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08-16 投稿


brawled 发音

英:[br??ld]  美:[br??ld]

英:  美:

brawled 中文意思翻译



brawled 词性/词形变化,brawled变形

动词第三人称单数: brawls |名词: brawler |动词过去分词: brawled |副词: brawlingly |动词过去式: brawled |动词现在分词: brawling |

brawled 短语词组

1、brawled def ─── 吵架的def

2、brawled meaning ─── 吵架的意思

3、brawled synonym ─── 吵架的同义词

4、brawled crossword ─── 吵架填字游戏

5、brawled means ─── 吵架的手段

brawled 相似词语短语

1、brailed ─── n.卷帆索;(捕鱼用的)抄网;v.用卷帆索卷

2、brabbled ─── n.争论;吵嘴;vi.争论

3、drawled ─── v.(拉长调子)慢吞吞地说;n.慢吞吞拉长调子的说话方式(或口音、拖腔)

4、crawled ─── vi.爬行;匍匐行进;vt.爬行;缓慢地行进;n.爬行;养鱼池;匍匐而行

5、trawled ─── v.用拖网捕鱼;查阅(资料),网罗(人或物);彻底搜查;(在水等液体中)拖,拽;n.用拖网捕鱼;(在大量文件中)搜寻;彻底搜查;拖网;排钩

6、wrawled ─── 小时

7、brawler ─── n.争吵者

8、becrawled ─── 已提取

9、bawled ─── vi.大叫;放声痛哭;vt.大声叫出;大声宣布;叫卖;n.叫骂声

brawled 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Which animal would triumph if a bear and an elephant brawled? ─── 假如熊和大象相互攻击,哪种动物会胜出?

2、be more like a brawl than a debate ─── 不像在讨论而像是在吵架

3、old water pipes that are degenerating with age; a dispute that degenerated into a brawl ─── 年久失修而逐渐失去功用的水管;发展成为争吵的辩论

4、He spurned my suggestion that he shouldn't go and see the brawl of the hoodlums. ─── 他冷然地拒绝了我提的不要去看阿飞们吵架的建议。

5、What did you think when you read about the brawl? ─── 当你在报上读到英国球迷打架时,你想到了什么?

6、a family brawl ─── 家庭争吵

7、Brawl: To quarrel or fight noisily. ─── 吵架,对骂:喧闹的争吵或争斗。

8、The river brawled over the rapids. ─── 河水哗哗地流过湍滩。

9、Nintendo ACT Super Smash Bros. Brawl ─── 任天堂全明星大乱斗

10、It was said that two soldiers who confessed to having taken part in the theatre brawl were severely punished. ─── 据说捉到了两个兵士,供认是那天动手打学生的人,他们已经受到了严重的处罚。

11、To this action, parent manner has apparent difference, assist set prescription and comparative to square brawl instead intense. ─── 对于此举,家长态度有明显分歧,赞成方与反对方争吵相当激烈。

12、It seems that the students at school started arguing about our new president and it it turned into an all out brawl through out the entire school. ─── 听起来象是学校里的学生为新当选的总统而引发争吵,进而整个学校都吵翻了。

13、Mexes received a three-match ban for his brawl with Francelino Matuzalem, while Panucci and Spalletti spend one round in the stands. ─── 其中梅克塞斯因为和马图扎伦发生冲突停赛3场,而帕努奇和主教练斯帕莱蒂停赛一轮。

14、Their cent will divide go dividing not divide evenly, be in so grouse each other, brawl. ─── 他们分来分去分不匀,所以在互相埋怨、争吵。

15、He shall not get so angry. What we have got here is more like a brawl than a debate . ─── 他不应该那么生气的。 这里的样子不像在讨论而像是在吵架。

16、Eboue is the latest player to be suspended over the stoppage-time brawl that tarnished last weekend's Millennium Stadium showpiece. ─── 埃布埃是上周末的殴斗当中最新被罚停赛的一人,这场于补时阶段的冲突令千禧球场的表演蒙上污点。

17、The brawl in the street could be heard in the house nearby. ─── 在附近的房子里都能听到街上的争吵声。

18、happen to unhappy brawl after I need to leave period of time for a while. ─── 发生了这样不愉快的争吵之后,我觉得有必要暂时离开一段时间。

19、Because the wife discovers to have above computer the husband and the ambiguous chatting information of one female netizen, female bate, husband and wife produces brawl. ─── 妻子因发现电脑上面 有丈夫和一女网友的暧昧聊天信息,红颜大怒,两口子就发生争吵。

20、he and his GF was seperated after having loved for three three years, it is because that they always brawled drmatically. ─── 他和女朋友相爱三年以后在上海分手了,因为他们老是激烈地争吵。

21、The problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the unseemliness of a political brawl(Patrick J.Buchanan) ─── 共和党人的问题是他们厌恶全无体统的政治上的争斗(帕特里克J.比沙南)

22、Had experienced the person that decorates a building generally, can tell the feel sad story that gives a lot of is deceived, some people because with businessman argy-bargy, down to produces brawl. ─── 大凡经历过装修房屋的人,都可以讲出许多上当受骗的心酸故事,有的人因与商家讨价还价,以至发生争吵。

23、Towards the latter stages of Chelsea's 2-1 win at The Millennium Stadium on 25th February, a tangle between John Obi Mikel and Kolo Toure sparked a brawl. ─── 2月25日,在千年球场的联赛杯决赛的最后阶段,米克尔和图雷发生了冲突。

24、9 see joke: Have a last name piece, two people of surname merchant, partnership net gets a big fish, think glom on to, brawl scuffle wears two people to engage in a lawsuit to feudal official. ─── 9看笑话: 有姓张、姓贾的两个人,合伙网得一条大鱼,都想据为己有,两个人争吵扭打著到官府打官司。

25、How dare you keep giving those shits to spoil the quasi-academic communication, making it deteriorate from a kind of colloquium subsequently to an accidental skirmish, finally, to a street brawl?! ─── 你竟敢跑到这些准学术研讨帖子里来一直撒野乱搞,将研讨搞成恶斗,最后成了骂街!

26、A scuffle; a brawl. ─── 冲突扭打;吵架

27、The Iraqi cabinet approved a new security pact with the United States, governing the deployment of American troops in the country.There was a brawl in parliament when the pact was debated. ─── 伊拉克内阁批准了一项与美国的新安全协议,调整美国驻伊部队的部署,该协议在伊国会辩论时引起了争议。

28、Old water pipes that are degenerating with age; a dispute that degenerated into a brawl. ─── 年久失修而逐渐失去功用的水管; 发展成为争吵的辩论

29、Brawl:Heavy lifter; Snorty Decepticon. ─── 吵闹:起重机;令人厌烦的霸天虎。

30、Air India said on Sunday it was investigating allegations of a mid-air brawl in which pilots and cabin crew were reported to have exchanged blows in front of startled passengers. ─── 印度航空周日指出,已对一起据报机师与座舱人员在受到惊吓的乘客前相互挥拳的事件展开调查。

31、1.to quarrel; 2.to brawl; make a racket3.to talk very loudly ─── 吵

32、Unfortunately, Indy never got over the hump, and the Nov. 19, 2004, brawl in the Palace of Auburn Hills marked the unofficial end of that group's run as contenders. ─── 不幸的是,他们他们始终不能度过难关,在2004年11月19日在奥本山宫殿的打架事件标志着他们失去了争夺总冠军的实力和资本。

33、A rowdy argument; a brawl. ─── 喧闹的争论; 吵架

34、China's official Xinhua news agency says the suspects were charged with either causing intentional injury or participating in a group brawl. ─── 中国官方新华社报导,嫌犯不是被控造成蓄意伤害就是被控参与群体斗殴。

35、Although I can not hear the voice of that brawl, but I feel the excitement. ─── 尽管我听不见那哗哗的声音,我却感觉到它的激动。

36、Ms Dozier wears a two-way radio to deal with problems the minute they arise.One is small: the girls' toilets have no paper towels.One is bigger: there's a brawl upstairs. ─── 戴着双通无线电的她,问题刚一出现,就要去解决了:第一个问题很简单,女生厕所没有卷纸,另一个问题就有点麻烦,楼上有人在吵架。

37、The brawl broke out after Tonghua workers were told to expect job losses during a meeting with a delegation from Jianlong Steel, a privately owned firm based in Beijing. ─── 打斗是在通钢工人被告知将失业后发生的,当时这些工人正与陈谈判。

38、A rowdy argument; a brawl ─── 喧闹的争论;吵架

39、We could hear the loud brawl of a brook behind the house ─── 我们可以听到房子后面小河的哗哗流水声。

40、a drunken brawl in a bar ─── 在酒吧间里醉汉的吵闹.

41、From some of the bars came the sound of horrible laughter. In others, drunkards brawled and screamed. ─── 有的酒吧里传来吓人的狂叫。另一些酒吧里,醉汉在吵闹和尖叫。

42、Liverpool crown court heard that Marcus McGee, 34, was punched in the face by the footballer in a brawl at a bar in Southport last December. ─── 利物浦刑事法庭由听证得知,现年34岁的马库斯麦克奇于去年12月在南港的一个酒吧中被杰拉德袭击,并击中脸部。

43、Okay, back to the brawl: Once the battle got into full swing, I found a spot under a corner table and parked there. ─── 好吧,话题回到打斗:打斗正酣之际,我在角落的桌子底下找到一个位置,然后就待在这里。

44、And she brawled repeatedly with the media and others over what she called attacks on her and her family. ─── 佩林还多次与媒体以及其他人发生争吵,她认为这些人攻击了自己和家人。

45、"Saturday night at 11PM," the article read, "an anonymous caller reported a brawl at the intersection of Elm and Oak. ─── “星期六夜间11时许,”文章写道,“一匿名者电话报警,称榆树大街与橡树大街交界处有人打群架。

46、Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. will never approach the heights his father reached but he isn't afraid of a brawl. ─── 小查韦兹永远都达不到他父亲的高度,但他并不惧怕恶战。

47、Sent to apprehend the bounty hunter for the attempted assassination of a Naboo Senator, Kenobi brawled with Jango as the Fetts sought to escape from Kamino. ─── 为了将这位试图暗杀那卜参议员的奖金猎人逮捕,欧比旺在费特父子准备逃离卡米诺时和强格大打出手。

48、In a knuckle-crunching brawl that followed, Grievous and Kenobi traded fierce blows on the General's secret landing platform. ─── 接著,双方在葛里维斯的秘密起降平台上展开激烈的打斗;

49、Brawl - Pissed off Decepticon. Heavy lifter. One of the first ones not from G1. More experemental with Decepticons. More G1 styled characters to come with sequals. ─── 吵闹:脾气火爆。起重机。与G1相差甚大的角色之一。试验性地呆在狂派。更多G1风格的角色将会出现在续集中。

50、The proBlem with EstaBlishment RepuBlicans is they aBhor the unseemliness of a political Brawl ─── 共和党人的问题是他们厌恶全无体统的政治上的争斗

51、Two gangs of youths brawled on the dance floor of the ferry. ─── 河水淙淙地流过急湍。

52、He is a timid boy; it's impossible for him to brawl with anyone. ─── 他是一个胆小的男孩,他不可能和任何人吵架。

53、A noisy, disorderly fight or quarrel; a brawl. ─── 大声喧闹吵闹、混乱的战争或争吵; 打架

54、He brawled his way through the crowd. ─── 他叫嚷着挤过人群。

55、he got a load on and started a brawl. ─── 他喝酒过量开始了怒骂。

56、She seemed shocked as her Grammy wins were announced and dedicated one to her mother, father, and her incarcerated husband, who is in prison following a pub brawl. ─── 当宣布她获奖时,她似乎有些吃惊。她将一个大奖献给父母和因为在酒吧吵架而坐牢的丈夫。

57、His first new game of Charlie will fell a crushing, and Charlie brawl. ─── 他先是将查理的新款游戏机摔了个粉碎,又对查理大打出手。

58、He shall not get so angry. What we have gotten here is more like a brawl than a debate ─── 他不应该那么生气的。这里的样子不像在讨论而像是在吵架。

59、I don't want to see our two neighbours engaged in a brawl. ─── 我不希望我们两家吵架吵得不可开交。

60、to brawl an order ─── 大声喊叫出命令

61、They had nothing better to do than brawl in the street. ─── 他们除了在街上斗殴做不出什么好事。

62、26. The Nigerian midfielder's challenge on Kolo Toure sparked a mass brawl at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium as the two players indulged in a spot of shoving. ─── 他在比赛的最后时段非常不冷静的与图雷相互推搡,这也导致了双方球员的“群殴”事件。

63、"The problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the unseemliness of a political brawl" (Patrick J. Buchanan) ─── “共和党人的问题是他们厌恶全无体统的政治上的争斗”(帕特里克J.比沙南)

64、In February 1807, British seamen got into a brawl with local Chinese. ─── 1807年2月,广州发生英国水手与华人殴斗的事件。

65、Affraying frequently is a criminal characteristics, requires every brawl acts constitute a crime. ─── “多次聚众斗殴”是犯罪特征,要求每次斗殴行为都构成犯罪。

66、He was distrustful of any non-Weequay, which led to an ill-advised brawl against Gamorrean Guards in Jabba the Hutt's employ while on a trip to nearby Tatooine. ─── 他不信任任何非威奎人,这导致他在去附近的塔图因旅行时,与赫特人贾巴的加莫族护卫发生了愚蠢的冲突。

67、If all goes well, Darpa says, a 40-foot-wingspan demonstration model could be ready by 2010, and a full-size Switchblade should be all set for a brawl by 2020. ─── 据国防高级研究计划局透露:到2010年翼展为40英尺的示范机型就会准备完毕,而到2020年,全真的“转向翼飞机”应该能够一切就绪,准备投入战斗。

68、As those involved called for reinforcements on their mobile phones, the brawl drew in hundreds. ─── 参与打架的人们通过手机叫来支援,冲突人数增至数百人。

69、We can hear the loud brawl of a brook behind the house. ─── 我们可以听到房子後面小河的哗哗流水声。

70、A member of armed force group assigned to this mission by the name of Luca encounters two kids who saved him from an injury he faced during a brawl. ─── 一名叫卢卡的武士接受了这个追捕任务,他在一次战斗中受了重伤,两个不知姓名的小孩救了他一鸣。

71、He got into a brawl with another chap about his wife. ─── 他为了妻子的事跟另一个青年吵架。

72、Fianna: When howling, their voices are beautiful; otherwise, they babble and brawl. ─── 当号叫的时候,他们的声音是那么美丽;其他的时候,他们胡言乱语争吵怒骂。

73、The problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the wnseemliness of a political brawl. ─── 共和党人的问题是他们厌恶不成体统的政治上的斗争。

74、Israeli police intervened and broke up the brawl. ─── 以色列警察前来干预,驱散了吵闹的人群。

75、He problem with Establishment Republicans is they abhor the unseemliness of a political brawl(Patrick J. Buchanan) ─── "共和党人的问题是他们厌恶全无体统的政治上的争斗"(帕特里克j.比沙南)

76、[character]: Just as Decepticon Brawl is the hot-blooded,indiscriminate destroyer among the Decepticons ,Wreckage is the stone-cold fighter. ─── [人物]: 吵闹满腔热血,但不辨是非。而摧毁则冷血无情,铁石心肠。

77、As a student he had to flee after killing a priest in a street brawl (1455). ─── 作为一名学生,他不得不因在街头斗殴而杀害一名牧师后逃离,(1455)。

78、The Liverpool captain had been charged with assault after causing bodily harm and affray to a DJ following an alleged nightclub brawl in December. ─── 利物浦队长被指控在12月夜总会上涉嫌对DJ人身攻击同时参与斗殴的罪名。

79、To get into a free-for-all,or Brawl ─── 大打出手

80、The on-pitch brawl between players from each side may have marred the event somewhat but Cole is insistent that victory in Cardiff only served to underline his decision to switch clubs. ─── 双方球员的口水仗可能有些影响比赛,但是科尔坚持表示在卡迪夫的胜利证明了自己当初决定转会是多么的正确。

81、biffingg brawl ─── [美口]拳击比赛

82、We can hear the loud brawl of a brook behind the house ─── 我们可以听到房子後面小河的哗哗流水声

83、Be filled with the ancient Rome arena of the shining glory and honor, every kind of brawl the superiors be full of self-confidence, imagine the oneself can a war becomes famous here. ─── 充满光辉与荣耀的古罗马竞技场,各式格斗高手们满怀自信,憧憬着自己能在这里一战成名。

84、And she brawled repeatedly with the media and others over what she called attacks on her and her family. ─── 佩林还多次与媒体以及其他人发生争吵,她认为这些人攻击了自己和家人。

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