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08-16 投稿


vilification 发音

英:[?v?l?f??ke??n]  美:[?v?l?f??ke??n]

英:  美:

vilification 中文意思翻译



vilification 短语词组

1、vilification mean ─── 中伤

2、vilification tennis ─── 诽谤网球

3、vilification antonym ─── 丑化反义词

4、vilification law ─── 诽谤法

5、vilification synonym ─── 丑化同义词

6、vilification define ─── 中伤定义

7、vilification definition ─── 中伤定义

vilification 相似词语短语

1、minification ─── n.微小;缩小

2、salification ─── n.[化学]成盐状态;[化学]成盐作用

3、nidification ─── n.筑巢;营巢

4、uglification ─── n.丑化;使难看

5、citification ─── 城市化

6、vitrification ─── n.玻璃化;透明化;玻璃状物(等于vitrifaction)

7、palification ─── n.打桩;用桩加固地基

8、vivification ─── n.给与生气;赋予生命;苏醒

9、vinification ─── n.[食品]葡萄酒酿造法

vilification 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An attempt to destroy a reputation; vilification or slander. ─── 诽谤,诋毁毁坏名誉的企图;污蔑或诽谤。

2、Any thought of the singular objects of folk art forms is the "deformation" of the views are sincere feelings of the creators of the distortion and vilification. ─── 任何以为民间艺术的奇物造型是“变形”的看法,都是对创造者真挚情感的曲解和中伤。

3、the vilification of single parents by right-wing politicians ─── 右翼政客对单亲的诋毁

4、attempt to destroy a reputation; vilification or slander. ─── 诽谤,诋毁毁坏名誉的企图;污蔑或诽谤。

5、Corporate America and Wall Street have responded to the public vilification with indignation and surprise. ─── 美国企业界和华尔街对民众的责难感到气愤和惊讶。

6、Including: Users must promise not to transmit any unlawful, harassing, vilification of others, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene information etc. ─── 包括:用户须承诺不传播任何非法的、骚扰性的、中伤他人的、辱骂性的、恐吓性的、伤害性的、庸俗的,淫秽等信息资料。

7、Still, visions of vilification of Wall Street executives on Capitol Hill remain fresh in the minds of potential buyers of the bad assets. ─── 尽管如此,对不良资产的潜在买家来说,华尔街公司高管在国会遭受恶言恶语的情景仍历历在目。

8、The Bishop's letter was the signal for a campaign of vilification and intimidation unequaled in American history. ─── 主教的信是发动一场在美国历史上没有前例的诬蔑和恐吓运动的信号。

9、Despite online vilification and real-life harassment, he is trying to sue internet sites for defamation. ─── 之后网络出现了各种诽谤,这些诽谤对他的生活产生了极大的干扰,该男子正准备起诉网站。

10、An attempt to destroy a reputation; vilification or slander. ─── 诽谤,诋毁毁坏名誉的企图;污蔑或诽谤。

11、glorification of Team Refugees and the vilification of refugees coexist. ─── 难民代表团的赞美和对难民的诋毁同时存在。

12、The reasons for Marsden’s sudden vilification are unclear, but, despite being exonerated of all charges, her reputation never recovered. ─── 这些原因让马斯登突然遭受不明的诽谤。虽然尽管这些指控的证明是清白的,但她的名誉不能恢复。

13、Conchita did not deserve the vilification she had been subjected to. ─── 肯奇塔不该受到这样的诽谤。

14、4.The condition of disgrace suffered as a result of abuse or vilification;ill repute. ─── 恶名,耻辱同诽毁或污蔑引起的耻辱;

15、In talking about these measures, the president mentioned neither this testimony as to their efficacy nor the campaign of vilification against him that these measures occasioned.More equanimity still. ─── 论及这些措施时,布什既没多说其功效的证词,也没多谈其引发的抹黑攻击,仍然是一派沉着稳重。

16、Vilification: Traditional Burundian method in open vats with twice daily treading down and long maceration for maximum extraction. ─── 酿造工艺:传统的勃艮第酿造工艺,放入大桶中,并每天两次进行踩踏。葡萄浸渍期长。

17、Such accusations, if not for the New Culture Movement is a biased assessment of deliberate distortion and vilification. ─── 这种责难如果不是对新文化运动的失之偏颇的评价就是故意歪曲和中伤。

18、we believe that everyone should be able to work in an environment free of discrimination , harassment , vilification , and victimisation. ─── 我们相信所有人都应该能够在一个没有歧视骚扰中伤及伤害的环境下工作。

19、During or in connection with any competition, do not engage in any activity that is unlawful and do not engage in any acts of discrimination or sexual harassment, abuse or vilification. ─── (在任何比赛期间,不准参与不合法的活动,不准参与任何有关于歧视、性骚扰、虐待或污蔑等违法活动。)

20、Those who rise to the top are lavishly rewarded, and vilification for incompetence is part of the bargain. ─── 那些升迁到最高领导层的人获得了丰厚的回报,而被污蔑为无能则是协议的一部分。

21、I do not like the way the Senate has been made a rendezvous for vilification, for selfish political gain at the sacrifice of individual reputations and national unity. ─── 对参议院已被用作诬蔑中伤的场所,用作以牺牲他人名誉和国家统一换取政治利益的场所,我感到不悦。

22、"In these ways the New Testament laid the foundations for later Christian hostility to the Jewish nation...and served as the basis for the early Church's vilification of the Jews" (Cohn-Sherbok xv). ─── 3:14这便叫亚伯拉罕的福,因基督耶稣可以临到外邦人,使我们因信得着所应许的圣灵。最后14节的我们不知道是不是写漏嘴了。保罗把自己归到外邦人里面。)

23、Senior officials rarely give interviews, questions and interview requests are often ignored, and the foreign media is sometimes the target of official vilification. ─── 高级官员很少回应采访,回答质询和接受采访通常不能实现,外国媒体有时成了政府攻击的目标。

24、They pelted him with ridicule and vilification. ─── 他们用嘲笑和丑化对他进行猛烈的攻击。

25、Those who rise to the top are lavishly rewarded, and vilification for incompetence is part of the bargain. ─── 那些升迁到最高领导层的人获得了丰厚的回报,而被污蔑为无能则是协议的一部分。

26、frenzied vilification ─── 疯狂咒骂

27、The husband, Wang Fei, 28, soon began receiving death threats, harassing calls at work and vilification on the Internet. ─── 丈夫名叫王菲,28岁。他开始受到死亡威胁,在工作中收到骚扰电话,在互联网上遭到谩骂。

28、No one, apparently, was above vilification. ─── 显然,没人能逃脱毁谤。

29、The Bishop's letter was the signal for a campaign of vilification and intimidation unequaled in American history ─── 主教的信是发动一场在美国历史上没有前例的诬蔑和恐吓运动的信号。

30、The repeated vilification of the Neimoidians following the Clone Wars led many of that species to abandon their heritage and pose as Duros. ─── 克隆战争后,很多内莫迪亚人不断遭到诽谤攻击,不得不背门弃宗,伪装成杜罗人。

31、'The vilification goes with the territory,' he said.'If you are not prepared for it, you should not get involved. ─── 无论是切尔斯基还是阿森纳,在这个夏天其实都延承了自己之前在转会市场上的做法,前者依旧挥金如土,后者依旧追求物美价廉。

32、He once wrote articles to introduce the TCM of China and refuted some jaundiced American's vilification and attack on the TCM. ─── 他曾撰写文章介绍中国的中医,驳斥一些持有偏见的美国人对中医的诬蔑和攻击。

33、Still, visions of vilification of Wall Street executives on Capitol Hill remain fresh in the minds of potential buyers of the bad assets. ─── 尽管如此,对不良资产的潜在买家来说,华尔街公司高管在国会遭受恶言恶语的情景仍历历在目。

34、The condition of disgrace suffered as a result of abuse or vilification; ill repute. ─── 恶名,耻辱同诽毁或污蔑引起的耻辱;恶名声

35、The law allows acts of racial vilification to be pursued in the civil courts, and provides for damages of up to $40,000. ─── 法律准许种族诽谤行为在民事法庭中处理,还规定对此行为所造成的伤害,处以高达$40,000的赔偿。

36、As it enters the folding carton market, Heidelberg has encountered green activism in the packaging reduction movement fed by Wal-Mart and the vilification of packaging excess. ─── 作为进入市场的折叠纸盒,海德堡遇到了绿色行动的包装减少运动助长了沃尔玛和诽谤的包装过剩。

37、Social workers are pestered with targets and demoralised by their vilification in the Baby P case. ─── 繁杂的任务,婴儿P事件过后社会的中伤,也让这些他们愈发挫伤。

38、Corporate America and Wall Street have responded to the public vilification with indignation and surprise. ─── 美国企业界和华尔街对民众的责难感到气愤和惊讶。

39、First, all declined malicious insults, slander and vilification, and other SS501 members post any artists. ─── 一、谢绝一切恶意侮辱、诋毁及中伤SS501成员以及其他任何艺人的帖子。


你好! lions n. 狮子( lion的名词复数 ); 名人; [L-][天文学、占星术] 狮子(星)座; [复数] [英国英语] (市内)名胜(旧时去伦敦的游客必去参观伦敦塔的狮子) ; [例句]Lions roar. 狮子吼叫。



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