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avowed 发音

英:[??va?d]  美:[??va?d]

英:  美:

avowed 中文意思翻译




avowed 网络释义

adj. 公开宣布的;公开承认的;公然的v. 声明(avow的过去式和过去分词)

avowed 词性/词形变化,avowed变形

过去式:avowed 原型:avowed 过去分词:avowed

avowed 短语词组

1、avowed atheist ─── 公认的无神论者

2、avowed game ─── 公开的游戏

3、avowed universe ─── 公开的宇宙

4、avowed positivist ─── 自称实证主义者

5、avowed enemy ─── 死敌,不共戴天的敌人

6、avowed meaning ─── 公开的意思

7、avowed obsidian ─── 自称黑曜石

8、avowed definition ─── 公开的定义

9、avowed identity ─── 公开的身份

10、avowed antonym ─── 自认反义词

11、avowed release date ─── 公开发行日期

12、avowed ps5 ─── 公开宣称ps5

avowed 相似词语短语

1、allowed ─── v.允许,认可;给予,酌留(机会、时间);允许进入(或出去、通过);使可能;承认,接受;(非正式)断言,认为(allow的过去式和过去分词)

2、reavowed ─── 发誓

3、unavowed ─── 秘密的;未公开宣布的

4、vowed ─── n.发誓;誓言;许愿;vt.发誓;郑重宣告;vi.发誓;郑重宣告

5、avower ─── 打开

6、arrowed ─── v.(如离弦之箭般地)快速移动(arrow的过去式及过去分词);adj.(衣服)有箭头图案的;有箭头标记的;带有箭头的;箭头状的

7、avoided ─── v.避免;避免了;回避;使无效(avoid的过去式)

8、advewed ─── 赞成。

9、avowedly ─── adv.公然地;明确地

avowed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In any case, Mr Livingston, an avowed cost-cutter, says the “heart attack” approach to job cuts is often counterproductive. ─── 不管怎样,Livingston先生,那位工人的成本杀手说,“猛击重心”这种裁员方式往往会适得其反。

2、His avowed belief was to put social responsibility before the amassing of great wealth. ─── 他曾公开说到自己信奉的准则是社会责任先于财富积累。

3、But, let us avow it, this idea, which seemed natural at the first blush, appeared to him after a moment's reflection, as strange, impossible, and almost repulsive. ─── 但是,老实说,那个念头在起初虽然显得自然,经过一番思考之后,他却又好象觉得它奇怪,觉得这是做不到的,几乎是不能容忍的。

4、But for some avowed joggers, a break from their favourite exercise is distressing, so this should be borne in mind when making your decision. ─── 但是对有些自认为是慢跑者来说,让其与最喜爱的运动分开是痛苦的,因此在让他们做决定时,在心里应该接受慢跑。

5、An aide avowed that the President had known nothing of the deals. ─── 一位助理声明,总统对这些交易一无所知。

6、But whatever the danger, Christ's followers must avow their principles. ─── 但不论遭何危险,跟从基督的人必须承认自己的信仰。

7、Women never acknowledge that they have fallen in love until the man has formally avowed his delusion and so cut off his retreat. ─── 在男人破釜沉舟地正式坦白说出他的痴心爱意之前,女人决不会承认她是已经堕入爱河的。

8、Yet they attribute to some of His servants a share with Him (in his godhead)! truly is man a blasphemous ingrate avowed! ─── 他们把他的一部分仆人,当作他的分子;人确是明显的孤恩者。

9、He avowed that he was guilty. ─── 他坦率承认自己有罪。

10、He avowed himself an opponent of all alliances. ─── 他声称他是所有联盟的反对者。

11、avow neutrality ─── 公开宣称中立

12、that, between fleeing as an avowed criminal, and remaining as a hypocrite, conscience might find it hard to strike the balance; ─── 他要么承认是一名罪犯而逃走,要么继续充当一名伪君子而留下,但他的良心已难以从中取得平衡;

13、'As to the great service,' said Carton, 'I am bound to avow to you, when you speak of it in that way, that it was mere professional claptrap. ─── “至于那个大忙,”卡尔顿说,“既然你说得那么郑重其事,我倒不能不向你发誓,那只不过是一种手法,为了耸人听闻而已。

14、Amid the cheerfulness of household gatherings it is easy to slide into sinful levities, and to forget our avowed character as Christians. ─── 在家人的欢聚中,人很容易就坠入罪恶的轻率中,忘记自己作基督徒的品行。

15、"Many a man thinks, what he is ashamed to avow" (Samuel Johnson). ─── “很多人都考虑过那些他们羞于说出来的事” (萨谬尔·约翰逊)。

16、Buy have the merchandise of the problem or get the service of inferior quality, do not send submit to humiliation, avowed pour lintel, can use complain protection from already legitimate rights and interests. ─── 买到有问题的商品或受到低质量的服务,不发忍气吞声,自认倒楣,可以用投诉保护自已的合法权益。

17、In the safe and rosy cocoon of the beauty parlor, men and women observe, comfort each other, avow their love, fantasize, or confide to each other. ─── 在一家安逸粉红色的美容院里,男人和女人相互观察,相互安慰,他们坦白各自的爱情与幻想,并且向对方倾诉。

18、He avowed openly that he was divorced. ─── 他坦白承认自己离了婚。

19、First of all he should teach his child how to act as a man who will possess excellent quality and virtue because this is avowed by the world.He also wanted his child to learn I-go ect. ─── 又要让他的孩子学习围棋等等,不管说这个还是那个,都是以自己那种舒畅的心情计划将来快乐的生活。

20、He avowed himself (to be) a socialist. ─── 他公开宣称自己是个社会主义者。

21、He avowed that he would never cooperate with them again ─── 他声明他决不再与他们合作。

22、He avowed himself (to be) an atheist. ─── 他供认自己是无神论者。

23、His avowed mission is impressing the "public heart" to care nothing about it... ─── 他所信守的使命就是影响“民心”使其对此漠不关心。

24、10.Women never acknowledge that they have fallen in love until the man has formally avowed his delusion and so cut off his retreat. ─── 只是在男人正式表达他的爱慕之情并自绝退路之后,女人才肯定自己已经坠入爱河的.

25、for, since kings avow themselves to be the deputies of Providence, the Lilliputians think nothing can be more absurd than for a prince to employ such men as disown the authority under which he acts. ─── 利立浦特人认为,既然国王们宣称自己是上帝的代表,他所任用的人竟不承认他所凭借的权威,那就再荒唐不过了。

26、avow oneself a socialist ─── 公开宣布自己是社会主义者

27、He avowed that he cound not drank. ─── 他承认自己不会喝酒。

28、He avowed himself (to be) the author of that book. ─── 他公然宣称自己是那本书的作者。

29、made known or openly avowed. ─── 使得知晓或者公开承认。

30、Classic scenes: an avowed dialect old woman to see a popular actress. ─── 一满口土话的老妇要见一位当红女演员。

31、He avowed himself guilty. ─── 他供认自己有罪。

32、" this year the beginning of the year, avowed her what still have bit of poineering intense emotion demit drops the job, begin absorption inn opening a network. ─── 今年年初,自认尚有点创业激情的她辞掉工作,开始专心开网店。

33、You may, however, present as a freewill offeringn ox or a sheep that is deformed or stunted, but it willh not be accepted in fulfillment of avow. ─── 23无论是公牛是绵羊羔,若肢体有余的,或是缺少的,只可作甘心祭献上,用以还愿,却不蒙悦纳。

34、"thinks the book succeeds in achieving its avowed purpose: to explain how the Court's current role evolved through history" (Tony Mauro). ─── “认为该书成功地达到了公开宣布的目的:解释当今法庭作用的历史发展” (托尼·莫罗)。

35、But the change will never happen under conservative Prime Minister John Howard,64, an avowed monarchist many blame for manipulating a1999 referendum on whether Australia should become a republic. ─── 但是,在保守的现任总理约翰.华德制下,这种变化绝不会发生。他现年64岁,是一个铁杆保皇派。很多人指责他操纵了1999年举行的澳大利亚是否应该转为共和制的公投。

36、avow one's belief, faith, conviction, etc ─── 公开表示相信、 信仰、 服理等

37、An avowed skeptic, van Loon left the Immaculate Conception and the Resurrection out of his subsequent The Story of the Bible, 1923. ─── 作为公开的怀疑论者,房龙在之后的《圣经的故事》(1923)中没有提到圣灵感孕和耶稣复活。

38、In any case, Mr Livingston, an avowed cost-cutter, says the "heart attack" approach to job cuts is often counterproductive. ─── 不管怎样,Livingston先生,那位工人的成本杀手说,“猛击重心”这种裁员方式往往会适得其反。

39、He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse. ─── 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。

40、The government's avowed aim, however, is to maintain "a substantially homogeneous society into which newcomers, from whatever sources, will merge themselves". ─── 然而,政府公开宣称的目标是保持“一个实质上同质化的社会,无论出身何处的新来者都将融入其中”。

41、Dealings with Iran and Libya over the years seem to have been driven increasingly by personal greed rather than by state policy or by Mr Khan's avowed nuclear patriotism. ─── 与伊朗和利比亚的多年交易似乎也是日益膨胀的个人贪婪驱使,而不是国家政策或汗先生发誓的那种核爱国心。

42、The fact that an avowed Scientologist like Cruise is supposed to play the victim of a totalitarian regime is purely sick. ─── 事实上,一个满口科学论像邮轮理应发挥的受害者一个极权政权是纯粹有病。

43、" he said, adding: "I don't know any other nation in the world that would do what we've done in terms of taking care of people who are avowed enemies. ─── 切尼问。他接着又说:“据我所知,世界上没有哪个国家会像我们这样对待自己公认的敌人。”

44、FOR all its avowed atheism, China is quite taken with the Christian idea of original sin. ─── 尽管中国宣扬“无神论”,但它却被基督教义的“原罪”说所深深吸引。

45、An aide avowed that the President had known nothing of the deals. ─── 一位助理声明,总统对这些交易一无所知。

46、openly avow ─── 公开申明

47、He avowed that he could not sing. ─── 他坦白自己不会唱歌。

48、to avow one’s innocence ─── 坚称自己无罪

49、Their children all avowed that they wouldn't miss of hearing mother's chair for anything in the world ─── 他们的儿女异口同声地说,他们最思念的就是能听到妈妈的摇椅声。

50、He avowed that he would never return ─── 他声明他决不回来了。

51、“Many a man thinks, what he is ashamed to avow” (Samuel Johnson). ─── “很多人都考虑过那些他们羞于说出来的事”(萨谬尔·约翰逊)。

52、On abandoning his grandfather's opinions for the opinions of his father, he had supposed himself fixed;he now suspected, with uneasiness, and without daring to avow it to himself, that he was not. ─── 当他从外祖父的见解转到父亲的见解时,他总以为自己已经站稳了,现在却又怀疑起来,感到自己并不稳,他心里苦闷,不敢自信。

53、In Russia Mikhail Khodorkovsky, once boss of the Yukos oil company and avowed enemy of Vladimir Putin, went on trial for a second time. ─── 曾经的俄罗斯尤科斯石油公司老板,并公开与弗拉迪米尔普金为敌的米哈伊尔?霍多尔科夫斯基,日前第二次受审。

54、He himself, on the other hand, with characteristic humility, avowed his belief that if Providence should see fit to remove him, it would be because of his own unworthiness to perform its humblest mission here on earth. ─── 反之,他本人则以他特有的谦逊申明他的信念:如果天意认为他应该离世,那就是因为他没有资格在这人世间执行其最卑微的使命。

55、avow the second judgment ─── 二审开庭审理

56、drink like an avowed Prohibitionist; ─── 喝酒时要像公开禁酒主义者;

57、lying beneath what is revealed or avowed, especially being deliberately concealed. ─── 处于揭示的或公开宣称之外,尤指故意隐瞒的。

58、"In such cases as this, it is, I believe, the established mode to express a sense of obligation for the sentiments avowed, however unequally they may be returned. ─── “遇到这一类的事情,通常的方式是这样的:人家对你一片好心好意,你即使不能给以同样的报答,也得表示一番感激,我现在就得向你表示谢意。

59、But the change will never happen under conservative Prime Minister John Howard, 64, an avowed monarchist many blame for manipulating a 1999 referendum on whether Australia should become a republic. ─── 但是,在保守的现任总理约翰.霍华德制下,这种变化绝不会发生。他现年64岁,是一个铁杆保皇派。很多人指责他操纵了1999年举行的澳大利亚是否应该转为共和制的公投。

60、He was a more than commonly candid English gentleman in his avowed dislike of the poet's nonsense, verbiage and verse ─── 他比一般无偏见的英国绅士更加公然地宣称:他讨厌诗人的言之无物、冗词赘语和咬文嚼字。

61、Money and Tory politics cascade through his family: perhaps the idyllic setting of his childhood helps to explain his avowed environmentalism. ─── 他的家族殷实富足,支持托利党政策:或许他童年时家中田园般的环境就可以解释他公开承认的环保主义。

62、But Mr Ma's avowed goal of a peace treaty seems distant. ─── 但马先生关于和平条约的公开目标看来尚很遥远。

63、"This paper, my friend," said Faria, "I may now avow to you, since I have the proof of your fidelity--this paper is my treasure, of which, from this day forth, one-half belongs to you." ─── “这片纸,我的朋友,”法利亚说,“既然我已经考验过你了,现在可以把我的秘密告诉你了,这片纸就是我的宝藏。

64、avow one's guilt ─── [法] 认罪

65、Said (the father): "My (dear) little son! relate not thy vision to thy brothers, lest they concoct a plot against thee: for Satan is to man an avowed enemy! ─── 他说:“我的孩子啊!你不要把你的梦告诉你的哥哥们,以免他们谋害你;恶魔确是人类公开的仇敌。”

66、Many a man thinks, what he is ashamed to avow. ─── 坦率承认,公开地,大胆地,不害羞地承认;坦白

67、This paragraph of time of collective aphonia is dropped in wind, ever personage of know the inside story discloses, investor is already avowed the case that PPG project is a failure. ─── 在风投集体失声的这段时间,曾有知情人士透露,投资者已经自认PPG项目是个失败的案例。不过,尽量减少投资失败造成的声誉损失,也是投资业内的“潜规则”。

68、Avowed white supremacist David Duke instantly screamed that Taylor's carnage proves that whites are under assault from lawless blacks and the federal government won't protect them. ─── 公然的白人至上主义者戴维·杜克迫不及待地叫嚣泰勒的大屠杀表明白人受到无法无天的黑人的威胁,而联邦政府却不予保护。

69、He had avowed to himself a choice ─── 他已经向自己宣告他作出了一种选择。

70、avow one's faults ─── 公开承认错误

71、And if any one does so and is convicted, he shall lose the gild and the franchise; and the merchandise so avowed shall be forfeited to the king. ─── 倘有人违法之并被确认,他将失去会员资格以及相关特权,相关的货物将被没收上缴王上。

72、avow one's principles ─── 公开谈论自己信仰的主义

73、Their children all avowed that they wouldn't miss of hearing mother's chair for anything in the world. ─── 他们的儿女异口同声地说,他们最思念的就是能听到妈妈的摇椅声。

74、But some environmentalists are using the party's avowed interest in greenness to push for greater outside supervision of government activity in this area. ─── 但一些环保主义者利用党公开宣称的对环保的兴趣,在奋力争取强化对政府该领域活动的外部监察。

75、His avowed intention was to bring about reform and spiritual renewal for the church. ─── 他公开宣称他目标是进行教会改革和灵性的复兴。

76、Strengthening the social welfare system has been an avowed goal of the current administration since it came to power six years ago. ─── 北京刚宣布的经济刺激计划包含各种刺激消费和投资的内容。

77、He avowed openly [publicly] that he was divorced. ─── 他坦白[公开]承认自己离了婚。

78、Despite avowed allegiance to the free market system, private businesses are among the strongest opponents of effluent charges ─── 尽管私人商业拥护自由市场机制,但是他们仍然是排污收费最强烈的反对者。

79、An extensive 2006 Gallop poll in which a mere 30 per cent of Japanese avowed a religion seems to confirm the widely-accepted understanding of an agnostic and even fatalistic Japan. ─── 在盖洛普2006年的一项广泛的民意调查中,只有30%的日本人自认为拥有宗教信仰,这项民意调查似乎核实了一项已被广泛接受的认识,即日本是不可知论的,甚至是宿命论的。

80、An avowed urbanist, Mr.Berggruen started investing in projects aimed at reviving decaying inner cities. ─── 伯格鲁恩先生自认是一位城市规划专家,他开始投资旨在重振渐趋没落的内陆城市的项目。

81、He avowed himself a patriot. ─── 他自称自己是爱国者。

82、His avowed belief was to put social responsibility before the amassing of great wealth. ─── 他曾公开说到自己信奉的准则是社会责任先于财富积累。

83、I believe that what is called experience is often but an avowed fatigue, resignation, blighted hope. ─── 我还认为所谓的经验往往不过是大家承认的疲劳、无可奈何(辞职)与破灭的希望。

84、Strong term, means to assertopenly and boldly: Avow, ─── 一带强烈意义的词,表示公开大胆地宣扬

85、an avowed aim/intention/objective/purpose ─── 公开宣称的宗旨/意图/目标/目的

86、On the strength of his avowed penchant for philosophical thought, they decided that he was a genius. ─── 凭借他自己透露的对哲学思想的强烈偏爱,评论家们断定他是个天才。

87、Their avowed aim is to overthrow the government. ─── 他们供称目的是推翻政府。

88、his avowed purpose ─── 他公开宣称的意图

89、Have I openly avowed my faith in Jesus as the Savior whom God has raised from the dead, and have I done it in God's way!Let me honestly answer this question. ─── 你可曾以上帝的方式,开口宣告我们的救主,是从死里复活的上帝,让我们诚实地面对这个问题。

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