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08-16 投稿


amplifies 发音

英:[??mpl?fa?z]  美:[??mpl?fa?z]

英:  美:

amplifies 中文意思翻译



amplifies 词性/词形变化,amplifies变形

动词过去分词: amplified |动词第三人称单数: amplifies |动词过去式: amplified |动词现在分词: amplifying |

amplifies 短语词组

1、amplifies hyperosmolarity ─── 增加高渗压

2、amplifies dna ─── 放大dna

3、amplifies volume ─── 放大音量

4、amplifies syn ─── 放大syn

5、amplifies definition ─── 放大清晰度

6、amplifies scurrilous ─── 扩大脏污

7、amplifies ghana ─── 扩大加纳

8、amplifies meaning ─── 扩大意义

9、amplifies tone ─── 放大音调

10、amplifies define ─── 放大定义

11、amplifies means ─── 扩大手段

amplifies 相似词语短语

1、ammonifies ─── v.使……氨化;加氨,加氨于……

2、anglifies ─── v.(在形式、特性方面)(使)英语化,英国化(等于anglicize)

3、simplifies ─── 简化

4、exemplifies ─── vt.例证;例示

5、unamplified ─── 非放大的

6、amplifiers ─── n.[电子]放大器,增强剂(amplifier的复数);功放

7、amplifier ─── n.[电子]放大器,扩大器;扩音器

8、amplified ─── v.放大;详述(amplify的过去分词);adj.放大的;扩充的

9、alkalifies ─── v.(使)成碱化

amplifies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、That amplifies the original dim signal, composed of just a few photons, until it becomes visible. ─── 从仅有几个光子的微弱的原始信号,放大到可见的强度。

2、Our white skin collects up the light and then amplifies it allowing more light to be present upon Earth again. ─── 我们的白色皮肤收集光,随后放大它,让更多的光再被呈现在地球上。

3、An instrumentation amplifier is a device that amplifies the difference between two input signal voltages while rejecting any signals that are common to both inputs. ─── 仪表放大器是一种放大两个输入信号电压之差的同时又抑制这两个输入端共模信号的器件,因此,仪表放大器在从传感器和其它信号源提取微弱信号时提供非常重要的功能。

4、Chronic pain may be due to an overabundance of a protein, which amplifies the pain signal to the brain. ─── 慢性疼痛可能是由于一种过量的蛋白质放大了传递给大脑的疼痛信号。

5、“This policy response simply amplifies the shocks,” he says. ─── “这个政策反应只会加剧动荡,”他表示。

6、The BC109C stage amplifies in common base mode, giving good voltage gain , whilst providing a low impedance input to match the speaker. ─── BC109C 阶段在通常的基础模态中扩大,给好的电压增益,一会儿提供低的阻抗输入相配说者。

7、amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing ─── 带上能够扩大声音以弥补听力差的缺陷

8、The technique extracts and amplifies the virus's genetic material from a tiny amount of blood blotted onto filter paper. ─── 这种技术提取并扩增来自滤纸吸收的少量血液中的艾滋病病毒的遗传物质。

9、Because gallium arsenide has a high emission rate (it amplifies light efficiently because its bands line up), its total photon emissions easily outpace its absorptions. ─── 由于砷化镓发光效率很高(因为能带呈正对排列,所以可以很有效率地放大光),因此其光子发射总数很容易就可以超过其吸收总数。

10、Genius is that energy which collects, combines, amplifies and animates. ─── 天才,就是聚集、结合、放大和激活的能量。

11、amplifies sound and is worn to compensate for poor hearing. ─── 带上能够扩大声音以弥补听力差的缺陷。

12、At least one other trait amplifies the impact of modern migration: The expectation that governments will control it. ─── 至少还有另外一个放大了现代移民影响的特点:对政府将控制移民的期望。

13、A more specific factor is that a drop in stocks much amplifies any recession. ─── 一个更具体的因素是,库存下跌会显著放大任何经济衰退。

14、Doherty amplifi ─── 多赫蒂放大系统

15、An electronic device that generates and amplifies a carrier wave, modulates it with a meaningful signal derived from speech or other sources, and radiates the resulting signal from an antenna. ─── 发射机一种产生并放大载波的电子装置,它从声音或其它材料而来的有意义的信号调制并将最后得到的信号通过天线发射出去

16、The heart of any device is an intensifier tube that converts scarce photons into electrons and then amplifies and converts them into a visible image. ─── 任何这类装置的核心都有一个增强管,能将极少量的光子转换成电子,然后加以放大并转换成可见的影像。

17、automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel ─── 发动机能量扩大扭矩在方向盘的应用的汽车转向系

18、automotive steering where engineer power amplifies the torque applied to the steering wheel. ─── 发动机能量扩大扭矩在方向盘的应用的汽车转向系。

19、Mr Jiang in his last article and in this article has a distinguishing feature in that he clearly amplifies the effect surrounding areas have on Beijing’s environment. ─── 蒋先生前一篇和这一篇文字的明显特点,明显地放大周边地区对北京市的环境影响,仅考虑外因而从不考虑内因。

20、The satellite receives the radio waves, amplifies them, and sends them back to earth, where another station picks them up and changes them back into television signals. ─── 卫星接收无线电波,增强后再发送回地球,另一个站接收这些信号,把信号再变为电视信号。

21、the ratio of peak power of the lower and higher amplitude fundamental soliton reduces gradually when higher-order nonlinear effect(self-steepening, self-frequency shift) amplifies. ─── 随着高阶非线性效应(自陡峭,自频移)的增强,衰变产生的小振幅基孤子与大振幅基孤子的峰值强度比逐渐减小。

22、Just as it amplifies loneliness, it amplifies the positive sides of life too. ─── 社交网络不仅会放大孤独感,它亦会放大生命积极的一面。

23、Such panicky behaviour amplifies the impact of the Russian export ban. ─── 这种恐慌行为扩大了俄罗斯粮食出口禁令的影响。

24、There's a part of me that's disappointed at the reality in Japan: the Internet, which amplifies outstanding skills, is hardly used beyond subculture and the ‘higher ups' are in hiding. ─── 我很清楚网路文化在日本次文化中蓬勃发展的程度,我也很敬重这一点。

25、The existential theorem of types of integral factor and calculating formual are given in this paper, which amplifies the conclusions in the reference. ─── 摘要本文给出了几类积分因子的存在定理和计算公式,所得结论是对相关文献问题的推广。

26、Therefore they pursue large scale and choose high-revenue and high-risk projects for their best, which amplifies the risk artificially. ─── 民营企业为了追求规模,倾向于高风险项目,过度投资,从而人为增大了投资风险。

27、electron bombarded semiconductor amplifi ─── 电子轰击半导体放大器

28、Using Circuit Transfer Coefficient to Simplify Analysis of The Negative Feedback Amplifies ─── 一种用传输系数分析负反馈放大电路的简易算法

29、The document falsely amplifies the salaries paid to the sales team. ─── 这个文件错误地夸大了支付给销售团队的工资。

30、And there’s the rub: Disclosing the ranked list to the community amplifies group-think. ─── 此外,困难的是:向社区公布排名榜会增强社区的集体思维。

31、By stimulating the protective barrier, it amplifies hydration production.Crithmum Maritumum, a marine botanical, supplies oxygen rich nourishment to refresh tired, dull complexions. ─── 刺激的保护屏障,它放大水化生产,海洋植物,富含氧气供应营养刷新.

32、One, called the Eye in the Sea, will use a video camera that amplifies stray photons to image deep-water bioluminescent organisms. ─── 一,所谓的眼睛在海中,将使用摄像机扩大杂散光子图像深水港生物发光的有机体。

33、avalanche diode integrated power amplifi ─── 雪崩二极管信成功率放大器

34、An analog output circuit amplifies the analog transmit signal. ─── 延迟模块接收第一信号并产生延迟后的第一信号;

35、Master Ikoner's Studio reduces squalor, and amplifies the effects of Orthodox churches. ─── 圣迹画院能够降低城邑脏乱,并增加东正教堂的宗教感召力。

36、Although not directly responsible for the fasciitis, the obesity also markedly amplifies her risk of all cause mortality. ─── 尽管不是直接致筋膜炎的原因,但是肥胖会增著增加患者的全因死亡率。

37、This fresh-citrus-scented conditioning rinse for all hair types quickly tames tangles. Amplifies shine, improves texture and prevents static and split ends. Ingredients.8.5 oz.By Bliss. ─── 新鲜柑橘芬香头发调理。以重要成份滋润头发。快速理顺头发及增添光泽。令头发特别平滑有光泽。适合所有头发类型使用。

38、Amplifies the entire waveform as much as possible, without clipping. ─── 在不剪辑的情况下放大音频的音量.

39、Receiver: Amplifies the weak r-f echo pulses returned by the target and reproduces them as video pulses to be applied to the indicator. ─── 接收机:将目标返回的无线电回波放大并转化为示波器上可见的脉冲信号。

40、The intensifier technology amplifies and maximizes existing light to generate pictures in darkness. ─── 它的增强技术最大化聚集现存光线,从而在黑暗条件下也能生成图像。

41、Then the low noise amplifier amplifies the signal.Band pass filter and correlated demodulator and other circuits were also used to improve the signal noise ratio and reach wanted amplitude. ─── 之后,前置级的输出信号经过低噪声放大器进行放大,再通过带通滤波以及相关解调等电路实现检测系统需要的输出幅值和信噪比。

42、By cooling the poles enough during the summer to maintain sea ice, the sunshade triggers the same powerful feedback that amplifies CO2 warming, but in reverse. ─── 只要夏天时极地降温的幅度足够维持海冰不会融化,那麽遮蔽阳光所带来的效果,便足以和CO2加速极地暖化的效果相抗衡。

43、This paper introduces the function and control method f every sub-system.The stepping motor and its driving system amplifies the pulse singnal which controls the motion of stepping motor. ─── 本文介绍了各系统的功用和 控制方法,步进电机及其驱动系统将脉冲信号放大去控制步进电机的 运行。

44、Torley amplifies your awesome with the useful and fun. ─── 托尔利用实用而有趣的方式增强了你的敬畏。

45、In the recent 10 years, China pinches the general lands;inexpensive and abundant manpower cost advantage, amplifies incomparable magnetism effect, and becomes manufacture factory of the world. ─── 近十年,中国挟著广大的土地、低廉且丰沛的人工成本优势,发挥无比的磁吸效应,成为世界的制造工厂。

46、(electrical engineering) a device that amplifies a signal before transmitting it again. ─── 在再度传输前能够增强信号的装置。

47、Vegetation dynamics amplifies precessional forcing ─── 植被动力学增大进动力

48、(electrical engineering) a device that amplifies a signal before transmitting it again ─── 在再度传输前能够增强信号的装置

49、The former element amplifies the input signal and its output includes non-linear distortion. ─── 原功效成分及其产量包括输入信号非线性失真。

50、This migration across species and into new environments sometimes dilutes, and sometimes amplifies, genes conferring antibiotic resistance, they say. ─── 这种透过细菌种类传递迁移至新环境的情形,有时候会稀释或放大基因造成的抗药性。

51、Expressing anger related to minor, fleeting annoyances just amplifies bad feelings, while not expressing anger often allows it to dissipate. ─── 表达对于微不足道的、转瞬即逝的烦恼中的愤怒只会放大那种坏情绪;而不表达往往会让它们消散。

52、A sheer pink color of conditioning lip plumping treatment that amplifies volume, redefines lip contour, and enhances natural lip color for full and luscious lips. ─── 强效丰润双唇,重拾标致唇型,增大码服装强甜美迷人的自然唇色。

53、Night Vision Goggles Amplifies vision and allows the Marine to maneuver better. ─── 增强视野以方便陆战队员更好地行动。

54、It's dramatized, just like Fellini amplifies the lady's breasts. ─── 这是被夸大的,就像费里尼会把女人的乳房很夸张的放大般。

55、The noise is amplified when audio amplifier amplifies people's voice.The noise will influence sound clarity in frequency and sonority. ─── 摘要人声经过扩声系统放大后,噪声也随之放大,噪声会从频率和响度两方面影响语言的清晰度。

56、Image intensification amplifies what visible light is available, meaning that systems using that approach would suffer under dark skies, whereas nightglow vision would not. ─── 影像强化会增强接收到的可见光,亦即使用这种技术的系统无法在黑暗的夜空中获得影像,而夜辉视像则可以。

57、Studies show that dwelling on negative thoughts amplifies their power in your mind. ─── 实际上,有些研究人员认为,女性比男性获得抑郁人数更多的一个原因是女性更容易:"想得太多";

58、an electronic device that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals. ─── 探测、解调并放大传输信号的电子设备。

59、10.A digital device that amplifies, reshapes, retimes, or performs a combination of any of these functions on a digital input signal for retransmission. ─── 一个将输入信号增强放大的模拟设备,而不考虑输入信号种类(是模拟的还是数字的)。

60、It also amplifies and synchronizes independently operating clock cells, ultimately restoring cellular rhythmicity throughout the SCN。 ─── 它会同步加强独立运转的生物钟细胞,最终通过上视交叉核(SCN)来重获细胞节律。

61、” The real-life association amplifies the emotional power of the event. ─── 与现实的联系增强了事件的情感冲击。

62、a vacuum tube that amplifies a flow of electrons. ─── 能够增强电子流量的真空管。

63、Already a high armored unit able to absorb most attacks with ease, Blackhole Armor amplifies their defense by 25%. ─── 作为一个厚装甲单位它已经能够轻松吸收大量的攻击了。黑洞装甲可以让他们的装甲增强25%。

64、One that amplifies, enlarges, or extends. ─── 放大者,扩大者放大、扩大或扩展的事物

65、An electronic device that generates and amplifies a carrier wave,modulates it with a meaningful signal derived from speech or other sources,and radiates the resulting signal from an antenna. ─── 发射机,一种产生并放大载波的电子装置,它从声音或其它材料而来的有意义的信号调制并将最后得到的信号通过天线发射出去。

66、The transistor gate has a distinct advantage over the diode gate in that the transistor amplifies, as well as acts as a gate. ─── 晶体管门电路比起二极管门电路来有一个显著的优点,那就是晶体管除了起门的作用外还能够放大。

67、The amplifier amplifies the power of the actuating error signal, which in turn operates the actuator. ─── 喇叭筒扩大促使错误的电源信号, 哪一个依次操作主动器。

68、an electronic device that detects and demodulates and amplifies transmitted signals ─── 探测、解调并放大传输信号的电子设备

69、In the end ,some advice that amplifies the uses of coiled tubing units is put forword. ─── 提出了尽快开展连续油管作业技术应用研究的必要性和实现连续油管设备国产化的建议。

70、Amplifies magic used against the targeted party member. Increasing damage taken from spells by 25 and healing spells by 50. Lasts 3 min. ─── 增加魔法效果.令目标增加魔法伤害25点.及增加回复魔法效果50点.维持3分钟.

71、a vacuum tube that amplifies a flow of electrons ─── 能够增强电子流量的真空管

72、5. Power-assist clutch amplifies torque for positive clutch engagement and acts as a back-torque limiter for smooth downshifts. ─── 带助力装置的离合器起到了增强扭矩的作用,充分保证了离合器咬合效果,降档时的感觉象有一个扭力回转的限制器。

73、But art amplifies itself to something universal. ─── 但是,艺术却将自己扩展成某种普遍之物。”

74、Ridge's test amplifies that signal by bunching several markers together. ─── 山脊的检测是将若干相关的标记物集中到一起来增强标识性。

75、STR locus complies Mendelian inheritance principles and distributes abroad and amplifies with PCR and polyacrylamide gel analyzed with sliver staining, so it is applied in molecular genetic science fields and developed startling. ─── STR基因座遵循孟德尔遗传规律,在基因组中分布广泛,具有PCR扩增,电泳分型等优点,在生物学各领域中得到广泛应用。

76、An Ikoner's Studio reduces squalor, and amplifies the effects of Orthodox churches. ─── 圣迹画室能够降低城邑脏乱,并增加东正教堂的宗教感召力。

77、Furthermore, every detail on the bags are specially designed and pondered which amplifies COBO’s superiority. ─── 此外,袋子上的每一个细节都经由专门设计与思考,无疑为COBO营造了傲视同侪的优越性。

78、A PCR reaction amplifies the annealed strands using the primer sites that were added in the RT reaction. ─── 一种PCR采用引物扩增退火链,引物位点是在实时反应中用增加的。

79、An enzootic system between mosquitoes and birds maintains and amplifies West Nile virus; ─── 蚊与鸟之间的地方疫源性保持并孕育着西尼罗河病毒。

80、The second amplifier amplifies the pixel signals, whose sensitivities have been adjusted, with a second amplification factor. ─── 第二放大器用第二放大因子放大灵敏度已被调整的像素信号。

81、The scientists say that rising temperatures caused by greenhouse gases are increasing humidity, which in turn amplifies the temperature rise. ─── 科学家称,温室效应气体引起的增温使得湿度提高,后者则进一步强化温度上升。

82、2. A digital device that amplifies, reshapes, retimes, or performs a combination of any of these functions on a digital input signal for retransmission. ─── 一个将输入信号增强放大的模拟设备,而不考虑输入信号种类(是模拟的还是数字的)。收藏指正

83、It's as if NGF amplifies the pain message to the brain. ─── 也就是说,NGF对于大脑来说,放大的痛苦的信息。

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