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08-16 投稿


clucked 发音

英:[kl?kt]  美:[kl?kt]

英:  美:

clucked 中文意思翻译





clucked 短语词组

1、clucked meaning ─── 含糊的意思

2、clucked means ─── 笨拙的手段

3、clucked tongue ─── 咯 ─── 咯的舌头

4、clucked def ─── 咯 ─── 咯作响的def

5、clucked chicken ─── 咕噜鸡

6、clucked up ─── 咯 ─── 咯作响

7、clucked menu ─── 咯 ─── 咯作响的菜单

clucked 词性/词形变化,clucked变形

动词现在分词: clucking |动词第三人称单数: clucks |动词过去分词: clucked |动词过去式: clucked |

clucked 相似词语短语

1、blacked ─── adj.黑色的;黑人的;邪恶的;n.黑色;黑人;黑颜料;vt.使变黑;把鞋油等涂在…上;把(眼眶)打成青肿;vi.变黑;n.(Black)人名;(英、西)布莱克;(德、葡、捷)布拉克

2、clicked ─── v.单击,点击(click的过去式);发出咔哒声(滴嗒声)

3、clecked ─── 咯咯作响

4、plucked ─── [纺]粗细不匀

5、clacked ─── v.劈啪作响;大声唠叨,喋喋不休;n.噼啪声,啪嗒声;唠叨,喋喋不休;n.(Clack)(美)克拉克(人名)

6、clocked ─── v.达到或记录(某时间或速度);测……的速度;注意到,认出;获胜;减少车辆计程器的里程数;打(在脸上或头上);为……计时(clock的过去式和过去分词)

7、lucked ─── n.运气;幸运;带来好运的东西;vi.靠运气,走运;凑巧碰上;n.(Luck)人名;(德、瑞典)卢克;(英)勒克;(法)吕克

8、chucked ─── v.抛掷;丢弃;放弃;与……断绝关系;驱逐;轻拍,抚弄;犯规投(球);n.(机器)卡盘;牛肩胛肉;抚弄;宝贝儿(熟人间友好称呼);免职,拒绝;n.(Chuck)恰克(人名)

9、clunked ─── 发出沉闷声(clunk的过去式和过去分词)

clucked 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Salm First Christian Church has seen a great deal of change: the retirement of Cluck&Penny, two interim minsters, a change in the Sunday morning schedule and a new Senior Minister. ─── 一个变化是星期天早晨的日程表和一位新的资深牧师。

2、Miss Cluck stood and waved as the animals set off through the woods. ─── 咕咕嗒老师挥着翅膀,向走进树林里的小动物们告别。

3、This falls, everybody rises busily, everybody does not wish to talk about He Sang's thing with small sweet cluck, small sweet cluck feels he is particularly alone. ─── 这下,人人都忙碌起来,谁都不愿跟小香咕谈何桑的事了,小香咕觉得自己非凡孤单。

4、“Boy, this is the end of the week, all right,“ she clucked. ─── 这个礼拜就到此为止吧,好不好?”,她叨叨说。

5、"tut!"the president clucked ─── 校长一连声tut!

6、but they were proud that one of their people should be such a cock of the world.They clucked and chirped,so that the Weathercock might hear it ; ─── 但是这个世界不配有一个风蛋![一切真是无聊之至!]现在我连坐在这儿也不愿意了。”

7、and the fowls clucked and the cocks crowed,“Let it go farther! ─── 于是母鸡叫,公鸡啼。“让大家都知道它吧!

8、If irritated or frightened, the female chinchillas may cluck loudly and spray urine at the offender. ─── 如果激怒或害怕的,雌性的龙猫可能高声咕叫并用尿液喷射。

9、When Miss Cluck said the new animal was a bear, the other animals squealed with delight. ─── 咕咕嗒老师又说,这个新同学是一只熊,这下子,大家全都开心地嚷嚷了起来。

10、dumb cluck ─── n. 愚蠢的呆子

11、Hens on the bus sing. Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! ─── 母鸡在公共汽车上唱歌。喀!喀!喀!

12、We eat every part of the chicken except the feathers and the cluck. ─── 食物是从来不会被浪费掉的。

13、"Cluck,cluck,I don't know. ─── “咕,咕,我不知道。

14、The hen answers, Cluck, cluck, I don t know. ─── 然后母鸡去问鸭子。“嘎嘎,我不知道。”

15、The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child's story. ─── 对那小孩讲述的遭遇,老师啧啧地表示同情。

16、For two more weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held Jacob. ─── 在她离死亡越来越近的时候,我孩子的预产期也越来越近了。

17、She took it in her thin black hands and it fluttered and clucked a minute. ─── 她用瘦瘦的黑手拿着鸡,鸡扑着翅膀咯咯叫了一阵。

18、They clucked to their horses and rode along in silence for a while, a flush of embarrassment on Stuart's brown cheeks. ─── 他们对自己的马吆喝了两声,然后默无言语地骑着向前跑了一阵,这时斯图尔特褐色的脸膛上泛起了一抹红晕。

19、a cluck of impatience/annoyance ─── 不耐烦/气恼的啧啧声

20、10.Some cluck came in and asked for a lefthanded monkey wrench. ─── 有个傻瓜进来要借一把供左撇子使用的活动扳手。

21、they clucked, and chirped, and looked at the cock, and were proud that he was of their kind. ─── 他们咯咯地叫,他们唧唧地叫,他们瞅着公鸡,为他感到骄傲,他是他们一族。

22、As she drew near the path that led down through the bare trees into the creek bottom where the Shantytown settlement was, she clucked to the horse to quicken his speed. ─── 再往前走不远有一条小路,然后穿过一片光秃秃的小树林通到沟底,这里便是棚户区。 思嘉吆喝了一声,让马快点跑。 她每次从这里经过都感到非常紧张。

23、The teacher clucked sympathetically at the child's story. ─── 对那小孩讲述的遭遇,老师啧啧地表示同情。

24、Tears of joy blocked my vision as I laid my son in her arms and she clucked at him. ─── 在那两个星期里,她对我父亲、她的儿孙们说的都是完整的句子。

25、He learned to do what prairie chickens do: scratch in the dirt for seeds and insects, cluck and cackle and fly just a few feet off the ground with wings thrashing in the wind. ─── 小鹰像其他松鸡一样学会了在土里扒拉着寻找种子和昆虫,发出咯咯咯的叫声,使劲地扇动翅膀飞离地面几英尺高。

26、This and much more went through Rosicky's mind, but he merely told himself that winter was coming, clucked to his horses, and drove on. ─── 这一点,更通过罗西基的头脑去,但他只是告诉自己,那年冬天的到来,clucked他的马,开车的。

27、British newspapers on Saturday clucked their disapproval as they showed pictures of Beckham with the tattoo, his ninth, as he trained in Spain with Real Madrid team-mates. ─── 英国报纸周六纷纷对贝克汉姆的新纹身表示反面意见。报纸的照片显示了贝克汉姆和皇马的队友一起训练以及他的第九个纹身。

28、When lunch was over Miss Cluck said everyone could go off and play. ─── 吃完了午饭,咕咕嗒老师说,大家可以自由活动一下,玩玩游戏。

29、A partridge, indeed, with a brood of ten behind her, ran forward threatingly, but soon repented of her fierceness, and clucked to her young ones not to be afraid. ─── 一只身后随着十只雏鸟的雌鹧鸪,确曾冲上前来威吓她,但很快就后悔那么凶,还咯咯叫着她的孩子不必害怕。

30、on Grandpa's farm, a rooster crows, hens cluck, ─── 在爷爷的农场里,公鸡啼,母鸡叫,

31、The next day at school the animals couldn't wait to tell Miss Cluck how Boris had saved them from the nasty rat pack. ─── 第二天,一到学校,小动物们就争先恐后地告诉了咕咕嗒老师,波波熊是怎么从野老鼠手里救了他们。

32、Cannot think of, be less than a minute of kettle " cluck clucks " the ground risks a steam to come, the water inside crock heated to boil! ─── 没想到,不到一分钟茶壶就“咕咕”地冒起热气来,壶内的水加热到沸腾了!

33、Jingjiang cluck ─── 荆江麻鸭

34、" The hen answers, "Cluck, cluck, I don't know. ─── 母鸡回答说,“咯咯,我不知道。”然后母鸡去问鸭子。

35、The day that Miss Cluck said there was going to be a new animal in the class, everyone was very excited. ─── 这一天,咕咕嗒老师宣布,班上就要来一个新同学了,大家一听就来了劲儿。

36、The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr. Mouse, ─── 屋子里有一个老鼠夹!屋子里有一个老鼠夹!

37、We're in a hurry so we can only have a quick cluck and grunt. ─── 我们赶时间,只能吃一道快速的火腿蛋。

38、To cackle or cluck, as a hen. ─── 咯咯地叫,象母鸡一样

39、Can you hear the chickens? Cluck! Listen to the pigs.Oink! Oink! ─── 你能听到小鸡们的叫声吗?咯,咯!听听猪的叫声。呼噜!呼噜!

40、I said yes, there was a bonus for each chip they saved, and he just shook his head and then clucked his tongue . ─── 他当时只是摇了摇头,砸巴了下嘴,想要说点什么,结果还是什么都没说。

41、Mummy Hen:Cluck, cluck, my babies. Let's go home. ─── 鸡妈妈:咯哒,咯哒,我的孩子们,我们回家吧。

42、TRANSLATE this: Cluck cluck. Tck tck. Squawk. Got it? If you were a chicken, you might. ─── 咯咯咯,咕咕咕。你知道吗,鸡儿们也是有自己的“语言”的哦。

43、He is handsome,but a dumb cluck. ─── 他很英俊,却是个傻瓜。

44、Some clucked that it was a shame her cheeks were becoming brown, her feet less shapely ─── 有的人为她惋惜,说这真是耻辱;脸儿晒黑了,小脚也不那么细溜。

45、In addition, deserve to have the sofa bed of official of cluck of the design that confuse colour, mix tide contracted elemental be in harmony 2 for one. ─── 此外,配有迷彩图案咕臣的沙发床,则把潮流和简约的元素融二为一。

46、So the cow said, "Moo," and the pig said, "Oink," and the he said, "Cluck," and the duck said, "Quack. ─── 可是由于用力过猛奶牛从小羊的身上滑了过去,于是,小猪,母鸡,鸭子,都被摔了下来。各自都四散逃窜了。

47、For two more weeks, Mother clucked, smiled and held Jacob.For two weeks she spoke to my father, her children and grandchildren in complete sentences.For two miracle weeks, she gave us joy. ─── 有两个多星期,妈妈微笑,抱着雅克布,逗弄他.在这两个星期里她用完整的句子和我父亲,她的儿孙们讲话.在这奇迹般的两个星期里,她带给了我们欢乐.

48、"To cackle or cluck, as a hen." ─── 咯咯地叫,象母鸡一样.

49、For two more weeks, mother clucked, smiled and held Jacob.For two weeks she spoke to my father, her children and grand children in complete sentences.For two miracle weeks, she gave us joy. ─── 坦白地说,我最幸福,也是最悲惨的时该来到了-------我在欣喜地等候著我的第一个孩子的出世,然而与此同时,我那往日精力充沛、热情开朗的母亲却在与脑肿瘤病痛的斗争中渐渐失利.

50、She came, she clucked, she conquered our New York City backyard. ─── 她来了,咯咯叫着,征服了我家的后院。

51、For the key,some are too hard to press and have aloud noise like cluck,the other issofter and have a little noise. ─── 有的声音较小,按键较软。

52、cluck one's disapproval ─── 啧啧地表示反对

53、Sweet cluck turns over a drawer, find out a vitreous billiards, hold it in both hands sweet pull;Introduced from the northern and western nationalities or from abroad. ─── 香咕翻抽屉,找出个玻璃弹子,把它捧给香拉;

54、I pledge allegiance to queuing, and to the people who tut and cluck and scrunch their faces when anybody tries to push in. ─── 我宣誓忠于讲个先来后到的排队法,和当有人想加塞时就出声阻止甚至不依不饶要争个是非曲直的人。

55、hen cluck ─── 母鸡咯咯地叫

56、The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said "Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me. ─── 小鸡抓着地,抬起头,咯咯咯地说:“老鼠先生,我看得出这对你来说是个非常严重的顾虑,但是对我却什么后果也不会有。

57、He concentrates on the tradition, but can " change the hair clucked ", stores quintessence alone . ─── 他潜心钻研传统,却能“换去毛咕”,独存精华。

58、To us, he really was more like Harry Potter, whipping up his fans into a frenzy with feats of magic while skeptics clucked their tongues. ─── 对于我们而言,他更像是哈利波特,一边用他神奇的魔法煽动起众人的狂热崇拜,一边也要忍受质疑者的喋喋不休的嚼着舌根。

59、I quacked and clucked, but all to no purpose. ─── 我说好说歹,一点用也没有!

60、When feeding, they are also not willing to eat first, but only to cluck the young chicken. ─── 摄取食物的时候,它们自己也决不肯先吃,只是咯咯地唤着鸡雏。

61、clucked Shelly the hen. ─── 母鸡雪莉咯咯叫。

62、The chicken clucked and scratched, raised her head and said, "Mr.Mouse, I can tell this is a grave concern to you, but it is of no consequence to me.I can not be bothered by it. ─── 母鸡咯咯哼着挠地寻食,抬起头道:'老鼠先生,我能分辨出这对您来说是件严肃的,有厉害关系的大事,可对我却不具有什么影响,我可不愿意被这事所烦扰.

63、Madame Cluck lies down on the bed motionless, time I all wonder she is living whether also. ─── 克拉克夫人躺在床上一动不动,一时间我都纳闷她是否还活着。

64、5. Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark. ─── 鸭子在码头下面咯咯直叫,一个穿帆布服的猎鸭人一闪隐入黑暗中。

65、Ducks clucked under the docks with a ducker in duck ducking into the dark. ─── 鸭子在码头下面咯咯叫,一个穿着帆布衣服的养鸭人一弯腰隐入黑暗中。

66、I clucked sympathetically and reached for my iced coffee when Michelle beat me to it. ─── 我同情地答应着,正要伸出手那冰咖啡,这时候,Michelle抢先一步。

67、Columbine basket in the dove of Bai Yu of a pair of red chew, from time to time gives out a frisky sound of a " of cluck of " cluck cluck, call a person to love indeed. ─── 走进琼山市红旗镇的村庄农舍,呈现在眼前的是农家庭前屋后那一排排整然有序的鸽舍。鸽笼里一对对红咀白羽的鸽子,时而发出一阵阵"咕咕咕"的欢闹声,着实叫人喜爱。

68、The monkey catchs a glimpse of there is the thing of a pair of multicoloureds in little weight, ask at once: Stop dainty scabbard cuts? into parts " " cluck clucks! ─── 猴子瞥见小包袱里放着一对五颜六色的东西,连忙问道:“这是什么?

69、to cluck one's disapproval ─── 发咯咯声以表示不赞成

70、She noticed that their mother hens clucked to them behind the iron gate. ─── 她看到学生的妈妈正在铁门后热切等待着他们。

71、The emperor hears an owl to be in below earthy wall " cluck clucks " cry, ask Afandi: "Do you listen to it what saying? ─── 皇帝在土墙下听到一只猫头鹰在“咕咕”的叫,就问阿凡提:“你听它在说什么呢?”

72、Here a cluck, there a cluck, everywhere a cluck-cluck, ─── 这里咯一声,那里咯一声,到处咯咯叫!

73、She took it in her thin black hands and it fluttered and clucked a minute. ─── 她用瘦瘦的黑手拿着鸡,鸡扑着翅膀咯咯叫了一阵。

74、So the duck quacked again and sat on a hen. "Cluck," said the hen. "There's a duck on me." ─── 一次,有一只小蜜蜂落在了一只鸭子的身上。“嘎”鸭子叫了起来,“我的身上有一只蜜蜂。喂,你赶紧走开!”但是蜜蜂却一动不动。

75、He clucked disapproval. ─── 他啧啧地表示反对。

76、"A partridge, indeed, with a brood of ten behind her, ran forward threatingly, but soon repented of her fierceness, and clucked to her young ones not to be afraid." ─── 一只身后随着十只雏鸟的雌鹧鸪,确曾冲上前来威吓她,但很快就后悔那么凶,还咯咯叫着她的孩子不必害怕。

77、For two more weeks, Mother clucked and held Jacob. ─── 在随后的两星期里,妈妈笑着,抱着雅各布。

78、To cluck or chuck, as a hen. ─── 象母鸡一样咯咯笑

79、2. The hen clucked when calling her chickens. ─── 母鸡唤小鸡时,发出咯咯的叫声。

80、Several chickens clucked in the garden. ─── 几只鸡在花园里发出咯咯声。

81、A partridge, indeed, with a brood of ten behind her, ran forward threateningly, but soon repented of her fierceness, and clucked to her young ones not to be afraid. ─── 一只身后随着十只雏鸟的雌鹧鸪,却冲上前来威吓她,但很快就后悔那么凶,还咯咯叫着她的孩子不必害怕。

82、[Onomatopoeia] a cluck; a chuckle; a cackle; a titter ─── 咯咯

83、Down but not out, he struggles mightily to restore his reputation and make his Dad, Buck Cluck, proud. ─── 可是今天,当迪斯尼开始变得平平无奇,皮克斯工作室却取得了难以置信的成功。

84、chicken cluck ─── 鸡咯咯地叫

85、Some clucked that it was a shame her cheeks were becoming brown, her feet less shapely. ─── 有的人为她惋惜,说这真是耻辱;脸儿晒黑了,小脚也不那么细溜。

86、So the duck quacked again and sat on a hen."Cluck," said the hen. ─── " 鸭子不停地叫着,他看见了一只母鸡,于是一下子就坐到了母鸡的身上。

87、I lay eggs, " clucked the hen. ─── 母鸡咯咯:“我会下蛋。”

88、For two more weeks, mother clucked, smiled and held Jacob.For tow weeks she spoke to my father, her children and grandchildren in complete sentences. ─── 足足两个多星期,母亲咯咯地笑著,抱著雅各布,她能对我的父亲、她的孩子们、孙子们完整地吐字了。

89、Rhett clucked to the mare. ─── 瑞德吆喝着那匹母马动身往前走。

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