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08-16 投稿


appreciative 发音

英:[?'pri???t?v]  美:[?'pri??t?v]

英:  美:

appreciative 中文意思翻译



appreciative 网络释义

adj. 感激的;赏识的;有欣赏力的;承认有价值的

appreciative 短语词组

1、be appreciative of ─── 欣赏…;感激…

2、appreciative comprehension ─── 感激的理解

appreciative 反义词


appreciative 同义词

favourable | beholden | conscious of | of | in debt |grateful | aware | favorable | enthusiastic | thankful | sympathetic | supportive | apprehending | sensible | aware of | conscious | admiring | comprehending | positive | obliged | sensible of | indebted | approving

appreciative 词性/词形变化,appreciative变形

副词: appreciatively |

appreciative 相似词语短语

1、appreciation ─── n.欣赏,鉴别;增值;感谢

2、appreciations ─── [经]增值;欣赏

3、appreciatively ─── adv.欣赏地,赞赏地;感激地

4、appreciate ─── vt.欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别;vi.增值;涨价

5、inappreciative ─── adj.无欣赏力的;不能正确评价的

6、depreciative ─── adj.蔑视的;贬值的

7、appreciating ─── v.欣赏(appreciate的ing形式);感激;使增值;鉴别

8、misappreciative ─── 误收

9、unappreciative ─── adj.不赏识的

appreciative 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A Nock on the Arts'form, Appreciative Value and Arts from the Chinese Character Form ─── 从字源形构浅溯艺术、审美与形式

2、They did not like the dark shade of the thickets hedging the pasture creek, and they twitched their ears at Scarlett as if appreciative of human companionship. ─── 它们不喜欢牧场溪畔树丛的黑暗阴影,它们向斯卡利特抖动着耳朵,仿佛感激有人类相伴。

3、If you are truly appreciative you'll communicate it, verbally or nonverbally. ─── 如果你真心感激的话,不管在口头上还是用其他方式,你都可以表示出来。

4、Peter was appreciative of my help. ─── 彼得感谢我的帮助。

5、I sometimes think that she was assigned by Master to help me grow on my way Home. When I realize this, instead of complaining, I am truly appreciative. ─── 也因为这样,内在师父的力量逐渐改变了我,并帮助我实现及接受自己所作的决定拥有一个家庭。

6、The aforesaid three joint communiqu'e? s testify to their effort and contribution of which the Chinese Government and people are highly appreciative. ─── 上述三个联合公报就包含着他们的努力和贡献, 中国政府和人民对此十分赞赏。

7、It was slow going at halftime -- 46-45, Bulls -- and then the Lakers lit up, taking the second half by a whopping 61-32 advantage in front of an appreciative Staples Center crowd. ─── 在半场结束时,公牛还以46-45领先。但是在斯台普斯的球迷面前,湖人爆发了,下半场取得61-32的比分。

8、If I am uneasy about compliments and appreciative of criticism, then sincere, understanding, and virtuous people will gradually come close to me. ─── 如我听到别人赞叹,就起恐慌;听到别人批评,反而感到高兴;有诚信又能谅解我的道德人士,才会逐渐愿意与我亲近。

9、Realizing my own mortality and the evanescence of life paradoxically makes me more appreciative of life. ─── 在我理解到我个人的生命也会有结束的一天时,生命就这样像谜一样地消失更让我对生命有无限的感激与尊敬。

10、An appreciative letter,audience,look ─── 感谢信,表示欣赏的观众(或听众),赏识的神情

11、was appreciative of his efforts; an appreciative word. ─── 对他的努力表示感激;表示感激的词语。

12、Fans in the crowd were mostly appreciative of the photograph, though some were more impressed by his football prowess than the media hype for this latest underwear campaign. ─── 人群中的大部分粉丝都很欣赏这幅广告照,但有些人更为他的球技折服,而不是最新内衣广告中的媒体宣传形象。

13、Its hook-like claws and mouth is frightening and appreciative , the beauty of strength and sharp lead to countless painters spare no effort to research it . ─── 它那如钩的爪和嘴,令人恐惧,也令人欣赏,是强力之美,也是尖锐之美,引无数画家竞折腰

14、In fact, I informed her, new research has found that being around flirtatious women can make a man less appreciative of his partner. ─── 事实上,我已经告诉她,新的研究已经发现,习惯轻浮的女子会减弱男人对女子欣赏。

15、grateful, gratefully, thankfully, appreciative, appreciatively ─── 值得感谢的。值得感激的。

16、They are appreciative of art and literature, and especially of drama. ─── 他们对艺术和文学有很好的鉴赏力,尤其是戏剧。

17、Analysts are appreciative: buys outnumber sells by more than three to one. ─── 分析师称赏不已:买入与卖出评级之比超过三比一。

18、A Loving Woman's Voice--An Appreciative Comment on the Early Poems of Judith Wright ─── 一位充满爱心的女性的心声--朱迪丝·赖特早期诗歌赏析

19、From this story,people havederived the set phrase"high mountain and running water" to refer to understanding and appreciative friends. ─── 俞伯牙年轻的时候聪颖好学,曾拜高人为师,琴技达到水平,但他总觉得自己还不能出神入化地表现对各种事物的感受。

20、At which Willi would give a small grudging appreciative smile. ─── 对此,威利往往给出一个勉强赞赏的微笑。

21、"BAT Malaysia is very appreciative of the efforts undertaken by the RMC for continuously stepping up their enforcement efforts on smuggling activities over the past few years. ─── “英美烟草马来西亚公司非常赞赏马来西亚皇家海关在过去几年内持续打击走私活动的努力。”

22、“Xanadu” got an unexpected second life on Broadway, where it finally found an appreciative audience. ─── “世外桃源”在百老汇大街得到了意想不到的第二春,在那里它终于找到了观众。

23、At which Willi would give a small grudging appreciative smile ─── 对此,威利往往给出一个勉强赞赏的微笑。

24、I'm most appreciative of your generosity. ─── 我万分感激你的慷慨大方。

25、Implement inductive and appreciative teaching, carry out the new curriculum standard really ─── 开展引导欣赏式教学,切实贯彻新课程标准

26、Until now, I still feel greatly appreciative of him for helping me without hesitation when I was in troubles. That is real friendship! ─── 至今为止,我仍然非常感激刘某人,在我遇到困难时,可以毫不犹豫地帮助我,这才是真正的友情!

27、Is your boss appreciative of your efforts? ─── 你的老板是否认可你的努力?

28、We are appreciative of the fact that the football fans of the ROK cheered the Chinese men football team during the World Cup. ─── 世界杯足球赛期间,韩国球迷为中国男子足球队喝彩。

29、Appreciative of benefits received; thankful. ─── 感激的,感谢的为获得的好处感激的;感谢的

30、was appreciative of his efforts; an appreciative word ─── 对他的努力表示感激;表示感激的词语

31、Guarding Our Mental World--Appreciative Requirements of Contemporary Moral Education ─── 当代道德教育的审美诉求

32、Chelsea trained to appreciative purrs from the crowd, particular when executing a routine of one-touch counter-attack play and shooting. ─── 切尔西在人们的欢呼中训练着,特别是进行了常规的一脚出球进攻和射门训练时。

33、She looked with appreciative eyes at the powerful young man clipping the hedge. ─── 她以欣赏的目光看着那个修剪矮树篱的健壮的年轻人。

34、Colin's face was thoughtful and appreciative. ─── 科林满脸的沉思和赏识。

35、George Karl was proud of his kid and appreciative that Coby had the chance to take the technical free throw. ─── 乔治卡尔为自己的儿子感到骄傲,对自己的儿子,考比卡尔,能够执行技术犯规罚球而表示赞赏。

36、With all the students' collaborating together, the FM English Radio Station has its own devoted and enthusiastic audience. The qinghua University audience is most appreciative of the station. ─── 外语调频台在同学们的齐心努力下,已经拥有了很多固定的听众,并获得了清华师生的一致好评。

37、Mayo's me-myself-and-I routine.Rose, therefore, is properly rated, non-Chicago fans being sufficiently envious of Bulls fans and sufficiently appreciative of his skills (as well as his resonation). ─── 如果是这样的话,他就是被恰当地评估,芝加哥以外的球迷将会疯狂地嫉妒公牛球迷,并贪婪地欣赏他的球技(这就是共鸣)。

38、Hearing the shouting, Boya came out of the boat, and saw a woodcutter standing on the bank.He knew that this man was keenly appreciative of his talents, because he understood his music. ─── 伯牙闻声走出船来,只见一个樵夫站在岸边,他知道此人是知音当即请樵夫上船,兴致勃勃地为他演奏。

39、However they were even then appreciative of his talents and of his value to the club during his years there. ─── 尽管如此,俱乐部上下还是非常欣赏他的才华以及这几年他对俱乐部奉献出来的价值。

40、appreciative learning ─── 情感性学习

41、But demanding though she was, she was always equitable, fair, and, above all, immensely appreciative of the work she paid people to do ─── 她虽然对别人严格要求,但也很公正,平等,对付钱请别人做的事,也总要表示感激。

42、They are always quiet, always cheerful, comfortable, and appreciative of life and its manifold blessings ─── 他们向来稳重,安分,愉快、舒畅、乐天知命。

43、Being appreciative of things around us will make us stronger, if we keep this mindset as a way of life, what else will make us feel hurt? ─── 感激使我们更加坚强,用这样的心态来经营我们自己,还有谁能伤害我们?

44、Lucie is extremely appreciative to Sol Inc. for the solar LED lights donation placed in our new school bus shelters. ─── 它有若干电话共用一条外线,适用于中、小型企业,也可用于住宅和秘书电话。

45、Generally, negotiating for water brought me into contact with the locals in a way the motorised tourist would never experience, and I became very appreciative of the kindness I was shown. ─── 一般来说,为了获得水,使我想方设法和本地上打交道,这些方法是一般的旅行者无法经历到的。我非常感激我所遇的种种友善。

46、Developing and enhancing your Appreciative Intelligence could mean that you learn how to reframe situations for better negotiating or solving problems in a creative way. ─── 发展并强化你的赏识力可能意味著学习如何更有创意地重建概念去做更好的协商或是解决问题。

47、appreciative of help ─── 感谢相助

48、Heard that the girl is a super model,and she will join in their class,boys jumped and danced with an appreciative whistle. ─── 听说那个将要插入他们班的女孩是个超级名模,男孩子们又蹦又跳,还一边欣赏性地吹着口哨。

49、Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative and pejorative/derogative. ─── 情感意义反映作者或说话人对所谈论的人或物、事态等表示的个人情感或态度。

50、be appreciative of ─── 感激 ...

51、We have been very appreciative of their support. ─── 我们对他们的支持一直非常感激。

52、“We're going to pin it on the wall and siphon out the gray mush that it uses as a brain,” said one of the Narkhys aggressively.The others gave out appreciative grunts. ─── "我们会把它按在墙上,把它所谓的大脑里的那些灰色粘液给抽出来,"其中一个拿克骇蜥气势汹汹地说.其他的同伴发出赞赏的咕哝声.

53、There is a murmur of appreciative laughter. ─── 有一阵低低的赞赏的笑声。

54、They should be receptive, appreciative, and fair when dealing with employee's suggestions. ─── 在处理职工建议时,他们应是易于接近、有鉴别力和公平的。

55、The efforts of Messrs Khamenei and Ahmadinejad to portray Western countries as vindictively hoarding technology for themselves and their Israeli clients found an appreciative audience. ─── 哈梅内伊和内贾德竭力将西方国家说成是为了他们自身和以色列客户的利益,报复性地向伊朗保密核技术,引起众人赞同。

56、Once upon a time there lived in a country a do-gooder. The king was very appreciative of his deeds and decided to honour him as a saint by a decree. ─── 从前,在一个国家里,有一位做了无数善事的善心者。国王非常欣赏他的善举,便封他为圣者。

57、He'd suffered as much as any man could and was thus appreciative of the positive alternative of Krsna consciousness. ─── 他遭受了差不多人能经历的所有痛苦,因此感激对奎师那知觉的积极的选择。

58、Knowing our past gives us a sense of history and continuity makes us more appreciative of our forebears'struggles for a better life for their family,and stimulates pride in their contributions toward Singapore's prosperity. ─── 在认识过去的过程中,我们能够对连绵不断的历史更加敏感,对祖宗为家人谋求美好生活的奋斗更加了解,对他们为国家繁荣所作出的贡献更加感到骄傲。


60、And also in colorful life students can enrich their knowledge, improve the personalities and appreciative abilities. ─── 反过来,让学生在五彩缤纷的生活里学习语文,更会丰富学生的知识、陶冶学生的人格、提高鉴赏力。

61、Maybe God wants you to meet many wrong people before you meet the right one, so when this happen, you'll be appreciative. ─── 也许上帝让你遇见那个合适的人之前遇见很多错误的人,所以,当这一切发生的时候,你应该心存感激.

62、It would be appreciative of you if you could send me some relevant information at your earliest convenience. ─── 如果您能够尽快寄给我一些相关信息,我将不胜感激。

63、Make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound. ─── 会使他更珍惜视力。寂静会教他认识声音的乐趣。

64、They were big and shy and embarrassed and very appreciative together of anything that happened ─── 他们俩个子大,很害臊,忸怩不安,凡事体贴人意。

65、We are appreciative of their suggestion . ─── 我们对他们的建议感激不荆

66、They are always quiet, always cheerful, comfortable, and appreciative of life and its manifold blessings. ─── 他们向来稳重,向来安分,向来愉快、舒畅、乐天知命。

67、How to Proceed with the Appreciative Reading ─── 怎样进行鉴赏性阅读

68、The communication between the architect and the developers can only be effective if the architect is appreciative of the work of developers. ─── 如果构架师认为开发人员的工作是十分有价值的,那么他们之间的交流将会很有效用。

69、After returning to Taitung, after his business trip to Taipei, he was much more appreciative of the tranquility of the town. ─── 出差台北,回到台东,他发现小镇宁谧之美更胜于前。

70、I do not know anything about ferns and if you can assist to ID their names, I shall be very appreciative. ─── 我对蕨类植物一窍不通,我会很感谢有谁可以协助指出它们的名字的。

71、The Vengeance and the Juryman, looking after her as she walked away, were highly appreciative of her fine figure, and her superb moral endowments. ─── 复仇女神和陪审员望着她远去,对她那漂亮的身影和无与伦比的道德秉赋表示了崇高的赞赏。

72、He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values ─── 他们对生活的意义和它永恒的精神价值变得更具欣赏力了。

73、Gratitude To be grateful means you are thankful for and appreciative of what you have and where you are on your path right now. ─── 感恩之心感恩是指你感激、珍惜自己当前所拥有的一切以及所处的人生境遇。

74、At the end of the paper the author puts forward three suggestions as to how to further develop and utilize the plants of high appreciative value suitable for gardening. ─── 同时,探讨了该区系植物在毛乌素周边城市生态建设与园林绿化建设中的应用形式,对今后进一步开发利用毛乌素沙区园林观赏植物提出三点建议。

75、You were such a wonderful traveler,so happy and easygoing,and so appreciative,not at all like some others who whine and complain all the time. ─── 你这样的旅游者最好了,愉快、随和、通情达理。一点不像有些人,总是在那儿发牢骚、抱怨。

76、She was deeply appreciative of your help. ─── 她对你的帮助深表感激。

77、Because she had always been such an avid and appreciative reader, her dream when she started college was to become an imaginative writer. ─── 由于她一贯喜欢读书,又有鉴赏力,她刚上大学时的梦想是当一位想象力丰富的作家。

78、By and large the work of the news agency is appreciative. ─── 一般而论这家新闻社的工作是让人感激的。

79、The aforesaid three joint communiqu'es testify to their effort and contribution of which the Chinese Government and people are highly appreciative. ─── 上述三个联合公报就包含着他们的努力和贡献,中国政府和人民对此十分赞赏。

80、Appreciative Comments on Screen Character Image Design of Ye Jingtian ─── 叶锦添影视人物造型设计赏析

81、Although positive stereotypes of the partners were not confirmed, the students became appreciative of their partners' presentations and tolerant of the varieties of spoken and written English. ─── 学生们虽然对对方的表现颇感失望,可是也透过这次活动学会欣赏对方的内容、瞭解对方的英文;

82、If I am uneasy about compliments and appreciative of criticism, then sincere, understanding,, and virtuous people will gradually come close to me. ─── 如我听到别人赞叹,就起恐慌;听到别人批评,反而感到高兴;有诚信又能谅解我的道德人士,才会逐渐愿意与我亲近。

83、Appreciative of benefits received;thankful. ─── 感激的,感谢的为获得的好处感激的;感谢的

84、the appreciative pressure on RMB ─── 人民币升值压力

85、The company was very appreciative of my efforts. ─── 公司对我的努力十分赞赏。

86、It would be appreciative of you if you could send me Some relevant information at your earliest convenience. ─── 如果您能够尽快寄给我一些相关信息,我将不胜感激。

87、He was appreciative of Paul's diligence ─── 他赏识保罗的勤奋。

88、But Bean was not all that appreciative. The Greek military would, of course, put them in hiding and protect them carefully. ─── 但是比恩并没觉得多感激,希腊军方当然会把他们藏起来,小心保护他们安全,但是无论如何都不会向希腊政府本身隐瞒他的位置。

89、be deeply appreciative of ─── 对 ... 深表感激

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