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08-16 投稿


cabinetmaking 发音

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cabinetmaking 中文意思翻译



cabinetmaking 词性/词形变化,cabinetmaking变形

名词: cabinetmaking |

cabinetmaking 短语词组

1、cabinetmaking terms ─── 家具制造术语

2、cabinetmaking system ─── 橱柜制作系统

3、cabinetmaking pdf ─── 橱柜制作pdf

4、cabinetmaking bls ─── 橱柜制造bls

5、cabinetmaking skills ─── 家具制作技巧

6、cabinetmaking career ─── 家具制造业

7、cabinetmaking forum ─── 橱柜制作论坛

cabinetmaking 相似词语短语

1、cabinet-makers ─── 细木工;[家具][木]家具木工

2、cabinet maker ─── 细木工;[家具][木]家具木工

3、cabinet-maker ─── 细木工;[家具][木]家具木工

4、cabinet-making ─── n.家俱制造;组阁

5、cabinet meeting ─── 内阁会议;大臣会议

6、caretaking ─── v.照看(caretake的现在分词);n.看管,照管

7、cabinetmakers ─── n.家具工;细工木匠

8、cabinet makers ─── 细木工;[家具][木]家具木工

9、cabinetmaker ─── n.家具工;细工木匠

cabinetmaking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the wood of any of these trees,used in cabinetmaking ─── 这种树的任何一种木材,用来制作精细家具

2、The wood of any of these trees, especially the durable, fine-grained wood of the Old World species Taxus baccata, used in cabinetmaking and for archery bows. ─── 紫杉木这些树的木材,尤指东半球品种欧洲红豆杉的耐用、纹理细密的木材,用于制作柜子或射箭的弓

3、At local foundries, print shops and cabinetmaking plants, he sees many jobs that require more than the on-the-job training that sufficed in years past, but less than a college degree. ─── 在当地的铸造厂、印刷厂和家具工厂里,他看到以前的在职培训水平已经满足不了很多工作的需要了,但还没有达到大学的程度。

4、This unit group includes carpentry and cabinetmaking trade contractors who own and operate their own businesses. ─── 本单元组包括拥有和经营自己企业的木工和细木工行业承建商。

5、The art or craft of a joiner; cabinetmaking. ─── 细木工手艺木匠的手艺或技术;细木工手艺

6、the wood of any of several fruit-bearing trees,such as the apple,cherry,or pear,used especially in cabinetmaking ─── 任何产果实的树的木材,例如苹果树、樱桃树或梨树,尤其用于做家具

7、A South American tree(Dalbergia cearensis) with hard, fine-textured, purplish-brown wood used in cabinetmaking. ─── 王木具有硬质的,良好结构的,紫褐色木质的南部美洲乔木(西阿拉黄檀黄檀属),用于制作家俱

8、wood of any of several fruit-bearing trees, such as the apple, cherry, or pear, used especially in cabinetmaking. ─── 果木任何产果实的树的木材,例如苹果树、樱桃树或梨树,尤其用于做家具。

9、cabinetmaking election system ─── 组合竞选制

10、The wood of any of these trees,especially the durable,fine-grained wood of the Old World species Taxus baccata,used in cabinetmaking and for archery bows. ─── 紫杉木这些树的木材,尤指东半球品种欧洲红豆杉的耐用、纹理细密的木材,用于制作柜子或射箭的弓。

11、The wood of any of several fruit-bearing trees, such as the apple, cherry, or pear, used especially in cabinetmaking. ─── 果木任何产果实的树的木材,例如苹果树、樱桃树或梨树,尤其用于做家具

12、a South American tree(Dalbergia cearensis) with hard,fine-textured,purplish-brown wood used in cabinetmaking ─── 具有硬质的,良好结构的,紫褐色木质的南部美洲乔木(西阿拉黄檀黄檀属),用于制作家俱

13、The wood of any of these trees, used in cabinetmaking. ─── 牛栓藤木材这种树的木材,用来制作精细家具

14、South American tree with hard, fine-textured, purplish-brown wood used in cabinetmaking . ─── 王木具有硬质的,良好结构的,紫褐色木质的南部美洲乔木,用于制作家俱。

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