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08-16 投稿


alexandrine 发音

英:[??l?ɡ?z?ndr?n; ??l?ɡ?z?ndra?n]  美:[??l?ɡ?zɑ?ndr?n; ??l?ɡ?zɑ?ndra?n]

英:  美:

alexandrine 中文意思翻译




alexandrine 网络释义

n. 亚历山大格式的诗行adj. 亚历山大格式诗歌的

alexandrine 短语词组

1、alexandrine qt ─── 亚历山大林qt

2、alexandrine paris Earrings ─── 巴黎亚历山大耳环

3、alexandrine lines ─── 亚历山大线

4、alexandrine parakeet ─── 亚历山大鹦鹉

alexandrine 词性/词形变化,alexandrine变形


alexandrine 相似词语短语

1、Alexandrians ─── 亚历山大人

2、Aleixandre ─── 阿莱克斯安德烈

3、alexandrines ─── n.亚历山大诗行;adj.亚历山大诗体的;含六音步抑扬格的

4、Alexandrian ─── adj.(与)埃及亚历山大(有关)的;希腊(文化)的;(与)亚历山大大帝(有关)的;(作者)模仿的;喜欢深奥学问的;n.埃及亚历山大港的居民

5、salamandrine ─── n.蝾螈;adj.似火蜥蜴的;耐火的

6、Alexandrine ─── n.亚历山大格式的诗行;adj.亚历山大格式诗歌的

7、Alexandrina ─── 亚历山德里娜(人名)

8、alexandrite ─── n.紫翠玉,金绿宝石;用作饰物的珍贵宝石

9、Alexandria ─── n.亚历山大港(位于埃及);亚历山大市(美国弗吉尼亚一城市);亚历山德里亚(意大利城市);亚历山大大帝

alexandrine 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The woman says: " If I promise you, alexandrine. "" ─── 女子说: “ 我要是答应你, 同上。 ”

2、Put come into line of forefinger, middle finger, ring finger on sandbag next, big toe is impending, exercise method is Alexandrine. ─── 然后将食指、中指、无名指排齐放在沙袋上,拇指悬空,练习方法同上。

3、Next, with right hand akimbo , left hand is massaged 36 times, the method is Alexandrine, way is opposite. ─── 然后,以右手叉腰,左手按摩36次,方法同上,方向相反。

4、Next, with right hand akimbo, left hand is massaged 36 times, the method is Alexandrine, way is opposite. ─── 然后,以右手叉腰,左手按摩36次,方法同上,方向相反。

5、Alexandrine, another writing style, is also derived from Aeschylus' verse. ─── 除此之外,亚历山大体诗也是从埃斯库罗斯的文体中衍生出来的。

6、Especially, the accused the authenticity demur that once add up to Alexandrine author to commending creative work,just signs, the court often asks again accuser square adminicle. ─── 特别是,被告方一旦对委托创作合同上的作者签名的真实性提出异议,法院又往往要求原告方补充证据。

7、Dosage, time is Alexandrine. ─── 剂量、时间同上。

8、Method of draw money treatment is the 74th bit more Alexandrine. ─── 支取待遇办法同上第七十四点。

9、Alexandrine live together this boat, cannot pass marriage however this bridge, happen to either end of a bridge, always unapt bump dead directly. ─── 同上了同居这条船,却过不了婚姻这座桥,临到桥头了,总不至于一头撞死吧。

10、Alexandrine 3 1000 tons are built in Muscovite area the spinning production of yarn productivity.. ─── 同上3在莫斯科区建造1000吨条呢纱线生产能力的纺纱生产...

11、a stanza with eight lines of iambic pentameter and a concluding Alexandrine with the rhyme pattern abab bcbc c. ─── 一个诗节是八行短长格五步格诗,并且结尾的韵式是ababbcbcc。

12、If exchange rate is Alexandrine,keep balance first quarter, gu Ge battalion closes first quarter will raise 120 million dollar; ─── 如果汇率同上一季度持平,谷歌第一季度营收将增加1.20亿美元;

13、Alexandrine, another writing style, is also derived from Aeschylus' verse. ─── 除此之外,亚历山大体诗也是从埃斯库罗斯的文体中衍生出来的。

14、In bearing spring point is due bedspring of steel bar consolidate, the fabric of fixed bedspring should be corroded not easily and insipidity, enclothe the fabric on bedspring Alexandrine character. ─── 在承重弹簧处应有钢条加固弹簧,固定弹簧的织物应不易腐蚀且无味,覆盖在弹簧上的织物同上特性。

15、He perfected and established the alexandrine as the classic form in French for scathing satire, elegiac tenderness, and tragic passion. ─── 他改进并确立了亚历山大诗体,使之成为表达尖刻讽刺、哀怨情怀、悲凄激情的经典形式。

16、Alexandrine parakeets, originally from Asia, and blue-crowned conures, from Venezuela, have also been observed nesting in eastern England. ─── 来自亚洲的亚历山大鹦鹉和来自委内瑞拉的蓝冠锥尾鹦鹉也已有发现在英格兰东部筑巢。

17、The woman says: "If I promise you, alexandrine. ─── 女子说:“我要是答应你,同上。”

18、The design of website function and composing also needs to have specialization certainly feature, alexandrine truth, can invite a client more trustful website. ─── 网站功能及排版的设计也需有一定的专业化特征,同上的道理,可以让客户更加的信任网站。

19、38, there should be no more alexandrine, parents, and then ran up this idea is too childish, comrades remember words: mother, father, the greatest, they were always loves us, hooray! ─── 38、同上,更不应该有放弃父母,然后私奔,这样得想法真得太幼稚,同志们要记得一句话:母爱,父爱,最伟大,他们永远是最爱我们的,万岁!

20、Alexandrine Parakeet ─── n. 阿历山大鹦鹉

21、Plato and his followers saw it as a link between God and Man.This idea was widely used by the Alexandrine Christian teacher Origen. ─── 柏拉图和他的追随者们认为它是神与人的一种联系,这一思想被亚历山大的基督教传教士奥利金所广泛利用。

22、Tecent net swims income amounts to 910 million yuan, hold the market share of 16.5% , alexandrine photograph comparing grows 13% first quarter; ─── 腾讯网游收入达9.10亿元,占16.5%的市场份额,同上一季度相比增长13%;

23、Make law and use Alexandrine. ─── 制法和用法同上。

24、One Alexandrine hill hits a tiger, one person aims at one person to keep watch, once impetus is incorrect, partnership side-by-side start running escapes, much better. ─── 一同上山打老虎,一人瞄准一人把风,势头一旦不对,合伙并肩撒腿便逃,多好。

25、The reporter is below from Alexandrine an a few products of exhibition that scan. ─── 下面是记者从同上浏览到的本次展览会的一些产品。

26、The problem is Alexandrine, the status that checks at present is the member that distribute is being distributed, is this to point to had had sent or not sent? ─── 问题同上,目前查到的状态是派送员正在派送,这是指已经送到了还是还没送到呢?

27、The last chance to reunite the Alexandrine Empire had now passed. ─── 最后一次重新一统亚历山大帝国的机会与历史失之交臂。

28、reporter is below from Alexandrine an a few products of exhibition that scan. ─── 下面是记者从同上浏览到的本次展览会的一些产品。

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