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transmutation 发音

英:[tr?nzmju?'te??(?)n; trɑ?nz-; -ns-]  美:[,tr?nsmj?'te??n]

英:  美:

transmutation 中文意思翻译



transmutation 词性/词形变化,transmutation变形

形容词: transmutational |

transmutation 短语词组

1、transmutation formula ─── [医] 变质式

2、transmutation rate ─── 嬗变率

3、artificial transmutation ─── [医] 人工蜕变

4、transmutation superpower ─── 嬗变超能力

5、transmutation set eso ─── 嬗变集合eso

6、transmutation of molecules ─── 分子的嬗变

7、transmutation circle ─── 嬗变圈

8、natural transmutation ─── [医] 自然蜕变

9、transmutation tablet ─── 嬗变碑

10、atomic transmutation ─── [机] 原子嬗变

11、nuclear transmutation ─── 核嬗变

12、transmutation quote ─── 变形语录

13、transmutation problems ─── 嬗变问题

transmutation 相似词语短语

1、transamination ─── n.转氨作用

2、transduction ─── n.[遗]转导;转换;换能;变频

3、transudation ─── n.渗出物;渗透,漏出

4、transportation ─── n.运输;运输系统;运输工具;流放

5、transmutational ─── 嬗变

6、transmutations ─── n.变形;变化;演变

7、transmutative ─── adj.变形的,变质的;有变化力的

8、transmigration ─── n.轮回;移居

9、transmutationist ─── 蜕变论者

transmutation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、While the secret society went through its centennial transmutation, it also influenced the centenary changes of Hunan modern history. ─── 会党在经历着自身的百年嬗变的同时,也影响着近代湖南历史的百年变迁。

2、The main reason is that transmutation hot,eradiation status and cooling condi... ─── 因此,取样应在下翼缘。

3、transmutation of ancient settlements ─── 古聚落变更

4、The essential cause lies in the defect of our political system, moral anomie, certain historical transmutation and the weakness of human nature in the course of the social transformation. ─── 在地位关系上并行运转、纵横交错,呈现相交特征;

5、Analysis of social reflections in language from the transmutation of "Xiao Jie" ─── 从"小姐"的嬗变看语言的社会镜象功能

6、The digital signature protocols based on discrete logarithm problem come mainly from the transmutation of signature equation. ─── 基于离散对数问题的数字签名系统使用的签名协议主要来自于签名等式的不同变形。

7、Iolite will assist initiates in the process of transmutation of thought-form from non-unity to unity based energy flow. ─── 堇青石将协助提升者进行从非统一到统一能量流转化的思想形态转变过程。

8、The salient reference of proper noun restricts the salience of the qualitative meaning, so the transmutation is impossible. ─── 专有名词由于指称性非常显著,极大地制约了性质义的突显,因此转类或兼类的可能性就比较小。

9、Thou hast existed as a part. Thou shalt disappear in that which produced thee; but rather thou shalt be received back into its seminal principle by transmutation. ─── 你只是作为部分而存在,因此你应该消失在制造了你的那个整体中,但你将遵从宇宙的生产原则,通过转变又一次获得新生。

10、considerations on the transmutation of history ─── 历史嬗变的考察

11、A Pragmatic Study of the Functional Transmutation in English General Question ─── 一般疑问句疑问功能的语用消解

12、niobium superconducting cavities shown here could prove useful for waste transmutation. ─── 此处展示的铌超导腔已经证明可以用于废料嬗变。

13、Is this miraculous land which witness Hunan Kafoul store Co., Ltd growth and transmutation. ─── 正是这片神奇的土地,见证了湖南佳惠百货有限责任公司的成长和涅槃!

14、Transmutation from Five-year Plan to Five-year Project ─── 从五年计划到五年规划的嬗变

15、The transmutation of the elements was no longer the privilege of the radioactive substances alone ─── 元素的衍变不再是放射性物质独具的特点。

16、The neutronic computation and analysis is performed to assess the technical feasibility of transmutation of long-lived actinides using fusion-fission hybrid reactors by the above code system. ─── 利用所研制的程序系统对长寿命锕系元素在聚变-裂变混合堆中的转化进行了探索性研究。

17、The Social Role Transmutation of the 19th - Century French Middle - Class Women ─── 19世纪法国资产阶级妇女社会角色的嬗变

18、The transmutation of oil well cannula due to work of PPI (Pressurized Partition Implement) with a type of lock tile was measured using electromotive strain method. ─── 在卡瓦式封隔器工作时,用应变电测法测量了油井套管变形.测量结果表明:套管局部应力场已经达到深度屈服,局部变形明显;

19、Pondering on the Theory of Labor Value about Foundation of Transmutation ─── 劳动价值论嬗变的根据初探

20、The Historical Transmutation of Confucian Personality Theory ─── 儒家人格理论的历史嬗变

21、Accelerator driven system (ADS) is a kind of high efficient nuclear waste transmutation machine (or incinerator), which is the key technique to solve the nuclear water problem. ─── 加速器驱动次临界系统(ADS)是一种高效的核废物嬗变器(或焚烧炉),是解决核废物的关键技术。

22、Nuclear data needs for accelerator driven transmutation system ─── 加速器驱动嬗变系统所需核数据

23、The City Developing of Chang'an in Tang Dynasty And the Transmutation of Sports Culture ─── 唐代长安的城市发展与体育文化的嬗变

24、Feats: Combat Casting, Craft Staff, Craft Wand, Craft Wondrous Item, Lightning Reflexes, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Spell Focus (evocation), Spell Focus(transmutation). ─── 专长:战斗施法,制造法杖,制造魔杖,制造奇物,闪电反射,抄写卷轴,技能专攻(辨识法术),法术专攻(塑能),法术专攻(变化)

25、The journey to 15,000 strands requires the transmutation of the nervous system to hold photonic energy in each cell. ─── 到15,000股的旅程需要转换神经系统到在每一细胞中持有光子能量。

26、transmutation coefficient of the chip ─── 切屑变形

27、The sweating allows for the toxins to leave via the pores of the skin that are being cast off in the biological transmutation process. ─── 流汗允许毒素通过皮肤毛孔而离开,那是在生物转化过程中正不断被丢弃的。

28、nuclear transmutation doping of semiconductor ─── 半导体核嬗变掺杂

29、She chose over 7 years ago to begin her journey of genetic transmutation and ascension, and stands as an example of the restoration to full consciousness within the human form. ─── 7年多以前她选择开始改变遗传和提升之旅,并作为人类形体内恢复到全意识的一个例子而站立。

30、Study of Transmutation in Modular Fast Reactor Using MOX Fuel ─── MOX燃料模块快堆的嬗变研究

31、In the physical, crabs and lobsters are bottom-feeding kingdoms that assist in the transmutation of decay upon the ocean floor. ─── 在物质层上,螃蟹和龙虾是生物链底部王国,在海底帮助转换腐烂物质。

32、Such initiates without ancestry to real ascension lack the inherent ability to ascend, which requires transmutation of thought-form and the ability to create grid work or alter genetic material. ─── 因为这类缺乏真正提升之祖先的提升者缺乏提升的内在能力,而这需要转化思想形态,并具备创造晶格层或改变遗传信息的能力。

33、Well, it is through the biological transmutation of the form to a significantly higher frequency that this becomes so. ─── 喔,它是通过形态的生物性变化到一个重要的更高频率,才能成为这样。

34、Instead, the sun will burn off the etheric blockages and etheric mucous that collects as a result of the continuous transmutation of the form and field. ─── 取而代之的,太阳将烧掉以太堵塞和以太粘液,这些是形体和(能量)场不断转化而聚合的结果。

35、The Traditional National Implication and Modern Transmutation of Tujia Nationality Bride Crying ─── 土家族哭嫁的传统意蕴与现代嬗变

36、Keywords cryonic cutting;transmutation coefficient of the chip;titanium alloys; ─── 低温切削;切屑变形;钛合金;

37、Keywords clean nuclear power system nuclear chemistry spallation reaction neutron diagnosis transmutation; ─── 关键词洁净核能系统;核化学;散裂反应;中子诊断;高放废料嬗变;

38、On the Transmutation of the Sense of "Root-seeking" And Its Re-evaluation of the Post-rising Poetic-school ─── 后崛起诗群"寻根"意识的嬗变及其价值重估

39、The more important thing is how you experience each transmutation and excellence of every course in the years of the flower. ─── 关键是你怎样在如花的岁月中体验每一次嬗变和每一过程的精彩。

40、Induced defects by neutron transmutation doping in semiconductors ─── 半导体中子嬗变掺杂中的诱生缺陷

41、The journey to 6000 and 9000 strands requires transmutation of scar tissue of a particular nature. ─── 到6000和9000股的旅程需要转换某些性质的伤疤组织。

42、The Transmutation of "Harmonious Society and Education Form" ─── "和谐社会与教育形态"的嬗变

43、neutron transmutation doping ─── 中子转变掺杂

44、An Efficient IP Packet Transmutation Methodology for Network Security Devices ─── 一种高效的网络安全设备IP数据包转发机制

45、The Transmutation of U. S. Diplomatic Policies in Central Asia Area After Cold War and Its Affects ─── 冷战后美国中亚政策的嬗变及影响

46、Rural Transmutation under the Great Change Vision Three Times in Modern Times of China ─── 中国近现代三次巨变视角下的农村嬗变

47、Religious Transmutation of the Era of the Book of Songs and Historical Accumulation of the Cultural Tradition ─── 《诗经》时代宗教的嬗变与文化传统的历史积淀

48、One must therefore be thorough, allowing all parts of the form to transmute as necessary, and give the form every nutrient necessary to bring forth it's biological transmutation. ─── 因此你必须完全,允许身体的所有部分都按应有方式转化,并给予身体所需的每一种养分来产生生物性转变。

49、As an alchemist, Drebbel suspected that the transmutation of lead into gold in a laboratory was inhibited by great temperature fluctuations of the heat sources cooking the elements. ─── 作为一个炼金术士,德雷贝尔当时怀疑实验室里的铅变不成金子,可能是因为加热元素的热源有巨大的温度波动。

50、Target Experiment, Radioactive Wastes Transmutation and Incineration of Nuclear Reactor Driven by Accelerator ─── 加速器驱动反应堆的靶实验及核废料嬗变与焚化

51、Scientific Intention and Clinical Significance of Doctrine of Infantile Transmutation and Steaming ─── 变蒸学说的科学内涵及临床意义

52、His alchemy resides with the use of his fiber-synthetic gloves, that have a transmutation circle sewn into them. ─── 使用一种以能发出火焰的布为材料所制作的特殊手套打出火花,并运用炼金术自由的操纵火焰。

53、Well, it is through the biological transmutation of the form to a significantly higher frequency that this becomes so. ─── 喔,它是通过形态的生物性变化到一个重要的更高频率,才能成为这样。

54、All four elements are necessary to a complete ascension due to the role that each plays in the act of transmutation. ─── 四种元素都是一个完整提升所必需的,在改变中每一种都扮演着一个角色。

55、This historical transmutation of modern poetic style has led to the epic style, new poem-series, and the style of a variety of ballades. ─── 3种“新质”决定了他们在面对崭新的近代诗歌题材时表现出特殊的表达能力与表达习惯 ,体现了岭南近代诗歌与古代诗歌相异的风格 ,反映了岭南近代诗歌风格的历史性嬗变。

56、For example, if you are going to sell Arcane Crystals, a quick transmutation into Arcanite Bars yields an extra 6 gold saleToo long time to earn WoW Gold? ─── 两年前,那种小型的,内容直接针对市场的站点非常流行,这些站点直接目的就是广告平台或者同一些货币化的机构进行联营。

57、Alchemy, or transmutation, has placed new elements on the periodic table, including plutonium. ─── 炼金术,或嬗变,已经在元素周期表中增加了新元素,包括钚。

58、Therefore often what seems to be undesirable conflict is the result of the transmutation of the old in preparation for the new. ─── 因此那些看起来似乎不受欢迎的冲突经常是旧的为新的作准备的变形的结果。

59、The remaining 10 creations are in deep trouble, with ascension so effortless in creations 1 through 5 that the souls learn nothing about transmutation and the nature of the dark. ─── 剩下的10个造物处在深深的麻烦里,在第1-5个造物上的提升是如此容易,灵魂们学不到任何关于超越和黑暗本质的东西。

60、As soon as they do, one of the greatest miracles happens: the awakening of Being-consciousness through what appears as evil, the transmutation of suffering into inner peace. ─── 一旦他们宽恕了,就发生了一个最大的奇迹:通过那个似乎是邪恶的事物中的意识到”存在“的觉醒,痛苦成为内心平和的转变。

61、this hydrogen came from the bombarded atoms themselves: it was the result of a transmutation . ─── 这种氢就来自于被轰击的原子本身——是蜕变的结果。

62、Study of the Interfering Effect of Dynamic Transmutation with Correlation Tracking Arithmetic ─── 动态变形伪装技术对相关跟踪算法的干扰效果研究

63、However, such transmutation in ascension is not without known difficulties. ─── 但是,提升中这些超越不是没有困难的。

64、Under the background of the great social change, the secret party or society transmuted and the transmutation went through three stages. ─── 在社会大变动的背景下,秘密会党嬗变经历了三个阶段。

65、China's traditional culture entered the key period of the transmutation in Dao gang、Sian feng、Tong zhi dynasty. ─── 中国传统文化在道光、咸丰、同治年间进入了嬗变的关键期。

66、neutron transmutation doping of monocrystalline silicon ─── 单晶硅中子嬗变掺杂技术

67、Why does the form require transmutation? ─── 为什么形体需要改变?

68、In not perceiving all thought-form requiring transmutation in order to ascend, some thought-form went un-transmuted in the act of ascension. ─── 在并不察觉到所有需转化的思想形态以提升之中,有些思想形态在提升行为中并没有被转化。

69、While the secret society went through its centennial transmutation,it also influenced the centenary changes of Hunan modern history. ─── 会党在经历着自身的百年嬗变的同时,也影响着近代湖南历史的百年变迁。

70、Gecko and lizard are gifted at the act of transmutation. ─── 壁虎与蜥蜴有转化行为的天赋。


72、In transmutation, the kundahlini flares and burns off the denser or darker parts of oneself that one has retrieved from the past. ─── 在转化之中,昆达里尼爆燃并烧掉你从过去所恢复的更致密或更黑暗的自我部分。

73、The article introduced the features, harm and the influential factors of saturation and transmufation and expounded the forecast and prevention and cure for saturation and transmutation. ─── 介绍了渗透变形的特征、危害及其影响因素,阐述了渗透变形的预测和防治方法。

74、Knell beetle are an off-shoot of giant beetles that were long ago warped by overexposure to transmutation magic and sonic energy. ─── 丧钟甲虫是一种巨甲虫的变种,在很久以前由于过度暴露于变形魔法和音波能量中而被扭曲。

75、The more important thing is how you experience each transmutation and excellence of every course in the years of the flower. ─── 关键是你怎样在如花的岁月中体验每一次嬗变和每一过程的精彩。

76、Upon a larger scale, those holding this tone will bring forth the transmutation of codependent relations in all areas of the human dance over time. ─── 在更大的尺度上,那些拥有此音调者,将在人类舞蹈的所有领域随时间带来共同依赖关系的转化。

77、Vitex assists initiates in pushing forward in the continuous biological transmutation process of ascension. ─── 圣洁莓协助提升者迈向持续不断的、提升中的生物性转变过程。

78、One of the most important topics is on the transmutation of modern intellectuals . ─── 其最重要的主题就是当代知识分子的蜕变。

79、Transmutation of the Concept of American State Sovereignty in Time of Globalization ─── 全球化时代美国国家主权理念的嬗变

80、The old creations of yours are unable to be carried forward, so consequently there is much to do by way of transmutation. ─── 你们的【旧创造】是无法再带着前进的,所以也因此通过演变的方式依旧还有许多需要去做。

81、transmutation rule of wall rock ─── 围岩变形

82、You can then take your attention into the pain-body, stay present as the witness, and so initiate its transmutation. ─── 于是你就能把注意力放在痛苦体上,作为目击者而“在场”,开始了对它的转换。

83、Analyzing Historically and Dialectically the Transmutation of University Students'Life Philosophy ─── 历史地、辩证地剖析大学生人生价值观的嬗变

84、3. The transformation of mediocrity into genius through transmutation. ─── 三、借着转变,化庸才为天才。


86、The finite element code is used to simulat e the first wall (FW) structure of dual-cooled waste transmutation blanket (DWTB) for the fusion driven sub-critical system (FDS). ─── 使用有限元程序对聚变次临界堆双冷嬗变包层第一壁进行数值模拟,给出不同载荷条件下的温度场和应力场分布,结果证明典型氦气系统设计满足热工要求。

87、Effect of the dynamic transmutation interfering the arithmetic of correlation tracking ─── 动态变形伪装对相关跟踪的干扰效果研究

88、A Compendious Definition on Differentiation in Algebraic Transmutation Based on Function Variable ─── 基于函数改变量代数变形的微分简化定义

89、This transmutation of the old into new life is seen everywhere in China ─── 在中国到处可以看到这种从旧生活转变为新生活的事例。

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