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08-16 投稿


emulsion 发音

英:[?'m?l?(?)n]  美:[?'m?l??n]

英:  美:

emulsion 中文意思翻译



emulsion 词性/词形变化,emulsion变形

形容词: emulsive |

emulsion 短语词组

1、breakdown of emulsion ─── [机] 乳浊液之玻璃

2、aqueous emulsion ─── [机] 水乳状液, 水乳(浊状)胶体

3、bituminous emulsion ─── [机] 沥青乳胶体

4、broken emulsion ─── [机] 分了层的乳浊液

5、badyl foaming emulsion ─── [机] 大量冒泡乳化作用

6、break the reflnery emulsion ─── [机] 分开炼油厂乳化液

7、acrylic resin emulsion ─── [化] 丙烯酸树脂乳液

8、ammonia emulsion ─── [医] 氨乳剂

9、bacillary emulsion ─── [医] 菌乳剂

10、breaking of emulsion ─── [化] 破乳(浊)(乳浊液破坏)

11、break of the emulsion ─── [机] 乳胶体的破坏

12、bacterial emulsion ─── [医] 菌乳剂

13、acid-hydrocarbon emulsion ─── [建] 酸烃乳浊液(作用), 酸烃乳胶体

14、bacillary emulsion tyberculin ─── [医] 乳剂结核菌素

15、breaking petroleum emulsion ─── [化] 石油破乳

16、break-up of emulsion ─── [机] 乳化液的分层

17、asphalt emulsion ─── [机] 沥青乳浊液, 沥青乳胶体

18、bacillen emulsion ─── [医] 结核菌乳剂

19、acid-in-oil emulsion ─── [化] 油包酸乳液

emulsion 相似词语短语

1、evulsions ─── n.拔去;拔出

2、emulation ─── n.[计]仿真;竞争;效法

3、impulsion ─── n.冲动;冲击;原动力

4、repulsion ─── n.排斥;反驳;反感;厌恶

5、expulsion ─── n.驱逐;开除

6、emulsin ─── n.杏仁酪;苦杏仁酵素

7、emulsions ─── n.[药]乳剂;感光乳剂;[橡胶]乳胶(emulsion的复数)

8、evulsion ─── n.拔去;拔出

9、revulsion ─── n.剧变;厌恶;强烈反感;抽回

emulsion 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A range of solvent based and emulsion type rust preventives, offering indoor and undercover outdoor protection. ─── 包括溶剂型和乳液型防锈剂,可提供不同期限的室内和有遮护的室外保护。

2、Ordinary portland cement mortar was modified by addition of aqueous emulsion epoxy. ─── 在普通硅酸盐水泥砂浆中 ,掺入水乳环氧对其进行改性。

3、Trades with the functions of breaking, milling, scattering, emulsion, uniform and so on. ─── 一机同时具有粉碎、研磨、分散、乳化、均质混合等功能。

4、If the skin gets too dry, switch to one that contains more oil than water, that is, a water-in-oil emulsion. ─── 如果发现皮肤过于干燥,换用一款含有更多油脂的产品,即,油质乳液。

5、Qualified and stable emulsion in water can be prepared up to a certain amount emulsifier after being selected. ─── 乳化剂种类选定后,其用量在一定的范围内才能制备合格、稳定的水乳剂。

6、Subbing Layer: Adhesive layer that binds film emulsion to the base. ─── 底层:使感光乳剂附着片基的接着层。

7、The nucleation mechanisms and colloid stability are the key aspects of emulsifier-free emulsion polymerization. ─── 成核机理和稳定性是无皂乳液聚合的关键。

8、Emulsion and frosted glass bottles to aftershave. ─── 乳液和须后火包装瓶为磨砂玻璃。

9、The quantity of demulsifiers can also affect the dehydration velocity of the emulsion. ─── 同时,加入的破乳剂量对乳状液脱水速率也有一定的影响。

10、Immediately after an emulsion is coated onto its film or glass base it begins to age. ─── 乳胶涂到软片或玻璃板上之后老化过程即开始。

11、An emulsion of oil in vinegar. ─── 一种油在醋中的乳浊液

12、A solution, an emulsion, or a suspension for industrial use. ─── 工业用的溶液、乳剂或悬浮液

13、The relationship between PVC (CPVC) of emulsion paint and performances of paint film is introduced. ─── 介绍了乳胶漆的PVC及CPVC和涂膜性能的关系;

14、PS decorative adhesive is prepared by waste Polystyrene foam、mixed solvent、VAE emulsion and fille etc. ─── 利用废旧聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料,选择混合溶剂、混合乳液改性、添加填料可制成装饰胶粘剂。

15、Fluorocarbon emulsion used as blood substitute. ─── 6氟碳乳剂人工血。

16、Components of the acrylate emulsion and influences thereof on the properties are analyzed. ─── 分析了丙烯酸酯乳液的组成及各组分对其性能的影响;

17、Improvement and Optimization of Emulsion System of Single-stand Reversing Mill of Tangshan Iron and Steel Group Co. ─── 唐钢单机架冷轧机乳化液系统的改进与优化。

18、Chill. Place the coated glass on a level cold metal plate until the emulsion sets, then place in the dark to dry. ─── 把涂抹了乳剂的玻璃放在水平的金属板上知道乳剂凝固,然后再把这些玻璃板放到无光的地方使其干燥。

19、When ultrasound irradiates the oil and the surface active agent is mixed into, the emulsion is stable and its viscosity is smaller. ─── 在原油中掺入表面活性剂,再经超声处理后,形成的乳状液比较稳定,其粘度也较小。

20、WK 8555 is a Cationic wax emulsion which provides natural feel. It can be compatible with aqueous lacquer. ─── WK 8555用于革的涂饰后,赋予涂层自然的手感,可与水性光油配合使用。

21、Pretreatment+inorganic ceramic membrane process has been used for treating emulsion wastewater. ─── 实验采用预处理+无机陶瓷膜工艺对机械加工厂产生的乳化液废水进行处理。

22、The enhanced mechanism of PP fiber and polymer emulsion on cement mortar properties was explored. ─── 对聚丙烯纤维和聚合物乳液改性水泥砂浆的机理进行了初步讨论。

23、Dodecyl mercaptan(DDM) as chain transfer agent was introduced into self-crosslinkable acrylate emulsion system. ─── 在自交联的丙烯酸酯类乳液体系中,引入链转移剂十二硫醇(DDM)。

24、Antifreeze agents are necessary in emulsion polymerizations carried out at low temperatures. ─── 当在低温下进行乳液聚合时需要加入抗冻剂。

25、The processing and analyzing of the spectra obtained from photographic emulsion detectors can be very tedious. ─── 处理和分析由照相检测器得到的光谱非常费时。

26、The floor of the Game Field is made of 20mm thick ply-wood, and is fully coated with emulsion paint. ─── 场地的地板由20毫米厚的三合板构成,表面涂满乳胶漆。

27、The future development tendency and application of emulsion adhesives are previewed. ─── 展望了未来乳液型胶粘剂的应用和发展前景。

28、This paper discusses the influence of water volume fraction, temperature, and time on the rheological properties of W/O emulsion. ─── 这篇论文讨论了含水率、温度和时间等因素对 W/O 乳状液流变性的影响。

29、Their physical properties and application functions are better than the corresponding wettable powders and emulsion. ─── 其物理和应用性能优于相应的可湿性粉剂和乳油。

30、Newly developed dimusification aid can be used together with optimized dimulsifier,and have better effect of dimulsification for oil emul... ─── 新研制的破乳助剂与优选的破乳剂复配使用,对含聚合物原油乳状液具有较好的破乳效果,脱水率明显提高,水色明显变清。

31、FI 3960 has natural feel and can be compatible with silicate emulsion. ─── FI 3960赋予涂层自然的手感,可与有机硅配合使用。

32、The two most common types of detectors for ICP-AES are photographic emulsion and photoelectric transducers. ─── ICP-AES两种最常用的检测器类型是照相检测器和光电传感器。

33、When NCO/OH equals 1. 1, emulsion viscosity reach max value. ─── 当二羟甲基丙酸含量相当时,聚醚型的比聚酯型的耐水性要好,但强度不如后者。

34、Emulsion: Photosensitive coating o9n film or plate. ─── 乳剂:菲林或版片上的感光涂层。

35、In between the two applications of the emulsion, no need to change the clothing or bed linen. ─── 在两次涂抹乳剂中间的时间,不须更换衣服及床铺。

36、Produced by emulsion polymerization using, for example, persulphate initiation. ─── 它由乳液聚合制得,例如用过硫酸盐引发。

37、The properties of emulsion film are affected by the amount of crosslinking agent TMP. ─── 乳液胶膜的性能受交联剂TMP用量影响。

38、After developing the emulsion it was found to be blackened along a series of equidistant parallel bands. ─── 乳胶显影后,发现它是在一组等间距的平行带上变黑。

39、Suitable for low or medium viscosity paint, such as emulsion and water-base coatings. ─── 中低粘度涂料,如:乳胶漆、水溶性涂料等。

40、In photography, the light sensitivity of film emulsion. ─── 在摄影技术中,胶片感光乳剂的光敏度。

41、Parafin was emulsion is used to humidify when the fiberglass is produced. ─── 拉制玻璃纤维原纱时采用石蜡乳剂作浸润剂,其含量不大于2.2%。

42、Paramyxovirus immunity develops through the slow release of dead virus from the oll emulsion vaccine. ─── 副粘病毒的免疫是通过从油乳剂疫苗缓释灭活病毒而产生的。

43、The seals prevent loss of grease from the bearing and attendant contamination of the rolling emulsion. ─── 密封件可防止轴承中油脂的损失,并阻止随滚动液产生的杂质。

44、When the mole ratio of D4 and VD4 in siloxane monomers is above 10:1, the emulsion copolymer is steadily polymerized. ─── 当硅氧烷单体中D4和VD4物质的量之比大于10:1时,该共聚物乳液聚合稳定性好。

45、Comparison of a Lower-lipid Propofol Emulsion with the Standard Emulsion for Sedation during Monitored Anesthesia Care. ─── 低酯丙泊酚乳剂和标准乳剂用于监测性麻醉监护镇静中的比较。

46、Emulsion polymerized styrene butadiene rubber. ─── 丁二烯、苯乙烯在乳液体系中进行共聚制得的橡胶。

47、Most polymer emulsion may coagulate when they enter waste streams. ─── 多数聚合物乳浊液在进入废水流时可能凝聚。

48、Choice of stabilizer in emulsion systems has always been rather empirical. ─── 在乳液体系中,稳定剂的选择往往凭经验。

49、Some examples about microscopic images and their applications for the emulsion stability are introduced. ─── 摘要报道了显微图像在乳状液稳定性研究中的几个应用实例。

50、It is concluded that PAM and EC could be used as protective colloid in the emulsion polymerization of vinyl acetate. ─── 实验结果显示,聚丙烯酰胺、乙基纤维素可以作为醋酸乙烯乳液聚合的保护胶体。

51、Addition of the shortstop causes the emulsion to break. ─── 中止液的加入引起乳液破坏。

52、Y20 is a type of re-dispersible vinyl/acetate ethylene copolymerized emulsion powder. ─── Y20胶粉是一种可再分散的乙烯/醋酸乙烯共聚胶粉.

53、I have to buy some white emulsion paint to freshen the walls. ─── 我不得不买些白色的乳状漆来粉刷墙壁。

54、The skin ulcer was topically treated with an emulsion containing 5%proline and 5%glycine (EPG). ─── 外用5 %脯氨酸、5 %甘氨酸乳剂治疗皮肤溃疡。

55、The amount of gas transported upward through the emulsion decreases as the gas velocity is raised. ─── 向上经过乳剂的被输送的气体量随气速的增加而减

56、The AKD emulsion of anti-jamming is used in wrapping paper. ─── 具有抗干扰性能的AKD乳液适用于箱板纸生产;

57、Gently apply the emulsion to your face. ─── 把乳霜轻柔地涂抹在脸上。

58、After cooling, the emulsion flows into a centrifuge. ─── 冷却后,乳状液流入离心分离机。

59、This paper introduces the study of styrene acrylic emulsion on surface sizing. ─── 对苯乙烯/烯酸乳液在表面施胶中的作用进行了研究。

60、The emuls ifying technology of s ea buckthorn juice an d the s election of emuls ifiers and s tabiliz ers and their ratio were inves ti gated. ─── 对沙棘果汁的乳化剂、稳定剂及其配比的选择和乳化工艺进行研究。

61、The emulsion with 0.8% span-80,1.6% tragacantha or with 5% span-80,2% CMC-Na has a good stability. ─── 以0.8%司盘-80、1.6%西黄蓍胶和5%司盘-80、2%CMC-Na配制的多效胃镜乳,稳定性好。

62、The proof is recoated with dichromate emulsion. ─── 将这张校样重新涂以重铬酸盐乳剂。

63、robust design method was used to develop the prescription of the emulsion for photochromatic paper. ─── 稳健性设计技术研发彩色相纸用乳剂的配方。

64、Its main components: acrylic emulsion and defoaming agents and additives. ─── 主给身分:丙烯酸乳液、消泡剂及助剂。

65、Chill. Place the coated glass on a level cold metal plate until the emulsion sets, then place in the dark to dry. ─── 冷却:把涂抹了乳剂的玻璃放在水平的金属板上知道乳剂凝固,然后再把这些玻璃板放到无光的地方使其干燥。

66、Spectroscopic emulsion should be stored in a dry, oxygen-free environment. ─── 光谱测量用的乳胶应贮存在干燥、无氧的环境中。

67、You can ask the photographer for some emulsion. ─── 你可以找摄影师要点感光乳剂。

68、Abstract BACKGROUND AND AIM: To study the teratogenic effect of fat emulsion of seal oil in rats. ─── 摘要 背景与目的: 探讨海狗油脂肪乳对大鼠致畸毒性作用。

69、An ambient temperature cross-linkable emulsion was described. ─── 介绍了一种可室温交联乳液。

70、Package: 20Kg emulsion of water proofing coating +20Kg power of waterproof coating. ─── 包装:20公斤防水浆料乳剂+20公斤防水浆料粉剂。

71、Jiamei Emulsion Products Co.,Ltd.,will continue doing their best as before to improve the customers,sleeping. ─── 佳美乳胶制品公司将一如既往,为提高消费者的睡眠健康而努力奋斗。

72、JSR plugging agent is a mixture of water-in-oil emulsion,bentonite and polymer. ─── JSR堵剂是油包水乳状液与膨润土、聚合物混合后获得的增稠软塞堵剂。

73、What type of emulsion paint, technical data, color grade regarding to it? ─── 乳胶漆的种类、技术参数、色级是什么?

74、In a photographic emulsion or coating, the chemical response produced by exposure to illumination. ─── 中义摄影的感光乳剂或涂布对光源产生的化学反应。

75、The present invention relates to a synthetic resin emulsion used for preparing building binding agent and its preparation method. ─── 本发明涉及一种用于制备建筑粘合剂的合成树脂乳液及其制备方法。

76、influence factors on the pre-emulsion stabilization of D4-propenoic acid ester are discussed by using the mono-factor method. ─── 采用单因素法探讨了影响 D4-丙烯酸酯乳液预乳液稳定性的因素。

77、Emulsion of acrylate copolymer, which is researched meticulously for high quality coating. ─── 是一种微粒径的丙烯酸酯共聚物乳液,乃为配制高品质涂料而精心创制的。

78、The rubberizing control of ultramicron emulsion of grating arrays is discussed in this paper. ─── 对光栅阵列超微粒乳剂涂布中的涂层厚度控制问题进行了讨论。

79、As the addition of OVS, Tg and water resistance of emulsion film ascend. ─── 在涂膜性能方面,玻璃化转变温度随OVS含量的增加而不断上升,耐温性能提高,耐水性增强;

80、Exposing such a lens to high-frequency sound waves breaks it up into an emulsion that can then be sucked out of the eyeball. ─── 将这样一个晶体暴露到高频声波下,将使它破碎并变成乳液,然后被吸出眼球。

81、This paper introduced how to make a fast-drying emulsion adhesive based on polyvinyl formaldehyde. ─── 介绍了一种以改性的聚乙烯醇缩甲醛为基料的强力快干型抗冻乳白胶。

82、The color sensitive emulsion consists of three layers, each of which is sensitized for a different color. ─── 感色乳胶包括三层,每一层对一种不同的颜色感光。

83、Both the two-and three-phase model consider the bubble or emulsion phase to behave as CSTR or PFR... ─── 形象直观的小室模型可以更准确地反映反应器内的流动和混合过程,计算过程较为简单,具有广泛的应用前景。

84、Emulsion of acrylate copolymer, which has good anti-damage and good contaminates resistance, is used to make floor wax. ─── 是一种微粒径的丙烯酸酯共聚物乳液,涂膜光泽度高,具有抗划伤性和耐沾污性。主要用于配制地板蜡水。

85、The phenomenon of instability for SOW emulsion was described, and the way for stabilization was discussed. ─── 叙述了SOW乳化液的不稳定现象,并讨论了一些稳定化的途径。

86、Another machine then purees the meat batter into a fine emulsion and vacuums out any air. ─── 另外一个机器接着将这些肉糊搅拌成细乳状液,然后抽出存在的任何空气。

87、Quite significantly, there was no blackening of the emulsion at the mirror's surface. ─── 十分引人注意地,在反射镜表面的乳胶没有变黑。

88、The output signal from the detector may be the blackening of a photographic emulsion. ─── 探测器的输出信号可以是照相乳胶的黑度。

89、Effects of pH, addition of APU/BA and emulsifier on emulsion polymerization were discussed. ─── 探讨了pH值、APU/BA、乳化剂的加入量对乳液聚合反应的影响;



一般爽肤水是lotion,乳液是emulsion。 而比较清爽的爽肤水叫toner,如果有爽肤水叫lotion的话,那么这种爽肤水自然含有较多的营养成分,比较适合中性和干性皮肤。


lotion的翻译是洗液,洗剂;护肤液,乳液。也可以表示更加具体的化妆品,如爽肤水、防晒霜,在不同的情景下有着不同的指代 双语例句

1. The lotion is dispensed by a handy pump action spray. 洗液由一个使用方便的按压式皂液器提供。 来自柯林斯例句。

2. For super-soft skin, lather on a light body lotion before you bathe. 皮肤极柔嫩者,可在沐浴前涂上温和的护肤露。 来自柯林斯例句。

3. This luxurious talcum lotion restores softness and suppleness to dehydrated skin. 这种奢侈的滑石润肤露能使缺水的皮肤恢复柔软与弹性。 来自柯林斯例句。

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