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08-16 投稿


axiomatic 发音

英:[??ksi??m?t?k]  美:[??ksi??m?t?k]

英:  美:

axiomatic 中文意思翻译



axiomatic 网络释义

adj. 公理的;自明的

axiomatic 词性/词形变化,axiomatic变形

异体字: axiomatical |副词: axiomatically |

axiomatic 短语词组

1、axiomatic description ─── 公理化描述

2、axiomatic specification ─── [计] 公理说明, 公理描述

3、axiomatic theory ─── [计] 公理理论

4、axiomatic fuzzy set ─── 公理模糊集

5、interpreting axiomatic language ─── [计] 解释公理语言

6、axiomatic semantics approach ─── [计] 公理语义学方法

7、axiomatic model ─── [计] 公理化模型

8、Armstrong axiomatic Arms-trong ─── [计] 公理系统

9、axiomatic proof rule ─── [计] 公理证明规则

10、axiomatic approach ─── [计] 公理法

11、primitive axiomatic language ─── [计] 原始公理语言

12、axiomatic semantics ─── [计] 公理语义学

13、axiomatic method ─── [计] 公理方法

14、axiomatic set theory ─── 公理集合

15、axiomatic system ─── [计] 公理系统

16、axiomatic proof ─── [计] 公理证明

17、axiomatic basis ─── [计] 公理基础

axiomatic 相似词语短语

1、axiomatised ─── 公理

2、axiomatise ─── 公理主义

3、idiomatic ─── adj.惯用的;符合语言习惯的;通顺的

4、axiomatize ─── v.(使)理论公理化

5、axiomatical ─── 公理化的

6、axiomatics ─── n.公理系统;公理学

7、animatic ─── n.样片;有声动画系列广告;(电影)原始片;(非正式)动态分镜

8、aromatic ─── adj.芳香的,芬芳的;芳香族的;n.芳香植物;芳香剂

9、automatic ─── adj.自动的;无意识的;必然的;n.自动机械;自动手枪

axiomatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They can be represented for the present purpose by two almost axiomatic statements, thus: (1) 'An official wants to multiply subordinates, not rivals' and (2) 'Officials make work for each other. ─── 在当前语境下,它们能够用两个几乎是不正自明的论断来表述:(1)“官员希望增加下属,而不是政敌”以及(2)“官员之间相互服务。”

2、interpreting axiomatic language ─── [计] 解释公理语言

3、On opening the message, I thought (an act that provided axiomatic evidence of my being) that I recognized the contents as an antiregulatory diatribe I had already received a few times. ─── 一看到邮件内容后,我就想到(由这个动作证实,我的确还活著,没死),这封信我已经收过好几次了,内容是在抨击政府的规定与制度。

4、It's almost axiomatic to say: 'The internet has changed our brain, and its processes. ' ─── 这几乎是不言自明的:‘互联网已经改变了我们的大脑和它的运作方式。

5、Axiomatic design is a general design theory in the design field, using the four domains and two design axioms it generalizes abstractly basic role of design field. ─── 具体内容有:1、公理化设计是设计领域的通用性设计理论,它以四个域和两条设计公理抽象地概括设计领域的基本规律。

6、axiomatic quantum theory ─── 公理化量子理论

7、axiomatic specification ─── [计] 公理说明, 公理描述

8、axiomatic model ─── 公理模式

9、Study on Integrated Axiomatic Design and Quality Function Deployment(QFD) ─── 公理化设计与质量功能配置集成研究

10、axiomatic basis ─── [计] 公理基础

11、The AFS (the Axiomatic Fuzzy Sets) theory was firstly put forward by Professor Liu Xiaodong in 1995. It applies the new mathematics object AFS algebras, which is a non-Boolean algebra. ─── AFS(Axiomatic Fuzzy Sets)理论即公理模糊集理论,是刘晓东教授于1995年首先提出的。


13、New Approach to Coupled Functions Planning in Axiomatic Design ─── 公理设计中耦合功能规划的新方法

14、Product Information Model for Integrating Axiomatic Design with DFA ─── 公理化设计与DFA集成的产品信息模型

15、axiomatic development ─── 公理化发展

16、Design process reengineering aided by axiomatic design ─── 公理设计辅助产品设计过程重组研究

17、axiomatic potential theory ─── 公理位势论

18、Results on Axiomatic Definition of State Variable Weight Vector ─── 关于状态变权向量公理化定义的若干结果

19、Base on axiomatic design theory,customization equations are built,and an approach of calculating flexibility indices is educed. ─── 基于公理化设计理论,建立了定制方程,导出了柔性指数的计算方法。

20、I'm always working with less money than I need. It's axiomatic. ─── 我的钱总不够工作所需,这是可以理解的。


22、axiomatic S-matrix theory ─── 公理化s矩阵理论

23、Design of Automatic Assemblage and Weld System Based on Axiomatic Design Theory ─── 基于公理化理论的自动装配与焊接系统设计

24、Key Words: social justice, Harsanyi's Utilitarianism, Rawls' leximin rule, axiomatic characterization, positive foundation ─── 关键词:社会正义,功利主义,辞典式最小规则,公理刻画,实证基础

25、The first of these is the development of an axiomatic treatment of sheaf theory by Grothendieck for the purpose of to define sheaf cohomology. ─── 但是,数学的逻辑推导之前,总需要有一些基本的定义与公理。

26、Analysis of hoisting mechanism of crane based on theory of axiomatic design ─── 基于公理化设计理论的起重机起升机构分析

27、axiomatic complexity theory ─── 公理复杂性理论

28、axiomatic method ─── 公理法

29、primitive axiomatic language ─── [计] 原始公理语言

30、And made a right to a basic factor of the theory of axiomatic system. ─── 并且提出了权系数理论的一个基本公理化体系。

31、axiomatic system ─── 公理系统

32、Axiomatic Characterization of Generalized Fuzzy Approximation Operators ─── 一般模糊近似算子的公理化刻画

33、Illume in dusk a lamplight, read extensively Gu Jin, among them lasting appeal not character is axiomatic. ─── 在暮色中点亮一盏灯光,博览古今,其中的韵味不言自明。

34、Uncertainty theory and its axiomatic foundations ─── 不确定理论及其公理化体系

35、axiomatic proof ─── [计] 公理证明

36、Keywords Conflict analysis,Cooperation theory,Allotment,Negotiation;Stability;n-person cooperation game;Axiomatic allocation; ─── 冲突分析;合作理论;分配;谈判;稳定性;多人合作对策;公理化分配;

37、Accordingly, axiomatic face up to now, annatto furniture is in in past dynasties popular. ─── 因此,自明朝至今,红木家具在历代都在流行。

38、Another checks an incoming telegram, discovery is made from California, this " confederative orgnaization " false appearance not character is axiomatic. ─── 再一查来电,发现是从加州打来的,这个“联邦机构”的虚假面目不言自明了。

39、Product Design Based on the Co-evolution of Axiomatic Design Matrix and Design Structure Matrix ─── 基于公理化设计矩阵与设计结构矩阵同步演化的产品设计

40、"the axiomatic pillars of a new code of the law of nations" (William Taylor) ─── “国家法律新准则的公理的支柱”(威廉·泰勒)

41、Theory and Design Model of Axiomatic Design ─── 公理化设计基本理论及其应用模型

42、Pansystems analysis of axiomatic system ─── 公理系统的泛系分析

43、Axiomatic Design is based on function independence axiom whereas it couldn t deal with coupled design involving functional coupling relationships. ─── 公理设计是以独立公理为基础的,并未提供分析和处理具有功能耦合关系的耦合设计手段。

44、Pertaining to or characteristic of a body of rules and principles accepted as axiomatic; e.g. canonist communism. ─── 具有被视为公理的规则和原则的特征的,或与之相关的;如:经典共产主义学说。

45、an axiomatic truth; we hold these truths to be self-evident. ─── 不言自明的真相;我们持有不言自明的证据。

46、axiomatic analysis ─── 公理化分析

47、Distribution decision theory and axiomatic analysis ─── 共摊成本分配决策的公理化研究

48、The approach is axiomatic and formulated in terms of geometric invariance with respect to the position of the observer. ─── 这种方法是无须证明的并且用与观察者的位置有关的几何学不变方式阐述。

49、In an axiomatic system, the primitive symbols are undefined and all other symbols are defined in terms of them. ─── 在任何公理系统中,基设符号都是不下定义的,其它所有符号都藉基设符号来界定。

50、axiomatic theory ─── 公理论

51、It is axiomatic that life is not always easy. ─── 生活并不总是一帆风顺,这是明摆着的事实。

52、axiomatic set theory ─── 公理论的集论公理集合论

53、axiomatic characterization ─── 公理表征

54、LIU Si-feng,LIN Yi.An axiomatic definition of degree of greyness of grey number[J].Engineering Science,2004 (8):91-93(in Chinese). ─── [3]刘思峰,林益.灰色灰度的一种公理化定义[J].中国工程科学,2004(8):91-93.

55、Its validity is self evident in ontological existence and works on the axiomatic level of reality. ─── 其有效性是本性明显在存在论中存在而运转在实相自明层面上。

56、The Category of Society and Its Axiomatic Ideology in Chinese Consciousness of Modernity ─── 中国现代性意识中的社会范畴及其公理意识形态

57、Keywords comparison between accounting and chemistry;accounting axiomatic method;accounting idealism method;accounting sign method;chemistry sign system; ─── 会计学与化学学比较;会计公理化方法;会计理想化方法;会计符号法;化学符号系统;

58、axiomatic design(AD) ─── 公理化设计理论

59、axiomatic proof rule ─── [计] 公理证明规则

60、axiomatic description ─── 公理描述

61、It is indicated that serial cost pricing meets all the axioms in the homogeneous axiomatic system except monotony of cost function, control of demand and consistency. ─── 在同质模型的前提下,序列成本定价满足除去成本函数单调性、一致性和需求可控性之外的所有公理特性要求。

62、Development in Research and Application of Axiomatic Design Theory ─── 公理化设计理论研究及其应用进展

63、Up to a point the axiomatic approach worked. ─── 公理化方法在某一程度上有效。


65、The Cost Evaluation Software Frame of DFC Based on Axiomatic Design ─── 基于公理设计理论的DFC成本估算软件框架

66、The systematic, formal, axiomatic development of the logic of all forms and models of being. ─── 事物的所有表示和模型的逻辑的,系统的,正式的,和公理性的开发。

67、axiomatic hypothesis ─── 公理性假设

68、Keywords Axiomatic design Analytic network process(ANP) Innovation design Interaction; ─── 公理设计;网络分析法;创新设计;交互作用;

69、The systematic, formal, axiomatic development of the logic of all forms and models of being. ─── 的所有表示和模型的逻辑的,系统的,正式的,和公理性的开发。

70、Do not try to make the Bible relevant; its relevance is axiomatic. ─── 切勿尝试要让圣经与生活产生关连,免得弄巧成拙,因为圣经与生活息息相关是不辩自明的事实。

71、"This axiomatic method has been the model for many systems of rational thought, even outside mathematics, for over 2,000 years. ─── "这种公理方法是2,000多年来许多理性思想体系(甚至体系外之数学)的模范。

72、axiomatic semantics ─── 公理化语义公理语义学

73、To PIMCO, the remedy for this deflationary delevering and mini-depression is simple and almost axiomatic: stop the decline in asset prices. ─── 从余下的就原计划资金中拿出很大一部分作为美联储的后备?

74、Euclidean geometry is not only the leader of the civilization of ancient Greek but also the brilliant achievements of axiomatic approach in mathematics. ─── 以《几何原本》为代表的欧氏几何是古希腊文明的一个火车头,是古代数学公理化方法的一个辉煌成就.

75、It is axiomatic that by basing one's pursuit of intellectual interests on altruistic goals, the public stands a much greater chance of benefiting in the end. ─── 勿需赘言,把个人对知识的追求建立在无私的目标之上,公众就有更大的机会最终从中获益。

76、A general or abstract concept or term considered absolute or axiomatic. ─── 一般概念:普遍的或抽象的概念或术语,认为是绝对的或自明的。

77、axiomatic graph ─── 公理图式

78、axiomatic field theory ─── 公理化场论

79、Armstrong axiomatic Arms-trong ─── [计] 公理系统

80、axiomatic complexity ─── 公理复杂性

81、It is axiomatic: As energy use rises, people get richer. ─── 这是显而易见的:随着能源消耗量的增加,人民的财富也随之增长。

82、Equilibrium is the product of an axiomatic system. ─── 均衡观念是公理系统的产物。

83、Information Axiom and its Application in Axiomatic Design ─── 公理化设计中信息公理及其应用研究

84、axiomatic design ─── 公理设计

85、axiomatic approach ─── 公理方法公理探索

86、Analysis of Information Axiom and Complexity in Axiomatic Design ─── 公理设计中的信息公理和复杂性分析

87、axiomatic quantum field theory ─── 公理的量子场理论

88、axiomatic semantics approach ─── [计] 公理语义学方法

89、“It seems axiomatic that you have to make a friend before you can effectively make him a proposition. ─── 一个放诸四海皆准的事实-必须先做成朋友,对方才会听你的忠告。

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