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08-16 投稿


apathy 发音

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英:  美:

apathy 中文意思翻译



apathy 反义词


apathy 同义词

ennui | numbness | unconcern | laziness | impassivity | nonchalance | boredom |indifference | spiritlessness | lethargy

apathy 短语词组

1、political apathy ─── 政治冷漠

2、misanthropic apathy ─── 厌世冷漠

3、erotic apathy ─── 色情冷漠

4、apathy definition ─── 冷漠定义

5、apathy bandcamp ─── 冷漠的乐队

6、apathy guild ─── 冷漠帮会

7、apathy crossword ─── 冷漠纵横字谜

8、apathy synonyms ─── 冷漠同义词

9、apathy antonym ─── 冷漠反义词

10、apathy gueen ─── 冷漠的gueen

11、apathy meaning ─── 冷漠的意义

apathy 相似词语短语

1、acropathy ─── n.四肢病

2、allopathy ─── n.[临床]对抗疗法

3、sagathy ─── n.[纺]萨加塞毛织物

4、Cathy ─── n.凯茜(女子名)

5、-pathy ─── suff.表“病变”;表“疗法”;表“感觉”;n.(Pathy)人名;(法)帕蒂;(匈)保蒂

6、-paths ─── n.路径(path的复数)

7、apathia ─── n.无情;淡漠(表情)情感

8、empathy ─── n.神入;移情作用;执着;感同身受;共鸣

9、Kathy ─── n.凯西(女子名,等于Katherine)

apathy 习惯用语

1、have an apathy to ─── 对...冷淡

apathy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Maybe operating systems should be boring, but Unix risks creating total apathy toward itself, apart from any competitive efforts. ─── 可能操作系统应是让人厌烦的,但Unix的风险是造成对其自己的完全冷漠,更谈不上与其它系统竞争的努力。

2、We may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all---the apathy of human beings. ─── 世间大部分不幸也许都有补救之方,但其中最不幸的却无药可救,那就是人类的冷漠。

3、I'm fretting about seemingly immovable and unchangeable stone bench values like apathy, passivity, indifference. ─── 令我感到烦躁的是一些似乎不能被改变的观念,例如,对周遭事物冷淡、被动和漠不关心。

4、Clinical signs of bacteremia in freshwater crayfish are non-specific and typically are limited to increasing apathy and paralysis immediately prior to death. ─── 临床上淡水螯虾的菌血症是非特异性的和典型精神呆滞和瘫痪并立刻死亡。

5、In the expression of energies, there is an alternating current between assertiveness and apathy. ─── 在表达情绪时,可能会有着坚定自信及无动于衷之间的不稳定情绪流动。

6、The story "Wilshire Bus" illustrates that bystander "apathy" is present even in our everyday interactions. ─── 《威尔郡巴士》表明,旁观者的“冷漠”甚至已经出现在我们的日常生活中。

7、She must do something to drag him from his apathy--but she could not ask about Mother. ─── 她必须设法把他从目前的冷漠状态中拉回来----可是她不能问母亲。

8、She was dissatisfied with his apathy. ─── 她不满意他的冷淡。

9、By communicating with her and addressing the problem - and not the child - you can work together to stop the cycle of apathy. ─── 通过以对事不对人的态度进行耐心的交流,你就能打破和孩子之间的坚冰。

10、They worked hard to counteract his apathy ─── 他们努力消除他的冷淡态度所造成的影响。

11、After a short burst of enthusiasm, she relapsed into her usual apathy. ─── 一阵热情爆发之后,他又回复到往常一样的冷漠了。

12、is widespread apathy among the electorate. ─── 选民普遍态度冷淡。

13、what was the nature of his apathy? ─── 他那副冥顽不灵的表情是什么性质的呢?

14、Maximilian, who was paying them a visit, listened to their conversation, or rather was present at it, plunged in his accustomed state of apathy. ─── 去拜访他们的马西米兰没精打彩地听着他们的谈话,木然地坐在一旁。

15、Apathy could destroy democracy. When the turnout drops below 50 per cent, we are in danger... ─── 冷漠可以毁掉民主,如果投票人数不足50%,我们将陷入危险的境地。

16、It can be an all-purpose argument-ender or a signal of apathy. ─── 可在结束争论时使用,或者可用来表示漠不关心。

17、He had, withal, the invalid's apathy and did not greatly concern himself about the uncommon fate that had been allotted to him. ─── 此外,他和所有病人一样的冷漠,并不是非常关心自己不同寻常的命运。

18、Appropriate empathy shows responsibility and solicitude to patient, whereas immoderate empathy may induce burnout thereby resulting in emotional apathy. ─── 恰当的介入体现了医生的责任感和人文关怀,过度的介入造成医生心理的倦怠,从而造成情感冷漠。

19、A dramatic display of political courage by the world's biggest economy and the traditional leader of the multilateral trading system could still jolt the round from apathy to action. ─── 作为世界上最大的经济体和多边贸易体系的传统领导者,它富有政治勇气的生动表现可以将谈判从冷漠拉回到积极中来。

20、At the same time we have to realize, including amnesty, humiliation, neglect, apathy, and blame those who make mistakes such as pseudo-forgiveness. ─── 但同时我们也要认清包括赦免、羞辱、忽视、冷漠和让做错者自责等假性宽恕。

21、For without ever committing an act of outright evil ourselves, we collude with it, through our own apathy. ─── 因为,虽然我们没有亲手犯下那些昭然若揭的恶行,我们却以冷漠的方式和邪恶在串谋。

22、As the people of the State of Apathy cried out for a champion to rise up and defend them, there was only silence. ─── 当冷漠之国的人民呼吁一名英雄揭竿而起保护他们的时候,全国却是万马齐喑。

23、Following this, he developed dysphagia, dysarthria, apathy, restlessness, and weakness in his limbs. ─── 但四天后,病人发生吞嚥困难、语言不清、四肢无力、面无表情、坐立不安等情形。

24、We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations.Together,we will reclaim America's schools,before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives. ─── 如果我们的选择是错误的,祖辈会谴责我们的。上帝正眷顾着这个国家,我们必须显示出我们的勇气,敢于面对问题,而不是将它们遗留给我们的后代。

25、Indifference, apathy or resistance, however, may stand in the way. ─── 但在过程中可能遇到漠不关己的冷淡反应,甚或抵抗。

26、"I walked black streets and alleys alone;I passed out in cabarets.I backed out of two duels more from apathy than cowardice and truly wished to be murdered. ─── “我经常独自在黑暗的小巷里行走,我在酒吧里卖醉,我有两次与别人起冲突,但是最后又避开了,是因为冷漠而不是懦弱。

27、Apathy is the long-standing curse of democracy. ─── 冷漠是民主的长期祸根。

28、Widespread confusion about prophecy has led to blindly following so-called experts and to apathy. ─── 关于预言的普遍混乱导致了盲目跟随所谓的专家和漠不关心。

29、But love?Is not responsible for that.It is us, the people, who have forgotten the meaning of love and have undertaken such gruesome apathy. ─── 但对于爱来说,这并不是她的错,而错在于我们人类自己,人们忘记了爱的涵义并经历着如此可怕的冷漠。

30、Adverse reaction had occurred in 12 patients, eg lethargy and apathy . ─── 12例出现较轻的副作用,如嗜睡、疲乏、注意力不集中,可自行恢复。

31、Travelling around the country, he saw - or thought he saw - a mood of apathy and helplessness. ─── 他走遍全国,感受到的只是冷漠和无助的情绪。

32、The story" Wilshire Bus" illustrates that bystander" apathy" is present even in our everyday interactions. ─── 威尔郡巴士》表明,旁观者的“冷漠”甚至已经出现在我们的日常生活中。

33、After long conflicts, the second set of elections is often a story of unrealistic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy. ─── 在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。

34、Mr Booker, as well as church leaders and others, believe (or hope) that after the murders the city will no longer stand by in apathy. ─── 布克、教会领导以及其他人相信(或期待、希望),经过此次惨案,这里的人们将不会再麻木不仁、袖手旁观。

35、Curiously, none of this seems to have done a great deal to change Britain's political apathy. ─── 说来奇怪,这些问题并没有为改变英国的政治冷漠起多大的作用。

36、There is nothing worse than apathy. ─── 哀莫大于心死。

37、The cortical branches occlusion of the anterior cerebral artery may cause the symptoms of contralateral hemiplegia, murism or apathy. ─── 大脑前动脉皮质支闭塞,可以造成对侧偏瘫、精神缄默或淡漠症侯群。

38、Indeed, some Fatah officers suspect their leaders' apathy was deliberate. ─── 事实上,一些法塔赫官员猜测他们领导人的冷漠其实是深思熟虑的计划。

39、We may have found a cure for most evils; but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all - the apathy of human beings. ─── 世间大部分不幸也许都有补救之方,但其中最不幸的却无药可救,那就是人类的冷漠。

40、Political apathy is equally undesirable. ─── 对政治冷漠麻木,那也不行。

41、She had sunk into a dreary apathy and would not be roused. ─── 她已经陷入了一种可怕的麻木状态,无法唤起她的精神。

42、rouse sb from a state of lethargy,apathy,etc ─── 使某人振作起来、积极起来等

43、As long as you enough apathy, enough indifferent, enough for all things become no longer CARES. ─── 只要你足够的冷漠,足够的漠然,足够对一切事情都变得不再在乎。

44、They told me about isolation and public apathy. ─── 他们向我讲述了孤立感与公众的冷漠。

45、The apathy of the people towards the war worried the government. ─── 人们对于战争的冷漠使政府感到忧心。

46、In practice, apathy and ignorance ensure these powers are hardly ever used. ─── 但实际上,无知和懒惰使这些权力难得有被使用的机会。

47、In his almost inexplicable apathy he was content to droop supinely while Carrie drifted out of his life, just as he was willing supinely to see opportunity pass beyond his control . ─── 他的那种几乎无法理解的冷漠,使得他在嘉莉游离出他的生活的时候,还能得过且过地满足于自我消沉,就像他能得过且过地甘愿看着机会从他的掌握之中流失一样。

48、That apathy could hurt Tokyo's chances on Friday when the International Olympic Committee selects the host city for 2016. ─── 周五国际奥委员会就会选择2016年奥运会的主办地,这种冷漠会让东京失去机会。

49、You can select action over apathy. ─── 你可以选择行动而非空谈;

50、Causing dullness or apathy; deadening. ─── 引起迟钝或冷淡的

51、We have been worried about her apathy since her husband died. ─── 她丈夫死后, 我们一直为她对一切都持冷漠态度而担忧。

52、The appearance of the opening duck seemed first to arouse the Hurons from their apathy . ─── 原先那种暴性子,本来还可以被爱抚软化成娇气,现在却变成冷淡无情了。

53、His zeal was damped by the apathy of the public . ─── 公众的冷漠使他灰心丧气。

54、Political apathy is equally undesirable,when the people are panic-stricken when caught off-guard in a crisis, can they be counted on to protect the country? ─── 对政治冷漠麻木,那也不行,不知国家有难,一旦危机浮上水面,人民如惊弓之鸟,这个国家怎么保?

55、But there is upon their countenance and expression more of the eagerness of hope than the apathy of despair. ─── 不过他们脸上的表情,倒不是因灰心失望而显得冷漠无情,而是因怀着希望而显得急不可耐。

56、They say apathy should not be interpreted as a desire to donate organs. Some patients oppose donation for religious and moral reasons. ─── 他们声称反应冷淡不应该被理解为想要捐赠器官。一些病人会基于宗教或道德原因反对器官捐赠。

57、Nothing whatever can, in this Day, inflict a grenter harm upon this cause than disension and stife, contention,estrangement and apathy, among the loved ones of God. ─── 在此日,能多圣道造成更大伤害者摸过于上帝钟爱者之间的不和,纠纷,争论,疏离和冷漠.

58、The most destructive force against marriage is apathy, indifferent to each other. ─── 婚姻最大的敌人就是冷漠,彼此的冷漠。

59、When you see someone suffering from career apathy, you’ll almost always see lots of escapism. ─── 当你观察那些遭遇职业冷漠的人时,他们的反应基本上都是逃避。

60、She heard the story with apathy. ─── 她无动於衷地听了这个故事。

61、Can't you see public apathy about politics? ─── 你看不出大众对政治的冷漠吗?

62、He was sunk in apathy after his failure. ─── 失败之后,他心灰意冷。

63、We must show courage in a time of blessing by confronting problems instead of passing them on to future generations. Together, we will reclaim America's schools, before ignorance and apathy claim more young lives. ─── 如果我们的选择是错误的,祖辈会谴责我们的。 上帝正眷顾着这个国家,我们必须显示出我们的勇气,敢于面对问题,而不是将它们遗留给我们的后代。

64、When you become an indifferent and apathy man who can cast off all moral regulations, relations of family and kin, you thus can consider being a monk. ─── 只有有能力做到成为一个无情无义、抛弃所有道德陈规、人情包袱者,才具备出家修行的条件。

65、Confused or lost based on a belief that suicide and, to contain the negative meaning of life and social apathy. ─── 基于某种信念的迷惑或失落而自杀的行为,则含有对人生和社会悲观失望的消极意义。

66、The apathy which had clutched them immediately after the war had completely disappeared and they were too busy building their own fortunes to help her build hers. The ones who were not busy were the men of Hugh's type--or Ashley's. ─── 内战刚结束时候的那种垂头丧气的样子一归而光,大家都忙头为自己赚钱,谁也顾不上帮她赚钱,清闲的只有像休这样的人,像艾希礼这样的人。

67、Castorp has rejected “ they tyranny of time,” only to fall victim to the tyranny of timeless apathy, has rejected one labyrinth only to fall into another. ─── 卡斯扥普曾经拒绝人生有涯的时间暴虐,却陷入天地不仁的无涯暴虐。他以为逃离身处的迷宫,却发现掉入另一处迷宫。

68、It is bad enough when trade talks break up in acrimony; how much worse that the Geneva gathering petered out amid complacency and apathy. ─── 贸易谈判在激烈言词中破裂就足够糟糕了,日内瓦会谈在心安理得和冷漠中结束又会更差到哪里去呢?

69、Only a callous / apathy person can see suffering without trying to relieve it. ─── 只有无情之人才能看见(其他人的)苦难无动于衷。

70、He shows apathy towards everything. ─── 他对任何事情都很冷淡。

71、Live in this luxury and dissipation world.The external desire and internal baffle is covered.Perhaps only that unknown pride is protected or maybe is a kind of apathy. ─── 在这个被金甲玉磷所荣耀的世界生活,遮挡的是外在欲望和自身的困惑,保护的是不知所以的那份苍白的骄傲(也许是一种冷漠)。

72、After long conflicts, the second set of elections is often a story of unrealistic expectation turned to disillusion and apathy. ─── 在长时间的冲突之后,在大选第二阶段,人们往往从不现实的期待中走出来,取而代之的是幻想破灭后的冷漠。

73、In a world of apathy, cynicism, and technological deification, men like the camerlegno, realists who could speak to our souls like this man just had, were the church’s only hope. ─── 在一个情感冷漠,悲观怀疑及奉技术为神明的世界,像教皇内侍这样的人,能像他刚才一样说话直指人心的现实主义者是教会仅存的希望。

74、She said that I never seemed interested in talking about history and that my apathy annoyed her. ─── 她说我对谈论历史毫无兴趣可言,而我的冷漠令她烦恼。

75、To withdraw in disgust is not apathy. ─── 嫌恶的撤回并不代表冷漠。

76、In contemporary western society,it is a major task for republicanism to overcome citizens' egoism and political apathy. ─── 在当代西方,克服公民唯私主义综合症和政治参与冷漠症,是共和主义所面对并着力解决的一大难题。

77、After a short burst of enthusiasm,she relapsed into her usual apathy. ─── 一阵热情爆发之后,她又回复到往常一样的冷漠了。

78、Apathy and alienation have become a national plague. ─── 冷漠和疏远已经成为国家的通病。

79、Meanwhile, emotional and behavioral disturbances, such as the disinhibition and apathy syndromes that occur after trauma, are also discussed. ─── 其次则整理患者情绪与行为异常之文献,例如抑制困难与冷漠症候群等。

80、It is a corrosive which eats away unity, undermines cohesion, causes apathy and creates dissension. ─── 它是一种腐蚀剂,使团结涣散,关系松懈,工作消极,意见分歧。

81、in or into a state of apathy or indifference ─── 处于或进入麻木不仁或漠不关心的状态

82、If you have resisted these lessons of individualization you may have adopted a passive attitude, moved into apathy, or felt victimized. ─── 如果你抗拒这些个人的功课,你可能已经采取了一种被动的态度,成为冷漠的,或者自我受害的。

83、Apathy and disinterest especially can cause friction between patients and their families, who may view these attributes as signs of laziness rather than manifestations of the illness. ─── 尤其是冷淡无情及提不起兴趣,特别容易造成病人与家人的摩擦,因为家人可能以为是病人偷懒,而不晓得是生病的表现。

84、The appearance of the opening duck seemed first to arouse the Hurons from their apathy. ─── 张开的船帆的出现立即引起了休仑人的警觉。

85、After a short burst of enthusiasm, he relapsed into his usual apathy. ─── 一阵心血来潮后,他又恢复了平时冷漠的样子。

86、There is nothing worse than apathy ─── 哀莫大于心死

87、He has an apathy to food. ─── 他不思饮食。

88、Thus, crime is common, apathy is de rigueur, and cynicism is rampant. ─── 从而,罪恶变得没什么大不了,冷漠变成社交需要,而玩世不恭成了每个人的生活态度。

89、He has apathy to food. ─── 他对食物的冷漠。



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