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08-16 投稿


rack 发音

英:[r?k]  美:[r?k]

英:  美:

rack 中文意思翻译






rack 词性/词形变化,rack变形


rack 常用词组

on the rack ─── 十分痛苦

rack with ─── 遭受(痛苦等);受…的折磨

clothes rack ─── 衣架

rack 短语词组

on the rack

1. 十分痛苦

That is why we are on the rack.


1、basic rack ─── [机] 基础齿

2、rack up ( ─── 企业)大量实现(利润、销售),惨遭(亏损);(选手或运动队)频频获得(胜利)

3、dress rack ─── [网络] 衣架

4、dish rack ─── 碗碟架;盘碟架

5、connecting rack ─── [电] 接线架

6、be on the rack ─── 受酷刑, ─── 受折磨, 极度不安

7、control rack ─── [计] 控制台, 控制板

8、double-service rack ─── [化] 双效栈桥; 两用栈桥

9、coat rack ─── 衣帽架

10、luggage rack ─── 行李架

11、clothes rack n. ─── 衣架

12、go to rack and ruin ─── 被毁灭掉

13、go to rack and manger ─── 被破坏掉, 陷于毁灭

14、bomb rack n. ─── 轰炸机上的炸弹架

15、cloud rack ─── 碎飞云块

16、in a high rack ─── 身居高位,高高在上

17、letter-rack ─── 信架

18、concrete pipe rack ─── [化] 混凝土管架

19、bicycle rack ─── 自行车托架

rack 相似词语短语

1、Back ─── n.背部;脊梁骨;后部;背面;末尾;(椅子)靠背;后卫;船体;(飞机)机身;(人的)躯干;;adj.后面的;背后的;过去的;拖欠的;舌后的;adv.向后地;向后仰地;在背面;有距离地;忍住地;回原处;以前地;在前面地;回报;落后地;恢复正常;再度流行;;v.(使)后退,倒退;支持;下赌注;赞成;增援;伴奏;附带收录进……;逆时针转向;收帆;背对着;在……背后加固;位于……的后面;n.(Back)(美)巴克(人名)

2、frack ─── 压裂

3、brack ─── n.分等,挑选;(爱尔兰)果子面包;n.(Brack)人名;(英、法、德、西)布拉克

4、drack ─── n.(Drack)人名;(法)德拉克

5、racks ─── n.货架;[交]行李架;拷问台(rack的复数形式);v.折磨;使…痛苦;加以拷问(rack的三单形式)

6、wrack ─── v.使痛苦不堪,使受折磨(同rack);n.海藻类植物;行云团,高空碎云;遇事船,失事船只的残骸;破坏

7、Jack ─── n.杰克(男子名)

8、track ─── n.轨道;足迹,踪迹;小道;vt.追踪;通过;循路而行;用纤拉;vi.追踪;走;留下足迹

9、crack ─── v.使破裂;将(谷物)粗磨;砸开(保险箱);成功获得;(可听到响声的)重击;(使)发出爆裂声;(突然)变嘶哑;使屈服;(非正式)吃不消;(非正式)突然大笑;(非正式)找到解决方法;阻止;开瓶;说(笑话);使(碳氢化合物)裂化;n.裂缝;裂纹;缝隙;爆裂声;(可听到响声的)重击;尝试;强效可卡因;(挖苦人的)玩笑;好时光;(观点或制度中的)缺陷;声变;adj.训练有素的,技艺高明的,最好的;n.(Crack)(英、加、美)克拉克克(人名)

rack 习惯用语

1、be on the rack ─── 受酷刑; 受大折磨 ─── 极度焦虑不安

2、rack up ─── 获(胜), 得(分) ─── 积累 ─── 彻底击败; 击倒

3、put to [on] the rack ─── 施刑拷问 ─── 使极度紧张; 使受到严格考验; 予以过度的使用

rack 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In Spa the steering rack broke. ─── 在斯帕,转向齿条坏了。

2、Rack the bicycle before you take off the wheels. ─── 在你骑上之前,要调准自行车。

3、It was her opinion that every one in the East lived at rack and manger. ─── 他认为每个东方人都生活奢靡。

4、Her skill was put on the rack. ─── 她的技术受到严峻考验。

5、Remove tool from rack piston. ─── 从齿条活塞上拆下工具。

6、There is, however, a whole rack of self help books. ─── 但是,这里有一整书架关于自我帮助的书籍。

7、A rack consisting of one or more bars on which towels can be hung. ─── 一种包含一根或多根的金属条的架子,上面可以挂毛巾。

8、It was sold out in the bestseller rack. ─── 它也有摆在畅销书架上卖。

9、Your homeland has gone to rack and ruin. ─── 你老家的田园已经荒芜。

10、Position the luggage rack on the adapter plates. ─── 在调节盘上定位行李架。

11、They used the rack to extract an answer from the accused witch. ─── 他们拷问被指控的女巫以获取答案。

12、The home team rack up fifty point in the football game. ─── 主队在那次足球赛中得到五十分。

13、There are pillows and blankets in the rack over your head. ─── 在你头上的行李架上有枕头和毯子。

14、Three cup toothbrush rack YMT. ─── 三杯白玻璃架。

15、He rack the tennis racquet for stringing. ─── 他对网球拍上架处理以便架线。

16、Rack his brains, he can not think of a single example. ─── 他绞尽脑汁却连一个例子都想不出来。

17、That a coat hanger, in a pinch, makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用;

18、Separate the luggage rack from the adapter plates. ─── 从调节盘上分离出行李架。

19、A specialized burning rack is used in the second step. ─── 在第二阶段,使用一个专用的焊接架。

20、Come with metal rack for baking and steaming. ─── 内附金属架,可烘烤或清蒸食物。

21、A tray or rack for pens and bottles of ink. ─── 墨水台一个放钢笔和墨水瓶的盘或架

22、Rack and pinion telescoping section ensures proper load alignment. ─── .齿轮齿条套车部件,保证荷载同轴。

23、He lifted the suitcase down from the rack. ─── 他把手提箱从行李架上搬下来。

24、The scissors are on the shelf next to the towel rack. ─── 剪刀放在毛巾架旁边的架子上。

25、Could you put the bag on the rack? ─── 你能把这个袋子放到行李架上吗?

26、The Agilent modular power system saves rack space. ─── 安捷伦的模块式电源系统可节省机架空间。

27、He put the bottles of wine in a rack . ─── 他把那几瓶酒放到了架子上。

28、The cough seemed to rack his body. ─── 他咳得全身震动。

29、He washed the dishes and put them in the plate rack to dry. ─── 他把碟子洗好后,放在盘碟架上滴干。

30、There was a small suitcase on the rack above his head. ─── 他头上的行李架上放着一只小箱子。

31、But we must rack our brains to find ways to stabilize the world situation. ─── 但是要把世界局势稳定下来,总要想些主意。

32、Barclays said it had taken hits in areas such as Spain and the Middle East, while HSBC continued to rack up impairments in its U. ─── 巴克莱集团说,它在西班牙和中东等地区的业务遭受了打击。

33、His health is going to rack and ruin. ─── 他的健康状况越来越差了。

34、He placed t-shirts on the rack to dry out in the sun . ─── 他把T恤衫放在架子上,以便使其在太阳下晾干。

35、The rack that contains the chassis. ─── 包含底板的架子。

36、He put his shoes on the rack. ─── 他把鞋放在架子上。

37、She browsed through the rack of leotards and then pulled one out. ─── 她浏览,通过在机架上的紧身衣,然后扳回一。

38、The cough seemed to rack his whole body . ─── 他咳嗽得全身震动。

39、You use the dishwasher as a dish rack. ─── 你把洗碗机当作碗架使用。

40、With all of the expenses associated with going to college, it can be very easy to rack up a lot of credit card debt. ─── 加上和上大学相关的所有费用,大量的信用卡债务很容易就会被构架起来。

41、He lies there groan like a prisoner stretch outon the rack. ─── 他躺在那里呻吟,就像一个囚犯被绑在肢刑架上。

42、Yes,but would you leave the light baggage on the rack over your head? ─── 可以,不过你能不能把较轻的行李放在上方的行李架上?

43、There was a pickup truck with a gun rack in the front yard, standard equipment for mountain men. ─── 在前院的敞蓬小货车上有一个枪架,这是山里人标准的设备。

44、Oh, the baggage rack is full. ─── 哦,行李架满了。

45、He lifted the suitcase down from the rack. ─── 他把手提箱从行李架上搬下来。

46、The worst of all university snobs are those unfortunates who go to rack and ruin from this desire to ape their betters. ─── 在整个大学里最不堪的势利鬼就是那些倒霉蛋,他们为了郊颦那些更有钱有势的人,结果毁了自己。

47、When it has cooled enough to firm up, remove from the tin and peel off the parchment paper. Leave on a wire cooling rack to cool completely. ─── 当冷却到足够硬了,就可以从烤盘中取出、剥掉烤盘纸,放在一个架子上直到完全冷却。

48、Salesgirl: Look on the rack to your right. ─── 女店员:看看你右边的架子。

49、A rack or trough for fodder; a manger. ─── 喂饲料用的架或槽;食槽.

50、Any thing is the cloud rack, include english. ─── 任何东东都是云架子,包括英语。

51、I took the key for the room off a rack above her head. ─── 我从她头顶上方的一个架子上拿下了该房间的钥匙。

52、On the rack Under great stress. ─── 处于重压下语源。

53、He had to rack his brains to solve that complicated problem. ─── 他不得不绞尽脑汁去解决那个复杂问题。

54、You'd better understand that she is on the rack. ─── 你最好了解她十分痛苦。

55、Please put your suitcases on the rack. ─── 大家请把手提箱放在架子上。

56、You'll find pillows and blankets in the rack over your head. ─── 你们可以在头上的行李架上找到枕头和毯子。

57、The two sets of lightest rack EFP systems of CCTV. ─── 中央电视台的两套最轻量的箱载EFP系统。

58、Could you help me to put my luggage in the rack, please? ─── 可否替我把行李放在行李架内?

59、He has to rack his brains to liven the class. ─── 他每天都要绞尽脑汁来调动课堂气氛。

60、The chassis which is mounted in the rack. ─── 安装在架子上的底板。

61、Carmelo Anthony: Role, shoot the ball, take it to the rack. ─── 安东尼:角色是,投球,取得胜利。


63、There was raw glaze on the pots that sat again on the drying rack. ─── 在干燥架上又摆上了才上釉的陶罐。

64、That a coat hanger,in a pinch,makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用。

65、The author's meaning is so clear that there can be no room to rack the text. ─── 作者原意十分清楚,不可能对其文字进行曲解。

66、Don't make us take the coat rack back. ─── 别逼我们把衣架带回去。

67、Jose Calderon made one of Toronto's nine turnovers in the period. Iman Shumpert would cut to the rack for a dunk, making it a 3-point game. ─── 何塞?卡尔德隆制造了这段时间多伦多九个失误中的一个。伊曼?香珀特用一个灌篮缩小比分,将比分变成3分。

68、You can find them on the rack in the basement. ─── 你可以在地库里的架子上找到好的保险丝。

69、Large scale deployments may support 112 T1s per rack of equipment. ─── 大型部署能为每个台设备机架支持112个T1。

70、Rack the informant for more information. ─── 勒索告密者说出更多信息。

71、Look on the rack to your right. ─── 女店员:看看你右边的架子。

72、He had to rack his brains to solve the complicated question. ─── 他绞尽脑汁解那道复杂的题目。

73、It is rack mountable and is 3U high. ─── 他的机架高度是 3U。

74、Oh, the luggage rack is full. ─── 哦,行李架已经塞满了。

75、Colloids, gels, bubbles, boiling and cooling are just a few of the long list of areas astronauts will study using the fluids rack. ─── 胶质,凝胶,气泡,沸腾和冷却,这些只是宇航员通过这个实验台所要学习的部分领域。

76、His property is gone to rack. ─── 他的产业毁了。

77、A luggage rack is a sensible option. ─── 行李架是个明智的选择。

78、Supply a rack with feed for (horses or other animals). ─── 为(马或动物)提供干草和饲料。

79、The cue ball will cannon into the rack. ─── 一粒母球被送入袋。

80、Optional hydraulic material rack and auto-stacking system. ─── 可选购液压料架和自动堆料系统。

81、He lay there groaning like a prisoner stretched out on the rack. ─── 他躺在那里呻吟,就像一个囚犯被绑在肢刑架上。

82、He takes a towel from the towel rack. ─── 他从毛巾架上取下毛巾。

83、The dungeon had numerous tools in it, including a rack. ─── 地牢中有许多刑具,包括拉肢刑架。

84、Anne saw her own coat hanging up on the rack. ─── 安妮看到她自己的外套挂在架子上。

85、There are pillow and blanket in the rack over your head. ─── 你们头上的行李架上有枕头和毯子。

86、I am on the rack during the entire examination. ─── 在整个考试过程中,我的心情十分紧张。

87、Slanting door front; works as a magazine rack. ─── 倾斜的门挡;可用作杂志架。

88、He went over and took his jacket from the coat rack. ─── 到衣架上取外套。

89、He put his bag on the luggage rack. ─── 他把包放在行李架上。

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