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08-16 投稿


aerially 发音

英:[?e?r?rli]  美:[?e?ri?li]

英:  美:

aerially 中文意思翻译



aerially 短语词组

1、Aerially Deployed Ice Thickness Tra ─── 空中部署冰厚托盘

2、Aerially Deployed Ice Thickness Transponder ─── 空中部署冰厚转发器

aerially 相似词语短语

1、aerial ─── adj.空中的,航空的;空气的;空想的;n.[电讯]天线

2、arterially ─── 动脉的;动脉状的

3、xerically ─── 通常地

4、aerials ─── n.[电讯]天线(aerial的复数);空中特技

5、materially ─── adv.实质地;物质上;极大地

6、aerily ─── 天线

7、serially ─── adv.连续地;连载地

8、axially ─── adv.轴向地

9、aeriality ─── n.空虚;类似空气的性质

aerially 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For example, Iraq had a program to modify aerial fuel tanks for Mirage jets. ─── 例如,伊拉克计对其幻影战斗机的油箱进行改造。

2、The Iraqi positions are being subjected to artillery and aerial bombardment. ─── 伊拉克阵地受到大炮和空中的攻击。

3、Left: An aerial view over the central business district to Port Phillip Bay. ─── 左:从中心商业区到菲利普湾港鸟瞰。

4、The gale blew down a TV aerial from the roof. ─── 大风刮倒了屋顶上的电视天线。

5、And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. ─── 你们将参与人类历史上最大的空战。

6、A Study of the Nutrient Cycle in Aerially Seeded Pinus massoniana of Hunan Province ─── 湖南省马尾松飞播林的养分循环研究

7、Dow Chemical Co. v. United States, 476 U.S. 227 (1986) (inspection of industrial complex by aerial photography). ─── 及"道化学公司诉合众国"案,载于《美国最高法院判例汇编》第476卷,第227页(1986)(通过空中照相检查工业联合企业)]。

8、The "Intrepid" was used by Lowe for aerial surveillance during the Civil War. ─── 在内战期间,洛曾把“无畏者”号气球用于空中监视方面。

9、His skills in aerial tumbling, balance, flexibility, and originality are really marvelous. ─── 他的空翻技巧、衡技术、灵活性以及创新性简直太棒了。

10、aerially, but was a little slow on the floor on occasions. ─── 萨拉耶塔,但有时候对地面球反应略慢。

11、It makes no difference where you put the aerial, the TV picture's still lousy. ─── 你把天线放哪里都没用,电视画面依旧糟糕。

12、"The freestyle, especially the aerial, is very fit for Chinese, because we are very good at gymnastics and diving. ─── 他说,这种自由式特别是空中技巧特别适合中国人,因为我们在跳水和体操上的表现一直很好。

13、A transmitting or receiving aerial shaped as a dish; used to receive signals from a communications satellite. ─── 一种形似碟子的发射或接收天线,用于接收来自通信卫星的信号。

14、Everyone knew it would take an hour or more to unravel the aerial traffic jam. ─── 大家知道得花上一个小时或更多的时间才能解除这空中的交通堵塞现象。

15、The growth of the aerial portion was closely related to the supply of available calcium in the soil. ─── 地上部分的生长、与土壤有效钙的供应密切相关。

16、He climbed up to the roof to adjust the aerial for a better reception. ─── 他爬上屋顶调整天线, 以改善接收效果。

17、Development on the Expert Simulation System of Comprehensive Managing for Aerially Sowing of Pinus massoniana ─── 马尾松飞播林综合经营专家模拟系统研制

18、It is one of the key problems for the application of aerial survey image how to browse super large ones quickly. ─── 如何实现特大图像快速浏览是航测图像应用中的关键问题之一。

19、I don't know when the TV aerial was blown down. ─── 我不知道电视天线是几时给吹倒的。

20、He showed me some aerial photographs. ─── 他给我看了一些空中拍摄的照片。

21、How do you feel about Americarsquo;s aerial bombardment of Afghanistan? ─── 你怎么看美国轰炸阿富汗这件事?

22、An aerial cableway is set up across the Yellow River. ─── 一条架空索道横跨于 黄河之上.

23、Any aerial that can pick up UHF and VHF signals will receive digital television signals. ─── 任何能捕捉到UHF和VHF信号的天线,都能接收数字电视信号。

24、Chemical constituents of the aerial part of Bupleurum chinense DC. ─── 北柴胡地上部分化学成分的分离与鉴定。

25、An aerial view shows the famed Nasca Lines of southern Peru. ─── 一张从空中拍到的著名的秘鲁南部纳斯卡线的照片。

26、Primarily a bark feeder on aerial parts and roots of apple and other trees. ─── 主要吃苹果树和其它树的高处和根部的树皮。

27、Something is wrong with our TV broadcast aerial . ─── 我们的电视广播天线可能有些问题。

28、As in reconnaissance work, aerial photographic volume estimates can be satisfactory. ─── 作为森林资源概查工作来说,航空象片的蓄积量估计值能满足要求。

29、Do you fly, drive or boat with FPV, or do aerial photography? ─── 你飞,驱动器或鸡痘,还是船航拍?

30、We see aerial photos of the Aral Sea drying up. ─── 我们可以从咸海的空中摄影中看出它正在干涸;

31、We might find a video clip of an aerial view of the forest. ─── 也可能会发现森林空中摄影的电视片。

32、Coped well with Zalayeta aerially, but was a little slow on the floor on occasions. ─── 在空中头球对抗中防住了萨拉耶塔,但有时候对地面球反应略慢。

33、The Predators -- known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) come from the CIA's squadron of remotecontrol drones. ─── “食肉动物”侦察机是从中央情报局的无人侦察机群中抽调出来的。

34、A chain of heart monologize, still cast to aerial pompon like each, churning the line of sight of people. ─── 一连串的内心独白,仍然像一个个抛向空中的彩球,搅动着人们的视线。

35、History also will play cube slide after another, aerial acrobatics Hao Shuai oh Operations Guide: key control! ─── 史酷比也来玩滑板喽,空中花式好帅哦!操作指南:方向键控制!

36、In the West and the North Hebei,the aerial Seeding afforestation project has got a good success. ─── 在冀西、冀北飞播造林取得了好的效果。 冀南山区气候、立地条件与冀西、冀北部都有差别,对飞播造林能否成功争论很大。

37、Coupling effects of LEMP on aerial multiconductor power lines[J]. ─── 引用该论文 任合明,周璧华,余同彬,王钊.

38、Studies on the chemical constituents of the aerial part of Cimicifuga foetida L. ─── 升麻地上部分化学成分研究。

39、He received an aerial pass from the quarterback. ─── 他接到了四分卫的一个空传。

40、Any site formation, street works, road, motorway, railway, tramway, cableway, aerial ropeway, or canal. ─── 何工地平整、街道工程、道路、行车道、铁路、电车轨道、缆车轨道、缆道、架空缆车轨道或渠道。

41、it was more difficult to find the blood in that time when there was not blood bank or could not aerially transport blood. ─── 在那个既没有血库,也不能空运血液的年代,更是难上加难。

42、Spore bearing chain, developed from aerial mycelium, can be turned in spores. ─── 孢子丝:由气生菌丝分化而来的能够形成孢子的菌丝.

43、Coped well with Zalayeta aerially, but was a little slow on the floor on occasions. ─── 在空中头球对抗中防住了萨拉耶塔,但有时候对地面球反应略慢。

44、The goalkeeping training category covers a player's aerial ability, handling, kicking, throwing and one on ones. ─── 守门员训练增加制空能力,手控球,大脚开球,手抛球和一对一的能力。


46、No other man could be the occasion of such delightful aerial building as she had been enjoying for the last six month. ─── 六个月以来她所享受的欢乐只是海市蜃楼,已一去不复返,任何别的男子都不能代替它。

47、On the receiving instrument he also used an elevated aerial and earth. ─── 在接收装置上,他也采用了高架天线和接地装置。

48、Its aerial mycelium is white,substrate mycelium is colorless to cream or pink. ─── 其气生菌丝白色 ,基内菌丝无色至乳脂或浅粉 ;

49、Some joker' s been playing around with my car aerial ! ─── 哪个爱胡闹的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!

50、The radome causes an angular displacement of the tracking aerial polar diagram. ─── 天线罩使跟踪天线的极图产生了角位移。

51、His skills in aerial tumbling and balance,flexibility,and originality are really marvelous. ─── 他的空翻技巧、平衡技术、灵活性以及创新性简直太棒了。

52、He positioned the aerial for the best reception. ─── 它把天线放在能接受广播的最佳位置上。

53、Below An aerial view of a mews made up of ZED in a Box units. ─── 下图:由ZED盒子单元组成的社区的鸟瞰图。

54、After class, he told them about his adventures in aerospace, and he showed them some aerial photographs. ─── 下课,他告诉学生们他在太空的冒险,并向他们展示一些空中拍摄的照片。

55、The commonplace is just that light, impalpable, aerial essence. ─── 平凡才是一种要素,轻盈、无形、难以捉摸。

56、East Indian tree that puts out aerial shoots that grow down into the soil forming additional trunks. ─── 东印度一种树,树枝上长出气生根,向下深入土壤中,形成附加的树干。

57、This excursion was never intended to simply be an aerial tour but,in fact,a search and rescue mission. ─── 原来这趟旅行根本不是简单的空中观览,而是要承担搜寻和拯救使命。

58、Sporopore The aerial spore-producing body of certain fungi, e.g. the mushroom of Agaricus. ─── 孢子体:为苔藓和地钱的孢子体世代具有。由受精卵发育而来,包括基足、柄和孢蒴。孢子体是寄生在配子体上的。

59、Digital controller for aerial camera with despun control[J]. ─── 引用该论文 孙丽娜,汪永阳,戴明,郎小龙.

60、He is pictured here in aerial action against the Dane, Rieper. ─── 在这张照片里他正在和对手进行空中对抗。

61、Petit is a fighter, very good defensively but without Costinha’s aerial quality. ─── 佩蒂特是一个斗士,拥有非常好的防守能力,但没有科斯蒂尼亚那样天才的水平。

62、How do you feel about America's aerial bombardment of Afghanistan? ─── 你怎么看美国轰炸阿富汗这件事?

63、Aerial navigation by visual identification of landmarks. ─── 地标领航用可视地标来进行飞机航行

64、Image quality is important performance index about aerial camera. ─── 成像质量是航空相机的重要性能指标。

65、An aerial view shows homes destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans. ─── 从空中鸟瞰被飓风摧毁的房屋。

66、Some joker's been playing around with my car aerial! ─── 哪个爱胡闹的人摆弄我汽车上的天线了!

67、Aerial view of Tangjiashan quake lake. ─── 唐家山地震湖鸟瞰。

68、Triterpenoids from the aerial parts of Lonicera syringantha Maxim. were studied. ─── 对红花忍冬地上部分进行化学成分研究。

69、The aerial doesn't look very secure to me. ─── 我看这天线不太牢固。

70、Taking working practice as explanation, digital aerial survey method has of wide application foreground. ─── 以作业实践说明,数字航测法地籍测量具有广阔的应用前景。

71、Something is wrong with our TV broadcast aerial. ─── 我们的电视广播天线有问题。

72、Today salt-loving bacteria thrive in brine pools on the dry lake bed, lending a blood-red tint in this aerial view. ─── 如今,喜爱盐分的宅细菌在干涸湖床上的咸水池里繁茂生长,使得这幅空拍画面带着血红的色彩。

73、Due to their size, these patterns could only be fully tak in aerially. ─── 因为范围广大,只有从空中鸟瞰才能看出图案全貌。

74、So a separate rotating aerial is used for that purpose. ─── 为此需要用一种单独的旋转天线。

75、Studies of the Soil Fertility of Aerially Seeded Pinus massoniana Stands ─── 马尾松飞播林土壤肥力研究

76、One example of this is the capabilities that unmanned aerial vehicles bring to combatant commanders. ─── 一个典型的例子就是无人航空器增添战斗指挥官的效能。

77、She seemed to consider him irrevocably destined to become his aerial companion. ─── 她认定他命中注定了要作他的空中旅伴。

78、The Coast Guard is providing aerial support to the rescue of the sailors. ─── 为了营救水手,海岸卫队正在提供空中支持。

79、Trees or shrubs, with aerial roots. ─── 乔木或灌木,具气生的根。

80、Results of the adaptive algorithm used for contaminated aerial image is satisfactory. ─── 利用本文所得到的自适应算法对一幅含有噪声的航拍图像进行边缘检测实验,结果令人满意。

81、At 7th Level, you gain Flyby Attack as a bonus feat whenever you are in aerial form. ─── 7级时,当你处于飞行形态时获得飞越攻击作为奖励专长。

82、He attached an aerial (antenna) to the radio. ─── 他把收音机装上天线。

83、The aerial shall be suitably earthed to guard against lightning strikes and shall be securely mounted. ─── 天线须适当地接地以防电击,并须牢固地架设。

84、Backscratcher is one of the numerous aerial tricks that you can do. ─── 后抓扒是你可以学习的一种滑雪花式。

85、From their branches hang aerial roots, which reach to the ground and eventually create new tree trunks. ─── 它们的树枝垂下挂的气生根须一直延伸到地面,最后又逐渐地生出新的树干。

86、Let Dumbo spread his big ears and take you on a delightful aerial excursion. ─── 小飞象将展开巨大的耳朵带您翱翔高空!

87、Changing Regularities and Structural Characteristics of the Biomass and Productivity of Aerially Seeded Pinus massoniana Plantation ─── 马尾松飞播林生物量与生产力的变化规律与结构特征

88、Thus, it was more difficult to find the blood in that time when there was not blood bank or could not aerially transport blood. ─── 在那个既没有血库,也不能空运血液的年代,更是难上加难。

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