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08-16 投稿


bacterial 发音

英:[b?k't??r??l]  美:[b?k't?r??l]

英:  美:

bacterial 中文意思翻译



bacterial 短语词组

1、bacterial amylase ─── [化] 细菌淀粉酶

2、bacterial action ─── [机] 细菌作用

3、bacterial allergen ─── [医] 细菌 ─── [蛋白]变应原

4、bacterial activity ─── [机] 细菌活(动)性

5、anti-bacterial ─── 抗菌的

6、bacterial asthma ─── [医] 细菌性气喘

7、bacterial agglutinin ─── [医] 细菌凝集素

8、acute bacterial endocarditis ─── [医] 急性细菌性心内膜炎

9、bacterial bed ─── [化] (污水处理)细菌床

10、bacterial antitoxin ─── [医] 细菌抗毒素

11、bacterial aneurysm ─── [医] 细菌性动脉瘤

12、acute bacterial myocarditis ─── [医] 急性细菌性心肌炎

13、bacterial capsule ─── [医] 细菌荚膜

14、bacterial cellular protein ─── [医] 细菌细胞蛋白

15、bacterial calls ─── [医] 菌细胞

16、bacterial cast ─── [医] 菌管型

17、bacterial antagonism ─── [医] 细菌性拮抗作用

18、bacterial allergy ─── [医] 细菌变应性

19、bacterial Bristle ─── [医] 细菌刚毛

bacterial 词性/词形变化,bacterial变形

副词: bacterially |

bacterial 相似词语短语

1、bacteri- ─── 细菌

2、abacterial ─── adj.非细菌性的

3、bacterially ─── 细菌地

4、arterial ─── adj.[解剖]动脉的;干线的;像动脉的

5、bacteroidal ─── adj.细菌性的;假细菌的

6、bacteriol. ─── 细菌学。

7、bacteric ─── adj.细菌的(等于bacterial)

8、bacterian ─── 细菌学家

9、bacteria ─── n.[微]细菌

bacterial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、There may be a bacterial agent accompanying this inflammation, and cystitis or urethritis may also be present. ─── 可伴有细菌感染,也可同时伴有膀胱炎或尿道炎。

2、Abstract: Quorum-sensing is a physiologic accommodation of bacterial in gene expression according to its quorum. ─── 摘要:群体感应是细菌根据细胞密度变化进行基因表达调控的一种生理行为。

3、Comparison of bacterial detection by immunohistochemistry and Genta stain. ─── 外文期刊 Endoscopic biopsy pathology of Helicobacter pylori gastritis.

4、In fact, all life during the more than one billion years of the Archaean was bacterial. ─── 实际上,所有生活在Archaean的超过一十亿年期间是细菌的。

5、The minicells do not seem to be highly provocative to the immune system, even though they are made of bacterial cell membrane. ─── 微细胞不会引起免疫系统的高度反应,尽管它们是由细菌细胞膜组成的。

6、OBJECTIVE To establish a bacterial endotoxin test for Mai luoning injection. ─── 摘要目的建立脉络宁注射液中细菌内毒素的检查方法。

7、They multiply and pass from generation to generation much like ordinary bacterial genes. ─── 它们增殖并世代相传,与一般细菌十分相似。

8、Bacterial infection was not the main cause of chronic pharyngitis. ─── 7%),病原体感染不是慢性咽炎的主要病因。

9、How is bacterial endocarditis diagnosed? ─── 如何诊断细菌性心内膜炎?

10、A bacterial or fungal strain that has been isolated. ─── 分离菌已被分离出的一个细菌或真菌品种

11、It also can make you more vulnerable to viral and bacterial infections. ─── 它还会使我们对病毒和细菌感染的免疫能力下降。

12、Bacterial reproduction is accelerated in weightless space. ─── 在失重的空间,细菌繁殖加快了。

13、All bacterial isolates were methicillin-susceptible. ─── 所有的细菌株均对甲基苯青霉素敏感。

14、How is bacterial endocarditis prevented? ─── 如何预防细菌性心内膜炎?

15、The living material of a plant or bacterial cell, including the protoplasm and plasma membrane after the cell wall has been removed. ─── 原生质体植物细胞或细菌细胞的有生命的部分,包括原生质和去掉细胞壁后的质膜

16、If the findings are confirmed, he says, then tea drinking might also help protect against bacterial infections. ─── 如果研究结果得到确认,那么喝茶也能够帮助防止细菌感染。

17、The outcome is a circular clearing, a plaque, in the lawn of confluent bacterial growth. ─── 其结果是在细菌化合生长的菌坪中形成一个环状清除区,亦即溶菌斑。

18、Meaningful specimens to diagnose bacterial infections must be secured before antimicrobial drugs are administered. ─── 在使用抗生素药物之前,必需采集并保存诊断细菌感染的有价值的标本。

19、Bacterial flagella are thread-like appendages composed entirely of protein. ─── 完全由蛋白质构成的一种丝状的附属结构。

20、MdLys expression in the hemolymph was not affected by bacterial challenge. ─── 不同发育阶段,溶菌酶蛋白表达没有变化。

21、Batches of bacterial fertilizer continued to be shipped out from this" cave plant" . ─── 成批的菌肥继续从这个“窑洞工厂”往外运。

22、We would have to consider bacterial dysentery. ─── 我们认为可能是菌痢。

23、Their droppings aren't just a nuisance to employees;they're a potential source of bacterial contamination. ─── 对于这里的员工来说,它们的粪便绝不仅仅增添了一丝烦恼,还可能造成严重的细菌污染。

24、Objective To study seniled bacterial cholangitis and its therapy. ─── 摘要目的探讨老年人细菌性胆管炎及治疗。

25、Unfortunately, hypochlorite damages not just bacterial cells, but ours as well. ─── 不幸的是,次氯酸钠破坏的不仅仅是细菌,也包括人体细胞。

26、Analysis of the Bacterial Strain Enzyme Activity Produced from the Phytase. ─── 植酸酶产生菌株的酶活力研究。

27、Study on Relationship Between Cigarette Smoking and Bacterial Vaginosis. ─── 吸烟与细菌性阴道病关系的研究。

28、Antibiotic ointments are useful for concurrent bacterial infections. ─── 抗菌素软膏对伴发的细菌感染是有用的。

29、Mice infected with this irus showed no resistance to bacterial pathogens. ─── 感染这种病毒的小鼠对致病菌没有抵抗力。

30、Souble Fab supernants were obtained through bacterial frozens and thawes. ─── 反复冻融细菌,获得可溶性Fab片段。

31、RESULTS: Normal rats had just a few bacterial CGC, but a great number of bacterial CGC were detected in model rats. ─── 结果:正常大鼠检测未见大量细菌CGC,在模型鼠标本的连续检测结果中检出大量CGC。

32、I am looking forward to attending the21st Annual Meeting( International) of the symposium on Bacterial Toxins. ─── 我盼望着参加“第21届国际细菌病毒大会”。

33、Bacterial endotoxin test can be used for Mailuoning injection. ─── 所采用的细菌内毒素检测方法可用于脉络宁注射液的热原检查。

34、This bacterial decay of cellulose also occurs in the gut of most herbivorous animals. ─── 在很多食草动物的肠内这种纤维素也能被细菌分解。

35、A basic nitrogenous organic compound produced by bacterial putrefaction of protein. ─── 尸碱一种含氮的有机化合物,由蛋白质被细菌感染导致腐烂而产生

36、The temporary union of two bacterial cells during which one cell transfers part or all of its genome to the other. ─── 两个细菌的短暂的结合,其间一个细胞的基因组会部分或全部地转移到另一个细胞中

37、Colon hydrotherapy can also be extremely helpful in restoring a healthy bacterial balance. ─── 大肠水疗法也可以极有助于恢复健康的细菌平衡。

38、Your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics for bacterial infections, such as pneumonia or strep throat. ─── 医生很可能会对细菌感染开一些抗生素药,譬如肺炎或者喉部链锁状球菌感染。

39、Clinical observation on the therapeutic effect of Cefadroxil for the Treatment of Patients with Bacterial Dermatoses. ─── 头孢羟氨苄治疗细菌感染性皮肤病的临床疗效观察。

40、The bacterial cells are rendered competent. ─── 使细菌细胞变成感受态。

41、Promotion of essential and natural bacterial flora. ─── 推广必不可少的自然菌群.

42、Bacterial culture of airway~ secretion and drug sensitive test were used to analyze etiology. ─── 对病原学分析采用气道分泌物培养及药物敏感试验。

43、Phage therapy is to treat bacterial clinical infections of human being and other animals with bacteriolysis. ─── 噬菌体治疗是利用噬菌体溶解细胞的作用而用于治疗人和动物的病原细菌的临床感染。

44、Mastitis can spread as a bacteria bacterial infection. ─── 乳腺癌可以以病毒感染的形式传播。

45、For the past couple of years he has been sampling the oceans and collecting bacterial genes. ─── 是否改为:在过去的数年中,他一直致力于海水样本的采集,收集细菌基因。

46、Brain lesions can be caused by bacterial infections. ─── 大脑损伤可能由细菌感染引起。

47、One pig farm didn't occour bacterial coinfection and the mortality reached 29%. ─── 印江养猪场无并发感染,死亡串为29%;

48、The incubation period is usually a few hours to five days after exposure for bacterial diarrhoea and one to two days for viral diarrhoea. ─── 由细菌引起的急性腹泻一般潜伏期为数小时至五天,病毒引起的则约为一至两天。

49、Interferon may also be induced by bacteria, some bacterial endotoxins. ─── 某些细菌、细菌内毒素都可能诱导干扰素的形成。

50、Cholera is a serious bacterial disease found mainly in developing countries. ─── 在发展中国家,霍乱是一种严重的病菌性疾病。

51、In transduction genetic material is transferred from one bacterial cell to another by a phage vector. ─── 在转导中遗传物质从一个细菌细胞传给另一个细菌细胞是从噬菌体为媒介的。t

52、Bacterial infection causes swelling, discoloration, and then a foul smell. ─── 患部肿胀,变色,后来发出恶臭味。

53、A toxin produced by certain bacteria and released upon destruction of the bacterial cell. ─── 内毒素由某些特定细菌产生并在该细菌细胞裂变时释放出来的一种毒素

54、Contact lens, HIV-positive, and immunosuppressive patients have similar bacterial flora to that of normal controls. ─── 配戴接触镜个体、HIV阳性个体和免疫缺陷患者的菌丛与正常人相似。

55、Application of antibiotic ointments or drops to the eyes is generally effective in treating bacterial conjunctivitis. ─── 抗生素眼膏或眼药水一般能有效治疗细菌性结膜炎。

56、not just dropping food on the floor that can lead to bacterial contamination. ─── 不仅仅是把食物掉在地上会导致其被细菌污染。

57、In the form of a cream or dusting powder , this preparation can be used to treat bacterial infections of the skin. ─── 这个配制剂是一种乳膏或粉胶状的,可以用来治疗细菌性感染的皮肤。

58、Cholera is a bacterial infection. ─── 霍乱是一种由细菌引起的感染。

59、His flesh had the same sickly luminescence that hers did; a bacterial brightness that was part of Agonistes' handiwork. ─── 他的躯体与她的一样在夜色中发出微微的荧光,那是阿冈尼司帝斯杰作的一部分:一种会发光的细菌。

60、In bacterial systems transport activities are performed by membrane proteins. ─── 在细菌系统中运输活性是通过膜蛋白实现的。

61、To reduce(nitrates or nitrites) to nitrogen-containing gases,as by bacterial action on soil. ─── 使变成含氮气体(将硝酸盐或氮化物)变成含氮气体,例如通过对土壤的细菌作用。

62、Fluoride helps control dental caries by remineralising the teeth and inhibiting bacterial acid production. ─── 氟通过促进矿物质在牙中沉积和抑制细菌生产酸来控制的发生。

63、We have taken it to a test study to rats testbed bacterial prostatitis. ─── 将其对大鼠实验性细菌性前列腺炎抗炎作用进行了实验研究。

64、Control of bacterial and parasitic disease in aquaclture. ─── 控制水产养殖户细菌及寄生虫引起之疾病。

65、How do antibiotics kill bacterial cells but not human cells? ─── 抗生素为何只杀死细菌,而不会杀死人类细胞?

66、Phage chromosome is inserted into the continuity of the bacterial chromosome. ─── 噬菌体染色体被插入细菌染色体中。

67、These are replicated individually in bacterial cells to produce a library of different DNA clones. ─── 它们各自在细菌细胞内复制,产生不同的DNA克隆的“文库”。

68、To separate(a pure strain) from a mixed bacterial or fungal culture. ─── 使细菌分离从混合的细菌或真菌培养中分离出(一个纯的品种)

69、Rapid bacterial reproduction in liquid media often causes turbidity. ─── 在液体培养基中往往造成液体浑浊。

70、Antibiotics. Mainly used in intestinal infection such as bacterial dysentety, amebic dysentery and enteritis etc. ─── 本品为抗生素类药。主要用于细菌性痢疾,阿米巴痢疾及肠炎等肠道感染。

71、The soil is depleted first by crops grown in it and second by bacterial action. ─── 土壤首先被其中生长的农作物消耗,其次被细菌活动消耗。

72、Which of the following is not a bacterial infection? ─── 下列哪一种性传播疾病不是细菌感染?

73、Methods By routine bacterial culture of pharyngo swab. ─── 方法:咽拭子常规细菌学培养。

74、A great number of enzyme and bacterial preparation with a wide variety of trade names have been marketed as agents. ─── 各种各样的商品名的酶和细菌制品,已经作为试剂销售。

75、Once set, the gelatin surface was seeded by picking up a minute quantity of bacterial cells on a platinum needle. ─── 固态化后,用一白金丝蘸取小量细菌细胞接种在明胶表面上。

76、Serizyme, a standardized bacterial proteolytic enzyme, may be used. ─── 丝胶酶是一种标准的细菌解朊酶,也可以应用。

77、Breast milk can help slow bacterial growth and acid production in the mouth. ─── 母乳可以帮助减缓嘴里面的细菌生长以及减少酸性物质。

78、A great number of enzyme and bacterial preparations with a wide variety of trade names have been marketed as agents. ─── 各种各样的商品牌号的酵素和细菌制品,已经作为试剂销售。

79、Specifically, he said, the structures look like bacterial biofilm, a slimy substance that the microbes often form. ─── 具体而言,这一结构看上去像是细菌生物被膜,一种微生物经常形成的粘状物质。

80、Prior to the 1940s, bacterial infections were often fatal. ─── 1940年代以前,细菌感染往往会导致丧命;

81、A convoluted invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane in some bacterial cells. ─── 中间体某些细菌细胞中细胞质膜的回旋内陷

82、About 30 minutes after infection the bacterial cell lyses and the phage particles are released. ─── 侵染后约30分钟,细菌细胞裂解,释放出噬菌体颗粒。

83、Isolation of bacterial types from a mixed population of organisms. ─── 在生物混合群体中分离不同种类的细菌。

84、DNA cross-links are produced mainly upon irradiation of dry DNA or bacterial spores. ─── DNA交链主要由照射于DNA或细菌芽胞引起。

85、A great number of enzyme and bacterial preparationw with a wide variety of t rade names have been marketed as agents. ─── 各种各样的商品牌号的酶和细菌制品,已经作为试剂销售。

86、Acute epiglottitis is usually caused by a bacterial infection. ─── 摘要急性会厌炎,一般多因感染所造成。

87、Mastitis can spread as a bacterial infection. ─── 乳腺炎能通过细菌感染传播。

88、Bacterial infection of the middle ear requires antibiotics. ─── 如果是中耳有细菌感染,就要使用抗生素来治疗。

89、Organic wastes decompose by bacterial action. ─── 有机废物通过细菌活动可以分解。

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