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08-16 投稿


ganglia 发音


英:  美:

ganglia 中文意思翻译



ganglia 短语词组

1、Bidder's ganglia ─── [医] 比德氏神经节(蛙心)

2、cerebral ganglia ─── [医] 丘脑

3、cerebrospinal ganglia ─── [医] 脑脊神经节

4、anterior inframaxillary ganglia ─── [医] 颌下前神经节

5、cervicouterine ganglia ─── [医] 子宫颈神经节, 弗兰肯豪塞氏神经节

6、central ganglia of brain ─── [医] 脑中央 ─── [神经]节(丘脑及纹状体)

7、celiac ganglia ─── [医] 腹腔神经节

8、diaphragmatic ganglia ─── [医] 膈神经节

9、carotid ganglia ─── [医] 颈动脉神经节

10、Bochdalek's ganglia ─── [医] 博赫达勒克氏神经节(上牙槽神经前支与中支结合部的膨大)

11、Darkschewitsch's ganglia ─── [医] 达克谢维奇氏核(于大脑导水管和第三脑室交界处)

12、Corti's ganglia ─── [医] 柯替氏神经节, 蜗螺旋神经节

13、anterior ganglia of thalamus ─── [医] 丘脑前结节

14、coccygeal ganglia ─── [医] 尾神经节, 奇神经节

15、cephalic ganglia ─── [医] 头神经节

16、compound ganglia ─── [医] 复合性腱鞘囊肿

17、Bock's ganglia ─── [医] 博克氏神经节, 颈动脉神经节

18、Cloquet's ganglia ─── [医] 克洛凯氏神经节, 鼻腭神经节

19、Casserian ganglia ─── [医] 卡塞氏神经节, 半月神经节

20、collateral ganglia ─── [医] 侧副神经节

ganglia 词性/词形变化,ganglia变形


ganglia 相似词语短语

1、Anglia ─── n.英格兰的拉丁名称

2、ganglio- ─── 神经节

3、ganglion ─── n.[组织]神经节;[医]腱鞘囊肿

4、ganglier ─── adj.身材瘦长的(gangly的变形)

5、gangliate ─── 神经节

6、ganglial ─── adj.神经节的

7、gangling ─── adj.过分瘦长的;动作笨拙难看的;v.笨拙地移动(gangle的ing形式)

8、gangli- ─── 岗里

9、gangliar ─── 帮派分子

ganglia 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Abstract: Objective To study the diagnosis ,differential diagnoses and treatment of the ectopia of spinal ganglion. ─── 摘 要: 目的 研究腰脊神经节异位症的诊断、鉴别诊断及治疗方法。

2、Tumors with sparse number of ganglion cells may be misdiagnosed as neurofibroma. ─── 带有许多稀疏的神经节细胞的肿瘤可能会被误诊为神经纤维瘤。

3、The ventromedial prefrontal cortex has a close connection with basal ganglia structures, in particular the striatum. ─── 大鼠的mPFC与基底神经节特别是纹状体具有密切的联系。

4、This micropipette injects yellow dye that rapidly spreads through all the dendrites of a single ganglion cell, showing us the strata they reach. ─── 以微小针管注射的黄色染剂可以迅速扩散到单一节细胞内的所有树突,让我们知道树突伸到哪一层。

5、Objective: To explore the method of stellate ganglion Posterior-route Puncture for the treatment of acne. ─── 摘要目的探讨星状神经节后路穿刺治疗痤疮的方法。

6、Objective: To explore the effectiveness of microsurgery through lateral fissure approach for treating hypertensive hemorrhage of basal ganglia region. ─── 摘要目的:探讨超早期小骨窗经侧裂入路治疗高血压基底节脑出血的疗效。

7、After primary infection,VZV remains latent in dorsal route ganglia and is reactivated later in life, leading to herpes zoster. ─── VZV初次感染后可在体内建立潜伏感染,以后可被激活引起带状疱疹。

8、Unlike pathogens that spread in readily accessed blood, HS hides out in nere cells called dorsal ganglia, located in the back. ─── 与易于通过血液传播的病原体不同,HS隐藏于背部被称为脊髓神经节的神经细胞内。

9、Perhaps this ganglion type represents the onset of illumination but not its sustained presence. ─── 或许这种节细胞代表的是照明的开始,而不是持续的照明。

10、I had a ganglion cyst and giant floaters. ─── 大小超过铅笔上的橡皮头;

11、Our findings show that this may cause neuroinflammation in the dorsal root ganglion and neuropathic pain. ─── 我们的研究显示这可能导致背角神经节的神经炎症和神经病理性痛。

12、Intraneural ganglion was a less common disease in the literature.The exact pathologic mechanism was still unclear. ─── 摘要神经内腱鞘囊肿是一种在文献中不常见的疾病,其确定的治病机转仍不是很清楚。

13、Curative effect observation of point selection cure hyperhidrosis near ganglia of sympathetic trunk. ─── 摘要目的:交感神经节附近取穴治疗多汗症的疗效观察。

14、Anti-basal Ganglia Antibodies: A Possible Diagnostic Utility in Idiopathic Movement Disorders? ─── 抗基底节抗体:诊断特发性运动障碍的新方法?

15、Sympathetic preganglionic neurons (SPNs), located in the thoracolumbar spinal cord, are the only link between central sympathetic output and peripheral ganglia. ─── 中文摘要交感节前神经元位于脊髓胸段是中枢交感活性输出至周边神经节的唯一连结。

16、So did the dorsal root ganglia in situ as the sclerotome in situ. ─── 背根神经节原位也就是硬核刀原位。

17、Each of the dozen different sets of ganglion cells creates a unique readout that accentuates some aspect of the visual world. ─── 12种不同节细胞组里的每一组所产生的独特讯号,所强调的是视觉世界的某个面向。

18、PET showed the low metabolism in the basal ganglia region of the injected side. ─── pet显示模型侧基底核区低代谢,与术前相比明显不同。

19、The central nervous ganglia of the Cellana toreuma including a pair of cerebral ganglia,pedal ganglia,pleural ganglia and a visceral ganglion. ─── 嫁虫戚神经系统包括一对脑神经节、一对足神经节、一对侧神经节和一个脏神经节。

20、His cranial MRI showed the abnormal long T1 and T2 signals at bilateral centrum ovale, corona radiate and basal ganglia area of the cerebral hemisphere. ─── 头颅MRI示双侧大脑半球半卵圆中心、放射冠、基底节区多个点状长T1、长T2异常信号。

21、Of the 38 patients, 21 had left basal ganglia injury, which was responsible for aphasia in 18 and agraphia also in 18 patients. ─── 38例患者中,左侧基底神经节损害21例,其中失语18例,失写18例;

22、Up to now, we've accomplished running Ganglia on the management server; now we have to care more about what the compute nodes all look like. ─── 到现在为止,我们已经完成了在管理服务器中运行Ganglia的工作;现在必须更多地关注计算节点。

23、Unlike pathogens that spread in readily accessed blood, HSV hides out in nerve cells called dorsal ganglia, located in the back. ─── 与易于通过血液传播的病原体不同,HSV隐藏于背部被称为脊髓神经节的神经细胞内。

24、The sympathetic nerve distributing cerebral vessels originates from the cervical sympathetic ganglia. ─── 支配脑血管的交感神经起源于颈交感神经节。

25、A bilateral haemorrhagic infarct was observed in affecting the basal ganglia and thalamus. ─── 基底节和丘脑等处可见双侧出血性梗死。

26、We record what is happening in individual ganglion cells with a tiny, hollow glass needle. ─── 我们利用一根微细的玻璃管来记录个别节细胞的活性。

27、An inactivating BK current (BKi) was identified in rat small dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons . ─── 发现在大鼠小直径的背根神经节(DRG)神经元中,普遍存在失活的BK通道。

28、Hypocalcemia usually occured in brain ganglion (6.87%, P

29、Objective: To study the expression and variance of nerve growth factor (NGF) immunoreactive (NGF-IR) neurons in the rat intracardiac ganglia. ─── 摘要目的:观察神经生长因子(NGF)在卵巢切除大鼠心房后壁心内神经节的表达及雌激素的调节作用。

30、The purpose was to apply the result to justifying the rationale in the treatment of sudden deafness by stellate ganglion block. ─── 将20只予以麻醉的天竺鼠之上颈交感神经节摘除,并于摘除前后以激光杜卜勒血流测定器测量耳蜗局部血流的改变。

31、Liebmann-Smith says.'I developed an eye tic.I had a ganglion cyst and giant floaters. ─── 我得了眼痉挛,我得了腱鞘囊肿、飞蝇幻觉,眼前时常出现巨大的黑影。

32、Other rare complications include premature cataracts, pseudotumor cerebri, and calcifications of the basal ganglia. ─── 其它少见的并发症包括早发的白内障、脑假瘤、基底神经节钙化。

33、Methods To analysis 25 cases with traumatic basal ganglia hemorrhag from 1995 to 2006. ─── 方法分析我院1995至2006年外伤性基底节区出血患者25例。

34、Objective To investigate the relationship between the basal ganglia and cognitive function of language. ─── 摘要目的探讨人脑基底节与语言认知功能的关系。

35、Acetylcholine is also the principal neurotransmitter in all autonomic ganglia. ─── 乙酰胆碱也是所有自主神经节的主要神经递质。

36、On the other hand, ectopic firing originating in the dorsal root ganglia is thought to play an important role in the deelopment of radicular pain or abnormal sensation. ─── 另一方面,起自背侧根神经节的异位发作被认为是在神经根痛或感觉异常的发展中起了很重要的作用。

37、The receptors are also 'cross-linked' by horizontal cells and amacrine cells, which modify the synaptic signal before the ganglion cells. ─── 双极细胞将这个信号继续传送给视网膜神经节细胞。

38、In this study, Howe looked at brain rhythms in a region at the very bottom of the basal ganglia, known as the ventral striatum. ─── 在这篇文章里,豪尔观察脑节奏,在基地神经节的很底部的区域,就是熟知的腹侧纹状体。

39、AQP2 located in stria vascularis, Corti's organ, spiral ganglion and endolymphatic sac. ─── AQP2表达在血管纹、Corti器、螺旋神经节细胞和内淋巴囊中。

40、The basic pathologic changes are the damage of retinal ganglion cells(RGCs) and their axons. ─── 关于青光眼视网膜神经节细胞损伤的机制,迄今未明。

41、The basal ganglia were the most common site of infarction; the proportion with infarction after 60 days was haled in the dexamethasone group (27%s 58%, p=0.130). ─── 基底神经节是梗塞的最常见位点;治疗60天后地塞米松组出现梗塞的比例减少一半(27%:58%,p=0.130)。

42、Methods:Use acupoint near ganglia of sympathetic trunk by acupuncture therapy to observe hyperhidrosis and the hyperhidrosises of head,palms,subaxillaries,plantae. ─── 方法:重用交感神经节附近的腧穴通过针刺治疗多汗症,并对头面、手掌、腋下、足掌等各个部位多汗症分别进行治疗观察。

43、Secondary regions were the central cerebellar white matter, cerebellar vermis, thalamus, and basal ganglia. ─── 哈尔碱存在于人们日常饮食中,是一种可诱发震颤的神经毒素。

44、In the periphery of the retina, ganglion cells are relatively few in number. ─── 在视网膜的边缘区节细胞相当少。

45、Computer tomographic scan and magnetic resonance imaging showed a mass lesion in the left basal ganglion region. ─── 因无法以核磁共振扫瞄及脑部血管摄影检查排除为动静脉畸形瘤,于是开刀取样化验。

46、In the MRI imaging , the diseased foci were small, and most of them were located within basal ganglia and paraventricles. ─── MRI表现为病灶范围小,多位于基底节与侧脑室旁。

47、The dorsal root ganglia(DRG) of rat were cultured on polypyrrole membrane for 2 weeks. ─── 将大鼠背根神经节体外培养于聚吡咯膜上2周;

48、It is well known, though, that neighboring retinal ganglion cells tend to fire together. ─── 不过,邻近的节细胞倾向于同时激发是众所皆知的事。

49、Objective To study the feature of speech and Chinese character on basal ganglia language disorder, and approach the possible mechanism of neuropsychology. ─── 摘要目的通过对基底节病变时患者语言障碍及汉字书写特点的研究,探讨其可能的神经心理学机制。

50、Methods:60 patients with hematomas in basal ganglia region were treated by microneurosurgery. ─── 方法:60例基底节区血肿均采用经侧裂入路手术治疗。

51、However, NPY-CBHRP, CGRP - CHRP and 5-HT-CBHRP labelled cells were allfound in the superior cervical ganglia. ─── 在颈上神经节神经肽Y-CBHRP、降钙素基因相关肽-CBHRP和5-羟色胺-CBHRP三种标细胞均有出现.

52、Bipolar cells are responsible of transmitting light signals from photoreceptors to ganglion cells in vertebrate retinas. ─── 摘要:脊椎动物视网膜的双极细胞主要是将感光细胞的讯息传递至神经节细胞。

53、We describe a case with left hemiparkinsonism due to a parasagittal meningioma with surrounding edema compressing the right basal ganglia. ─── 我们描述一个案件左偏侧由于旁脑膜瘤压缩与周围水肿的权利基底节。

54、The central nervous system of Teleogyllus emma (Ohmachi and Matsuura) consists of brain, suboesophageal ganglion and ventral nerve-cord. ─── 应用解剖镜和光镜观察了黄脸油葫芦(Teleog理lluse脚ma(Ohmachi &Matsuura))中枢神经系统的组织解剖学结构,并对脑和各体神经节的组织学结构进行了比较。

55、Abstract: The globus pallidus occupies a critical position in the ‘indirect’ pathway of the basal ganglia and, as such, plays an important role in the modulation of movement. ─── 摘 要: 苍白球是基底神经节间接环路的重要核团,在机体运动功能调节中发挥重要作用。

56、Methods To review and summarize experience of diagnosis and treatment in34cases of posttraumatic cerebral infarction of basal ganglia in infants. ─── 方法回顾性总结34例小儿外伤性基底节区脑梗塞的诊治。

57、In the remaining 11 patients, in whom noncontrast CT was negatie for thrombi, were found to hae infarcts in the basal ganglia or cortex seeral days later. ─── 增强CT检查结果阴性的11人,数天后证实为基底节或大脑皮层脑梗塞。

58、It was childish nonsense—the chimera of frazzled ganglia. ─── 那是幼稚的废话——疲倦的神经节的嵌合体。

59、Surgeons insert a catheter into the left and right striatum, the main recipients in the basal ganglia of the dopamine secreted by neurons of the substantia nigra. ─── 外科医师将导管伸入脑左右两边的纹状体,那里是接受黑质神经元释出多巴胺的主要基底核脑区。

60、Permeability of Injured and Intact Peripheral Nerves and Dorsal Root Ganglia. ─── 损伤和完整的外周神经与背根神经节的通透性。

61、There is a disability in selective attention of LD children,and it is suggested that frontal-basal ganglia circle amy play a important role in neuropsychological mechanism of LD. ─── LD儿童存在选择注意缺陷,提示与其额叶-基低神经节环路功能障碍有关;

62、The types of basal ganglia agraphia were AAg, VAg, PAg, MAg and GAg. ─── 基底神经节失写类型有:失语性失写、视空间性失写、惰性失写、镜像书写及完全性失写。

63、This may occur around the site of the wound or, IF the toxin reaches spinal motor ganglia via the bloodstream, throughout the body. ─── 其症状限于外伤部位,但若毒素经血流扩散至脊髓运动神经节,则症状可出现于全身。

64、Adenosine A(subscript 2A) receptors are selectively localized in basal ganglia and can affect the locomotor activity. ─── 摘要腺苷A(下标2A)受体在基底神经节选择性表达并与运动行为有关。

65、Unlike pathogens that spread in readily accessed blood, HSV hides out in nerve cells called dorsal ganglia, located in the back. ─── 与易于通过血液传播的病原体不同,HSV隐藏于背部被称为脊髓神经节的神经细胞内。

66、The new-established model included the model of cultured dorsal root ganglion neurons and swallowing respond model. ─── 新建立的研究模型包括培养脊髓背根神经节神经元模型及吞咽反应模型。

67、In 41 cases basal ganglia damaged, 21 cases were on the left basal ganglia, of which 19 were aphasia and agraphia. ─── 41例基底神经节损害患者中,左侧基底神经节损害21例,失语、失写各19例;

68、Malfunctions in the basal ganglia occur in Parkinson's disease, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and many neuropsychiatric disorders. ─── 在帕金森氏症、强迫症以及许多神经精神障碍中基础中枢神经发生故障。

69、Abnormal signals in basal ganglia of 4 patients of 129Met/Met homozygote occurred after 2.5 months averagely, they survived for 10.5 months at average. ─── 4例甲硫氨酸纯合型 (12 9Met/Met)底节T2 异常信号发现时间平均 2 5个月 ,存活时间平均 10 5个月 ;

70、Incidence of USN after stroke amounts to 39.9%, and most occurs in terminal leaf and cerebral ganglion of right hemisphere. ─── 单侧空间忽略在脑中风后发生率高达 39.9% ,且多发生在右半球 ,以顶叶和丘脑多见。

71、The locations of microbleeds were in subcortical w h ite matter (34%), thalamus (18.5%), basal ganglia (25.2%), brain stem (11. 8%), and cerebellun (10.4%). ─── 3 4%的微出血位于皮层下白质内 ,2 5.2%位于基底节 ,18.5%位于丘脑 ,11.8%位于脑干 ,10 .4%位于小脑。

72、Our goal, of course, is to learn how each set of ganglion cells extracts meaning from the visual world. ─── 当然,我们的目标是想知道每一组节细胞如何从视觉世界萃取出意义,因为视网膜是设计来处理比闪光更有趣的讯息。

73、The subthalamic nucleus (STN), which is located in the indirect pathway of the basal ganglia circuitry, has been regarded as an important modulator of basal ganglia output. ─── 底丘脑核(Subthalamic nucleus, STN)位于基底神经节环路的间接通路上,对基底神经节的传出活动具有重要的调节作用。

74、Sodium channel of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) plays an important role in the mechanisms of neuropathic pain. ─── 摘要脊髓背根神经节的钠通道与神经性疼痛的形成有密切的关系。

75、The death of retinal ganglion cells (RGC) and the decreasing of retinal nerve fiber are resulted from the complete or partial retina ischemia. ─── 摘要各种原因造成的视网膜完全或部分缺血,可导致视网膜节细胞(RGC)的死亡和神经纤维数量的减少,这是造成视功能不可逆损害的主要病理基础。

76、After reading Part 1, you could install Ganglia, as well as answer the monitoring questions that different user groups tend to ask. ─── 学习了第1部分之后,您可能已经安装了Ganglia,也能回答不同用户组可能咨询的监视问题。

77、CT examination found that profile expressed low density focuc of sides basel ganglion in 11 cases,encephalatrophy in 2 cases and negative in 1 case. ─── CT见11例双侧基底节低密度灶,2例脑萎缩,1例阴性。

78、High signal intensity is apparent in the basal ganglia, with dilatation of both entricles in which septa are detected, presumably due to meningitis. ─── 基底神经节可见高密度信号影,双侧脑室扩张,隔区累积,可能由于脑膜炎的原因。

79、HSV travels nerve pathways to the nerve routes (ganglia). ─── 单纯疱疹病毒通过神经链路到达神经中枢。

80、Sympathetic nerves have their ganglia just above the heart. ─── 交感神经的神经节位于心脏的上方。

81、A rule of segmental distribution of HRP positive neurons in both ganglion of spinal nerve and gray matter seemed to exist. ─── 3组动物的脊神经节和脊髓灰质中 ,HRP阳性细胞的节段性分布似有一定规律。

82、Objective To study the method of and effect on treatment of patients with hypertensive basal ganglia hematomas through modified transpterional middle temporal gyrus approach. ─── 方法回顾性分析采用改良翼点颞中回入路治疗35例底节区高血压脑出血病例。

83、BSI B 4 labeled neurons in the trigeminal ganglion are middle or small ones,and number of small neurons is very much larger that of middle neurons. ─── 三叉神经节中的BSI-B4标记神经元为中小型神经元,其中以小神经元为主。

84、Analysis of ultramicro Leu-leu endopeptid ase in buccal ganglion of Aplysia California by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. ─── MALDI-TOF质谱技术分析加州海兔口腔神经节中超微量Leu-Leu多肽酶

85、His research centers on synaptic transmission in the central nervous system especially in the basal ganglia, hippocampus and cerebellum. ─── 他的研究领域是中央神经体系统,神经生理尤其在基底神经节,海马和小脑方面。

86、Because sympathetic ganglia lie close to the vertebral column, sympathetic preganglionic fibers are generally short. ─── 因为交感神经节的谎言接近脊柱,交感神经节前纤维,一般短。

87、Methods:Discontinous laminectomy and non-trauma incision of spinal ganglion is the main surgical technology. ─── 方法:致压物摘除、神经根节部的无创减压是治疗马尾神经综合征主要的外科技术。

88、The CT and MRI of brain revealed the change of generalized, symmetrical demyelination in cerebellum hemisphere, basal ganglia, white matter of cerebrum hemisphere, brain stem. ─── 头颅CT和MRI显示双侧广泛性对称性小脑半球、基底节区、大脑半球白质、脑干脱髓鞘改变。

89、The approach of finding and identifying the celiac g anglia and aortico renal ganglia was described in this paper. ─── 对腹腔神经节、主动脉肾节的寻找方法进行描述。

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