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08-16 投稿


dispatcher 发音

英:[d??sp?t??r]  美:[d??sp?t??(r)]

英:  美:

dispatcher 中文意思翻译



dispatcher 短语词组

1、process dispatcher ─── [计] 进程调度程序

2、train dispatcher ─── 列车调度员

3、dispatcher telephone system ─── 调度电话系统

4、dispatcher telephone device ─── 调度电话装置

5、working set dispatcher ─── [计] 工作区调度程序

6、dispatcher priority ─── [计] 调度优先数, 调度优先级

7、translator dispatcher ─── [计] 翻译程序的调度程序

8、dispatcher queue ─── [计] 发送队列, 调度队列

9、dispatcher algorithm ─── [计] 调度程序算法

10、dispatcher descriptor ─── [计] 调度程序描述符

11、dispatcher's board ─── [电] 调度盘

12、task dispatcher ─── [计] 任务调度程序

13、dispatcher and scheduler ─── [计] 调度员和生产计划员

14、dispatcher telephone ─── [电] 调度电话

15、flight dispatcher ─── 签派员

16、dispatcher task ─── [计] 调度任务

17、load dispatcher ─── [电] 负载调度员

18、dispatcher control table ─── [计] 调度程序控制表

19、dispatcher primitive ─── [计] 调度程序原语

dispatcher 词性/词形变化,dispatcher变形


dispatcher 相似词语短语

1、dispatch ─── v.派遣,发送;迅速处理,快速办妥;杀死,处决;n.派遣,调遣,发送;(军事人员或政府官员间的)急件,快信;(由身在外地的记者发给报纸的)报道,电讯

2、dispatches ─── v.派遣,发送;迅速处理,快速办妥;杀死,处决;n.派遣,调遣,发送;(军事人员或政府官员间的)急件,快信;(由身在外地的记者发给报纸的)报道,电讯

3、dispatched ─── 派遣;[计]发送

4、despatcher ─── n.调度员;调度程序;油品分输器;调度程序分配器

5、mispatches ─── 错批

6、despatched ─── v.派遣;发送;迅速处理;杀死;匆匆吃下,匆匆离开(等于dispatch);n.派遣;发送;急件;报道;杀死(等于dispatch)

7、dispatchers ─── n.[交]调度员(dispatcher的复数);[计]调度程序

8、despatches ─── v.派遣;发送;迅速处理;杀死;匆匆吃下,匆匆离开(等于dispatch);n.派遣;发送;急件;报道;杀死(等于dispatch)

9、mispatched ─── 错配

dispatcher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Duke of Venice. Write from us to him; post-post-haste dispatch. ─── 公爵替我写一封十万火急的信给他。

2、Nim Goldman had been conferring with somebody at the dispatch console. ─── 尼姆?哥尔德曼一直在调度台上与别人商量。

3、He finished the job with great dispatch. ─── 他们飞快地完成了工作。

4、To issue officially; dispatch. ─── 发行;发送

5、There are many official documents to copy and dispatch for record. ─── 今天公司有很多公文需要抄报。

6、The dispatcher uses router, fan-out, and result threads for message processing. ─── 发送器使用路由器、扇出和结果线程来进行邮件处理。

7、The next dispatch of mp3 players were being shipped. ─── 下一批mp3正在运出。

8、If there are no incoming requests to be serviced, dispatcher will determine whether this agent can stay or not. ─── 如果没有入站的请求需要服务,分配器就将决定该代理是否可以保留。

9、His dispatch of the stacked work got him noticed by the boss. ─── 他应对大量工作的高效率让老板注意到了他。

10、Give the seller in time the necessary instructions for dispatch. ─── 及时给与卖方必要的发货指示。

11、He is a dispatcher at the trolleybus company . ─── 他是电车公司的调度。

12、She did the job with great dispatch. ─── 她以高效率完成了那件工作。

13、He conclude the negotiation with dispatch. ─── 他迅速结束谈判。

14、To assist in engine rig, test, de-rig and preparation for dispatch. ─── 协助发动机配套、测试、重新配套以及发货准备;

15、Employees moniter video screens and dispatch agents where they are needed. ─── 工作人员监视视频屏幕并且调动人员到需要的地方去。

16、The police dispatcher received the call at around 10:30 a.m. ─── 警察局的调度员在早上十点半左右接到电话。

17、Should we dispatch cadres to help exercise regional national autonomy? ─── 又比如实行民族区域自治,我们派不派干部?

18、Cargo to be Discharge at C.Q.D Basis and no dispatch money / demurrage. ─── 卸货为C.Q.D条件,无快卸奖金及慢卸罚款。

19、He is eager to dispatch the matter in hand. ─── 他急于了结手头的事情。

20、dispatcher's job is counted in seconds," says Liang Ruimei, a dispatcher in the center. ─── 调度员的工作是以秒为单位计算的。”中心的调度员梁瑞梅说。

21、He told the dispatcher that Jackson was not breathing and Jackson's doctor was performing CPR on a bed. ─── 他告诉这个调度员杰克逊停止了呼吸并且杰克逊的医生正在床上使用CPR(心脏复苏术)。

22、"We were just about to park our car. We are turning home and out of nowhere a huge white GMC came up," the woman said to the dispatcher. ─── "我们正要公园的车。我们是将置出一条巨大的白色的GMC来到了,"女人说的调度。

23、To dispatch or consign(a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. ─── 寄送,托运派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人

24、Dispatcher doing marshalling operations despite the heavy snow. ─── 图为调车组人员冒着大雪在编组车辆。

25、Your order have be noted and will be dispatch as soon as we have stork . ─── 你的订货已做了记载, 一经有货我们将马上发送.

26、Ruimei a dispatcher in Emergency Center of Jinzhong? ─── 梁瑞梅是晋中急救中心的调度员吗?

27、They're concerned with the dispatch and receipt of consignment. ─── 和他们有关的是发货和接货。

28、"We were just about to park our car. We are turning home and out of nowhere a huge white GMC came up, " the woman said to the dispatcher. ─── “我们正要公园的车。我们是将置出一条巨大的白色的GMC来到了,”女人说的调度。

29、This dispatcher assured the gentleman that it was on the way. ─── 出租车调度员向他保证车正在路上。

30、But I am in a great hurry, man, to take that dispatch. ─── 不过,我很着急呢,伙计,得送那份急件。

31、He can not quite believe the dispatch send by his reporter. ─── 他不敢相信他的记者发来的报导。

32、Spring MVC separates the roles of the controller, the model object, the dispatcher, and the handler object, which makes them easier to customize. ─── Spring MVC分离了控制器、模型对象、分派器以及处理程序对象的角色,这种分离让它们更容易进行定制。

33、The dispatcher saves unsecured copies in. Dat files only if there is not enough cache space available to hold the objects in memory. ─── 只有当没有足够的缓存空间可用于将对象保存在内存中时,发送器才会将不安全副本保存在.dat文件中。

34、We'll dispatch your order today,Madam,without fail. ─── 夫人,今天我们必定发送你的定货。

35、To dispatch or consign (a ship, for example) to an agent or factor. ─── 寄送,托运:派遣或寄送(例如船只)给代理商店或代理人。

36、Every available plow truck was at work in Vermont, said Reggie Brown, highway department dispatcher in Montpelier. ─── 一切可用犁车在工作时,在佛蒙特州,雷吉说,布朗,公路处调度员。

37、O, come apace, dispatch! I partly feel thee. ─── 啊!快点,快点;我已经有点觉得了。

38、To dispatch the commit holdup to a thread from the thread pool. ─── 以将延迟的提交分配给来自线程池的线程。

39、In fact TPL is opposite to "first party" dispatcher and "second party" consignee. ─── 实际上第三方物流是相对于“第一方”发货人和“第二方”收货人而言的。

40、His empty desk betrayed a man who believed in the swift dispatch of business. ─── 他的办公桌上没有文件,这表明他是一个赞成迅速处理公务的人。

41、Upon transaction commit or rollback, the agent becomes idle and ready to service the requests assigned by the dispatcher. ─── 事务一提交或回滚,代理就变为空闲的,并可以服务于分配器分配的请求。

42、Gets the Dispatcher for the thread currently executing and creates a new Dispatcher if one is not already associated with the thread. ─── [本主题是预发布的文档,在将来发布的版本中可能会有更改。空白主题是为将来预留的。

43、Actually, the algorithm makes the job dispatcher and load balancing effectively. ─── 实验证明该算法能够有效地实现作业的合理调度和网格系统的负载平衡。

44、An assassin was to dispatch the president and his aide. ─── 一名杀手将要暗杀总统和他的副手。

45、He also coordinated the activities of field operatives and, in effect, acted as the smuggler's ship dispatcher. ─── 他也协调外勤特工的活动,而且是那名走私头目事实上的飞船调度员。

46、An approach using multigrade fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method to evaluate power system dispatcher training,and its model are put forward. ─── 作者单位:华北电力大学电力系统保护与动态安全监控教育部重点实验室;

47、Keep the dispatcher informed of the progress of the work, notify the supervisor immediately if any problem occurs. ─── 向派单员汇报工作进程,发生问题及时告知主管。

48、If you wish to use a dispatcher in multiple threads, you should "clone" it for each thread. ─── 如果您希望在多线程中使用分派器,那么您应该为每个线程“克隆”分派器。

49、When a customer calls up, a central dispatcher types in the pickup and destination points. ─── 如果有顾客呼叫,中心调度员便输入该顾客的上车地点及目的地。

50、Are Packed Products Stored Ready For Dispatch? ─── 已包装产品随时可以发运?

51、It requires code to dispatch the telex. ─── 发电报需要代码。

52、Recall, however, that forwarding through a request dispatcher is implemented on the server side, while redirects are performed by the browser. ─── 不过请回忆一下:通过请求分派器进行转发是在服务器端实现的,而重定向却是由浏览器来执行的。

53、This value is multiplied by three for the three subtypes of dispatcher threads (that is, router, fan-out, and result threads). ─── 对于发送器线程的三个子类型(即路由器、扇出和结果线程),该值应乘以3。

54、At the heart of every state machine lies an implementation of double dispatch. ─── 在每个状态机的核心都有一个双重分派的实现。

55、The Dispatcher class provides access to invoke code on the UI thread directly. ─── Dispatcher类提供了在UI线程上直接调用代码的权限。

56、Upon transaction commit or rollback, the agent becomes idle and ready to service the requests assigned by the dispatcher. ─── 事务一提交或回滚,代理就变为空闲的,并可以服务于分配器分配的请求。

57、The male caller, who was not identified, told the dispatcher the doctor had been the only one with Jackson when he became distressed. ─── 这位身份不明的男性呼叫者告诉调度员,这名医生是杰克逊遭受痛苦时唯一一位陪在他身边的人。

58、The events module defines some basic event types and provides a threaded event dispatcher. ─── 事件模块定义了一些基本的活动类型和活动提供了一个线程调度。

59、What was in the dispatch sent by the Khitans? ─── 契丹的国书上是怎么说来着?

60、The number of failures to dispatch an asynchronous paged LDAP search. ─── 分派异步分页LDAP搜索失败次数。

61、Dispatcher: Okay, well, I'm going to send the police to your house and find out what's going on with you . . . ─── 调派员:那么我会派警察去你屋子里,看看你到底发生了什么状况….。

62、He sent a dispatch from Chicago to St. Louis. ─── 他把公文从芝加哥递送到圣路易斯。

63、The number of failures to dispatch an asynchronous LDAP search. ─── 分派异步LDAP搜索失败次数。

64、Volume Of Product Stored Available For Dispatch? ─── 已包装产品之体积足够付运?

65、Can you dispatch a technician to us ? ─── 你们可以派个技术员过来吗?

66、A jam in the dispatch department. ─── 发送部门的文件积压。

67、To dispatch authenticated warranty cards to customers. ─── 分发已鉴定的保证书给客户;

68、He wishes company to dispatch him to the branch in Suzhou. ─── 他希望公司能将到调到苏州的分部"将到"是"将他"吧?

69、"That's a grand dispatch, the officers call them things!" cried Deerslayer. ─── “正如那些军官说的,这可是绝妙的报告

70、OK. I'll dispatch a truck right away. Would you wait? ─── 好的,我立刻派一辆拖车去。请你等一下。

71、It had been a quiet day for Habersham County emergency dispatcher Deborah Williams. ─── 对哈博萨姆县急疹调度员德博拉·威廉姆斯来说,这是非常平静的一天。

72、CORBA does not support asynchronous server-side dispatch. ─── CORBA不支持异步服务器端分派。

73、Dispatcher threads This value is the number of MTA Dispatcher threads, which are responsible for the processing of messages. ─── Dispatcher threads此值是负责处理邮件的MTA发送器线程的数目。

74、He is clerk of method and dispatch. ─── 他是个办事有方法又有效率的职员。

75、He carries out his duties with efficiency and dispatch. ─── 他执行任务迅速而有效。

76、Console Interface Module Interfaces with Industry Standard Dispatch Console. ─── 多种类型的转发器控制和发射控制能力。

77、A dispatch was sent to warn the troops of an oncoming assault. ─── 发出一封快信,警告军队注意一场袭击即将来到。

78、For uniformity, however, every call to a dispatcher returns a list of return values from all functions that control what was propagated to. ─── 但是为了一致性,每次调用分派器都会返回一个从控制传播内容的所有函数中返回的返回值列表。

79、"We have a skunk in the basement," shrieked the caller to the police dispatcher. ─── “我们的地下室里有一只臭鼬,”打电话的人对警察调度员尖叫道。

80、He sent his letter by dispatch. ─── 他以快邮寄出他的信。

81、Stick with dispatch of the canal lax, can send a link madly. ─── 和讯贴吧管的不严,可以狂发链接。

82、Each (area) shunting works, according to the task that station dispatcher assigns, by this (area) shunting warden or leader of hump shunting warden. ─── 各场(区)的调车工作,根据车站调度员布置的任务,由该场(区)的调车区长或驼峰调车区长领导。

83、Sometime later the resident called back. "Did you get rid of it?" Asked the dispatcher. ─── 一段时间后,那位居民又将电话打了回来。"你们将它弄出来了吗?"调度员问。

84、An addition to the dispatcher that determines which task is to execute next. ─── 一种附加调度程序,它确定下一个要执行的任务。

85、The Dispatcher class provides a gateway to the message pump in WPF and provides a mechanism to route work for processing by the UI thread. ─── Dispatcher类提供了到WPF中消息泵的通道,还提供了一种机制来路由供UI线程处理的工作。

86、The empire is grateful for your dispatch. ─── 帝国感谢你的援助。

87、"I'm just going to stay on the line with you until deputies get there, just to make sure everything stays OK, " said the dispatcher. ─── 调度员说,“为确保一切都正常,在警察到这儿之前请先别挂电话。”

88、Whenever on duty, ensure the dispatcher's contact phone available anytime and anywhere 24 hours day. ─── 值班时无论身处何地必须确保调度的电话一天24小时都要保持通畅无阻的状态。

89、Worth worked for AP as a dispatch rider in 1934,also working as a free-lance photographer. ─── 1934年,沃思开始担任美联社的通讯员,同时还是自由摄影师。

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