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08-16 投稿


nominated 发音

英:[?n?m?ne?t?d]  美:[?n?m?ne?t?d]

英:  美:

nominated 中文意思翻译




nominated 词性/词形变化,nominated变形

动词现在分词: nominating |名词: nominator |动词第三人称单数: nominates |动词过去分词: nominated |动词过去式: nominated |

nominated 短语词组

1、nominated candidate ─── 提名候选人

2、nominated bank n. ─── 指定银行

3、nominated mean ─── 指定平均值

4、nominated chosen ─── 被提名的 ─── 被选中的

5、To Be Nominated ─── 被提名

6、nominated define ─── 指定定义

7、nominated for best comedy ─── 最佳喜剧提名

8、re-nominated (re-nominate ─── 的过去分词) vt. 再任命;再提名

9、nominated meaning ─── 指定含义

10、nominated for ─── 提名

11、nominated synonyms ─── 指定同义词

12、nominated judge ─── 提名法官

nominated 同义词

denominate | instate | pick | install | elect | put up | for | recommend | select | suggest | designate | choose | propose | place | make | submit | commission | delegate | ordain | put forward | assign | offer | appoint | election |name | constitute | inaugurate | induct

nominated 反义词


nominated 常用词组

nominated bank ─── 指定银行

nominated 相似词语短语

1、renominated ─── vt.再任命;再提名

2、nominate ─── vt.推荐;提名;任命;指定

3、brominated ─── adj.溴化的;v.使溴化;用溴化物处理(brominate的过去分词)

4、comminated ─── v.诅咒

5、denominated ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

6、abominated ─── vt.痛恨;憎恶

7、bombinated ─── vi.发嗡嗡声

8、nominates ─── vt.推荐;提名;任命;指定

9、dominated ─── adj.占主导地位的;强势的;占统治地位的;[数]受控的;v.控制,支配;处于支配地位(dominate的过去式)

nominated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He got above himself after he was nominated for the award. ─── 他被提名为该奖候选人后开始骄傲自大起来了。

2、Meanwhile, " Do Something" was nominated in the category of Best Female R& B Vocal Performance. ─── 与 此 同 时 , 《 做 些 什 么 》 还 获 “ 最 佳 说 唱 女 歌 手 奖 ” 提 名 。

3、He nominated David Rowland as his successor. ─── 他任命大卫·罗兰为他的继承者。

4、They nominated him vice - director of the institute . ─── 他们任命他为研究所副所长。

5、He was nominated by the government . ─── 他是由政府指派的。

6、Negotiation with another nominated bank and that nominated bank does not negotiate. ─── 信用证规定由另一指定银行议付,但其未议付。

7、He was the first musician to be nominated to the hall of fame for great Americans. ─── 他是被推荐到美国名人纪念馆的第一位音乐家,

8、Carol: I've been nominated for homecoming queen. ─── 卡罗尔:我被提名当返校节的皇后。

9、Whatever the result, Fran Quigley says that simply being nominated is a huge honor. ─── 佛兰球雷说,不管结果如何,能被提名就是莫大的荣誉了。

10、He was nominated for the best actor award. ─── 他获得最佳演员奖提名。

11、While there, in 1775, Adams nominated George Washington, a Virginian, to lead the Continental Army. ─── 在1775年亚当斯提名来自维吉尼亚州的乔治华盛顿带领大陆军;

12、He was nominated for President. ─── 他被提名为总统候选人。

13、In 2009, her novel Atemschaukel was nominated for the German Book Prize (Deutscher Buchpreis) and is now among the six finalists. ─── 2009年,她的小说《Atemschaukel》被“德国图书奖”提名并且已经入围六强。

14、S: I think Tom might have been nominated for one of his films, but I don't think he won anything. ─── 我想汤姆可能凭借自己的一部电影获得了提名,不过我觉得他可能获不了奖。

15、Who takes care of documents on board? A: Captain, or a senior officer nominated by the Captain. ─── 在船上由谁保存文件,船长,或是船长指定的高级船员。

16、In 1999, he was nominated for an RSC Ian Charleson Award for 'Best Classical Actor under 30'. ─── 1999年,他被提名为己伊恩查里森奖'最佳古典演员下30 ' .

17、Two times nominated for national health excellence award. ─── 两次获得国家健康杰出奖。

18、She was nominated for Best Supporting Actress for playing a real-life magazine writer in Adaptation. ─── 她在电影《改编剧本》中扮演了一位现实杂志作家而获得最佳女配角提名。

19、The film was nominated for The Best Action Choreographer in Tai Wan Golden Horse Award in 1993. ─── 其中电影”诱僧”曾于1993年被提名台湾金马奖最佳武术指导奖。

20、She has been nominated for the Presidency. ─── 她已被提名为总统.

21、He was nominated to the Upper House. ─── 他被任命为上议院议员。

22、Since then, many nominated actresses have borrowed and worn Harry Winston for good luck! ─── 从那时起,许多获提名的女明星就向海瑞?温斯顿借珠宝配戴以求好运!

23、He was nominated a member of the district administration of Saumur. ─── 上面派他当索漠区的行政委员。

24、Does the company have nominated officer(s) responsible for the training of its security personnel? ─── 公司有否指定人員負責訓練受僱保安人員?

25、He was nominated one of the trustees. ─── 他被指定为受托人之一。

26、I have been nominated to the committee. ─── 我被任命为委员会委员。

27、He is nominated as labour candidate. ─── 他被提名做工党的候选人。

28、They nominated Lewinsky vice director of the company. ─── 他们推举莱温斯基为公司的董事。

29、What is you nominated occupation? ─── 你的指定职业是什么?

30、He was nominated for the MP. ─── 他被提名为议员候选人。

31、He has been nominated already . ─── 他已经被提名了。

32、At the end of this period, the nominated adviser must decide whether and if so, when, to proceed. ─── 在这个周期的最后,提名顾问必须决定是否以及何时进行这个程序。

33、A candidate cannot be nominated for more than one constituency in the 2003 District Council election. ─── 候选人不得在2003年的区议会选举中在超过一个选区接受提名。

34、Steven Gerrard has been nominated for the PFA Players' Player of the Year. ─── 史蒂芬-杰拉德已经被提名为本赛季PFA的最佳球员候选人。

35、Cesc was nominated for the Gillette Young Player of the World Cup 2006, although he did not win. ─── 塞斯克被提名为2006年世界杯最佳新秀,尽管最后他没有获奖。

36、The subtext of this year's nominated documentaries speaks to all manner of conflict, both armed and otherwise. ─── 今年记录片提名的潜台词是各种各样的冲突,既有武器方面也有其他方面的。

37、In 1989, a year after Mystic Pizza, Julia was nominated of an Oscar for Steel Magnolias. ─── 1989年,即《神秘的匹萨饼》完成后的一年,朱莉娅因在《钢木兰花》中的表演获奥斯卡奖提名。

38、And you've both been on this red carpet before, nominated. ─── 你们两个之前都被提名,在此红地毯上走过。

39、She'll play singles and has been nominated for doubles with Liezel Huber, ranked No. 1 in the world in doubles. ─── 她将出战单打,并且也被提名与双打世界排名第一的丽泽尔。休博一起担任双打。

40、They nominated him as police chief. ─── 他们任命他为警察局局长。

41、Her previous CD, "Brazil Duos," was nominated at the 45th Grammy Awards for the Best Vocal Jazz Album. ─── 她以前的CD,“巴西选手,”被提名,在第45次获得格莱美奖的最佳演唱爵士乐唱片。

42、Varney has yet to be confirmed as antitrust chief, and she said all this before she was nominated. ─── Varney能否成为反垄断长官还有待确认,并且她说的这一切都是她被提名之前的言论。

43、She was nominated by the president as ambassador to Barbados. ─── 她被总统任命为驻巴巴多斯大使。

44、On the same day he said it, his rival in 2000, Al Gore, was being nominated for an Oscar for his film on the subject. ─── 就在当天,他在2000年的竞争对手艾尔?戈尔,凭借这一题材的电影而获得一项奥斯卡提名。

45、He was nominated (as) Ministor of Finance. ─── 他被任命为财政部长。

46、Secondly, the Non-Constituency Member of Parliament system should replace the Nominated MP scheme. ─── 二、非选区议员取代官委议员:

47、He was nominated (as) best actor. ─── 他获得了最佳男演员的提名。

48、The Republican Party nominated Lincoln,a dark horse and state senator of Illinois ,for the presidency. ─── 共和党提名林肯为总统,伊利诺斯州的参议员,一匹黑马。

49、He was nominated as Secretary of State. ─── 他被任命为国务卿.

50、He nominated Bob for membership in the club. ─── 他任命鲍勃为俱乐部会员。

51、They nominated him a member of the council. ─── 他们指定他为理事会理事。

52、One of these is the condition that the writer must be living when his work is nominated. ─── 其中一条就是当他的作品被提名时,获奖者必须在世。

53、A person who seeks or is nominated for an office, prize, or honor. ─── 候选人,候补人一个寻求得到或被提名担任一项官职、获得一个奖励或荣誉的人

54、Amber would like to thank all those who nominated, seconded, and voted for her. ─── 其中一天更与十多年没有见面的学妹聚旧,畅谈彼此的境况,尽庆而归。

55、Candidates are usually nominated by members of Congress. ─── 候选人通常由国会成员提名。

56、They nominated Judge Alton Parker of New York, an obscure and ineffectual third-rate politician. ─── 他们提名纽约的奥尔顿·帕克法官为候选人。他是一位既无名望又无能耐的三流政客。

57、He was nominated to the presidency . ─── 他被任命为社长。

58、At the party convention, he was nominated on the first ballot. ─── 在党内大会中,他获得的选票最多。

59、Carol: Oh yeah, will Rob Lowe be nominated, or passed over for yet another year? ─── 卡罗尔:啊,对了。罗伯劳伊是被提名了,还是再次被名落孙山?

60、is going to be nominated by the Democrats, and I believe that I'm best qualified to fill that role. ─── 将被民主党人提名的总统,而我认为我本人最符合此角色。

61、He was ready to stand down so that his friend might be nominated for the post. ─── 他准备退出竞选,以便使他的朋友被提名为这个职位的侯选人。

62、Republicans nominated an old warrior with a record of making hard decisions and absorbing the blows that ensue. ─── 共和党提名了一位老战士,有着作出艰难决定以及承受随之而来打击的记录。

63、He was nominated First Officer. ─── 他被任命为大副。

64、Taylor has nominated Adams as his replacement. ─── 泰勒已经提名亚当斯为接替者。

65、She had been nominated as candidate for the presidency. ─── 她已被提名为总统候选人。

66、You'll be nominated for awards: Teacher of the Year, Teacher of the Century. ─── 你将获得各种奖励的提名:年度优秀教师奖、世纪优秀教师奖。

67、The seller must give the buyer sufficient notice that the goods have been delivered alongside the nominated vessel. ─── 卖方必须给予买方说明货物已交至指定的船边的充分通知。

68、Meanwhile," Do Something" was nominated in the category of Best Female R& B Vocal Performance. ─── 与此同时,《做些什么》还获"最佳说唱女歌手奖"提名。

69、The Pianist is the fourth movie nominated for Best Picture. ─── 《钢琴家》是第4部获得最佳影片提名的电影。

70、Oh, one more thing, I've just been informed we have been nominated for best PC shooter of E3. ─── 哦,还有一件事,我们被提名为E3的最佳射击类游戏。

71、He had done a great speech at the convention [which nominated John Kerry] and people were beginning to talk about him. ─── 他在初选中的演讲非常精彩(约翰·凯利在此次大会上被提名),人们开始谈论奥巴马。

72、Three players with captaincy qualities have been nominated for the Denzil Haroun Reserves Player of the Year 2008/09 . ─── 3名有队长资格的球员被提名为预备队08-09赛季丹泽尔.哈龙最佳球员奖。

73、The Nominee must be nominated by one member and seconded by two members. ─── 獲提名人士必須經由一位有投票權的會員提名及兩位有投票權的會員和議,方可參選。

74、He is nominated section chief. ─── 他被任命为科长。

75、He was nominated as the presidential candidate of the Democratic Party. ─── 他被提名为民主党的总统竞选候选人。

76、He was nominated for President three times. ─── 他三次被提名为总统候选人。

77、Secondly,the Non-Constituency Member of Parliament system should replace the Nominated MP scheme. ─── 二、非选区议员取代官委议员。

78、Jean: No, how many times has he been nominated? ─── 他多少次被提名了呢?

79、A total of 155 validly nominated candidates contested the 60 Legislative Council seats. ─── 共有155名获有效提名的候选人参选,竞逐立法会60个议席。

80、Carol: No, no. It's alright. I'd like to hear what Mike has to say. Mike, I've been nominated for home coming queen. ─── 卡罗尔:不不,没关系。我想听听迈克的意见。迈克,我被提名为返校节皇后。

81、The first story, which gives the book its name, was nominated for the Nebula Award for Best Novella. ─── 在第一部份的故事是本书命名的由来,也获得了星云奖的"最佳小说奖"肯定。

82、They nominated four people for Mayor . ─── 他们提名四个人为市长候选人。

83、She has been nominated (as candidate) for the Presidency. ─── 她已被提名为总统(候选人).

84、The Republican Party nominated Lincoln, a dark horse and state senator of Illinois, for the presidency. ─── 共和党提名林肯为总统,伊利诺斯州的参议员,一匹黑马。

85、Nominated for Two Golden Globes,Including Best Television Drama! ─── 其中包括最佳剧情类电视剧!

86、China nominated her, but she says she considers her nationality secondary to the interests of the W.H.O. ─── 中国政府推荐了她,但是她说她认为与世界卫生组织的利益相比国籍是次要的。

87、The dominant candidate is nominagossip girl 插曲lly nominated for president. ─── 占优势的候选人名义上被任命为总统.

88、He is nominated as police chief. ─── 他被任命为警察局局长。

89、He was nominated for Best Actor in the movie About Schmidt. ─── 他因影片《关于施密特》获得最佳男演员提名,

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