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08-16 投稿


acoustical 发音

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acoustical 中文意思翻译



acoustical 网络释义

adj. [声] 声学的;听觉的;音响的

acoustical 短语词组

1、acoustical engineering ─── [电] 声学工程

2、acoustical filter ─── [电] 滤声器

3、acoustical mass ─── [电] 声质量

4、acoustical attenuation constant ─── [电] 声能衰减常数

5、acoustical level ─── [电] 声阶

6、acoustical correction ─── [电] 声改正

7、acoustical holography ─── [计] 声全息照相术

8、acoustical measurment ─── [电] 音响量度

9、acoustical coupling ─── [电] 声耦合

10、acoustical delay line storage ─── [电] 延音线储存

11、acoustical circuit ─── [电] 声路

12、acoustical conductivity ─── [电] 传声性

13、acoustical image ─── [电] 声阶

14、acoustical meter ─── [电] 测声计

15、acoustical material ─── [电] 吸音材料

16、acoustical instrument ─── [电] 声学仪器

17、acoustical hologram ─── [计] 声全息图

18、acoustical mirror ─── [电] 声镜

19、acoustical imaging ─── [计] 声成象

acoustical 相似词语短语

1、acrostical ─── 肢端

2、Jacobitical ─── 雅可比政治的

3、caustical ─── adj.腐蚀性的;苛性的;刻薄的;焦散的(caustic的变形)

4、bioacoustical ─── adj.生物声学的

5、acoustically ─── adv.听觉上;声学上

6、acoustic ─── adj.声学的;音响的;听觉的;n.原声乐器;不用电传音的乐器;n.(Acoustic)人名;(法)阿库斯蒂克

7、acoustician ─── n.[声]声学家

8、acoustics ─── n.声学;音响效果,音质

9、acousticians ─── n.[声]声学家

acoustical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The acoustical bugs that may take place in this multifunction theater have been solved by acoustical design. ─── 声学设计较好地解决了该多功能剧场可能出现的声学缺陷。

2、The perceptual and acoustical analysis of speech intelligibility in Mandarin-speaking adolescents with cerebral palsy. ─── 发表于2005特殊教育学术研讨会暨中华民国特殊教育学会年会。

3、Acoustical environment of the 21th century ─── 二十一世纪的声环境

4、Acoustical liberation of books in the public domain. ─── 意思是公共领域书籍的听觉解放。

5、The sound absorptivity of Low Resilience PU Foam was discussed,and got the influencing degree of each influencing factor to its acoustical absorptivity. ─── 对慢回弹聚氨酯泡沫的吸声性能进行了探讨,分析出各影响因素对其吸声性能的影响程度。

6、In acoustical measurement, the error caused by the phase mismatch between acoustic transducers may be fatal in many cases. ─── 在声学测量中 ,测量通道间的相位失配引起的误差有时候至关重要 ,以致必须进行相位失配量的校核试验。

7、Specific acoustical measurements were also carried out on 1:20 scale model of the Siracusa theatre. ─── 同时对西塔库萨剧场建立了1:20的模型,进行了专门的声学测量。

8、Three in-line and four staggered arrays of closely spaced tubes have been tested in a wind tunnel, to investigate the conditions under which acoustical resonances do or do not materialize. ─── 为了研究声共振的条件,在风洞中对三种顺排、四种错排的密排管束进行了试验。

9、An in an uproar, public oppugns industry acoustical rise from all directions, fan Min of CEO of net of the journey that carry Cheng does not sit eventually. ─── 业界一片哗然、公众质疑声四起,携程旅行网CEO范敏终于坐不住了。

10、Acoustical doors alone will not solve the problem of noise transmission around the door. ─── 音响门单独不会解决噪声传输的问题在门附近。

11、acoustical energy radiation modes ─── 声能量辐射模态

12、PMP is a lightweight, high temperature polyolefin with exceptional acoustical and electrical properties. ─── PMP是一种比重最轻的高温聚烯烃材料。

13、Classification for Acoustical Ceiling Products ─── 吸音顶棚产品的分类

14、Some pule in the crowd, some puts acoustical cry bitterly, all without exception is a good Party member, good to lose cadre, good comrade and feel distressed. ─── 人群中有的低声啜泣,有的放声痛哭,无不为失去一位好党员、好干部、好同志而感到痛心。

15、Introduce to Gallo electro acoustical band ─── 介绍法国电声乐队


17、The advantages of acoustical techniques reside in the fact that sound waves can propagate considerable distances in dense liquids and solid where light cannot. ─── 声学方法的优点在于声被在稠密液体或固体中可以传播很远,而光却不能。

18、acoustical resistance measurement ─── 声阻测量

19、In the course of designing the acoustics, we proceeded experiment with acoustical model of scale 1:10 in order to make an initial evaluation for the design. ─── 在我们进行音质设计过程中,为了及早对设计方案作出评价,作了1:10的声学模型试验。

20、standard quartz acoustical generator ─── 基准石英发生顺

21、A day midday, we are fumbling in forest, abrupt, one acoustical frightening cry is transmitted before our, guide is busy call us to stop. ─── 一天中午,我们正在丛林摸索,忽然,我们的前面传来一声的惨叫,向导忙叫我们站住。


23、Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-13: particular requirements for range hoods. ─── 家用和类似用途电器。测定空中传播噪声的试验规程。

24、This system will be widely applied to room acoustical measurement due to its adaptability and practicality. ─── 系统具有较强的适应性及实用性,在室内声学测量中具有广泛的应用前景。

25、Acoustical tile absorbs sounds. ─── 吸声砖能吸声音。

26、meteorological bulletin of acoustical sounding ─── 声测气象通报

27、For a proper range of impedance argument, the acoustical wall alters the aero-work toward naught, while for another range of impedance argument, the abstract of aero-work is increased. ─── 在某些声阻抗幅角范围内,气动功的改变是趋向于零气动阻尼,在 另一些幅角范围内,气动功绝对值增大。

28、Specifically, snow tends to absorb higher frequency acoustical waves. ─── 很特别的是,雪花趋向吸收更高频率的声波。

29、acoustical imaging by Bragg diffraction ─── 布拉格衍射声成像

30、In order to guarantee the sound waves unimpeded,there is no strut in the acoustical resonator. ─── 二是面板弧度自然形成,木料的纹路和毛细孔不受人为扭曲和创伤。

31、hologram, reconstruction of acoustical ─── 声全息图的重建

32、How to examine acoustical immittance to measure listen to a result? ─── 如何查看声导抗测听结果呢?

33、Progress in Acoustical Polyurethane Research ─── 声学聚氨酯的研究进展

34、acoustical absorption coefficient ─── 声吸收系数

35、Covering the surface of submarines with stealth material is one of the most important methods for acoustical stealth. ─── 潜艇表面覆盖隐身材料是潜艇声隐身的重要手段之一。

36、In order to guarantee the necessary acoustical environment of human basic living,a maximum allowed value of environmental noise should be stipulated. ─── 为保证人的基本生活环境所要求的最低声学环境,应该规定一个环境噪声的最高允许值。

37、Ecadi propose to have acoustical material under each VAV unit, O OK. ─── 建议在所有的变风量(VAV)机组下都安置隔音材料,O同意。

38、Job responsibility: 1.Responsible for sound and acoustical design on component or module level, on the basis of design ...... ... ─── 公司名称:飞利浦(中国)投资有限公司深圳分公司工作地点:广东省深圳市发布时间:2009-5-16

39、Specifically, snow tends to absorb higher frequency acoustical waves. As a result, sound becomes quieter and somewhat distorted. ─── 积雪专门吸收高频声波,于是声音变得更加安静,都有些变形了。

40、Specifically, snow tends to absorb higher frequency acoustical waves. ─── 具体来说,积雪倾向于吸收震动率高的声波。

41、The HEBEI AITE BOARD CO.LTDin the calcium silicate board industry,Acoustical mineral fiber ceiling board , Ceiling Board green environmental protection products and Ceiling T... ─── 主营:硅酸钙板;无石棉硅酸钙板;高级矿棉吸声板;烤漆龙骨;矿棉天花板;...

42、Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of airborne acoustical noise - Part 2-13 : particular requirements for range hoods. ─── 家用和类似用途电器.测定空中传播噪声的试验规程.第2-13部分:排油烟机的特殊要求

43、So musical instruments evolved in ways that optimize their acoustical properties, how the instrument vibrates and sends those vibration through the air to our eardrums. ─── 因此,乐器的进化优化了它们的声学特性,且优化了乐器振动的方式,并将这些振动通过空气传到我们的耳膜。


45、code for acoustical design on gymnasiums ─── 体育馆声学标准

46、acoustical remote sensing of atmosphere ─── 声波大气遥感

47、three-dimensional acoustical examination ─── 三维声学检查

48、And the relationship of the objective psycho- acoustical parameters and the velocities are also analyzed.By the way of linear correlation analysis, it is found that the scor... ─── 并通过相关分析发现,经验组评价人员的烦躁度得分与客观参量中的粗糙度有很大关系。

49、Acoustical lenses are used commonly for contour correction. When scanning the inside of a pipe section by the immersion method, which of the following lens types would be used? ─── 声透镜常用来修正声束形状,用液浸法从管子内壁进行探伤时,应使用哪咱类型的透镜?

50、In addition from the aspects of indoor and outdoor environments practical measures are proposed to reduce noises in order to improve acoustical environment to create health residence. ─── 分析了噪音污染的类型及对人体的危害,并从室外和室内声环境等多方面提出了降低噪音对居民影响的措施,以改善居住区的声环境,提高环境质量。

51、When he compared people's ratings with acoustical analysis of the meows , he found very clear patterns. ─── 当他用猫叫声的声学分析法将大家的评价进行比较的时候,他得出了非常清晰的模式。

52、A study presented at the meeting of the Acoustical Society of America found that smaller, scrawnier people tend to have more sensitive hearing than the big and buff. ─── 如果弱小的你曾经被欺负,你可能希望具备超能力。

53、Acoustical Energy and Transfer in a Sound Field ─── 声场中声能量与传递

54、The acoustical radiosity method, which assumes diffusely reflecting boundaries, has recently been developed to predict the sound fields in single-volume moms. ─── 基于界面扩散反射的声辐射度模拟方法在单一空间中已得到有效的应用。

55、As for acoustical property, the property of SRA is closer to rigid, so the sound absorption coefficient is lower under the same pavement type. ─── 在音学性质方面,SRA因性质偏向刚性,故在相同铺面型式下系其吸音系数较低。

56、Let's talk about the other end of the acoustical spectrum, sound that is too high for humans to hear—ultrasound. ─── 让我们来谈谈声谱的另一端,人类听不到的声音——超声波。

57、reconstruction of acoustical hologram ─── 声全息图的再现

58、In a paper about to be published in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, Dr Declercq and Ms Dekeyser calculate how each frequency of sound behaves as it diffracts off the rows of seats. ─── 他们计算出了各种频率的声音掠过这些凳子时所产生的不同效果,关于这项研究的论文不久将在一本美国声学界期刊上发表。

59、Planar near-field acoustical holography ─── 平面近场声全息

60、Trying phonic room to view and admire about prevent than technical special subject piece reach a few have surround apparently the movie part of acoustical effect. ─── 在试音室观赏了有关杜比技术专题片及一些具有明显环绕声效果的电影片段。

61、The Shanghai beautiful sound acoustical engineering Limited company specialized is engaged in the noise control the architectural acoustics design, the installment construction. ─── 上海玉音声学工程有限公司专业从事噪音控制与建筑声学设计,安装施工。

62、acoustical holography with detector array ─── 布阵声全息术

63、Respiratory Acoustical Impedance ─── 呼吸声阻抗

64、The authors emphatically point out some famous acoustical phenomena inTiantan, on the basis of the study of the Four Famous Echo Architecutres in China. ─── 在总结我国四大回音建筑声学现象的基础上,重点介绍天坛回音壁内几个著名的声学现象。


66、The Organizing Committee is very pleased to invite you to submit a paper for the 14th International Symposium on Acoustical Imaging. ─── "第十四届国际声象学术讨论会"组委会非常高兴地邀请您惠寄一篇学术论文。

67、The relevance of acoustical principles is by no means limited to sound and hearing. ─── 声学原理并不仅仅适用于声音和听觉。

68、preferred frequencies for acoustical measurement ─── 声学测量的最佳频率

69、In order to overcome the windowing effects and wraparound errors, statistically optimal planar near_field acoustical holography (SOPNAH) is used. ─── 为了克服窗效应和卷绕误差 ,引入了统计最优平面近场声全息技术 .

70、acoustical transmission coefficient ─── 声透射系数, 透声系数

71、In Debussy s piano music, he employs the pentatonic scale, diatonic, chromatic and parallel chords to expand the acoustical effects of the piano. ─── 因此,若要诠释德布西的作品,除了从音乐本身之外,还要藉助于具有微妙神韵的文学性想像力与充满色彩和立体感的美术创作鑑赏力。

72、acoustical attenuation measurement ─── 声衰减测量


74、Together with the High-Pass Filter and used for creating a proper acoustical crossover with your system loudspeakers. It helps to avoid unnatural sound jumping around the crossover center frequency. ─── 与高通滤波器一同作用,形成与扬声器的适当声学过渡。帮助避免中心过渡频率附近的不自然跳音。

75、room acoustical computer simulation ─── 室内声学计算机模拟

76、This fat tissue has some rather fascinating acoustical properties. ─── 这个脂肪组织具有相当独特的声学特征。

77、The Acoustical Design of Shooting Range ─── 室内靶场的声学设计

78、badness acoustical characteristics ─── 不良声学特性

79、The Shanghai beautiful sound acoustical engineering Limited company specialized is engaged in the noise control and the architectural acoustics design, the installment construction. ─── 企业简介:上海玉音声学工程有限公司专业从事噪音控制与建筑声学设计,安装施工。

80、The possibility density technology was used to entrap a little change of acoustical signal, which can discern the gas incursion and give the alarm efficaciously. ─── 利用概率密度技术捕捉声信号的微小变化 ,能够有效地识别气侵并报警。

81、Household and similar electrical appliances - Test code for the determination of aibone acoustical noise - Part 2-8 : particular requirements for electric shavers. ─── 家用及类似用途电器.测量空气噪声的试验规范.第2-8部分:电动剃须刀的特殊要求

82、"I am sorry, captain, " Lincoln face takes scowl ground to say, "So be forced to say acoustical good-bye with you, lose sight of you forever because of me!Lose sight of you forever because of me!! ─── “对不起,上校,”林肯面带愁容地说,“那么只好与你说声再会啦,因为我永远看不见你了!”

83、We also conclude and summarize their building character, classification and the fitment and decoration style, as well as acoustical parameters and acoustical design in such halls. ─── 实测和分析了北方某大学的甲报告厅和乙会议厅的混响时间、背景噪声、声场级等数据。

84、Patch near-field acoustical holography ─── 局部近场声全息

85、electrostatic acoustical instrum-ent ─── [电] 静电声学仪器

86、As an acoustical intallation musician, his work renders an ougoingmeditation on the rudimentary condition of the sonic arts. Utilizing architecturally and spatially informed compositional models. ─── 作为一个声音装置艺术家,他的作品体现了以声音艺术为基础,利用建筑与空间的组合,并通过各种方式将其多元化、音乐化。

87、Acoustical evidence demonstrates that apples emit higher levels of ethylene, which causes neighbouring plants to wilt. ─── 声学证据表明苹果释放出的乙烯气体比其他植物高,能够引起附近植物枯萎。

88、Vitruvius also added one of the great historical mysteries to the acoustical literature. ─── 维特鲁威还为声学增加了一个重大的历史之谜。

89、human resident acoustical environment ─── 人居声环境

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