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08-16 投稿


approximator 中文意思翻译



approximator 短语词组

1、approximator dental ─── 牙科逼近器

2、approximator bailey rib ─── 贝利肋近似器

3、approximator rib ─── 近似肋

4、approximator and shield ─── 逼近器和屏蔽

approximator 相似词语短语

1、approximative ─── adj.近似的

2、approximating ─── n.逼近;v.接近;约等于(approximate的ing形式)

3、appreciator ─── n.鉴赏者;了解真价者

4、approximated ─── adj.接近的;估计的;v.接近;约等于(approximate的过去式和过去分词)

5、approximately ─── adv.大约,近似地;近于

6、approximates ─── 近似

7、approximations ─── [数]近似值

8、approximation ─── n.[数]近似法;接近;[数]近似值

9、approximate ─── adj.近似的,大概的;v.接近,近似;粗略估计

approximator 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The fault tracking approximator can not only be used in linear systems, but in nonlinear systems; ─── 该方法不但适用于线性系统,也适用于非线性系统;

2、Regular fuzzy neural network as universal approximator of fuzzy valued function ─── 正则模糊神经网络是模糊值函数的泛逼近器

3、Fuzzy System as Universal Approximator and Its Approximation Properties ─── 作为通用逼近子的模糊系统及其逼近性质

4、vessel approximator ─── 血管合拢器

5、RBF networks have several following advantages: being a best universal approximator, having rapid learning speed and a compact topological structure. ─── 径向基函数网络被认为是通用的函数逼近子并具有快速的学习能力和紧致的拓扑结构等优点。

6、In order to further discuss the identification of fault after the detection, a nonlinear online neural network approximator is used to provide an estimate of the fault. ─── 为了进一步实现故障特性的辨识与跟踪,讨论了一种利用神经网络对非线性故障模式进行在线逼近的鲁棒故障诊断方法。

7、The organoleptic and physic-chemical targets of whole-seed sufu and conventional sufu are approxim... ─── 成品感官及理化指标均达到了普通腐乳标准,具有显著的经济效益。

8、To handle this problem, function approximator is commonly used to represent the value function instead of a look up table. ─── 对于状态空间连续,行为空间离散的强化学习问题,通常的处理方法是使用函数近似器替代离散的查找表。

9、fuzzy universal approximator ─── 模糊万能逼近器

10、Rational number can approxim ate to real number, use the notation of Approximate one can prove Riemann function isn't differentiable anywhere, that the Rational points are dense in unit circle. ─── 摘要利用有理数对实数逼近的表示方式,给出黎曼函数处处不可导的一种证明,给出单位圆周上的有理点在单位圆上稠密的证明。

11、Firstly, an iterative learning neural network approximator (ILNNA) design scheme and corresponding boundedness lemma is proposed to approximate time-varying uncertainties. ─── 首先,提出了一种新的迭代神经网络估计器,并证明了其逼近引理,实现了对时变不确定性的逼近。

12、simply rib approximator ─── 简易肋骨合拢器

13、The Design of Aero-engine Optimal Controller Suitable for All Flight Envelope with Neural Network Approximator ─── 利用神经网络设计航空发动机全包线最优控制器

14、Info:This is a beautiful Cocktail/Debs/Prom dress it is made to order, so delivery time would be approxim ...... ─── 主要材质:其它次要材质:其它尺码:全码适用季节:夏

15、H.Lee.M.Tomizuka, “Robust adaptive control using a universal approximator for SISO nonlinear systems”,IEEE Trans.Fuzzy Syst., vol. 8, pp. 95-106, Feb. 2001. ─── 沈士棠,”阀控液压缸系统节能控制与伺服控制之智慧型平行控制”,国立台湾科技大学硕士论文,2004年。

16、As a kind of productive material, every type of engineering machine has no monopoly market structure, and the approximator and replacer are emerging in endlessly. ─── 工程机械作为一种生产资料,各个机种均不具有垄断性的市场结构,近似品、替代品层出不穷。


18、The sufficient necessary conditions are given for a fuzzy controller to be a universal fuzzy approximator. ─── 给出由规则并算子构造的控制器是泛模糊逼近器的充要条件。

19、The Design of Aero-engine Optimal Controller Suitable for All Flight Envelope with Neural Network Approximator ─── 利用神经网络设计航空发动机全包线最优控制器

20、Universal Approximator ─── 通用逼近器

21、Several Algorithm s and C Program s of Extractingan Approxim ate Root of a Unary Cubic Equation ─── 求解一元三次方程近似根的几种算法的C语言实现

22、Taking advantage of the property of the generalized hyperbolic model: a universal approximator, a fuzzy adaptive controller is proposed for the trajectory tracking control of robotic manipulator. ─── 摘要利用广义模糊双曲正切模型的全局逼近特点,设计一种模糊自适应控制器用于机器人轨迹跟踪控制。

23、Regular fuzzy neural network as universal approximator of fuzzy valued function ─── 正则模糊神经网络是模糊值函数的泛逼近器

24、The second is a novel modeling strategy that combines an artificial neural network (ANN) as an approximator of the growth rate with prior knowledge represented by the mass... ─── 最初结果显示第1种类型的模型能够较好地执行局部匹配,而第2种具有更大的灵活性。

25、Fuzzy System as Universal Approximator and Its Approximation Properties ─── 作为通用逼近子的模糊系统及其逼近性质

26、The algorithm had the feature of fast convergence and so it was a good approximator. ─── 本算法具有快速收敛性,是一个良好的逼近器。

27、rib approximator ─── 肋骨合拢器

28、The sufficient necessary conditions are given for a fuzzy controller to be a universal fuzzy approximator. ─── 给出由规则并算子构造的控制器是泛模糊逼近器的充要条件。

29、Infrared Miss Distance Approximator ─── 红外线脱靶距离近似测量器

30、In this paper, a new theoritical method, the steepest descent approxim ation method was developed to study the eigen value problem in optical waveguide theory. ─── 本文提出了一套研究波导电磁场本征值问题的最陡下降逼近方向。

31、H. Lee. M. Tomizuka, “Robust adaptive control using a universal approximator for SISO nonlinear systems”,IEEE Trans. Fuzzy Syst., vol. 8, pp. 95-106, Feb. 2001. ─── 李明隆,”改良式距离基础之模糊滑动模式控制应用于长行程次微米精度之气压-压电混合精密伺服定位平台模拟与控制”,国立台湾科技大学硕士论文,2004年。

32、The radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) can be employed as an approximator to compensate the system uncertainties after effective learning. ─── 与类神经网路学习成效息息相关者有二:类神经网路架构与学习法则。

33、A novel fault tracking approximator for fault diagnosis scheme of high voltage direct current transmission (HVDC) system is proposed. ─── 提出了一种新的故障跟踪估计器来诊断高压直流输电(HVDC)系统中的故障。

34、This paper proposes an analog synthesis circuit of a wavelet function approximator using sigmoidal mother wavelet. ─── 小波函数使用反曲型母小波模拟,电路由双极型晶体管、可控放大器和线性无源电子元件等组成。

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