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08-16 投稿


tilter 发音


英:  美:

tilter 中文意思翻译



tilter 短语词组

1、hydraulic tilter ─── 液压倾卸机

2、tilter whirl ─── 翻转倾卸装置旋转

3、tilter 093 093 ─── 之前

4、tilter cleaning ─── 倾卸机清洁

5、roller tilter ─── 辊式翻钢机

6、tilter kings ─── 倾卸器国王

7、tilter 046 ─── 设备046

8、welding tilter ─── [化] 焊接翻转机

9、tilter world ─── 翻转世界

10、tilter 033 ─── 相当于033

11、bottle tilter ─── [机] 倾瓶机

12、pack tilter ─── 包装倾卸机

13、tilter 040 ─── 倾斜040

tilter 相似词语短语

1、kilter ─── n.平衡;顺利;良好状态

2、milter ─── n.产卵期的雄鱼

3、tiler ─── n.砖瓦匠;秘密集会的看守人(等于tyler);n.(Tiler)人名;(土)蒂莱尔

4、tiller ─── n.[船]舵柄;农夫;vi.分蘖;n.(Tiller)人名;(英、德、捷)蒂勒

5、tilted ─── adj.倾斜的,翘起的;v.使倾斜(tilt的过去分词)

6、tilters ─── n.倾斜体

7、jilter ─── 产量

8、stilter ─── 静像

9、filter ─── n.过滤器;滤波器;筛选程序;分流指示灯;v.过滤;渗透;用过滤法除去;慢慢传开;缓行;仅可左转行驶;n.(Filter)(德)菲尔特(人名)

tilter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、His car ran full tilt against the tree. ─── 他的车以全速撞到了树上。

2、comprises a main vehicle with a vehicle body leg device and a tilter, and a deep well dredging device and an abutment device which are arranged on the frame of the main vehicle. ─── 包括具有车体支腿装置和翻斗车厢的主车、设置在主车车架上的深井清 挖器、接斗装置;

3、Dealer: Well, it also features recling seats, a tilt steering wheel, and plenty of headroom. ─── 商人:嗯,它也以躺椅座,可倾斜的驾驶盘和充裕的头上空间为特色。

4、To tilt (a motor vehicle) laterally and inwardly when negotiating a curve. ─── 向内倾斜:使(汽车)在拐弯时向内或向内倾斜。

5、He is making a major effort to tilt American policy towards Africa. ─── 他正在作出重大努力使美国政策向非洲倾斜。

6、What pharmacologic agents can increase the positive yield of the tilt test? ─── 加用药物常可增加倾斜试验的阳性率。

7、In engine compartment, slide booster forward, tilt it upward slightly, and remove it from engine compartment. ─── 在引擎室中,向前滑动倍力器,轻轻地向上倾斜,并且从引擎室拆卸倍力器。

8、But that tilt was due to a very different cause from this. ─── 但是那种倾斜的原因与此大不相同。

9、Why did she have a tilt at him at the meeting? ─── 她干吗在会上攻击他?

10、Two separate axes of movement - panoramic rotation and front-rear tilt. ─── 两个独立的运动轴,分别为全景旋转轴,前后俯仰轴。

11、Tilt the skillet, and let the curved edge of the omelet slip onto the plate. ─── 倾斜锅,让蛋卷的弯曲面滑入盘子中。

12、Treatment, though-whether it's chemotherapy or immunotherapy-will tilt the odds in her favour. ─── 不过,治疗一下--不管是化学疗法还是免疫疗法--总会使情况对她有利。

13、He engaged in a tilt to defend her honour. ─── 他参加骑马持矛比武来捍卫她的荣誉。

14、She aims to have a tilt at the world championship next year. ─── 她的目标是明年问鼎世界冠军。

15、Instead tilt right, the left mouse dynamic network. ─── 反之右边倾斜,鼠标网左动。

16、To tilt or cause to tilt to one side. ─── 倾斜,使侧倾向一边倾斜或使向一边倾斜

17、This freight car is able to load sand, mud, ore. And it is able to unload each side by tilt down of pot. ─── 可以载土砂或者煤炭,从货车上把货卸下来的时候,铁锅推到左右边。

18、He had a sharp tilt with the manager. ─── 他与经理激烈争论。

19、Topography from north to south for a tilt. ─── 地势呈现为自北向南倾斜。

20、Don't tilt the table. The dishes may fall. ─── 别翘起桌子,菜会掉下来的。

21、Coatd plate bar using recombinant GM protein (AFMP1) and employed indirect ELISA to detect antibody tilter of mice serum. ─── 基因重组GM蛋白(AFMP1)包被板条,间接ELISA法检测小鼠血清抗体效价。

22、A tilt or slant; an incline. ─── 倾斜倾倒或倾斜; 斜坡

23、Compared with the one stage low-pass filter, the designed three stage decimation filter has much less computation and better tilter character. ─── 和一级低通滤波器比较说明,所设计的三级抽取滤波器,运算量小、滤波效果好。

24、Well, it also features recling seats, a tilt steering wheel, and plenty of headroom. ─── 嗯 ,它也以躺椅座,可倾斜的驾驶盘和充裕的头上空间为特色.

25、The design of the hydraulic system about the tilter of bogie of freight cars ─── 全液压货车转向架翻转机的液压系统设计

26、You cannot tilt at the actual findings. ─── 你不能抨击实际结果。

27、He indicated, with a tilt of his head, a stranger nearby. ─── 他斜著头,指出附近的一个陌生人。

28、LBV resulted in a right tilt of the AOV for biphasic shocks. ─── ULV发生时间较LLV的右移以及右边界比左边界SS的抬高导致双相电震AOV呈现向右倾斜。

29、Don't tilt your chair or you'll fall over! ─── 别翘椅子,不然你就摔倒了!

30、He is bold enough to tilt at social injustices. ─── 他敢于抨击社会上的不公正现象。

31、Don't tilt your hat sideways. ─── 不要歪戴帽子。

32、His car ran(at) full tilt against the tree. ─── 他的车猛撞到树上。

33、To set at an oblique angle; tilt. ─── 使倾斜给一个倾斜的角;使倾斜

34、There is a great deal to be seen in the tilt of a hat on a man. ─── 一个人戴帽子的样子是很有讲究的。

35、Check the inner and outer sides of the foam insert and the filter paper inside the tilter. ─── 检查内置的海绵滤芯的里外两面以及过滤器中的纸滤芯。

36、Dealer: Well, it also features reclining seats, a tilt steering wheel, and plenty of headroom. ─── 商人:嗯 ,它也以躺椅座,可倾斜的驾驶盘和充裕的头上空间为特色.

37、Tilt your head back and let out a raucous peal of laughter . ─── 下决心让自己今天过得比昨天快乐。

38、He drove(at) full tilt into the lamppost. ─── 他全速开车,撞到电线杆上。

39、Do not let him lie down or tilt his head backward. ─── 不要让他躺下,也不要让他的头向后倾歪。

40、You may be leaning back at contact which causes the racquet face to tilt back. ─── 你可能在接触点身体后倾, 导致网拍面也向后倾斜。

41、Why Do Baroclinic Waves Tilt Poleward with Height? ─── 为什么斜压波随高度向极倾斜?

42、Floor tile should tilt to ground leak, otherwise easy seeper. ─── 地砖要向地漏处倾斜,否则轻易积水。

43、He has a significant pro-American tilt. ─── 他有严重的亲美倾向。

44、A tilt, as of a boat, to one side. ─── 倾侧,倾侧度向一边的倾斜,如一条船

45、Design application of tilter of currency beam-pumping unit ─── 通用抽油机专用翻转机的设计应用

46、Remove tilt lever (if equipped) from column. ─── 从转向柱拆除倾斜杆(如果装备)。

47、The tilt and flex Of Lexus LS400 steering wheel can be controlled by ECU. ─── 凌志LS400汽车方向盘可利用电脑ECU控制方向盘伸缩与倾斜。

48、Two containers of mercury, connected by a small-bore pipe, are mounted so as to tilt with the gyro. ─── 两个装有水银的容器用小口径的管道连接,安装得使它们可以随着陀螺倾斜。

49、"We have stabilised the tower, so that it has stopped continuing to tilt. ─── “我们已把塔稳定住,使它不再继续倾斜。

50、One was a 17-year-old male patient with lateral patellar tilt in both knees. ─── 一例为17岁男性,两侧髌骨有外侧倾斜的现象。

51、If you tilt your head to the right, you can see the horse quicker. ─── 初看时将你的头向右偏,会容易发现那个完全不同的影像.

52、To tilt(an aircraft) laterally and inwardly in flight. ─── 倾斜地前进使(飞机)在飞行中向内侧面倾斜

53、Treatment, though-whether it's chemotherapy or immunotherapy-will tilt the odds in her favor. ─── 不过,治疗一下--不管是化学疗法还是免疫疗法--总会使情况对她有利。

54、Can you tilt the lid up a little further? ─── 你能把盖子的一边再向上提一点吗?

55、He is a man of great intelligence and courage so he couldn't tilt at windmills. ─── 他是个既聪明又有勇气的人,决不会凭空攻击的。

56、Don't tilt your chair back so far, it might fall over. ─── 别把椅子一个劲向后倾斜,它会翻倒的。

57、Application of Intelligent Motor Controller In Tilter System ─── 智能马达控制器在翻车机系统中的应用

58、He likes to tilt his head forward. ─── 他喜欢把头往前倾。

59、Rising air may tilt the rotation from horizontal to vertical. ─── 上升气流令旋涡由横向转为纵向。

60、The latter, as the name suggests, are used to record any changes in the tilt of the land. ─── 后者,顾名思义,是用来记录任何土地斜度的变化。

61、Leaning forward, backwards or to the sides will cause the game stage to tilt. ─── 前后左右的倾斜身体将控制游戏平台的倾斜。

62、To tilt an aircraft or a motor vehicle laterally when turning. ─── 使向内倾转弯时向内侧倾斜汽车或飞机

63、They got in a tilt over the question of constitutional rights. ─── 他们在宪法权利问题上争论起来了。

64、Tilt the head and mounting plate assembly until the desired position is found. ─── 倾斜云台和安装板装置,直到找到所需位置。

65、To tilt (an aircraft) laterally and inwardly in flight. ─── 倾斜地前进:使(飞机)在飞行中向内侧面倾斜。

66、Waterlines that tilt look like they will run off the edge of the page. ─── 倾斜的水平线会使水看起来要从纸张的一角流走。

67、He was running at full tilt when he slipped and fell down. ─── 他正全速奔跑时滑了一下,摔倒了。

68、The sling helps the person on it to raise their legs and tilt their hips quite comfortably. ─── 吊索帮助人对此举他们的腿和相当舒适地掀动他们的臀部。

69、He run to the finish line at full tilt. ─── 他奋力跑向终点线。

70、Within the terrain from the northwest to southeast tilt. ─── 境内地势由西北向东南倾斜。

71、Never tilt the chair backward on two legs. ─── 决不能把椅子往后翘,以致使椅子前面两条腿悬空。

72、Beware of backlighting problems on an upward tilt. ─── 向上倾斜时要注意逆光问题。

73、She wore her hat at a tilt over her left eye. ─── 她歪戴着帽子遮住左眼。

74、He answered with a tilt of his head. ─── 他歪着头回答。

75、Add 3 tablespoons batter into the skillet, tilt skillet to spread slightly. ─── 勺入3大勺面糊,锅稍微倾斜一下,让面糊朝周圈滑开。

76、He drove full tilt intothe lamppost. ─── 他车开得飞快,撞上了路灯柱。

77、The short coseismal step was recorded in tilt and strain data. ─── 倾斜和应变记录到同震阶跃,但持续时间相对较短。

78、Tilt seatback forward, and slide it outboard to detach it from pin on center pivot bracket. ─── 向前倾斜座椅靠背,向外部滑动,从中心枢轴支架销上将其卸下。

79、To cause(a ship) to lean to one side; tilt. ─── 使船倾侧使(船)斜向一侧;使倾斜,使歪斜

80、Ciliatus forewing length and tilt, such as the caudate chicken. ─── 前翅缘毛长并翘起如鸡尾状。

81、To tilt(a motor vehicle) laterally and inwardly when negotiating a curve. ─── 向内倾斜使(汽车)在拐弯时向内或向内倾斜

82、Tilt your head back and let out a raucous peal of laughter .. ─── 与别人创建一种令人满足的,有意义的联系。

83、The tilt between the two parties got fiercer. ─── 两党间的争论变得更加激烈。

84、It is possible to tilt the X-axis of the object as it moves through its path by adding the. ─── 元素,可以使对象在沿着其路径移动的过程中使其X轴发生倾斜。

85、I watch the bright moon, as I tilt back my head. ─── 举 头 望 明 月 ,

86、A tilt or an inclination away from the vertical. ─── 倾斜偏离垂直位置的倾斜或斜坡

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