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08-16 投稿


contrapuntal 发音

英:[?kɑ?ntr??p?ntl]  美:[?k?ntr??p?ntl]

英:  美:

contrapuntal 中文意思翻译



contrapuntal 词性/词形变化,contrapuntal变形

副词: contrapuntally |

contrapuntal 相似词语短语

1、contrapuntists ─── n.擅长对位法的作曲家

2、contrapuntally ─── 对位地

3、contraorbital ─── adj.与正常轨道反向的

4、continental ─── adj.大陆的;大陆性的;n.欧洲人

5、contrapletal ─── 对合

6、contrapuntalist ─── 对位的

7、contrapuntalists ─── 反政府主义者

8、confrontal ─── 对抗的

9、contrapuntist ─── n.擅长对位法的作曲家

contrapuntal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Danish composer whose polytonal and contrapuntal works include several symphonies, the opera Saul and David(1903), and chamber works. ─── 尼尔森,卡尔·奥古斯特1865-1931丹麦作曲家,其多调性及对位法的作品包括几部交响乐,歌剧扫罗和大卫(1903年)和一些室内作品

2、Chapter Two: the interlaced contrapuntal movement; ─── 第二章:纵横交错的对位乐章;

3、He was a contemporary of Bach.Handel's writing was a brilliant combination of the Italian traditions of solo and instrumental style, the English choral tradition, and German contrapuntal style. ─── 他是巴赫同时代的人,享德尔的作品辉煌灿烂,较好地融合了意大利独奏音乐和器乐、英国的合唱音乐和德国的对位手法等传统。

4、a melody to which contrapuntal voices are added in Gregorian chant ─── 加入对位音调的格列高利圣歌的曲子

5、His compositions are notable for their continuous contrapuntal texture, rich harmonies and orchestration, and elaborate use of leitmotifs: themes associated with specific characters or situations. ─── 他的作品拥有连续的对位织体、丰富的和声及管弦乐编曲、与人物和场景搭配的精致主旋律。

6、Changes may be harmonic, melodic, contrapuntal, rhythmic, and of timbre or orchestration. ─── 这种变化就是主题变形,或叫“变奏”。

7、contrapuntal criticism ─── 对位批评

8、Suggesting that canonization of English novels coincided and complied with the expansion of British Empire, Said proposes contrapuntal reading as an efficient way to interpret British canons. ─── 萨义德指出,英国小说经典形成与帝国扩张有着同时、共谋性的关系,并提出“对位阅读法”是阐释英国文学经典卓有成效的方法。

9、variations of its expansive main theme and a pair of contrasting secondary ideas give much cause to contrapuntal and melodic interplay between the two players. ─── 贝多芬很好地利用了这一点,让大提琴的歌唱悲戚而感人,而钢琴特有的精神抖擞,又使得那悲歌不至于过分沉溺。

10、"contrapuntal:Of, relating to, or incorporating counterpoint." ─── 对位的:对位的、与之有关的或体现对位法的.

11、's a bassoon playing the contrapuntal line. ─── 那条对位旋律线是巴松管演奏的。

12、a composition or piece that incorporates or consists of contrapuntal writing ─── 具有或由对位法作品构成的作词或一段

13、6. This is what the author has learned from the "contrapuntal reading" method advocated by Edward Said and the "symptomatic reading" instead of "sympathetic reading" preferred by Louis Althusser. ─── 这就是本书作者从赛义德的“对位式阅读”和阿尔都塞的“症候式阅读”中获得的启示。收藏指正

14、He was a virtual catalogue of every contrapuntal device possible and every acceptable means of creating webs of harmony with the chorale. ─── 他事实上是个每种对位手段的可能性和每种和声与赞美诗创作部署可行性方法的“目录”。

15、contrapuntal reading ─── 对位式阅读

16、One of the melodic divisions or voices of a contrapuntal composition. ─── 乐曲的一部复调音乐中的一段乐部或一个声部

17、Relation to the image: source, parallel with, contrapuntal ─── 影像的关系:声源,与之平行的声部以及对位的。

18、The station is shutting contrapuntal place, double foot draws close, body centre of gravity is in right leg, left hand is holding the right hand of chaperon. ─── 站在合对位置,双脚靠拢,身体重心在右脚,左手握着女伴的右手。

19、They are playing a contrapuntal line. ─── 它们在演奏一条对位的旋律线。

20、7.A phrase, such as a fugue subject, in contrapuntal music. ─── 赋格曲前面或引入歌剧一幕的音乐。

21、He was a virtual catalogue of every contrapuntal device possible and every acceptable means of creating webs of harmony with the chorale. ─── 他事实上是个每种对位手段的可能性和每种和声与赞美诗创作部署可行性方法的“目录”。

22、The blurring of function between melody and figure in the right hand and between broken chord and contrapuntal line in op.25 no.2 is characteristic (ex.4). ─── 作品25第二首的右手部分的旋律和音型,分解和弦和对位线条暧昧不清地混杂在一起,也显示出了肖邦的特点(见例四)。

23、In this capacity, he was an important teacher, became friends with S.Scheidt and H.Schutz and wrote sacred works that combined the vocal lyricism of Italian music with the Northern contrapuntal style. ─── 在这里,他的一名重要的教师,并同沙伊特和舒次成为朋友,将义大利声乐同北部对立风格相结合创作了圣诗。

24、a contrapuntal piece of music in which a melody in one part is imitated exactly in other parts. ─── 在一个部分的一个音调在另一部分里有确切的模仿的有对立效果的音乐作品。

25、A melody to which contrapuntal voices are added in Gregorian chant. ─── 素歌加入对位音调的格列高利圣歌的曲子

26、The work is concluded by an extended coda in which chromatic contrapuntal interplay among the voices are supported by a steady funeral-march drone. ─── 这首作品以一段加长尾声作结,在葬礼进行曲般沉稳的持续低音衬托下,歌声中半音对位的唱和更为突出。

27、From the aspect of crafts, carrying on the past and opening a way for future, he is the contrapuntal master.And what is more, he forebodes the arrival of harmony age by means of his composition. ─── 仅从技术层面来讲,他是西方音乐史上继往开来的复调大师,同时也以他的创作实践预示了和声时代的到来,他是音乐历史流变与整合的汇聚点。

28、Separate exposure box design, contrapuntal accurate. ─── 分离式曝光盒设计,对位精准。

29、And perhaps this was the essence of Nietzsche's Antichrist, a contrapuntal figure par excellence. ─── 也许这才是尼采反基督的本质,一种卓越的对位舞蹈步法。

30、A phrase, such as a fugue subject, in contrapuntal music. ─── 对位音乐的短句对位乐中的一个乐句,如一个赋格主题

31、"actually Bach's incredible output marks the summit of the polyphonic, or contrapuntal, style. " ─── 巴赫创作了数量惊人的作品,这标志着复调,即对位风格达到了顶峰造极的地步。

32、Danish composer whose polytonal and contrapuntal works include several symphonies,the opera Saul and David(1903,and chamber works. ─── 尼尔森,卡尔·奥古斯特1865-1931丹麦作曲家,其多调性及对位法的作品包括几部交响乐,歌剧扫罗和大卫(1903年)和一些室内作品

33、A composition or piece that incorporates or consists of contrapuntal writing. ─── 对位法作品具有或由对位法作品构成的作词或一段

34、From the aspect of crafts, carrying on the past and opening a way for future, he is the contrapuntal master. ─── 同时也以他的创作实践预示了和声时代的到来,他是音乐历史流变与整合的汇聚点。

35、it then swings, with a contrapuntal figure, into a complex modal sketch. ─── 当时想为业余时间找些事儿做,于是我想到了学习钢琴,但从没想到会成为一名钢琴家。

36、The station is shutting contrapuntal place, double foot draws close, body centre of gravity is in left foot, the right hand is being grasped by the left hand of male partner. ─── 站在合对位置,双脚靠拢,身体重心在左脚,右手被男伴的左手握着。

37、The station is shutting contrapuntal place, double foot draws close, body centre of gravity is in right leg. ─── 站在合对位置,双脚靠拢,身体重心在右脚。

38、Desk lamp and the color that spend earthen jar and design are very contrapuntal. ─── 台灯和花瓮的颜色和图案都很对位。

39、This is what the author has learned from the "contrapuntal reading" method advocated by Edward Said and the "symptomatic reading" instead of "sympathetic reading" preferred by Louis Althusser. ─── 这就是本书作者从赛义德的“对位式阅读”和阿尔都塞的“症候式阅读”中获得的启示。

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