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08-16 投稿


denizen 发音

英:['den?z(?)n]  美:[?den?zn]

英:  美:

denizen 中文意思翻译



denizen 网络释义

vt. 给…居住权;移植n. 居民;外来语;外籍居民

denizen 短语词组

1、denizen 232 ─── 居民232

2、denizen of ─── 居民

3、denizen levis ─── 丹尼·列维斯

4、denizen mens jeans denizen ─── 男式牛仔裤

5、denizen jeans ─── 牛仔服

6、barbellate river denizen ─── 芭比拉特河居民

7、denizen meaning ─── 居民意义

8、denizen 208 ─── 丹尼森208

9、denizen wallet ─── 居民钱包

denizen 词性/词形变化,denizen变形

动词过去分词: denizened |名词: denizenation |动词现在分词: denizening |动词第三人称单数: denizens |动词过去式: denizened |

denizen 同义词

denizen 反义词


denizen 习惯用语

1、denizens of the forest ─── 生活在森林里的鸟类

2、denizens of the woods ─── 生活在森林里的鸟类

3、denizens of the deep ─── 深水动物

denizen 相似词语短语

1、denizens ─── n.居民(denizen的复数);同化词;v.采纳(外来词语);定居(denizen的三单形式)

2、netizen ─── n.泛指一般的网民

3、denied ─── v.拒绝;拒签(deny的过去式)

4、dizen ─── vt.修饰(等于bedizen)

5、bedizen ─── v.(诗文)将……装扮得俗艳;华丽而俗气地打扮或装饰

6、denier ─── n.否认者;极微量;极少量的金额;法国旧银币;n.(Denier)人名;(法)德尼耶

7、endenizen ─── 使亲切化

8、denimed ─── 牛仔布

9、denies ─── 否认;拒绝

denizen 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The common English sparrow is a denizen of America; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850. ─── 普通的英国麻雀在美洲是常见的动物;这一物种最早于1850年从欧洲被带到美洲。

2、Levi Strauss, icon of the US jeans culture, yesterday launched its new global brand, Denizen, in Shanghai. ─── 美国牛仔裤文化的象征LeviStrauss昨日在上海推出新的全球品牌Denizen

3、His greatest danger now lie in the unknown denizen of the water ─── 现在他最大的危险是未知的水中居住者

4、A new pair of Denizen jeans sells for $40-60 in China, well below the more than $100 the company charges for its high-end Denim lines. ─── 单宁镇一条新款牛仔裤在中国定价从40-60美元不等,远低于其高端丹宁系列的100美元。

5、On factors affecting the transfer of denizen deposit to investment and consumption and adjustment measure ─── 居民储蓄向投资与消费转化的障碍及调适机制分析

6、The registered trade mark of bell timber company also is the denizen in Japanese of surname of the Mu Daoxiong that use a bell " SUZUKI " with the first letter " S " design and become. ─── 铃木公司的注册商标也是用铃木道雄姓氏日语中外来语“SUZUKI”和第一个字母“S”设计而成。

7、Whenever a season, for example, like spring now, I will remember the hometown streets that all flying the catkin of Chinese parasol trees.The denizen of Nanjing they called Rong Rong. ─── 每当某一个时节,譬如现在似的春天,我便会记起家乡满街飘扬的梧桐树的絮,南京人管这絮叫做毛毛或者绒绒。

8、There is a phenomena that west festivals are coming into China gradually nowadays,thus every Christmas day or April Fool's Day many denizen from large cities cheer for these. ─── 现在,有一种现象就是西方的节日逐步传入中国,这样一来,每当圣诞节,愚人节等,大城市的居民竞相庆祝。

9、It's the most imprtant measure for slum governance and urban antipoverty that poor denizen can participate opportunity and fruit in progress. ─── 治理贫困区,克服城市贫困,关键是要使贫困居民能够分享发展的机遇和成果。

10、Viewing the East-Asia Route about Innovation of Relation between State and Society from the Trend of "Autonomic Denizen Organization" in Japan ─── 从日本"町内会"的走向看国家与社会关系演变的东亚路径

11、The Phenomena of "Chinese Denizen" in Current English--An inspiration on College English Vocabulary Teaching ─── 现代英语中的汉语"外来语"现象--大学英语词汇教学的一点启示

12、Because of the company business she have become a denizen of Tokyo. ─── 由於公司业务她成了东京的常客。

13、There is no lack of among them a few denizen and berth come language. ─── 其中不乏有一些外来语和泊来语。

14、His greatest danger now lie in the unknown denizen of the water. ─── 现在他最大的危险是未知的水中居住者。

15、In this country children of denizen go to school free. ─── 在这个国家外籍居民的孩子免费上学。

16、The Financial Times reported that Levi Strauss, icon of U. S. jeans culture, yesterday launched its new global brand, Denizen, in Shanghai. ─── 据英国《金融时报》报道,美国牛仔裤文化的象征李维斯昨日在上海推出新的全球品牌Denizen

17、from the dead whale (pdf) will ultimately tell what killed this denizen of the deep. ─── 从死鲸的例子将预知最终死亡深层的外来语。

18、Terence Tsang, head of the new global brand Denizen, said it was the first time Levi had launched a global brand outside the US. ─── 新的全球品牌单宁镇(Denizen)负责人TerenceTsang表示,这是李维斯首次在美国本土以外发布新的全球品牌。

19、Long before Western science became enthralled with this nocturnal denizen of Madagascar's jungles, the aye-aye had its own reputation with the local people. ─── 早在西方科学界对马达加斯加丛林中的这种夜行动物着迷之前,这种栗鼠猴就已经在当地人心中小有名气。

20、The quick development of real estates helped improve the housing condition of denizen, drive many industries develop and increase the employment ratio. ─── 房地产业的快速发展,一方面改善了居民住房条件、带动了几十个产业发展、提高了就业率。

21、"Establishment agriculture " it is denizen vocabulary. ─── “设施农业”是外来语词汇。

22、In cold-water regions, the most famous denizen is the white shark, which is famous for patrolling the temperate coasts of south Australia, South Africa and the west coast of North America. ─── 在冷水区域,最著名的海生物是白鲨,它也是南澳州、南非、北美西部海湾区域游戈的著名生物。

23、The denizen of luxury hotels is, using his own words, a picky guest. ─── 如今,作为一个老道的酒店常客,用田刚自己的话来说,他也是一个挑剔的人。

24、Start up the auto consumption credit, can be the convenience of denizen’s life, improving the consume frame to remove. ─── 启动汽车消费信贷,方便居民生活,促进消费结构升级。

25、The aged denizen of the forest is doomed to succumb to the woodman's stroke! ─── 多年在林中享有权利的香柏树,竟死在樵夫手下!

26、1.clever 2.efficacious3.the mind, spirit, or soul4.a denizen of the afterworld ─── 灵

27、Blenkinsop,a respected denizen of our school,ie a teacher who has been there for a long time. ─── 布伦金索普,我校长期备受尊敬的教师.

28、The hospital " that inchoate Portuguese opens is existing at that time, only denizen ability enjoys the dark appearance that serves from the brilliant doctor of European invite applications for a job. ─── 早期的葡萄牙人开设的医院"当时存在着,只有外籍居民才能享用从欧洲招聘的高明医生服务的黑暗现象。""

29、Fish are denizen of the sea ─── 鱼是生活在海里的动物。

30、Biological Invasive Approaches of Denizen and its Preventive Measures ─── 外来生物入侵的途径及预防对策

31、transportation demand of denizen ─── 居民运输消费需求

32、Several Countermeasures on Narrowing Income Disparity of the Denizen in China ─── 缩小我国居民收入差距的若干对策

33、We fully intend to move forward on the development of our newest brand, Denizen Hotels. ─── 我们打算完全向新的品牌D迈进。

34、The theoreticians have to satisfy themselves that a hunting goddess is a plausible denizen in an agrarian pantheon and the pedagogues have a problem explaining her mythological activities to children who never seen a hunt. ─── 理论家必须以此满足他们自己:狩猎女神在农业神殿中很受欢迎,教师因此有了个麻烦:必须向从未见过猎人的孩童们解释她的神话活动。


36、The hire of building is more;Denizen receivability pay-charge serve.Conclusion Development of co... ─── 与一般产业不同 ,其筹资方式、补偿机制需要依赖于多方筹措。

37、"a native, inhabitant, or denizen of a particular place." ─── 一个特定地方的本地出生者、居住者或入籍者.

38、To make a denizen of; grant rights of residence to. ─── 使定居使 ... 成为居民; 赋予居住权

39、In this country children of denizen go to school free ─── 在这个国家外籍居民的孩子免费上学

40、Because of the company business she has become a denizen of Tokyo. ─── 由于公司业务她成了东京的常客。

41、Virile denizen ─── 男性居民

42、Start up the auto consumption credit, can be the convenience of denizen's life, improving the consume frame to remove. ─── 启动汽车消费信贷,方便居民生活,促进消费结构升级。

43、* Blenkinsop, a respected denizen of our school, ie a teacher who has been there for a long time. ─── 布伦金索普, 我校长期备受尊敬的教师.

44、The amoeba, a denizen of fresh water, is such a case ─── 变形虫,一种淡水生物,就是这种情况。

45、denizen n. ─── 公民;

46、No self-respecting Net denizen can get along without knowing all the advanced settings on at least three major search engines. ─── 如果不了解至少三个主要搜索引擎的高级设置功能,没有哪个网民可敢称自己为网虫。

47、Research on the Status Quo and Development Countermeasures of Denizen Sports of Chinese Hundred Strong Counties (Zhejiang Area) ─── 全国百强县(浙江区域)居民体育现状与发展对策研究

48、All the rights and franchises that belong to him as a man, or as a denizen , are inviolably to be preserved to him. ─── 所有的作为一个人或者一个公民而拥有的权利和特权,不可侵犯的应保留给他。

49、the second is to provide natural gas business consultation,the third is to offer the cooking and refrigeration for denizen,to lay and built in the natural gas pipeline for industries. ─── 2、天然气业务咨询,3、居民炊事、制冷(天然气制冷)及工商业户的天然气管道铺设与安装。

50、135. The common English sparrow is a denizen of America; it was first brought from Europe to America about 1850. ─── 普通的英国麻雀在美洲是常见的动物;这一物种最早于1850年从欧洲被带到美洲。

51、Because of the company business she has become a denizen of Tokyo ─── 由於公司业务她成了东京的常客

52、In a virtual world that no longer offers its denizen joy, or is so addictive that it's become slavery, or has actually lost all meaning, suicide may well be the best option. ─── 一段难忘的经历?一段美好的回忆?我们又能从中得到些什么呢?一身虚拟的“装备”?一个在艾则拉斯的地位?有人说网游不就是个虚拟的社会吗?

53、The noise made by vehicles make the denizen who lived beside the road no peace day and night. ─── 汽车所产生的噪音使居住在街道两旁的居民日夜不得安宁。

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