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08-16 投稿


advertises 发音

英:[??dv?ta?z?z]  美:[??dv?rta?z?z]

英:  美:

advertises 中文意思翻译




advertises 短语词组

1、advertises crossword ─── 广告纵横填字游戏

2、advertises meaning ─── 宣传意义

3、advertises in spanish ─── 西班牙语广告

4、advertises mean ─── 广告意味着

advertises 词性/词形变化,advertises变形

动词过去分词: advertised |动词第三人称单数: advertises |动词过去式: advertised |名词: advertiser |动词现在分词: advertising |

advertises 常用词组

advertise for ─── 登广告征求(寻找)某物;登招请(待聘等)广告

advertises 反义词


advertises 同义词

mindfully |heedfully

advertises 相似词语短语

1、adventives ─── adj.外来的;偶发的;异位的

2、advertize ─── vt.做广告,登广告;通知;vi.做广告

3、advertisers ─── n.广告商(advertiser的复数形式)

4、advertised ─── adj.广告的;vi.登广告(advertise的过去式和过去分词)

5、advertized ─── v.做广告,登广告;(在报纸上)公布,征聘;展现,宣传(自己的事)(同advertise,advertize的过去式和过去分词)

6、advertiser ─── n.广告商,广告客户;登广告者;……广告报

7、advertizes ─── vt.做广告,登广告;通知;vi.做广告

8、advertise ─── vt.通知;为…做广告;使突出;vi.做广告,登广告;作宣传

9、readvertises ─── 阅读

advertises 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、First, we added checkboxes to the field list, which, though a simple change, clearly advertises to the user what actions they need to take. ─── 第一,我们在字段列表框里增加了复选框,尽管这是一个很简单的改变,但是能清楚的告诉用户,他们需要如何来操作。

2、So,in our life,appeared many art advertisements, we can call it as" the art advertises".Through the analysis come out,in ... ─── 最后讨论了艺术广告对于美学的影响,对于广告人的影响,以及广告人应如何承担起艺术家的责任。

3、If this is really so, a business which advertises the service of copying and mailing GNU for a fee ought to be successful enough to pay for its advertising and more. ─── 如果是这样的话,一个刊登广告提供拷贝及邮购gnu的事业应该可以赚得远超过它所投资的广告费。

4、The perpetuation of the high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. ─── 庞兹1903年从意大利移民到美国,1920年开始从事投资欺诈,短短半年间便从一个默默无名的穷商人,变成波士顿家喻户晓的百万富翁。

5、Thus nearly every product is advertises. ─── 因此,几乎每一个产品是宣扬。

6、A restaurant that advertises that its food contains less trans fat or less salt than other restaurants is telling consumers that there are bad things in restaurant food. ─── 一个餐馆广告宣传他们的食品比竞争对手含有更少的转型脂肪或盐,这也就告诉了消费者现在餐馆的食品中有一些不健康的东西。

7、The company advertises in all the newspapers. ─── 这家公司在各家报纸上登广告。

8、Anything that advertises the presence of knife crime might reinforce the idea that going unarmed is risky. ─── 而任何事,只要宣传持刀犯罪的存在,都可能使人们更加确信徒手上街是危险之事。

9、Fifth, this company elder advertises for the health care teacher, theexcellent service, and welcome the man of insight to ally chain-like. ─── 五、本公司长年招聘保健师,待遇优厚,并欢迎有识之士加盟连锁。

10、The simple analysis of advertises offering rewards for information ─── 悬赏广告制度浅析

11、The paper advertises for two editors. ─── 这家报纸招聘两名编辑。

12、PLC Control of Variable Appearance in Advertises Machine ─── 卷幅式可变画面广告机的PLC控制

13、When a company advertises its business, it is done through an adverting medium that serves as a middleman for the company and you. ─── 当一家公司广告业务,它是通过一个广告中,充当中间人,为公司和你。

14、If a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server advertises this verb, Exchange will attempt to issue an X-EXPS command. ─── 如果简单邮件传输协议(SMTP)服务器公布此动作,Exchange将尝试发出X-EXPS命令。

15、More and more real estate advertises take the strategy of culture demands, ─── 越来越多的房地产广告采用文化诉求的策略,

16、The demo was not great. 2K9 still feels better.Every year EA advertises their new features, like signature style 2 years ago when 2K already had that. ─── 试玩版不好。还是感觉2K9好些。每年EA都宣传他们游戏里的新特性,而这些特性2K都早已有了。

17、When does the Yantai Wal-Mart open a shop business? When advertises for the administrative personnels? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>地区>山东>烟台市>烟台沃尔玛何时开店营业?何时招聘管理人员?

18、This poster advertises the still-popular Ideal Home Exhibition, sponsored by the Daily Mail, held at Olympia in March of that year. ─── 这份海报则是在宣传至今还广受欢迎的理想家园展览,由每日邮报举办,1959那一年则是在3月份在奥林匹亚举办。

19、The perpetuation of the returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises and pays requires an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. ─── 庞齐手头其实并没有投资项目,他是用后期投资者交付的资金支付前期投资者,充作高额投资回报。

20、China has had many 4000 company, according to Baidu money signs up for exposure first quarter, in the client amount that Baidu advertises, only 161 thousand, 0.4% what hold company sum total only. ─── 中国已经有4000多万家企业,据百度一季度财报披露,在百度做广告的客户数量,仅有16.1万家,只占企业总数的0.4%。

21、Non- line Characteristic of Creativity Thought in The Advertises ─── 论广告创意思维的非线性特征

22、The human affairs aspect primary cognizance staff advertises for, the checking attendance and the new staff registration. ─── 人事方面主要负责员工招聘、考勤及新员工登记。

23、The Organizing Committee advertises or reports in professional magazines and newspapers to attract high-quality professional buyers and users to the exhibition for purchase and negotiating trade cooperation. ─── 组委会在专业杂志、报纸刊登广告或报道以吸引高质量专业买家、用户与会采购、洽谈贸易合作。

24、The text east would be each to all often and outwardly extend an own bedrock and lead by three eyes among them of the dragon hall most advertises for a war repeatedly. ─── 文东会各堂都不时的向外扩张自己的底盘,其中以三眼带领的龙堂最是征战连连。

25、Centrally placed notice board in school hall advertises progress and development of project to staff, students and visitors. Show photos of key players and activities. ─── 在学校的中心布告栏上向全体教工,学生,以及参观者公布项目内容和进展。展示主要参与者和主要活动的相片。

26、You will be able to earn more points clicking in the advertises's links, referring new users (1 point for each direct referral), receiving promotional e-mails and advertising with us too. ─── 您能赢得更多点点击在给链接做广告,提到新用户(1点为每个直接提及),接受增进电子邮件并且做广告与我们也是。

27、Mr. Wong advertises for a wife ─── 先生招亲

28、This hotel advertises that it spoils its guests . ─── 该旅馆做广告说他们对顾客是有求必应。

29、It also advertises, selectively, on television, in print and even on airport billboards. ─── 它有选择的也在电视,报纸,甚至机场广告牌上张贴招聘广告。

30、Mr. Lin advertises in order to sell the goods. ─── 林先生为了出售货物而登广告。

31、The company advertises for the surface to teach hires with training ─── 公司招聘面试录用与培训

32、Perfume manufacturer also advertises greatly in ground of do one's best, make " spring breath " , " pure and fresh mountain stream " , " lemon is sweet model " circumfuse our life. ─── 香水厂家也在不遗余力地大做广告,使得“春天气息”、“清新山涧”、“柠檬香型”充溢我们的生活。

33、In Japan, the Sky Dream Fukuoka, at 120 meters, even advertises this slow pace as a selling point: it helps ensure "maximum kissing time. ─── 在日本,天空之梦福冈,在120米,即使是广告,这种缓慢的步伐作为卖点:它有助于确保"最高接吻时间。

34、He never advertises, he never tries to display. ─── 他从不宣扬,他从未试图展示。

35、"Disk drive " be in the earliest pilfer date person when circle advertises, offer free edition for trojan fabricant, if buy the home to feel pretty good, draw out money to buy VIP edition. ─── “磁碟机”最早在盗号者圈子做广告时,为木马制作者提供免费版,假如买家觉得不错,便掏钱购买VIP版。

36、As you can see, in addition to the introduction, the cover advertises also a portrait of the author. ─── 如你所见,除了引言外,封面也展现了作者的肖像。

37、The company advertises swimwear here too and it is interesting to note that swimming corsets of the era looked much like this corselette. ─── 泳装 , 该公司在这里也宣扬 , 这是值得注意的游泳胸衣时代看起来很像这个corselette。

38、Advertise a creativity;The USP advertises strategy;Brand image;The advertisement positions;Market marketing. ─── 关键词:广告创意;USP广告策略;品牌形象;广告定位;市场营销。

39、The Character Turns the Network that Design the Principle Bottom Advertises ─── 个性化设计理念下的网络广告

40、How Asia Advertises: The Most Successful Campaigns in Asia-Pacific and the Marketing Strategies ─── 亚太地区最成功的广告策略

41、Brands since 2002.The chain also advertises itself as Poulet Frit du Kentucky or PFK in the province of Quebec in Canada. ─── 自2002年以来的品牌.链还宣扬自己作为拉尔布莱熔块公司肯塔基州或PFK在魁北克省在加拿大.

42、Keywords:Personal income tax, the policy present condition, the revenue from tax advertises for the tube, the norm turns the management, counterplan ─── 关键词:个人所得税,政策现状,税收征管,规范化管理,对策

43、Liu said he never treats patients over the micro blog and never advertises particular health products. ─── 刘维忠则表示,他从来没通过微博给病人看病,也从来没有给特定的医疗产品做过任何推广。

44、"This event advertises me that there is such a fact as death" (Henry David Thoreau) ─── “这件事告诫我有死亡这样的事实”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)

45、He sometimes advertises on the Internet as well. ─── 他有时也在互联网上登广告。

46、The chain also advertises itself as Poulet Frit du Kentucky or PFK in the province of Quebec in Canada. ─── 链还宣扬自己作为拉尔布莱熔块公司肯塔基州或PFK在魁北克省在加拿大。

47、a shouter who advertises the goods they sell. ─── 为他们卖的货物大声叫卖的人。

48、Advertisement since bring profits for the magazine, the comparison which advertises page and contents page also sells magazine a creation check and supervision. ─── 广告既为杂志带来利润,广告页和内容页的比例也对杂志的销售产生制约。

49、La Familia gives loans to farmers, businesses, schools and churches.It advertises its benevolence in local newspapers. ─── 拉法米家族借钱给农民,商人,学校和教堂。

50、" If a cigarette producer advertises its cigarettes as "safer," it is implying that cigarettes are unsafe, and this could reduce consumption. ─── 如果烟草商在广告宣称自己的香烟是安全产品,那实际上就是暗示香烟是不安全的,而这可能降低消费。

51、The business enterprise accepts:color-print the product manual, trademark advertises, the painting pack book version, duplicate, letter paper, paper box, non-fuck gum, file bag etc. ─── 企业承接:彩印产品说明书、商标广告、画精装书版、联单、信笺、纸盒、不干胶、档案袋等。

52、When a trailer misrepresents the movie it advertises, when you view the actual movie, you see the trailer has nothing to do with the narrative, characters or plot.You are a victim of trailer fraud. ─── 当一个预告片不能代表它所宣传的影片,观众在实际观看影片的时候发现预告片跟影片的内容、人物或情节均不符合,那么观众就是被预告片给骗了,成了预告片陷阱的受害者。

53、You know you're smart, witty, and have that great sense of humor everyone advertises that they're looking for. ─── 你觉得自己很聪明、机智、有幽默感,就是每个人都嚷着要找的那种。

54、Connections to this servers will only work if your system advertises the right MSS in the TCP three way handshake. ─── 只有你的系统在TCP三方握手过程中提供了正确的MSS,才能连接到这些服务器。

55、Which aspect of a certain advert motivates you to buy the good it advertises? ─── 广告中的什么因素会促使您购买产品?

56、"With the help of the freeloader's fund, we can share the risk associated with stealing rides," the organisation advertises, adding that all public transportation should be free to begin with. ─── “有了联盟基金的帮助,我们就可以分担坐霸王车被罚款的风险,”联盟的广告宣称,“所有公共交通工具都应该是免费的。”

57、open air advertises ─── 户外广告

58、Thailand successfully advertises plastic surgery tours.Procedures there are cheaper than in other Asian countries. ─── 泰国成功地打出了“整形之旅”的招牌,在那里进行手术,比在亚洲其他国家更优惠。

59、Orange hotel says in indictment Gelinhaotai is bought " orange hotel " the keyword advertises promotion and fact not agree with. ─── 桔子酒店在诉状中称格林豪泰购买“桔子酒店”关键词做广告推广与事实不符。

60、Based on this idea she also ever did not think that she and three big advertises for the giant is making the competition. ─── 基于这个理念她也从不认为自己和三大招聘巨头是在做竞争。

61、When OSPF is requested to advertise a loopback network, OSPF always advertises the loopback as a host route with a 32-bit mask. ─── 当OSPF被要求广播一迴路网路时,OSPF总是广播此具32位元遮罩的迴路主机路径。

62、That company often advertises the cars on TV. ─── 那家公司经常在电视上为它的小汽车做广告。

63、Business advertisement is more and more widely used in modern market economy society.It must be powerfully persuasive and attractive so that people will take actions to get what it advertises. ─── 商业英语广告在现代市场经济社会里运用很广泛,它必须具有强烈的说服功能和诱惑功能,才能使人们对它所宣传的产品动心。

64、An airline, say, that advertises on Snap's search results would pay not when a consumer clicks on its link but only when he buys a ticket. ─── 一家航空公司说,基于Snap.com搜索结果的广告客户不是按点击付费的,只有当消费者的点击导致他购买了机票,广告客户才需要付费。

65、A store selling tobacco products advertises: "An Excellent Winding Smoke."On the floor at Beijing's Capital Airport, a sign reads: "Careful Landslip Attention Security. ─── 一位中国政府官员宣称中国政府已经在星期五,在第一时间过问此事。

66、Sheldon Horowitz also advertises leading their advises letting them work with a calculator in school. ─── 谢尔登霍洛维茨也建议允许他们在学校学习中使用计算器。

67、The range of advertising media through which a company advertises its products. ─── 一个公司对其产品做广告的广告媒体。

68、Server Operators Server Operators Server: Service Advertising Protocol advertises servers and addresses on a network. ─── 服务公布协议在网络上公布服务器和地址。

69、An OSPF router advertises its own link-states and passes on received link-states. ─── OSPF路由器通告它自己的链路状态和传递收到的链路状态。

70、In civil aviation implement on production, the United States advertises free market principle normally, and Europe holds to strategic trade policy. ─── 在民用航空器的生产上 ,美国通常鼓吹自由市场原则 ,而欧洲则坚持战略贸易政策。

71、An electronics company advertises a computer as low-cost.The company advertises computers for $269 if the buyer also signs up for 3 years of Internet service. ─── 有间电器公司主打一台低价电脑,这间公司宣传它的电脑只要美金269元,若消费者同时签三年的网路服务合约。

72、It is the 8 big characteristic that it advertises below, we decorticate one by one. ─── 以下便是它鼓吹的八大特色,咱们一一来剥皮。

73、The manufacturer advertises in the newspapers and on posters. ─── 生产商在报纸和海报上打广告。

74、In an airfare war, all airlines may cut their prices to the same level, but the one that advertises the fare reduction first usually gets the lion's share o of the business. ─── 在航空业大战中,所有航空公司都可能将价格降至同一水平,但是最先作降价广告的公司通常能占有市场的最大份额。

75、Every bit of content advertises something, whether on purpose or not. ─── 每一丁点的内容都在替什么做宣传,不管是有意还是无意。

76、Perjury伪证: When a law firm advertises, “We're only here to help”. ─── 律师事务所所登广告说:“我们只是为了帮助你”。

77、The high returns that a Ponzi scheme advertises (and pays) require an ever-increasing flow of money from investors in order to keep the scheme going. ─── 高回报主人一个广告计划(自付)要求越来越资金流通,从投资,以保持该计划仍在进行中。

78、Mr Obama advertises himself as something fresh, hopeful and new. But on economic matters at least he, like Mrs Clinton, has begun to look a rather ordinary old-style Democrat. ─── 奥巴马称自己是全新的、充满活力和希望。但至少在经济问题是,他与希拉里一样开始像是平庸老套的民主党人了。

79、Mr Obama advertises himself as something fresh, hopeful and new. ─── 奥巴马称自己是全新的、充满活力和希望。

80、Gelinhaotai says in the statement that the hotel publishs now, orange hotel says in indictment Gelinhaotai is bought " orange hotel " the keyword advertises promotion and fact not agree with. ─── 格林豪泰酒店在今日发表的声明中称,桔子酒店在诉状中称格林豪泰购买“桔子酒店”关键词做广告推广与事实不符。

81、Alessandro Costacurta, who advertises this project along with his wife Martina, explained his participation to 'Tuttosport'. ─── 科斯塔库塔和他的妻子马蒂纳发起了这项活动。

82、"We'll be happy to board your pet at our PAWS Lodge until the flight," the company's website advertises. ─── 该公司在其网站上的广告中称:“我们很高兴在起飞前将您的宠物寄宿在‘宠物小屋’。”

83、5th, human resources: To is subject to duty the personnel which thecompany advertises for to carry on the first trial. ─── 5、人力资源:对应征公司招聘的人员进行初审。

84、The manufacturer advertises in newspapers and on the radio. ─── 制造商在报纸和收音机上登广告。

85、Such as“the sincerity arrive forever“ this advertises a phrase to person’s a kind of warm felling, feeling this business enterprise Be writing to think for the consumer. ─── 如“真诚到永远“这句广告词给人一种温暖的感觉,感到这个企业在为消费者着想。

86、The investigators said the torpedo parts match the design of one that North Korea advertises and exports to overseas customers. ─── 调查人员说,鱼雷碎片与朝鲜向海外客户宣传并出口的一种鱼雷设计一致。

87、The company, which advertises it is "dedicated to helping serious singles build lasting relationships," did not return calls for comment. ─── 这家交友公司旨在“让有情人终成眷属”。他们没有对这件事发表评论。

88、4. Over the past 20 months she has overhauled nearly everything about the way Avon does business: how it advertises, manufactures, packages, and even sells its products. ─── 在过去的20个月里,她几乎改革了雅芳经营中的每一个环节:如何做广告宣传、生产、包装以及如何销售其产品。

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