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blastula 发音

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blastula 中文意思翻译



blastula 网络释义

n. [胚] 囊胚,囊胚泡

blastula 短语词组

1、blastula def ─── 囊胚

2、blastula-like larva ─── [医]囊胚式幼虫

3、blastula implantation ─── 囊胚植入

4、blastula stage ─── [医] 囊胚期

5、blastula morula ─── 肌肉骨骼和结缔组织

6、blastula css ─── 囊胚

7、blastula gastrula ─── 原肠囊胚

8、blastula-like organism ─── [医]囊胚形机体

blastula 词性/词形变化,blastula变形


blastula 相似词语短语

1、blastular ─── adj.囊胚的

2、blast lamp ─── 喷灯

3、blastulae ─── 囊胚泡

4、blastemal ─── 芽基的(生物学术语);胚芽的(生物学术语)

5、blastemas ─── n.[胚]芽基;胚芽

6、blastoma ─── n.[肿瘤]胚细胞瘤;真性瘤

7、blastema ─── n.[胚]芽基;胚芽

8、blastomas ─── n.[肿瘤]胚细胞瘤;真性瘤

9、blastulas ─── n.囊胚,囊胚泡

blastula 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From two variants of the experiment the most sensitive was the second one, in which polysaccharides were added at the late blastula stage. ─── 从两个实验中,最敏感的是第二个变种,其中多糖在晚囊胚期补充。

2、bottom of blastula ─── 胆囊底, 囊胚底

3、The cells of the blastula, called blastomeres, also each receive a full diploid set of chromosomes. ─── 这些囊胚细胞,称卵裂球,每个细胞都有一套二倍体染色体组。

4、germ ring The thickend rim of the blastoderm evident during late blastula and gastrula stages. ─── 胚环胚膜的增厚边缘发生在囊胚晚期与原肠期阶段的时候。

5、blastula cell ─── 囊胚细胞

6、Keywords Acipenser sinensis;blastula cell;cryopreservation;clone;embryo development; ─── 中华鲟;囊胚细胞;低温保存;克隆;胚胎发育;

7、To infold or become infolded so as to form a hollow space within a previously solid structure,as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula. ─── 套叠折叠或变成折叠以便在原先实心的结构中形成一个中空的空间,如囊胚形成原肠胚的过程。

8、It enter the late blastula stage in 6h50min. ─── 6小时50分进入低囊胚期。

9、germ ring The thick end rim of the blastoderm evident during late blastula and gastrula stages. ─── 胚环胚膜的增厚边缘发生在囊胚晚期与原肠期阶段的时候。

10、The phytic acid was extracted with delipid corn blastula by immersion, neutralization, acidification, ion exchange and evaporation. ─── 本实验以脱脂玉米胚为原料,通过酸浸、中和、酸化、离子交换、浓缩等过程提取了植酸。

11、The average yield of abstraction phytin form the delipid corn blastula was 75%, and the average yield of conversionphytic acid from phytin was 77.02%. ─── 从玉米胚中提取菲汀的平均收率为75%,菲汀转化为植酸的平均率为77.02%。

12、The cells of the blastula, called blastomeres, also each receive a full diploid set of chromosomes. ─── 这些囊胚细胞,称卵裂球,每个细胞都有一套二倍体染色体组。

13、The infolding of a portion of the outer layer of a blastula in the formation of a gastrula. ─── 肠套叠在原肠胚形成过程中囊胚的外层的折叠部分

14、periblast A layer of tissue between the yolk and cells of blastoderm which is observed as a thin border around blastula. ─── 围胚层在卵黄与眙盘细胞之间的组织层,被观察到是一个围住囊胚的细缘。

15、The modified blastula that is characteristic of placental mammals. ─── 胚泡转化的囊胚,为胎盘哺乳动物的特征

16、The results indicated that the fertilized eggs in blastula stage and yolk-sac larva of Paralichthys olivaceus were more sensitive to algal toxin than those in other development stages. ─── 实验结果表明,原肠期前的发育卵和初孵仔鱼对赤潮异弯藻较其他发育阶段更为敏感。

17、The ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells, AS in the formation of a gAStrula from a blAStula. ─── 内长一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程

18、The spherical embryonic mass of blastomeres formed before the blastula and resulting from cleavage of the fertilized ovum. ─── 桑椹胚形成于囊胚之前且处于胚胎期内的球形裂球群,由受精卵细胞的分裂而成

19、To infold or become infolded so as to form a hollow space within a previously solid structure, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula. ─── 套叠折叠或变成折叠以便在原先实心的结构中形成一个中空的空间,如囊胚形成原肠胚的过程

20、blastula stage ─── 囊胚期中胚期

21、The formation of a gastrula from a blastula by invagination. ─── 内陷囊胚翻转形成胚囊

22、The ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells, as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula. ─── 内长一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程

23、The rearrangement of the blastula into a three-dimensional organism with inner, middle, and outer layers occurs during gastrulation . ─── 在原肠胚形成过程中,囊胚重新排列,形成包括内层,中层,外层的三围组织。

24、average yield of abstraction phytin form the delipid corn blastula was 75%, and the average yield of conversionphytic acid from phytin was 77.02%. ─── 从玉米胚中提取菲汀的平均收率为75%,菲汀转化为植酸的平均率为77.02%。

25、The fluid-filled, central cavity of a blastula. ─── 囊胚腔囊胚中充满液体的中心的洞

26、Keywords low molecular weight heparin(LMWH);infertility;spontaneous abortion;2-cell embryo;in vitro culture;blastula; ─── 低分子量肝素(LMWH);不孕;自然流产;2-细胞鼠胚;体外培养;囊胚;

27、Cloning of Zebrafish: Development of Non-enucleated Unfertilized Eggs Provided with Nuclei from Blastula Cells ─── 斑马鱼的克隆:囊胚细胞核移入正常具核卵子的发育

28、blastula Stage in embryonic development which represents the final product of cleavage stages, characterized by formation of the blastocoel. ─── 囊胚代表胚胎发展的最后分裂阶段,特徵为囊胚腔的形成。

29、blastula (pl blastulae) ─── 囊胚泡

30、roof of blastula ─── 囊胚盖

31、blastula Stage in embryonic development which represents the final product of cleavage stages, characterized by formation of the blastocoel. ─── 囊胚代表胚胎发展的最后分裂阶段,特徵为囊胚腔的形成。

32、Applying YAG double-frequency laser microbeam respectively irradiated fertilized eggs,4-cell-stage,blastula stage embryos of Bufo bufo gargarizans. ─── 应用YAG倍频激光器对中华大蟾蜍受精卵、四细胞期胚胎、囊胚期胚胎分别进行照射。

33、double-walled stage of the embryo succeeding the blastula. ─── 囊胚发育之后的双层胚胎。

34、Keywords degrease corn blastula;extraction;phytic acid; ─── 脱脂玉米胚;提取;植酸;

35、An embryo at the stage following the blastula, consisting of a hollow, two-layered sac of ectoderm and endoderm surrounding an archenteron that communicates with the exterior through the blastopore. ─── 原肠胚一种囊胚之后的胚胎,含有中空、两层的外胚层和内胚层,包围着通过胚孔跟外界交流的原肠

36、The outer layer of a blastula that gives rise to the ectoderm after gastrulation. ─── 外胚层囊胚的外层,在原肠胚形成之后生后外胚层组织

37、An embryo at the stage following the blastula,consisting of a hollow,two-layered sac of ectoderm and endoderm surrounding an archenteron that communicates with the exterior through the blastopore. ─── 原肠胚一种囊胚之后的胚胎,含有中空、两层的外胚层和内胚层,包围着通过胚孔跟外界交流的原肠。

38、the process in which a gastrula develops from a blastula by the inward migration of cells ─── 由于细胞向内移动囊胚形成胚囊或肠胚的过程

39、Blastula embryo ─── 囊胚期胚胎

40、CONCLUSION: Mouse blastula can develop into embryonic stem cells on the fibroblast cell feeder layer, and can be passaged. ─── 结论:小鼠囊胚在胚胎成纤维细胞饲养层上可发育成胚胎干细胞,并能进行传代。

41、permanent blastula ─── 永久囊胚

42、the process in which a gastrula develops from a blastula by the inward migration of cells. ─── 由于细胞向内移动囊胚形成胚囊或肠胚的过程。

43、superficial blastula ─── 表裂囊胚

44、Cleavage produces a blastula, a sheet of cells rounded into a sphere that in most species surrounds a cavity. ─── 卵裂产生一个囊胚,形成的细胞壁球形排列形成一个空腔。

45、The series of mitotic cell divisions that produces a blastula from a fertilized ovum. It is the basis of the multicellularity of complex organisms. ─── 卵裂,卵割由一组有丝分裂细胞从受精卵中生成的囊胚,是复杂有机体中多细胞的主要成分

46、The rearrangement of the blastula into a three-dimensional organism with inner, middle, and outer layers occurs during gastrulation. ─── 在原肠胚形成过程中,囊胚重新排列,形成包括内层,中层,外层的三围组织。

47、Chen SL, Sha ZX, Ye HQ. 2003, Establishment of a pluripotent embryonic cell line from sea Perch(latelabrax japanicus) blastula embryo.Aquaculture, 218:141-151. ─── 叶寒青,陈松林,刘洋,沙珍霞.表达绿色荧光蛋白的花鲈胚胎干细胞株的建立及其体外分化。

48、the ingrowth and curling inward of a group of cells,as in the formation of a gastrula from a blastula ─── 一组细胞的内部或向内生长,如从囊胚到原肠胚的生长过程

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