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08-16 投稿


depressing 发音

英:[d?'pres??]  美:[d?'pr?s??]

英:  美:

depressing 中文意思翻译



depressing 反义词


depressing 词性/词形变化,depressing变形

副词: depressingly |

depressing 短语词组

1、depressing day ─── 郁闷的一天

2、dark and depressing ─── 黑暗和压抑

3、depressing anime ─── 沉闷的动漫

4、depressing days ─── 郁闷的日子

5、depressing realities ─── 令人沮丧的现实

6、depressing roll ─── 压辊, ─── 压辊

7、depressing wallpapers ─── 令人沮丧的墙纸

8、depressing variation ─── 抑制变化

9、depressing agent ─── 浮选抑制剂

10、depressing mood ─── 郁闷的心情

11、depressing table ─── 下压工作台

12、depressing synonym ─── 令人沮丧的同义词

13、depressing period ─── 压抑期

14、angle of depressing ─── 压下角度

depressing 同义词

disappointing |sad | miserable | dismal | uncheerful | discouraging | disheartening | gloomy | cheerless

depressing 相似词语短语

1、depression ─── n.沮丧;忧愁;抑郁症;洼地;不景气;低气压区

2、depressingly ─── adv.郁闷地;抑压地

3、depressions ─── n.[经]萧条(depression的复数形式);按下;抑制;[内科]抑郁症

4、derepressing ─── vt.去阻遏,去抑制

5、re-pressing ─── n.重压;补加压力;[机]再压;v.抑制;镇压;约束(repress的ing形式)

6、repressing ─── n.重压;补加压力;[机]再压;v.抑制;镇压;约束(repress的ing形式)

7、appressing ─── 逼近

8、adpressing ─── vi.紧压于…的表面

9、depressant ─── n.抑制剂,镇定剂;adj.有镇静作用的

depressing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When you depress a key of an organ, a note is sounded. ─── 你压下一个风琴键,就会听到一个音符响。

2、Does mass unemployment depress wages? ─── 大量人口失业会使工资降低吗?

3、Fully depress the brake pedal and then release. ─── 完全踩下刹车踏板然后放开。

4、Even so, the mere threat that they could be shifted will depress wages. ─── 即使如此,单就他们可能被转移的威胁就足以降低工资水平。

5、What should youth blood depress eat more? ─── 年轻人血压低应多吃什么?

6、Honesty and diligence. Good endurance of more work depress. ─── 为人诚实勤奋。能够承受较大的工作压力。

7、His decision had depressing consequences for business. ─── 他的决定带来了商业业务沉闷得结果。

8、Looking for a job these days can be very depressing. ─── 如今求职有时会令人非常沮丧。

9、Does mass unemployment depress the wages? ─── 大量失业是否降低了工资?

10、How can you depress oneself affection first? ─── 如何先可以压抑自己的情感?

11、The person can depress the suicide below what circumstance. ─── 人在什么情况下会压抑自杀。

12、Depress and hold the DSSS Receiver Binding button. ─── 压抑,并认为扩频接收机结合按钮。

13、It would be depressing if top politicians forgot how close the world economy came to disaster just over a year ago. ─── 如果高层政界人士忘记世界经济仅在一年多以前是多么接近灾难边缘,那将是令人郁闷的。

14、What how should bring to hematic depress is giddy? ─── 如何应对血压低带来的头晕?

15、If I depress this button, it would deploy a weapon more deadly than yours. ─── 如果我按下这个按钮, 就会出来一个比你的更致命的武器

16、Do you want to help them walk through the hardship, depress and hopeless? ─── 你想帮助他们脱离困苦,低落和绝望的环境吗?

17、It's so depressing the way people treat one another these days. ─── 如今人与人之间这么相处,我觉得真没劲。

18、It was depressing to find the house empty. ─── 发现屋里没人,令人心里很郁闷。

19、On a keyboard, the force required to depress a key to ensure positive contact and the action of the keystroke. ─── 在键盘上,为保证按下键时接触可靠及完成一次击键动作所需要的力。

20、All his windows of house were damaged, was a depressing scene. ─── 他的房子窗户无一完好,一派令人心酸的景象.

21、Search: Is those who treat hematic depress dietetic? ─── 寻:治疗血压低的食物疗法?

22、When you depress a key of an organ,a note is sounded. ─── 你往下压琴键,就能奏出一个音符。

23、Buenos Aires itself was depressing. ─── 布宜诺斯艾利斯本是一片萧条景象。

24、HIGGINS: A woman who utters such disgusting and depressing noise has no right to be anywhere--no right to live. ─── 发出如此难听可怕声音的女人没有权利呆在任何地方——也没有生存的权利。

25、Depressing pumps provide an ideal for chemical applications. ─── 压缩泵是化工应用的理想设备。

26、Due to extreme poverty, his life has always been quite depressing. ─── 因为过于贫困,他的生活一直过得很郁抑。

27、Several factors combined to depress the American economy. ─── 几个因素综合在一起让美国经济不景气。

28、We are supposed to be uplifted by these stories but they depress me. ─── 对这样的故事我们都会感到欢欣鼓舞,可我取感到了沮丧。

29、What's so depressing is the feeling of connecting so much with a person (like Arlo) . . . and yet not connecting all the way. ─── 让人沮丧的是和一个相处的感觉非常好(比如我对奥尔罗)但却不能一直如此。

30、Do bulges, excessive fat, and cellulite depress you? ─── 凸出的腹部、多余的脂肪和橙皮组织是否让您觉得很沮丧?

31、Sometimes it's depressing when you live alone. ─── 一个人生活有时会感到忧郁。

32、Yesterday's unemployment figures were as depressing as those of the previous 22 months. ─── 昨天的失业数字和前22个月的一样令人沮丧。

33、Nourishthe kidneys and depress the yang. ─── 养肾抑阳。

34、He feared that rising inflation would further depress the economy. ─── 他担心不断上升的通货膨胀会进一步削弱经济。

35、I found the whole business very depressing. ─── 我觉得整件事令人沮丧。

36、So far, it might be thought by smug Westerners, so depressing. But then there was a twist in the tale. ─── 目前,在自命不凡的西方人看来,这也许是令人郁闷的事情。

37、Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating. ─── 小剂量可抑制唾液分泌、支气管分泌及出汗。

38、But I found it all too negative and depressing. ─── 但是我发现,这一切都过于消极和令人沮丧。

39、Cheerless and depressing; gloomy. ─── 不高兴的,抑闷的;忧愁的。

40、He found Joe Harper studying a Testament, and turned sadly away from the depressing spectacle. ─── 他发现乔 - 哈帕正在啃《圣经》,便难过地避开了这一扫兴场景。

41、job these days can be very depressing. ─── 如今求职有时会令人非常沮丧。

42、Depressing e. G. The report on the performance of last year is quite depressing. ─── 去年销售的年终报告令人沮丧。

43、The outlook of International Trade is depressing. ─── 国际贸易的前景看来很是不容乐观。

44、A machine designed to product print-like text on paper or similar material as a result of an operator manually depressing keys consecutively on a keyboard. ─── 一种机器,操作员连续按动键盘上的键时,在纸上或类似的材料上产生类似印刷的正文。

45、She inclines towards depress ion. ─── 她动不动就情绪低落.

46、It is so depressing to do trivial things for the company all the time. ─── 在公司总是做杂事,真郁闷!

47、It does not usually depress cardiovascular or airway re?exes. ─── 它通常不抑制心血管或呼吸道反射。

48、The author gives a depressing picture of life in Poland. ─── 作者描述了一幅令人压抑的波兰生活画面。

49、But this would be a depressing conclusion. ─── 但这将是一个令人沮丧的结论。

50、The interest rate rises did appear to succeed in depressing the dollar. ─── 利率的提高似乎成功地使美元贬值。

51、Eliza: Sounds a bit depressing. ─── 伊莱泽:听起来颇为伤感。

52、Whose windows were all broken, was a depressing sight. ─── 他的房子窗户无一完好,一派令人心酸的景象。

53、She's got such a negative attitude that it's depressing to be with her. ─── 她的态度非常消极,跟她在一起让人感到很沮丧。

54、Depress, Yes?Then watch this movie, - The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy . ─── 在一个不知名的时空里,有这么一群人,自己认为是龙的后裔。

55、Women have two types depressing and more depressing. Men have two types nerdy and not nerdy. ─── 女人有两种类型郁闷的和更郁闷的。男人有两种类型讨厌的和不讨厌的。

56、FOR anyone who thinks that climate science must be unimpeachable to be useful, the past few months have been a depressing time. ─── 过去几个月,对那些认为气候科学应该是无懈可击才有用的人,是一段阴郁的时光。

57、Do you just make this stuff up to depress me? ─── 你仅仅就是为了说这些来让我不高兴吗?

58、She gave a very depressing economic forecast last night on the radio. ─── 她昨晚在广播里对经济作了非常悲观的预测。

59、The conclusion, alas, is depressing. ─── 唉,结论是令人沮丧的。

60、To select uppercase characters by depressing a key on a typewriter or computer keyboard. ─── 字型转换在打字机或电脑键盘上按一个键,使换成大写字母字型。

61、Fully depress and hold down the brake pedal. ─── 完全踩下刹车踏板并踩住不放。

62、When you depress a key of an organ , a note is sounded . ─── 你往下压琴键,就能奏出一个音符。

63、Large arrivals at this time would depress prices. ─── 在这个时候大量到货会将价格压低。

64、Move the wheel all the way to the left and right, alternately depress pedals, then press a button on the controller. ─── 向左向右移动轮子,交替踩踏板,然后按控制器上的按钮。

65、Decline in home prices will depress consumer spending. ─── 家庭收入的减少将削弱消费者购买力度。

66、Later, they came to bomb, bomb, bomb; that's when we also had a very depressing time. ─── 后来,他们开始轰炸,没完没了地轰炸,我们也感到沮丧。

67、When he's depress ed he sits brooding for hours. ─── 他消沉的时候,就坐着沉思几小时.

68、Keep on depressing my heart to break. ─── 不断压抑着我心碎。

69、For it reminded me of the words, "the dusk of the dying sun"-a phrase I found rather depressing . ─── 因为一时的清幽光景的感受,却记起“夕阳黄昏”的旧话,所以对留恋的思想也有点怕去思索了。

70、The most headless passer-by feels the depressing influences of a place. ─── 一到这个地方,连最没心事的人也会象所有的过路人一样无端端的不快活。

71、With the best will in the world hospitals can be depressing. ─── 尽管想往好处做,医院是可能会令人沮丧的。

72、Work overtime on christmas is depressing. ─── 在圣诞节加班,真令人沮丧。

73、Depress this button in case of fire. ─── 如遇火警请按下这个按钮。

74、You are depressing the regulars. ─── 妳们影响这里的熟客了。

75、Cabbage was always a depressing reminder of the leaner years of my childhood. ─── 卷心菜往往使我沮丧地回忆起我孩提时代那些缺吃少穿的年头。

76、FOR much of Europe, the past decade has been depressing. ─── 对许多欧洲人而言,过去的十年令人沮丧。

77、Working overtime on Christmas is depressing. ─── 在圣诞节加班,真令人沮丧

78、Tending to depress or lower. ─── 下降的,下陷的

79、B:Must I?The news is so depressing. ─── 一定要开吗?这些新闻内容太压抑了。

80、His pessimism has the effect of depressing everyone. ─── 他的悲观情绪感染得大家情绪低落。

81、It's believed that stress can actually depress the immune system. ─── 人们相信压力能确实地使免疫系统功能下降。

82、From here on, don't be sad or depress. ─── 从目前开端,无所不能悲哀无所不能消沉;

83、As seen in Chapter 4, these measures depress food production and can be very costly if maintained over long periods. ─── 如第四章所述,用这些手段抑制粮食生产,若长期实行就可能付出极大的代价。

84、From now on, don't be sad and depress. ─── 从现在开始,不要悲哀不要消沉;

85、The costume of the nineteenth century is detestable. It is so sombre, so depressing. ─── 十九世纪的服装真是可厌,那么阴郁,多么沉闷。

86、"It has been a depressing day," said Mrs. Brangwen sympathetically. ─── “这天气是令人心情不畅。”布兰温夫人同情地说。

87、Never before had I found myself so invalidable, so pale, so depress. ─── 六级不在乎,完形就先不理会,写作随便练练笔也能敷衍,听力直接放弃。

88、The retrospect was depressing. ─── 回想起来令人沮丧。

89、If the tire size is incorrect, depress the Enter key and then select the correct size. ─── 如果轮胎尺寸不对,按回车键,然后选择正确尺寸。

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