from Mary Barton to North and South ─── 从《玛丽·巴顿》到《南方与北方》中主题的延伸

52、Treatment of Barton's Fractures with Open Reduction and Internal Fixation T-type Plate ─── T型钢板内固定治疗Barton骨折

53、"It was only one dance, and Mr. Barton is a good dancer," she said airily, refusing to be intimidated. ─── "就跳了一曲,巴顿先生舞跳得很好,"她不满地说,来抵抗所受到的恐吓。

54、The Sad Fortunes of the Reverend Amos Barton was well received, and two more stories quickly followed. ─── 她的《阿莫斯 - 巴顿教士的悲伤命运》受到好评,紧接着又发表了另外两篇故事。

55、Perhaps one day she could, if Cal Barton ever resigned his post. ─── 倘若卡巴顿辞掉他的工作,也许某天她真的会回来的。

56、Your Mary Barton has gotten into some scrap or other. ─── 你的玛丽·巴顿一定碰到什么麻烦了。

57、Beidler and Gay Barton. ─── 作者声明: Peter G.

58、Xabi Alonso will not travel to Upton Park this weekend after failing to recover from bruising caused by a red-card challenge from Newcastle's Joey Barton last Sunday. ─── 哈维.阿隆索将会错过这周末的厄普顿公园之行,上周他被巴顿铲伤,后者也被出示红牌罚下场。

59、Barton's skull traction tongs ─── 巴尔通(氏)颅骨牵引钳

60、She felt a strange kinship with her, because she was torn apart at the idea of never seeing Cal Barton again. ─── 劳拉感到与她有着一种奇怪的血亲关系,因为想到再也不能见到卡巴顿了,劳拉的心都要被撕碎了。

61、Keegan said on BBC Five Live yesterday that he plans to give Barton another chance to save his career. ─── 基冈昨天对BBC在线直播说他计划再给巴顿一次机会来拯救他的事业。

62、Mischa Barton, Sienna Miller and Ashlee Simpson. ─── 从左至右Nicole Ritchie, Fergie, Adam Brody;

63、3 Barton N,Liem R,Lunde J.Engineering Classification of Rock Masses for the Design of Tunnel Support.Rock Mechanics, No.4,1974 ─── 4王明年,关宝树.隧道超欠挖的统计管理及其对隧道可靠度的影响.岩土工程学报,1997,19(1

64、At the moment, we are benefiting from a release clause to get Joey Barton. ─── “此时,我们就是从放人条款中受益而得到巴顿的。”

65、Susman, Warren I. "Culture Heroes: Ford, Barton, Ruth." ─── 《文化英雄:福特、巴顿和路得》。

66、Only remains two minute time Barton to rise one to 1st. ─── 仅剩两分钟时巴顿上升一位到第1。

67、Perry, Ralph Barton ─── 伯理

68、In Michigan, I visited the small town of Barton, near Flint, where a large majority of the residents had come from Arkansas, looking for jobs in the auto industry. ─── 在密歇根州,我访问了弗林特附近的小镇巴顿,那里的决大部分居民来自阿肯色州,指望在汽车业中谋一份差事。

69、He watched her too closely, and too anxiously, to have much of what John Barton called "spunk" in him ─── 他就一直如醉如痴地盯住了她看,用约翰?巴顿的话来说,连一点“神气”也没有了。

70、'It is lying down that is the cause of my present predicament,' she added with a furious glare at Cal Barton, who ground his teeth together at the innuendo. ─── ‘要是趴下的话,就是说我目前处境危险,'她补充道,急躁地瞩盼着卡巴顿,而他合龙着牙齿。

71、So I went to see that guy Barton at the DOJ Do you remember him? ─── 于是我去见了巴顿先生,你还记得吗?

72、Recent research situation of Barton fracture ─── 关于Barton骨折的研究近况

73、In the case of Jem, any one who looked at Mary Barton might have seen a cause for jealousy, clear enough. ─── 在杰姆这方面,凡是看到过玛丽?巴顿的人,都能明白他自有嫉妒的理由。

74、They were of course very anxious to see a person on whom so much of their comfort at barton must depend ─── 她们当然非常渴望会见这位在巴顿给她们提供了许多便利的人。

75、Barton McLean (1938-) ─── 巴顿·迈克伦

76、He watched her too closely, and too anxiously, to have much of what John Barton called "spunk" in him. ─── 他就一直如醉如痴地盯住了她看,用约翰·巴顿的话来说,连一点“神气”也没有了。


78、Chris Barton who visited Finland as a guest of Nokia, reports from Finland, home of Nokia phones, that he looks forward confidently to the day when mobile phones will inherit the earth. ─── 克里斯·巴顿作为诺基亚公司的客人访问了芬兰,从诺基亚移动电话公司总部芬兰报告说,展望未来,他对全球普及移动电话之日充满信心。

79、Barton ' s fracture ─── Barton骨折

80、His misery was without doubt at an all-time high after a training ground bust-up with then-team-mate Joey Barton, who is now at Newcastle, which left Dabo unconscious. ─── 他诉苦到,自从来到英国,训练的时候一直被巴顿所排挤(此人现在在纽卡斯尔),这使得他无所适从。

81、Her instructions had been to go to the hotel and ask if she had left a cardigan behind. The answer having been in the negative, Barton appeared and immediately swept her out on to the river bank for a drink. ─── 她的话传到了酒店,问是否她丢下了一件羊衫。当回答是“不”时,巴顿出现了并马上把她带去河边喝上一杯。

82、'This is Callaway Barton,' Nora introduced. 'And that is enough small talk. Shoot him, please, Mr. Barton.' ─── ‘这位是凯勒威巴顿,'劳拉介绍道。‘不用罗嗦了。巴顿先生,开枪毙了他。'

83、as Dickens's Hard Times as well as Madame Gaskell's Mary Barton , North And South and so on. ─── 如狄更斯的《艰难时世》(Hard Times)以及盖斯凯尔夫人的《玛丽·巴顿》(Mary Barton)和《南方与北方》(North And South)等等。

84、Mary Barton, particularly in its early chapters, is a moving response to the suffering of the industrial worker in the England of the 1840's. ─── 特别是《玛丽·巴顿》这本书的前几章,对19世纪40年代英国工业时代工人所受的苦难做出了感人的回应。

85、Clinical application of T shaped plate to Barton fracture ─── BARTON骨折治疗中T形钢板的临床应用

86、Barton Mischa chose the soft wild brown UGG, in particular, Anne parts of that piece that is also a small brown fur vest with the UGG echoes. ─── 保证负温下混凝土的正常施工。其主要成分为亚硝酸钠、碳酸盐、氯化钙、亚硝酸钙、尿素、乙二醇等。它们可以降低混凝土拌和物中的冰点。

87、Pampinea Anastagi (Mischa Barton) is the only daughter of a respected and wealthy family who suddenly finds herself alone. ─── Pampinea Anastagi(米莎-波顿扮演)是一户受人尊敬而富有的家庭的独女,她忽然发现自己孤身一人。

88、But one person who is never short of words, not to mention action , is Scouse midfield man Barton. ─── 但是对有个人,争论从来没有中断过,,没有提及行动,他就是全能中场巴顿。

89、BARTON, William H. ─── 威廉·巴顿


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