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08-16 投稿


geyser 发音

英:['gi?z?; 'ga?-]  美:['ɡa?z?]

英:  美:

geyser 中文意思翻译



geyser 网络释义

n. 喷泉;[水文] 间歇泉;(英)烧水锅炉n. (Geyser)人名;(德)盖泽尔

geyser 短语词组

1、geyser plugin ─── 间歇泉插件

2、geyser pipe ─── 间歇泉喷管

3、geyser point ─── 间歇泉点

4、geyser well ─── 天气预报

5、explosive geyser ─── 爆炸性间歇泉

6、geyser mc ─── 间歇泉mc

7、geyser shower system ─── 间歇泉淋浴系统

8、echinus geyser ─── 埃奇努斯间歇泉

9、geyser minecraft ─── 间歇泉采矿船,

10、household geyser ─── 家用间歇泉

11、geyser plume ─── 间歇泉羽毛

12、geyser effluent ─── 间歇泉污水

13、seismic geyser ─── 地震间歇泉

14、geyser column ─── 间歇泉柱

15、geyser shower ─── 间歇泉淋浴

16、geyser activity ─── 间歇泉活动

17、columnar geyser ─── 间歇泉柱

18、geyser definition ─── 间歇泉定义

19、geyser pool ─── 间歇泉喷池

geyser 词性/词形变化,geyser变形

f:geysers 过去式:geysered 名词复数形式:geysers

geyser 相似词语短语

1、guesser ─── n.推测者;猜测者

2、cesser ─── n.(期限、责任等的)终止

3、geyseric ─── 间歇泉

4、Weser ─── n.威悉河(位于德国)

5、denser ─── adj.密集的;浓厚的(dense的比较级);n.(Denser)人名;(英)登泽

6、geysers ─── n.[水文]间歇泉;[水文]间歇喷泉(geyser的复数形式)

7、censer ─── n.香炉

8、greaser ─── n.润滑器;润滑工;加油脂或涂油脂的工人;n.(Greaser)人名;(英)格里瑟

9、geyseral ─── 间歇泉

geyser 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It's a spectacular sight, as each four-minute-long eruption sends boiling water over a hundred and fifty feet high. On today's Moment of Science, we'll learn how a geyser works. ─── 每四分钟泉里都会喷出高一百五十英尺的沸水,这可真是一幅壮丽的景色。在今天的科学时刻中,我们将了解这口泉水是如何活动的。

2、Instead they may have been the forebears of heat-loving bacteria that color the steamy geyser pools in Yellowstone National Park and populate submarine volcanoes. ─── 他也勉强承认,那声名远播的化石可能不是行光合作用的生物,而是嗜热细菌的前身;这些细菌使得黄石国家公园热气蒸腾的间歇泉水池及海底火山显得色彩缤纷。

3、At this point, it is not worth it to further mine the geyser unless there are no further fresh geysers available. ─── 此时还在这里采气的话已经不划算了,除非地图上再也找不到未开采的气矿。

4、electric (gas) geyser ─── 电(燃气)热水器

5、household geyser ─── 家用热水锅炉

6、A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring. ─── 间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉。

7、gas geyser ─── 煤气热水器

8、The natural scenery of the park is beautiful, the most pleasant one is about 10,000 sites of hot water phenomenon and more than 300 pieces of geyser . ─── 公园自然风光绮丽,最为迷人的就是大约1万处热水现象和300多个间歇泉。

9、a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring; ─── 间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉;

10、The tourists marveled at the geyser, which spurted water to a height of ten meters. ─── 间歇泉喷出数十米高的水柱,这景观让游客很惊讶。

11、45. The gas pushed out of the geyser and lifted the hair all across the land of Tierra. ─── 气体从间歇泉一冲而上,头发也随之飘散在空中,散落在蒂尔拉的大地上。

12、Even a small geyser is an amazing phenomenon;however some geysers have eruptions that blast thousands of gallons of boiling hot water up to a few hundred feet in the air. ─── 就是很小的间歇泉也是一种很奇妙的现象,然而某些间歇泉却可以瞬间喷发千万计加仑的沸腾热水到几百米的高空。

13、2. Go northeast to the Geyser Fields, where you'll find the first sinkhole (70,37). ─── 向东北走到水泉原野,那儿你会找到第一个排水口(70,37).

14、A bowl - shaped depression at the mouth of a volcano or geyser. ─── 碗状凹陷火山口或喷泉口的碗状凹陷处

15、A geyser of gas and liquid erupted. ─── 气体和液体混合的强劲喷泉。

16、Tourists look on as Old Faithful, Yellowstone National Park's most famous geyser, sends a tower of scaling water skyward. ─── 意译:美国地标和国家公园图片。游客看作为老忠实支持者,黄石国家公园最有名的间歇泉,发出了一个尺度水向天空。

17、"You wring these techniques out on the moon first, " says Mark Geyser, manager of the Orion project. ─── “你可以在月球上把这些技术都实验一遍”,“猎户座”计划的经理马克·吉斯尔(MarkGeyser)说道。

18、The geyser will spout every thirty minutes. ─── 这处喷泉每三十分钟就会喷发一次。

19、Steam erupted from the geyser. ─── 蒸气从热水锅炉里冒出。

20、"Geyser" , however, reveals a sharp artificial ability, which interprets a concept of energy consuming and transforming. ─── 不过,“间歇喷泉”揭示一种明显的人为能力,并阐释能量消耗和转换的概念。

21、Last summer an 83-year-old pipe in Manhattan burst, sending a geyser of steam and debris into the air. ─── 去年夏天曼哈顿已用了83年的水管爆裂,水和残砾像喷泉一样从地底喷涌而出。

22、The System Design for Machine and Hydraulic Pressure of Turn Towards Assembly Turning and Punching Machine to Inner Container of Geyser ─── 热水器内胆旋压对装机液压系统的设计

23、Witnesses said a stream of black crude shot 30 metres into the air like a geyser for 25 minutes before the pipeline was shut down. ─── 目击者说一股30米黑色油柱象喷泉一样喷向天空,在关闭管道被关闭前持续了25分钟。

24、To see how much gas is left in the geyser, select it or the Refinery (Assimilator, Extractor) then look at the status display.A number will indicate how many gas is left. ─── 想知道气矿还剩下多少气,选中炼油厂(或者萃取厂、提炼厂)再看看显示的数据,该数据即可供开采的气的剩余量。

25、Hikers walk through the steaming vents and hot springs of Norris Geyser Basin in Wyoming's Yellowstone National Park. ─── 在美国怀俄明州的黄石国家公园,徒步旅行者正穿越诺里斯间歇泉盆地里的蒸汽排泄口和热温泉眼。

26、Application of Anodic Eletrophoretic Coating Process to Aluminum Alloy Support of Solar Geyser ─── 阳极电泳涂漆工艺在太阳能铝合金托架生产中的应用

27、Solar-energy Vacuum Geyser Series Products ─── 太阳能真空集热管系列产品

28、Numerical simulation of water-hammer from geyser phenomena ─── 涌泉现象中的水锤数值模拟

29、Great Geyser ─── 大间歇泉

30、Only at Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA, would you see the picturesque foreground of the famous Old Faithful Geyser erupting in front an already picturesque sky. ─── 只有在美国怀俄明州的黄石国家公园,你才能在独特的天空下看到前景位置上有一个著名的老忠实喷泉。

31、Geyser Road is located next to Stephen son of about ten meters high on the hillside, with the mother of Stephen distant relative. ─── 间歇泉子泉位于公路旁边高约十几米的山坡上,与母泉遥遥相对。

32、Shining on the well-known geyser's towering pillar from behind, the moonlight creates an eerie halo surrounding convoluted shapes. ─── 在著名的间歇泉高耸的水柱后面,在月光陪衬下,创建了一个令人毛骨悚然的光环周围错综复杂的形状。

33、In Yellowstone National Park you can visit the geyser Old Faithful. ─── 在黄石国家公园,你可以参观间歇式的“老忠实”喷泉。

34、Discussion on solar geyser in Henan and integrative designing of town housing ─── 河南太阳能热水器与村镇住宅一体化设计探讨

35、The butler was almost invisible in the stream of an antiquated geyser ─── 在这座古老的热水锅炉产生的水蒸汽中隐隐约约可以看到那个男仆的影子。

36、You can see a geyser named The Old Faithful in Yellowstone National Park. ─── 你可以在黄石公园内看到一个名叫老实泉的喷泉。

37、The geyser erupts periodically. ─── 间歇泉周期性地喷发。

38、Geyser Peak Alexander Valley Reserve Meritage ─── 盖世峰珍藏亚历山大河谷红葡萄酒

39、fission geyser ─── 热水器

40、Kinda like the fish version of stinky tofu.It erupted like a geyser when I tried to open it... ─── 开罐头的时候,开罐器一插下去就像喷泉一样喷出来,弄得我衣服和脸上都是...

41、Old Faithful And Geyser Hill ─── 城堡喷泉、大喷泉

42、A thick blanket of snow covers West Thumb Geyser Basin in Yellowstone National Park. There are more geysers in this park than anywhere else in the world. ─── 意译:极端的地球图片。厚厚的被雪覆盖的毛毯,包括西拇指间歇泉盆地在黄石国家公园。这里有更多的间歇泉在这个公园比世界任何其他地方。

43、Steam rising from the hot springs of Yellowstone's Norris Geyser Basin is illuminated by a full moon. ─── 一轮圆月照亮了黄石诺里斯间歇泉盆地温泉区升起的雾气。

44、The survey on indoor air polluted by gas geyser ─── 燃气热水器对室内空气污染的研究

45、Intelligent Instrument of Solar Energy Geyser Based on SCC ─── 基于单片机的太阳能热水器智能仪

46、Old Faithful geyser is the most famous. ─── 老实间歇泉是最著名的。

47、A geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring,people fled from the erupting volcano. ─── 间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉,人们从正在喷发的火山那里逃散开去。

48、the first national park in the United States; located in Wyoming; famous for Old Faithful geyser and for buffalo and bears. ─── 美国的第一国家公园;位于怀俄明州;以旧费斯富尔泉、水牛和熊著名。

49、Sometimes news comes out suddenly and forcefully, like a geyser springing from deep within the ground. ─── 有些时候消息来的猝不及防,就像从地下深处忽然爆出的温泉;

50、flowing geyser ─── 间歇喷泉

51、a geyser is an intermittently eruptive hot spring; people fled from the erupting volcano. ─── 间歇泉是一种间歇喷发的温泉;人们从正在喷发的火山那里逃散开去。

52、Water shot out of the geyser. ─── 水从喷泉中涌出

53、But, unlike any other geyser, this one erupted with a poisonous gas. ─── 但是,这个间歇泉不像其它间歇泉,它喷发的时候毒气也一起冲起来。

54、Do workers mine when gas depleted? When a Vespene geyser is out of gas will the workers automatically mine from the nearest mineral patch? ─── 当一个气矿被采干之后,原来采集该气矿的工人是否会自动开始采集附近的其他矿?

55、Geyser is a seasonal seasons spring, it Chunsheng, summer rose, autumn wang, dry winter. ─── 间歇泉是一个四季分明的时令泉,它春生、夏涨、秋旺、冬枯。

56、The scientists were surprised to find an abundance of marine life near the geyser vents. ─── 科学家们对间歇泉口附近的丰富的海洋生物感到奇怪。

57、De Beers, however, is no longer the diamond geyser it once was. ─── 但是,戴比尔斯,已经不再是曾经的那个钻石喷泉了。

58、Why Does a Geyser Erupt ─── 喷泉为什么会迸发

59、mud geyser ─── 泥喷泉

60、Realistically, the difference between a depleted geyser's output and an operational geyser is only 4 gas units. ─── 事实上,枯竭了的气矿产出和普通的气矿只差4单位气体。

61、snow geyser ─── 雪喷泉

62、At last, they hid it in a small, inactive geyser. ─── 最后,他们把头发藏在了一眼小小的、活跃的间歇泉里。

63、It didn’t seem to ease his overstuffed condition since he vomited in a fashion not unlike that of a gushing geyser, no more than two seconds after he had placed his head down. ─── | ”玩家”吃得太多,餐后他要求到附近的公园躺一躺,放松疲惫的身躯。他的脑袋刚躺下不到两秒钟,就喷出了象喷泉的呕吐物,不象放松的样子。

64、You might want to select a few units and destroy your own Assimilator, Refinery, or Extractor after the geyser is depleted so you know which geysers are still worth mining or not. ─── 气矿耗尽后,你或许想用自己的兵力摧毁自己的萃取厂、炼油厂或提炼厂,以便知道哪个气矿还值得一采。

65、Design of Turning and Punching Machine to Inner Container of Geyser ─── 热水器内胆对装旋压机设计

66、But to many, Yellowstone is a fleeting glimpse of a geyser, a bear, or a canyon through the window of a passing car. ─── 但对许多人来说,黄石公园意味着透过行使着的车窗瞥见的喷泉水柱、狗熊或是峡谷。

67、A geyser is a natural spring that sends up a column of hot water or stream at regular or irregular intervals. ─── 天然间歇泉是间断性地喷水柱或蒸汽柱的天然温泉。

68、In addition, there Hongo Geyser, Lion Rock, North Ao primeval forest, the natural landscape such as rock pigeons. ─── 另外,本乡有间歇泉、狮子石、鳌北原始森林、石鸽子等自然景观。

69、in a flood of obscene invective that rolled over and around him like the hot white water splashing down from the sudden eruption of a geyser. ─── 那女人连珠炮似地臭骂起来,好象温泉要突然迸发,一股白花花的热水直朝他身上喷来。

70、Minerals, algae, and cyanobacteria give this geyser in Nevada's Black Rock Desert its brilliant colors. ─── 意译:沙漠风景图片。矿物,水藻,和蓝细菌给在内华达州的黑岩石沙漠的间歇泉以灿烂的颜色。

71、Will workers auto-gather resources if the rally point is set to a mineral node or a geyser? ─── 玩家可以利用集结点来让生产出来的农民自动采矿不?当然。

72、Sometimes news comes out suddenly and forcefully, like a geyser springing from deep within the ground. ─── 有些时候消息来的猝不及防,就像从地下深处忽然爆出的温泉;

73、standing geyser ─── 周期性间歇喷泉

74、Research on the controller of intelligent solar-energy geyser ─── 一种智能型太阳能热水器控制器的研制

75、I am sure he was not on his way to reach Old Faithful Geyser as I was.He does not have to do so in the summer, as fresh grasses are abundant everywhere in the summer of Yellowstone. ─── 它该不会向我一样前往那尊老忠实喷泉,因为它在夏天没有必要这么做,夏季的黄石公园里到处都是新鲜茂盛的草地。

76、Old Faithful Geyser erupts approximately every 91 minutes. ─── 老忠实间歇喷泉大约每91分钟喷发一次。

77、solar energy geyser ─── 太阳能热水器

78、A geyser is a vent in Earth's surface that periodically ejects a column of hot water and steam. ─── 间歇泉是地球表面的一个烟囱,周期性的喷出热水和蒸汽。

79、It didn't seem to ease his overstuffed condition since he vomited in a fashion not unlike that of a gushing geyser, no more than two seconds after he had placed his head down. ─── 他的脑袋刚躺下不到两秒钟,就喷出了象喷泉的呕吐物,不象放松的样子。

80、An artist's rendering shows the Cassini spacecraft flying past a geyser of water vapor and dust erupting from Saturn's icy moon Enceladus. ─── 一个艺术家的图画展现了卡西尼号飞船飞过冰冷的土卫二上一个不断喷出水汽和尘埃的间歇泉时的情景。

81、When we got close, we could see rainbows reflected in the steam from the geyser. ─── 我们走近间歇泉,可以看到映照在间歇泉蒸汽中的彩虹。

82、Cuola geyser area in Batang is a famous tourist spot in west Sichuan. ─── 巴塘措拉间歇喷泉区是四川西部新近发现的一个旅游胜地。

83、There we saw American bison, elk, mountains, hot springs, and the Old Faithful geyser. ─── 在那儿我们看过北美野牛,麋,山,温泉,和“老忠实”喷泉。

84、the first national park in the United States; located in Wyoming; famous for Old Faithful geyser and for buffalo and bears ─── 美国的第一国家公园;位于怀俄明州;以旧费斯富尔泉、水牛和熊著名

85、In traditional geothermal energy, engineers drill near a geyser, hot spring or volcano, stick a valve and turbine on the hot water, and that's pretty much it. ─── 在传统的地热能源开发中,工程师在喷泉、温泉或火山附近打孔,在引出的热水管上接上阀门和涡轮机,要做的工作基本上就是这样。

86、On Tourist Resources and Exploitation in the Cuola Geyser area, Batang, Sichuan ─── 四川巴塘措拉间歇喷泉区旅游资源及开发构想

87、Every year, Hindus greet the turn of winter into spring with a splash of color—in some areas, a geyser of color. ─── 每年,印度教徒们都会用泼洒色彩来迎接冬去春来——有些地区用彩色喷泉。

88、In the 1960s the geyser itself began spouting; ─── 到了上世纪六十年代,间歇喷泉自己开始喷涌,且水流连续不断。

89、On today's Moment of Science, we'll learn how a geyser works. ─── 今天的科学时刻,我们就来看一看间歇泉是怎么工作的。

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