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incised 发音

英:[?n?sa?zd]  美:[?n?sa?zd]

英:  美:

incised 中文意思翻译



incised 词性/词形变化,incised变形

动词第三人称单数: incises |动词过去式: incised |动词过去分词: incised |动词现在分词: incising |

incised 短语词组

1、incised wood ─── 切割木

2、incised meander's ─── 切了米德尔的

3、incised window ─── 切割窗

4、incised stones ─── 切割的石头

5、incised work ─── 雕刻工作

6、incised meander ─── 深切曲流

7、incised-dentate ─── [医]具缺刻状牙齿的叶,具缺刻状牙齿的

8、incised stone artifacts ─── 石刻文物

9、incised-serrate ─── [医]具缺刻状锯齿的叶,具缺刻状锯齿的

10、incised river ─── 深切河

11、incised leaf ─── 缺刻叶

12、incised means ─── 切割法

13、incised font ─── 切割字体

14、incised notch ─── 切槽

15、incised ornament ─── 刻成饰物

16、incised wound ─── [医] 刀伤, 割伤

incised 相似词语短语

1、inclosed ─── v.包围,围住;附入,随函附上;围(公地)为私有;使(修道会等)与世隔绝(inclose的过去式和过去分词)

2、sinicised ─── 中国化

3、incited ─── vt.煽动;激励;刺激

4、incensed ─── adj.愤怒的,激怒了的;v.激怒(incense的过去分词)

5、incises ─── vt.切;切割;雕刻

6、incased ─── 装进箱(incase的过去式和过去分词)

7、incise ─── vt.切;切割;雕刻

8、incused ─── adj.铸造的;压印而成的

9、-cised ─── 被割礼的

incised 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Capsule orbicular, ca. 3 mm in diam., base with disk and scars of perianth, winged, apex incised. ─── 圆形的蒴果,直径约3毫米,基部具花盘和花被痕,具翅,先端锐裂。

2、Routine surgical operation for repairing emergent incised injury on palm temdon ─── 手掌部肌腱切割伤的急诊常规外科修复

3、Two female attendants from the early fifth century are slightly more elaborate, the clay here incised with details of clothing and hairdos. ─── 出于5世纪早期的两个侍女雕像制作则略为精细,衣服和发式的细微之处都通过陶土得以表现。

4、The incised valley with palaeo-interfluves at its each sides coexisted in the present Changjiang delta area during the lastglacial lowstand sea level period. ─── 在末次冰期低海平面时,现今长江三角洲地区可分为下切河谷和两侧的河间地两个古地貌单元。

5、deformation incised meander ─── 变形深切曲流

6、A die or signet having a raised or incised emblem used to stamp an impression on a receptive substance such as wax or lead. ─── 印章:一种有凸出或雕刻纹章的印模或图章,用来在可接受性物质上作印记,如蜡或铅上。

7、At the lower, older level, coarse, cord-marked pottery has been found together with a fine, soft fragile pottery decorated with incised line, perforations and occasionally painted. ─── 从年代较远的底层出土的是绳纹粗陶和精细易碎的软陶,后者有划花、贯孔,间中更有彩绘。

8、His name was incised on the stone. ─── 他的名字刻在了石头上。

9、The logograms were incised on damp clay tablets with a stylus with a wedge shape at its end. ─── 这些标识是用一根末端为楔形的手写笔在潮湿的泥板上刻下的。

10、The twin curved glass incised with an abstract pattern stabilizes three spaces: one internal, one external and one interspatial. ─── 上面雕刻有抽象图案的双曲面玻璃使三个空间(内部空间,外部空间和层际空间)稳固下来。

11、Is the only incised mainly carved category supplement color dyed paper cutting. ─── 是国内唯独的阴刻为主,阳刻为辅的彩色点染类剪纸。

12、Wave dominated deltas; fluvial dominated deltas; shorelines; incised valleys; fluvial channels; lowstand deltas; slope fans and sand sheets ─── 三角洲波浪控制介绍;三角洲河流冲刷控制介绍;海岸线介绍;深切河谷介绍;河流冲刷水沟介绍;三角洲低地介绍;扇形斜面及沙层介绍

13、After the surface is polished, a design is incised or painted. ─── 表面抛光后,刻入或画上一个图案。

14、Ngong house to pay column, and then there is Zen belly carvedque ti , meeting with the inter-beam have a slightly incised hump style wooden beam in the Song Dynasty. ─── 屋内昂柱交,接处有雕刻禅肚雀替,次间与稍间大梁上有阴刻驼峰梁宋代木结构风格。

15、1.to slash; 2.an incised wound ─── 割伤

16、Tubularized Incised Plate Urethroplasty for Congenital Hypospadias ─── 尿道底板切开成管术治疗先天性尿道下裂

17、The site is currently undeveloped, comprising scrubland and incised stream courses. ─── 工地地点目前处于未发展状态,包括了一些灌木丛和溪涧河道。

18、Channels are incised by streams into the underlying red siltstones ─── 古河道由水流切割而侵入下伏的红色粉砂岩中。

19、The incised alley was gradually inundated when sea-level rose during the postglacial period and a huge estuary was formed. ─── 冰后期海平面上升,下切河谷被淹,并转化为河口湾,海水随之扩展到两侧的古河间地。

20、this skin has been incised? There are no jags at all. ─── 这皮肤被切开的多整齐,一点也没有参差。

21、ECDE should be diagnosed when OR>0.58or DTR>0.39,its posterior longitudinal ligament must be incised and extruded disc material should be removed completely. ─── 当椎管侵占率>0.58,椎管矢状径比减小值>0.39,可诊断为硬膜外型椎间盘突出,要求切除后纵韧带,取出椎管内的椎间盘。

22、Methods: We sideling incised pancreas envelope along the pancreas y axis, pancreas body become flexible, omental bursa put a duct drainage. ─── 方法:沿胰腺纵轴和与纵轴斜行切开胰腺包膜,腺体松动,小网膜腔置管灌洗引流。

23、A total of 6 sequence boundaries were identified,which are characterized by incised valley fill coarse-grained sandstone at disconformities as well as paleosoils in the inter-fluvial area. ─── 共识别包括区域不整合面、河流下切谷及河道间6个层序界面,将侏罗系含煤岩系划分为5个三级层序。

24、Fos expression in rat skin after different incised wound healing interval ─── 不同损伤时间大鼠皮肤切创Fos表达研究

25、The dry-hot valleys (DHV) are located mainly in the deeply incised valleys along the upper streams of several international and domestically rivers, like Yangtz, Zhu, Lanchang, Hong, and Nu rivers. ─── 干热河谷主要分布于长江、珠江、澜沧江、红河和怒江等国内和国际性河流的上游深切河谷地段。

26、tubularized incised plate(TIP) ─── 底板切开成管

27、During the past half-century, many artifacts with incised or cast inscriptions have been excavated in the ancient Shu area, proving that ancient Shu scripts and Yi scripts are related to each other. ─── 半个多世纪来,在古蜀族活动区域发掘出较多的铸刻有铭文的文物,证明古蜀文字与彝族文字有亲缘关系。

28、incised notch ─── 切缺

29、Appearance: The surface should smooth, not allowed air bubbles, stains and impurities, allowed light scrapes; edges should incised tidily, not allowed layered and cracks in the surface. ─── 外观:表面应平整光滑,不允许有气泡、麻眼和杂质,允许有轻微擦伤,边缘应切割整齐,端面不得有分层和裂纹。

30、;distal lobes lanceolate-dolabriform, slightly incised at apex, curved setose; ─── 上部裂片披针形斧形的,稍锐裂在先端,弄弯具刚毛;

31、An Immunohistochemical Study on the Expressions of iNOS and eNOS During the Skin Incised Wound Healing in Mice ─── 小鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中iNOS和eNOS表达的免疫组织化学研究

32、Rock Paintings incised in the formation of large stone surface, design-intensive and complex, the shape of boats, wave, Long Yi, dance, etc. ─── 岩画阴刻于大块平整的石面上,图案密集而复杂,形状有船、波浪、龙蛇、舞蹈人等,经专家考证,是距今二三千年前青铜时代的产物,是南越先民生活的写照。

33、A metal pin with incised threads and a broad slotted head that can be driven as a fastener by turning with a screwdriver, especially. ─── 一枚有切割的螺纹和宽头的金属钉,可以用螺丝刀拧入以作为紧固物,尤指。

34、A die incised so as to produce a design in relief. ─── 凹纹钢模为制作浮雕图案而刻制的钢模

35、a symbolic figure that is usually engraved or incised ─── 常为印刻或雕刻的象征性文字

36、a symbolic figure carved or incised in relief. ─── 以浮雕的形式雕刻出来的一种象征性的符号。

37、an incised design resembling a bear's claw used in Native American pottery. ─── 一种雕刻的设计用在印地安人陶瓷方面类似于熊的爪。

38、incised wound of larynx ─── 喉切伤

39、leaflets sessile with base decurrent and adnate to rachis in apical 1 or 2 pairs, margin obtusely serrate or incised serrate. ─── 小叶无柄具基部下延和贴生于轴在顶端1或2对,边缘钝锯齿或锐裂有锯齿内。

40、Methods:Gastrocolic ligament was incised with electrotome by laparoscopy.Drainage-tube was placed in omental burse and lesser omentum for douche and drainage. ─── 方法:在腹腔镜下用电刀切开胃结肠韧带,于网膜囊、小网膜孔处置管冲洗引流。

41、the incised margin of a leaf. ─── 叶片的锯齿状边缘。

42、a die incised so as to produce a design in relief ─── 为制作浮雕图案而刻制的钢模

43、a device incised to make an impression; used to secure a closing or to authenticate documents. ─── 一种压入产生印痕的装置;用于保护封闭口,识别文件。

44、Methods:The BSA standard protein was incised from 2-DE gel by Coomassie Brilliant Blue dyeing and was mixed with matrix (CHCA),then analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. ─── 方法:从考马斯亮蓝染色的2-DE胶上取下牛血清白蛋白(BSA)标准蛋白进行胶内原位酶切,与基质(CHCA)混匀后进行MALDI-TOF MS分析;

45、incised injury ─── 切割伤

46、Since the end of the Han Jian'an to , mostly incised Bai, letters were used as a postmortem letter. ─── 自汉建安之末至三国两晋,多为阴刻白文,用来封物作为信验。

47、distinguished by leaves having curled or incised leaves forming a loose rosette that does not develop into a compact head. ─── 叶子卷曲有锐裂,形成松的莲座丛。

48、stab incised wound ─── 刺切创

49、Methods:27 patients(36 eyes) with relapsed upper eyelid cicatricia entropion were treated by implanting a foreign scleral strip into the incised tarsal plate,lengthening it and relaxing the scar. ─── 方法:对27例(36只眼)复发性瘢痕性上睑内翻患者采用从睑板沟切断睑板的方法,在睑板缺损区嵌入异体巩膜条,延长睑板,松解瘢痕。

50、Highly Incised Slope (HIS) is a new type of geological hazard in the mountainous region of Three Gorges Reservoir. ─── 摘要高切坡是三峡库区新的地质灾害形式。

51、The logging constrained seismic conversion method was applied to fine interpretation and reservoir prediction of an incised valley in the Biyang Depression, on the basis of sequence stratigraghy. ─── 以泌阳凹陷为例,在层序地层学研究的基础上,应用测井约束反演方法进行了下切谷精细解释和储层预测。

52、Histological study of regeneration effect of Chineses Traditional Medicine on incised wound on skeletal muscles in mice ─── 中药对小白鼠骨骼肌切伤后再生影响的组织学观察

53、Abstract Objective:To discuss the healing effect to the cut of perineum that is applied with gauze soaked with 75 percent purity alcohol after the perineum is lateral incised and sutured. ─── 会阴侧剪术是在分娩第二产程中为避免会阴及盆底严重裂伤,减轻盆底组织对胎头的压迫,缩短第二产程,加速分娩常用的手术。

54、Methods:The primary repair of incised injury on palm tendon was adopted by routine surgical technique. ─── 方法:应用常规外科技术一期修复手掌侧肌腱切割伤,并结合术后功能恢复训练。

55、incised and drained ─── 切开引流的

56、Application of the technology microsurgery to repair incised wound of wrist ─── 应用显微外科技术修复腕掌侧切割伤

57、The eyebrows are incised in the shape of chevrons. ─── 切开的眉毛是在形状的箭头。

58、Two female attendants from the early fifth century are slightly more elaborate, the clay here incised with details of clothing and hairdos. ─── 两尊五世纪早期的女侍俑更为精细,在粘土上雕出了衣服和发型的纹路。

59、having grooves or tracks cut or incised. ─── 刻槽的、留印迹的或雕刻的。

60、Capsule green when mature, suborbicular, wider than long, ca. 4 mm in diam., winged, ciliate, apex incised, white villous. ─── 成熟时蒴果绿色,近圆形,宽大于长,直径约4毫米,翅,具缘毛,先端切割,白色长柔毛。

61、Methods A retrospective study of pneumoconiosis inci dence in 11 factories and mines and 1 area(Liaoning Province) by unified design was carried out. ─── 方法 按统一设计方案,对11个厂矿和1个综合性地区(辽宁省)的尘肺发病情况进行回顾性调查。

62、Keywords artificial step-pool;incised river;aquatic habitats;stream ecology;field experiment; ─── 人工阶梯-深潭;下切河流;水生栖息地;生态;作用;

63、Fig. 1-97 Anterolateral approach to shaft of humerus. A, Skin incision. B, Deltoid and biceps muscles retracted; brachialis muscle incised longitudinally, exposing shaft. ─── 图1-97肱骨干前外侧入路。A皮肤切口;B牵开的三角肌和肱二头肌;纵行切开肱肌,显露肱骨干。

64、Effects of surgical treatment on incised or dissected tricuspid valve and its appendix ─── 三尖瓣及其附件离断后外科处理的转归

65、Methods The epicanthus is incised transversely vertical to the double eyelid incision line. ─── 方法:行重睑成形术同时,利用横行切开内眦赘皮,并深部固定内眦点以矫正内眦赘皮。

66、In emergency departments, this is a common procedure and often a thrombosed internal hemorrhoid is mistaken for this and incised with a lot of later pain and bleeding for the patient. ─── 在急诊部,这是通常的处理程序,但是常常人们会把形成血栓的内痔误诊为外治,用这种外痔处理方法,会给病人造成很多流血和疼痛。

67、Entrapment of free nasal mucosal remnants or inward folding of incised septal mucosa is thought to be the .cause. ─── 成因可能是手术时造成游离的鼻黏膜陷入鼻中隔或鼻中隔手术切口处的黏膜内翻长入而成。

68、incised white pottery of the Shang Dynasty ─── 商代白色陶刻

69、ancient incised needle cauterization ─── 割烙术

70、In 1994 excavators discovered an incised ceramic shard with the serekh sign of Narmer, dating to circa 3000 BC. ─── 1994年,开凿者们发现了一块雕刻过的陶器碎片,上面有干枯了的纳尔迈标记,测定年代为公元前3000年左右。

71、The incised alley was gradually inundated when sea-level rose during the postglacial period and a huge estuary was formed. ─── 冰后期海平面上升,下切河谷被淹,并转化为河口湾,海水随之扩展到两侧的古河间地。

72、incised margin ─── 切缘

73、Time-dependent Changes of iNOS and eNOS Protein Expression in Rat Cutaneous Incised Wound Healing ─── 大鼠皮肤切创愈合过程中iNOS和eNOS表达的时序性变化

74、central lobe rhombic, 3-lobulate, distally incised dentate, apex acute; ─── 中央裂片菱形,3具小裂片,上部锐裂具牙齿,先端锐尖;

75、The landscape is special because it's mountainous area, land surface is incised fiercely, and hypsography has great disparity. ─── 山地多,地表切割强烈,地势悬殊大,自然风光独具特色。

76、The muscle and fascial layers are incised lateral to a rectus incision ─── 在腹直肌切口外侧切开肌肉和筋膜层。


78、incised therapy ─── 割治疗法, 割脂疗法

79、Methods: We sideling incised pancreas envelope along the pancreas y axis,pancreas body become flexible,omental bursa put a duct drainage. ─── 方法:沿胰腺纵轴和与纵轴斜行切开胰腺包膜,腺体松动,小网膜腔置管灌洗引流。

80、Their names were incised on the stone. ─── 他们的名字被刻在石头上。

81、All commercial biogenic gas is stored in the flood plain-estuary sand lenses of the incised of the incised valleys. ─── 所有的商业性生物气都存储在下切河谷内河漫滩-河口湾砂质透镜体中。

82、Methods 16 cases of Incised Wound in Palmaris were repaired using microscope or microsurgery Technique. ─── 方法16例腕部切割伤均采用显微镜或显微外科技术进行修复手术治疗。

83、an incised design resembling a bear's claw used in Native American pottery ─── 一种雕刻的设计用在印地安人陶瓷方面,类似于熊的爪

84、In the Tathang and Yan Mountains,incised and meandering valleys formed in Quarternary. ─── 太行山、燕山山地中的深切曲流河谷形成于第四纪。

85、incised valley ─── 下切河谷

86、central lobe broadly rhombic, 3-lobulate, distally incised dentate, apex acute; ─── 中央裂片宽棱形,3具小裂片,上部锐裂具牙齿,先端锐尖;

87、Capsule obovoid, ca. 4 mm in diam., broadly winged, apex incised. ─── 倒卵球形的蒴果,直径约4毫米,具具宽翅,先端锐裂。

88、incised valley infilling of lowstand system tract ─── 低位侵蚀沟谷充填

89、After general anesthesia, bilateral thighs were incised in 20 dogs, and then a fusion cage was implanted into each dog to detect compressive strength and viscosity in the process of biodegradation. ─── 20只犬全身麻醉后切开双大腿,将该融合器各1枚植入大腿肌肉内,进行体内降解过程抗压强度和黏度试验。

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