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08-16 投稿


Semele 发音

['semili; 'sεm?,li]

英:  美:

Semele 中文意思翻译



Semele 相似词语短语

1、gemels ─── adj.双生的,孪生的;成对的;n.铰链;n.(Gemel)人名;(法)热梅尔

2、sembles ─── vi.看来好像

3、remelt ─── vt.使再熔化;使再融化;vi.再融化;再熔化

4、sembled ─── vi.看来好像

5、semble ─── vi.看来好像

6、Semele ─── n.塞默勒(Cadmus之女)

7、sememes ─── n.义素,义位

8、semple ─── adj.出身低微的;n.(Semple)(美)森普尔(人名)

9、sememe ─── n.义素,义位

Semele 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At that time, the outside world that Jerry Yang has the confidence of Silicon Valley, which is Semel lack. ─── 当时,外界认为,杨致远拥有硅谷的信任,而这正是塞梅尔所缺乏的。

2、Yang took over from former CEO Terry Semel at the company's contentious shareholders meeting last year. ─── 杨接手由前任首席执行官特里塞梅尔在该公司的有争议的股东大会去年。

3、a requisition from semele ─── 过分的苛求

4、After Actaeon's sticky end comes the story of his aunt, Semele. ─── 在亚克托安悲剧之后,作者又提到了他的姑姑,塞默勒。

5、By the way, "Panama" can be successful, Semel has played an important role. ─── 顺便说一下,“巴拿马”能取得成功,塞梅尔发挥了重要的作用。

6、Semel's tenure was perhaps characterized more for losing to Google than anything else. ─── 他的任期最后是以输给谷歌作为注脚的。

7、Since 2001, joined Yahoo, Semel for Yahoo brings the best six years, he has given us users, advertisers and shareholders to create great value. ─── 自2001年加盟雅虎以来,塞梅尔为雅虎带来了最美好的六年,他给我们的用户、广告客户和股东创造了巨大的价值。

8、Semel as CEO in June, by calling the company directory and leaving Mr.Yang a voice mail. ─── 她打电话到雅虎、在杨致远的电话语音信箱里给他留了言。

9、They see Mr Semel as the odd man out in their industry. ─── 他们认为梅塞尔先生在行业中遭人排挤。

10、A son of Zeus and (according to the standard tradition) Semele, he was brought up by the maenads, or bacchantes. ─── 他是宙斯和塞墨勒的儿子,后来被迈纳德或巴康特抚养长大。

11、In the past few years, Semel has been my partner, which has become my life an important chapter. ─── 过去几年里,塞梅尔一直是我的搭档,这已经成为了我生命中的一个重要篇章。

12、Semele was persuaded to try the experiment. ─── 塞墨勒被说得动了心,决心要作这样的一个试探。

13、With thunders and lightenings he entered the chamber of Semele. ─── 他闪电雷鸣般地冲进了塞墨勒的闺房。

14、Semel realized that Yahoo did not have its own search technology and search advertising deal with the lack of software. ─── 塞梅尔意识到,雅虎既没有掌握自有搜索技术,又缺乏处理搜索广告的软件。

15、After Actaeon's sticky end comes the story of his aunt, Semele. ─── 在亚克托安悲剧之后,作者又提到了他的姑姑,塞默勒。

16、I would like to thank the leadership of Yahoo, Semel has been such a big success, of course, would also like to thank him for his guidance and friendship. ─── 我要感谢塞梅尔领导雅虎取得如此大的成就,当然还要感谢他的指导和友谊。

17、Assuming the form of Beroe, the aged nurse of Semele, she insinuated doubts whether it was indeed jove himself who came as a lover ─── 朱诺变形成塞墨勒的老奶奶波罗厄,暗示间挑引起塞墨勒对情郎的身分产生怀疑。

18、The second sell-off happened last week, when Mr Semel warned investors at a conference hosted by Goldman Sachs that growth in online advertising was not quite what he had hoped. ─── 上周在一次高盛主办的会议上,萨谬尔先生警告投资者,在线广告的增长没有达到他的预期,雅虎的季度收益水平将处于之前预期的低端。

19、At that time, Semel made to the Google acquisition, but with the Google negotiations ended in failure. ─── 当时塞梅尔向谷歌提出收购,但与谷歌的谈判以失败告终。

20、Mr Yang replaced Mr Semel last year, but the crisis was so grave that he has now ended up surrendering to Google. ─── 杨致远去年替换了Semel,但是危机太过严重,他如今不得不向Google投降。

21、Semel is looked at by some as a man who helmed Yahoo! ─── 自己爱的人,从一个变成了两个,不是更幸福吗?

22、Yahoo's Semel control for six years, during which led Yahoo smooth through the Internet bubble brought about by the crisis. ─── 塞梅尔执掌雅虎6年,其间曾带领雅虎平稳度过互联网泡沫所带来的危机。

23、With thunders and lightnings he entered the chamber of Semele. ─── 他一阵闪电雷鸣冲进了塞墨勒的闺房。

24、semel major semper major ─── [法] 曾为成年人者, 恒为成年人

25、To Semele Jupiter had appeared, and had paid court in unostentatious manner and simple guise ─── 朱庇特现身于塞墨勒面前以至他向她求爱时,都是打扮朴素,举止谨敛的。

26、According to the most common tradition, Dionysus was the son of the god Zeus and the mortal woman Semele. ─── 根据最普遍的传统,迪奥尼索司是神宙斯和凡人妇女塞默勒的儿子。

27、repetatur semel ─── (拉)再服一次, 重复一次

28、Semel even in the face when he said: "You did not look at the performance for the past three years and an apology, which surprised me. ─── 他甚至当面对塞梅尔说:“你竟然不为过去三年的表现而道歉,这让我感到吃惊。”

29、June last year, Yahoo's Jerry Yang to return to prospects to replace Semel as CEO. ─── 去年6月,杨致远重回雅虎前台,取代塞梅尔成为CEO。

30、Apart from the sluggish stock price, Google and the widening gap between the shareholders is also one of the reasons for the expulsion Semel. ─── 除了股价低迷,与谷歌的差距拉大也是股东们驱逐塞梅尔的原因之一。

31、Mr Semel counters that Google's gains in search have not come at the expense of Yahoo!, which has been a steady number two.MSN has been the primary loser. ─── 萨谬尔对此的回应是,行业龙头老大Google搜索业务的增长,并非建立在稳坐第二把交椅雅虎衰退的基础上。

32、Semele was the daughter of Cadmus, founder of thebes ─── 塞墨勒是底比斯的缔造者卡德摩斯的女儿。

33、As underestimated the rise of search engine changes brought about by the impact of the industry, failed to respond to Semel from Google and other Internet rising star will bring challenges. ─── 由于低估了搜索引擎兴起所带来的产业变革影响,塞梅尔未能及时应对来自谷歌等互联网后起之秀带来的挑战。

34、was the daughter of Cadmus, founder of Thebes. ─── 是底比斯的缔造者卡德·摩斯的女儿。

35、But a fatality hung over the family of Cadmus in consequence of his killing the serpent sacred to Mars. Semele and Ino, his daughters, and Actaeon and Pentheus, his grandchildren, all perished unhappily. ─── 但因为卡德摩斯杀死的那条蛇是马尔斯的圣物,因此他的家族在劫难逃。他的女儿塞墨勒和伊诺,他的孙儿阿克特翁和彭透斯都死于非命。

36、semel in die ─── (拉)每日一次, 一日一次, (拉)一天一次

37、white Atlantic semele ─── n. 天花果双带蛤

38、Here is a story about his fondness for Semele. ─── 这里讲一段关于朱庇特钟情于塞墨勒的故事。

39、Purplish Semele ─── n. 紫双带蛤(樱蛤超科,双带蛤科)

40、Here is a story about his fondness for Semele. ─── 这里讲一段关于朱庇特钟情于塞墨勒的故事。

41、Just six days after Semel resigned from the post of CEO and coach received a Yahoo founder Jerry Yang, one of the hands. ─── 仅仅六天后,塞梅尔辞去CEO一职并将帅印交到了雅虎创办人之一的杨致远手上。

42、Mr Semel, by contrast, was a Hollywood dealmaker who did not use e-mail before his arrival at Yahoo! ─── 相比之下,塞梅尔这位好莱坞交易家在2001年来到雅虎之前并不使用电子邮件。

43、Semel from publishers and large Hollywood studios and other places to absorb some of the traditional entertainment and media experts. ─── Semel又从出版社和大型好莱坞工作室等地方吸收了一些传统娱乐和媒体专家。

44、The first sell-off, in July, came after Mr Semel announced thatPanama, an ambitious project to improve Yahoo!' ─── 雅虎股价的第一次跳水发生在七月份,其直接原因是萨谬尔先生宣布“巴拿马”项目将推迟到年底启动。

45、It is slow and cumbersome and “not an entrepreneurial culture” because Mr Semel is a “low-risk, non-confrontational guy”, says this adviser. ─── 他回忆起一次同雅虎合作的会议上,一个工程师问;

46、semel in d. ─── (=semel in die) (拉)每日一次,一日一次

47、Yes, agrees Mr Semel, it was supposed to be released a quarter earlier, but this sort of market reaction was silly. ─── 是的,萨谬尔先生也承认,这个项目的日程的确推迟了一个季度,但是这样的市场反应实在有点莫名其妙。

48、Yang, a co-founder of Yahoo, assumed control of the company a year and a half ago from Terry Semel, a Hollywood studio boss that he hand-picked for the job. ─── 杨致远在控制雅虎一年半的任期里,雅虎一直处于动荡时期,并拒绝了微软475亿美元的收购报价,并失去了坚实的广告合作伙伴谷歌。

49、Dionysus was the god of wine.He was the son of Zeus by Semele. ─── 狄俄尼索斯是酒神,他是宙斯和塞梅莱的儿子。

50、For Mr Semel, who is 64, a sale might also hold the appeal of a graceful exit. ─── 对64岁的塞梅尔先生而言,售卖交易也可能保持体面出局的风度,但他会心怀悔意。

51、It is one that pundits have been predicting for awhile (at least Semel out, I"m not so sure about the predictions for Yang stepping in -- I have heard Sue Decker"s name mentioned a lot, though). ─── 不过三人世界显然是一个更幸福的世界。

52、Jupiter is Fondness for Semele. ─── 朱庇特钟情于塞墨勒。

53、Mr. Semel announced the changes to company executives today. ─── 塞梅尔今日向公司管理层宣布了上述事宜。

54、semel in duabus horis ─── (拉)每二小时一次

55、Semel took over from the hands of Yahoo, Jerry Yang although he claimed that "everything can change," but initially did not carry out the management of major adjustment. ─── 在从塞梅尔手中接手雅虎后,杨致远虽然声称“一切皆可改变”,但最初并没有对管理层进行大调整。

56、"You can't just hold the baby for two minutes and then walk out the door," says Irene Goldenberg, family psychologist and professor emeritus at UCLA's Semel Institute. ─── “你可以花2分钟的时间抱一下孩子,然后离开。”家庭心理学家,加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校Semel学院名誉教授IreneGoldenberg说。

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