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dukes 发音


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dukes 中文意思翻译



dukes 网络释义

n. 双拳;双手;英国公爵(duke的复数形式)v. 用拳狠击(duke的第三人称单数形式)

dukes 短语词组

1、Filatow-Dukes disease ─── [医] 费-杜二氏疹热病, 第四病(副猩红热)

2、dardanian dukes ─── 达尔 ─── 达公爵

3、doris dukes ─── 多丽丝·杜克斯

4、Dukes' disease ─── [医] 杜克氏病, 幼儿急疹

dukes 词性/词形变化,dukes变形


dukes 相似词语短语

1、dudes ─── 花花公子;纨绔子弟;哥们(dude的名词复数)

2、duke ─── n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃;n.(Duke)人名;(西、俄、瑞典、英)杜克

3、cukes ─── n.黄瓜(等于cucumber);黄瓜之果实

4、dukas ─── n.(Dukas)人名;(法)杜卡

5、dekes ─── n.(尤指冰球)假动作;v.(尤指冰球)用假动作诱骗对手

6、duces ─── n.(意)领袖;首领;n.(Duce)人名;(意、罗)杜切;(英)杜斯;(西)杜塞

7、dues ─── n.会费;手续费;税捐(due的复数)

8、dikes ─── 堤坝(dike的复数)

9、duked ─── n.公爵,(公国的)君主;公爵(种)樱桃;n.(Duke)人名;(西、俄、瑞典、英)杜克

dukes 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They made out that they were descended from a Duke. ─── 他们终于得知他们是一个君主的后裔。

2、He stood before me and held both my dukes. I said, "Leave me! " ; but he did not go. ─── 他站在我眼前拉住我的双手。我说:“躲开我!”但是他没有走。

3、But then the Duke announced that he was the new king. ─── 但以后公爵宣布他自己是新国王,

4、Duke of Venice. Fetch Desdemona hither. ─── 公爵去把苔丝狄蒙娜带来。

5、Duke: No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing. ─── 不,不。现在什么都帮不了。

6、But the duke says: "Leggo the boy, you old idiot! ─── 不过公爵说道:“放了孩子,你这个老傻瓜!

7、These are the sons of Esau, who is Edom, and these are their dukes. ─── 以上的族长都是以扫的子孙。以扫就是以东。

8、The Duke and he rode in the same chariot. ─── 公与之乘。

9、The duke perambulated the boundary of his estate. ─── 公爵巡视他的庄园地界。

10、The Duke is holding a press conference. ─── 公爵正在举行记者招待会。

11、DUKE OF ILLYRIA: what dost thou know? ─── 伊利里亚公爵:您深知的是什么?

12、The duke's horse wasn't placed. ─── 公爵的马在赛马中未获前三名。

13、He expedited a letter to the duke. ─── 他给公爵发了一封信。

14、The duke attempted to usurp the throne. ─── 公爵试图篡夺王位。

15、The duke summoned his servants. ─── 公爵召唤他的仆人们。

16、A nobleman ranking below a duke and above an earl or a count. ─── 侯爵位于公爵之下,子爵或男爵之上的贵族地位

17、After the Duke's death, his eldest son claimed the title. ─── 公爵死後, 其长子要求继承爵位.

18、Duke of Venice. And mine, a hundred and forty. ─── 公爵我的信上说是一百四十艘。

19、If an emperor was like this, princes, dukes and ministers, relatives, eunuchs and officials must have been infected as well. ─── 如果一位皇帝由此嗜好,那么与他关系密切的王子、公爵、大臣、亲属、宦官和官僚必然也会有同样习染。

20、His grandfather was a royal duke. ─── 他的祖父是王室公爵。

21、Your task is to send special PIZZA Dukes! ─── 你的任务是PIZZA极速特送!

22、Without the ennobling power, he princes and dukes would stumble. ─── 侯王无以(高贵)贞将恐蹶。

23、The duke hunted in these woods. ─── 公爵在这些林地打猎。

24、The Duke of windsor diedone hour later with Wallis by his side . ─── 一小时后,温莎公爵溘然长逝,沃利斯一直陪伴在他身旁。

25、Duke of Venice. Say it, Othello. ─── 公爵说吧,奥瑟罗.

26、The duke allowed him to leave the court and he set Antonio free. ─── 公爵允许他离开法庭,同时也还安东尼奥自由之身。

27、He matched his daughter with a duke. ─── 他把女儿许配给一位公爵。

28、He told how the Duke of Austria had abused him. ─── 他厉述了奥地利公爵虐待他的情况。

29、Duke of Venice. Nay, in all confidence, he's not for Rhodes. ─── 公爵嗯,他们的目标决不是罗得斯岛,这是可以断定的。

30、Their family has had dukes and marquises for many generations. ─── 他们家世世代代都是公侯。

31、He was a court painter at the court of the Duke of Cleves. ─── 他是德国克里维斯公爵的一名宫廷画师。

32、No. When I coach at Duke, I have not called a timeout in games too. ─── 不,当我在杜克大学执教时,我也没有叫过一个暂停。

33、Dukes rank above barons. ─── 侯爵的爵位在男爵之上。

34、The duke wrote a letter with a quill pen. ─── 公爵用一根羽毛笔写信。

35、George VI styled his Brother Duke of Windsor. ─── 乔治六世称他哥哥为温莎公爵

36、The duke matched his daughter with the king's son. ─── 公爵把女儿嫁给了国王的儿子。

37、"I had tea occasionally with the duke," said Mr. Eggers urbanely. ─── “我有时和公爵一起喝茶,”艾格先生文雅地说。

38、EGEUS Happy be Theseus, our renowned Duke! ─── 伊吉斯:盛名远播的忒修斯公爵,祝您幸福!

39、When he left Florence it was to work for the Duke of Milan, Ludvico Sforza. ─── 他离开佛罗伦萨去为米兰公爵卢德维科·斯福尔扎工作。

40、He played the trumpet in the Duke Ellington orchestra for many years. ─── 他在艾灵顿公爵的乐队里吹了很多年小号。

41、The duke brought Kay and Arthur to the city. ─── 公爵带凯和亚瑟进城。

42、The office, rank, or title of a duke. ─── 公爵的官职、级别或头衔

43、Duke ;with Michael Castleman. ─── 作者声明: James A.

44、The Duke and his men arrayed themselves against the King . ─── 公爵及其部属以武力反对国王。

45、And let me tell you, I love a woman that can fight. . . put up her dukes . So let's roll up into the interview. I'll see you later. ─── 我想告诉大家的是,我喜欢一个能打斗的女人…举起她的拳头。那么让我们准备开始访谈吧。待会儿见。

46、Your life is at the mercy of the duke. ─── 你的性命现在掌握在公爵手中。

47、In most countries they're awful high up in the nobility--dukes and such. ─── 在大多数国家,他们都是非常高贵的——像公爵之类的人。

48、The next day Merlin invited all the princes and dukes of the kingdom to come to the cathedral to crown Arthur as the true king of England . ─── 隔天,梅林便邀请王国里的所有王子和公爵们来大教堂,打算加冕亚瑟成为真正的英格兰国王。

49、Duke of Venice. What would You, Desdemona? ─── 公爵你有什??求,苔晋狄蒙娜?

50、Duke:No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing. ─── 公爵:不,不.现在什么都没有用.什么都没用.

51、The Duke and his man arrayed themselves against the king. ─── 公爵及其部属以武力反抗国王。

52、He made great play of the fact that his uncle was a duke. ─── 他特别强调自己的叔父是位公爵。

53、In What Ways are the Duke and the Dauphin Different from Tom? ─── 公爵和皇太子与汤姆的区别?

54、The muscles of the Duke's face jerked spasmodically. ─── 公爵脸上的肌肉一阵一阵地抽搐着。

55、We are mean , that's what's the matter with us , dukes and dust men , the whole human species-as mean as caterpillars . ─── 我们都是卑鄙的,这就是我们的症结所在,公爵和清道夫、整个民族都跟毛毛虫一样卑鄙。

56、The duke keeps a close watch upon him. ─── 公爵把他看守得很严。

57、Another new concept of the time was the systematic foundation of new cities, both by the emperor and the local dukes. ─── 另一个对这个时间的定义是通过皇帝和地方公爵,标志性的新城市的建立。

58、The Duke thinks her the handsomest girl in the room. ─── 公爵认为,她在这间屋子里真是鹤立鸡群。

59、People think there's a rigid class system here, but Dukes have been known to marry chorus girls. Some have even married Americans.' ─── 人们都觉得在我们的世界里有严格的等级制度,但其实公爵们尽娶了些歌女、有的甚至还娶了美国人!

60、Duke of Venice. Write from us to him; post-post-haste dispatch. ─── 公爵替我写一封十万火急的信给他。

61、He became a duke after the death of his father. ─── 他在父亲亡故之后成了公爵。

62、The territory ruled by a duke or duchess; a dukedom. ─── 公爵或女爵的领地;公国

63、The duke was the king's most trusted adviser. ─── 公爵是国王最信赖的顾问。

64、The wizard said to the king, "I have fulfilled my promise to test the Dukes' kindness." ─── 巫师对国王说:“我已经按照承诺测试了两位公爵的品性。”

65、Raoul Duke: Why not? Is this not a reasonable place to park? ─── 为什么不能,没有合适的地方吗?

66、He was levered out of office by the Duke of Wellington in 1828. ─── 他被威灵顿公爵于1828年赶出了办公室。

67、Duke Huan even married a daughter from the royal family to him. ─── 两年后齐恒公死了,齐国也陷入了混乱之中。

68、Duke Ellington moved to New York City in 1923. ─── 1923年,艾灵顿公爵搬到纽约市,

69、"How embarrassing," grumbled the duke. ─── “真为难。”城主嘟囔着。

70、Expression of PCNA was related to Dukes stages and lymphatic metastasis. ─── PCNA表达与Dukes分期及淋巴结转移有关。

71、Rhine's experiments at Duke University in the 1930s to Daryl J. ─── Rhine)所做的实验,到1990年代贝姆(DaryJ.

72、Duke Johnson (as Chas.King, Jr. ─── ) (杜克约翰逊( chas 。

73、The duke bowed to the Queen. ─── 公爵向女王鞠躬致敬。

74、His life shall be at the mercy of the Duke. ─── 他的生命将由公爵处置。

75、The territory ruled by a duke or duchess. ─── 公爵或女爵的领地。

76、Duke of Venice. How say you by this change? ─── 公爵你们对于这一个变动有什麽意见?

77、The duke ordered the servant to send a letter to the king. ─── 公爵命令仆人把一封信送给国王。

78、The Duke was about to fight. ─── 公将战。

79、Duke:Madam, my orders were every maiden! Come, my child. ─── 公爵:夫人,我的命令是每个女孩!来吧,我的孩子.

80、The duke was not as cruel as Shylock. ─── 公爵并不像夏洛克那么冷酷。

81、The wife or widow of a duke. ─── 公爵夫人或公爵遗孀

82、The duke agreed to take care of Arthur as Merlin asked. ─── 公爵答应会照梅林所请求的去照顾亚瑟。

83、The Duke goes where he's amused. ─── 公爵想去哪儿就去那儿。

84、When the duke dies, his eldest son will succeed to the title. ─── 公爵去世之后,他的长子将继承他的爵位。

85、The Duke of Croydon proed over an opened Esso road map. ─── 克罗伊敦公爵仔细察看着一张摊开的埃索公路图。

86、Duke: I asked but two things when we wed, loyalty and a male heir. ─── 公爵:当我们结婚时,我只要求两件事:忠诚和男后代。

87、Ai zbuloi vanadium duke analizuar vanadinite mineral. ─── Ai e em毛roi at毛 erythonium ...

88、The duke plotted to supplant the king. ─── 公爵阴谋取代国王的地位。

89、One day he invitedto play before a duke. ─── 一天,他被邀请为一位公爵演奏。

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