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08-16 投稿


crewel 发音

英:['kru??l]  美:['kr??l]

英:  美:

crewel 中文意思翻译



crewel 网络释义

n. 双线;刺绣用毛线;松捻双股细绒线

crewel 短语词组

1、crewel embroidery pillows ─── 绉纹绣花枕头

2、crewel lye ─── 碱液奶油

3、crewel fabric ─── 绉织物

4、crewel kits ─── 绉纱套装

5、crewel wool ─── 绉毛

6、crewel embroidery kits crewel ─── 刺绣套件

7、crewel embroidery ─── 毛线绣

8、crewel hoops ─── 绉环

crewel 相似词语短语

1、screwer ─── n.螺纹刀

2、screwed ─── adj.螺丝状的;用螺丝拧紧的;喝醉了的;v.用螺丝拧紧(screw的过去式)

3、Jewel ─── n.朱厄尔(女子名)

4、crenels ─── n.城墙上端之垛口;枪眼;vt.使…成雉堞状(等于crenelate)

5、brewed ─── v.酿造;泡茶,煮咖啡;酝酿;n.啤酒;一杯茶(或咖啡);混合因素;质地;n.(Brew)(美)布鲁(人名)

6、creel ─── n.鱼篮;捕虾笼;粗纱架;经轴架;n.(Creel)人名;(英、西)克里尔

7、crenel ─── n.城墙上端之垛口;枪眼;vt.使…成雉堞状(等于crenelate)

8、crewed ─── n.队,组;全体人员,全体船员;vi.一起工作;vt.使当船员;n.(Crew)人名;(英、西)克鲁

9、crewmen ─── n.乘务员,船员(通常指男性)

crewel 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Discussed from 5 respects build the 2nd crewel to will make railroad spread can important step: Raise guest freight to be defeated by the requirement of quality; ─── 从五方面论述了修建第二双线将成为铁路扩能的重要措施:提高客货运输质量的要求;

2、Cross-stitch was often used together with other stitches. It is sometimes used in crewel embroidery, especially in its more modern derivatives. It is also often used in needlepoint. ─── 十字绣通常会和其他绣法一起完成一幅作品。常用于倒缝刺绣,特别是那些现代的商品中会使用。同时十字绣法也常用于装饰用的织景画中。

3、crewel wool wall ─── 绒绣挂片

4、It adopts patented PIQUE crewel, double eyes of a special knitting method, high quality material and well-cut to form. ─── 可生产外墙外保温砂浆、自流平砂浆、修补砂浆、防水砂浆、彩色装饰砂浆、内外墙腻子、瓷砖粘结剂、填缝剂等等。

5、crewel silk ─── 绣花线

6、I sewed clothing that could be worn in public, I learned calligraphy and crewel embroidery from books, and made collages that incorporated many of these skills. ─── 我缝制可以在公开场所穿的衣服,我从书上学习书法和刺绣,且综合这样的技艺制作拼贴画。

7、"Among the Basic techniques are cross-stitch, crewel work, and quilting. ─── 最基本的技巧是十字针锈和绗缝绣。

8、Among the Basic techniques are cross-stitch, crewel work, and quilting. The Persians and Greeks wore quilted garments as armor. ─── 最基本的技巧是十字针锈和绗缝绣。古波斯人和希腊人即穿戴绗缝绣缝成的盔甲。

9、crewel yarn ─── 剌绣细绒线

10、Crewel business: Use intelligent means by equipment, stand-alone realizes telegraphic, net to connect interconnection each other, solve north and south effectively to visit rate issue. ─── 双线业务:采用智能路由设备,单机实现电信、网通互联互通,有效解决南北访问速度问题。

11、matching, colour combinations rayon fabrics artificial fibre crewel work mulberry silk silk fabrics silk spinning linen cambric plain ─── 素色提花丝织物提花织物贴花刺绣人造丝织物人造纤维绒线刺绣桑蚕丝,家蚕丝丝织物丝纺手帕亚麻纱

12、crewel work ─── 绒线刺绣

13、Afore-mentioned methods can popularize what plan service chart to crewel to optimize in. ─── 上述方法可推广到双线计划运行图的优化之中。

14、crewel needle ─── 绣花针

15、Needlework produced with crewel. ─── 绒线刺绣用松捻精纺纱线做成的针线活

16、All fronts is a country one class railroad, single-track, obligate double money, parcel area crewel. ─── 全线为国家一级铁路,单线,预留双钱,局部地区一次双线。

17、The carriage ability of need exceeds what automatic and out-of-the-way circuitry may achieve crewel to carry ability limit; ─── 需要的运输能力超过双线自动闭塞线路可能达到的运输能力限度;

18、I also did not let this space the friend is used, my individual sent my friend the crewel space of hundreds of M, he is being used first. ─── 这个空间我也没让朋友用,我个人送了我朋友几百M的双线空间,他就先用着。

19、Tappenden is in Epsom Downs, while Walton is in Crewe, "and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I find it really, really difficult. " ─── Tappenden现在在EpsomDowns,而Walton在Crewel,“我不希望这发生在任何人身上,这种情形非常非常困难。”

20、Keywords chemical experiment;crewel form;spirit of exploration;scientific method; ─── 化学实验教学;双线网络式;探索精神;科学方法;

21、According to calculating, the 1 that the freeway takes up land is B road about times, for the 1 of crewel railroad. 5 times. ─── 据测算,高速公路占用土地约为二级公路的1倍,为双线铁路的1.5倍。

22、Sir, why does crewel embroidery look so much like an oil painting? ─── 先生,请问乱针绣为什么看上去这么像油画呢?

23、Newly Renovated Crewel Switches of 18mm in Breadth ─── 新型改进的宽度为18毫米的双线断路器

24、From the party " 15 big " since putting forward layout of state-owned economy strategy to adjust, state-owned economy reforms change for crewel type from the single-track type in the past. ─── 自党的“十五大”提出国有经济战略布局调整以来 ,国有经济从过去的单线式改革转变为双线式改革。

25、system also influence the narrative clew, which made Yuan-zaju basically lonely narration, and can't form crewel or more line narration. ─── 体制还影响着作品的叙事线索,使得元杂剧基本都是单线叙事,而不能形成双线或多线叙事。

26、"Among the Basic techniques are cross-stitch, crewel work, and quilting. The Persians and Greeks wore quilted garments as armor." ─── 最基本的技巧是十字针锈和绗缝绣。古波斯人和希腊人即穿戴绗缝绣缝成的盔甲。

27、Sir, why does crewel embroidery look so much like an oil painting? ─── 先生,请问乱针绣为什么看上去这么像油画呢?

28、Oh, actually crewel embroidery which was born in Changzhou! ─── 哦,原来乱针绣是在常州诞生的!

29、Last year National Day eve, be well versed in of all fronts of electrification of crewel of new moon yellow railroad, reached year of volume 6 years ahead of schedule 120 million tons design ability. ─── 去年国庆节前夕,朔黄铁路双线电气化全线贯通,提前6年达到了年运量1.2亿吨的设计能力。

30、The last, the system also influence the narrative clew, which made Yuan-zaju basically lonely narration, and can"t form crewel or more line narration. ─── 第四,一角独唱体制还影响着作品的叙事线索,使得元杂剧基本都是单线叙事,而不能形成双线或多线叙事。

31、It was Merduk (Hades) who derived a crewel sense of enjoyment out of the pain he inflicted upon the nature kingdoms in the laboratory. ─── Merduk(希腊神哈德斯冥王)在实验室中对大自然王国所制造的痛苦中获得了一种残忍的快乐感。

32、crewel embroidery is more valuable than oil painting. ─── 乱针绣比西洋油画更珍贵,价值更高。

33、Channel crewel is full-length 5424 meters, the design is two-way 6 driveway. ─── 隧道双线全长5424米,设计为双向6车道。

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