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08-16 投稿


bezoar 发音

英:[?bi?z??r]  美:[?bi?z??(r)]

英:  美:

bezoar 中文意思翻译



bezoar 网络释义

n. 胃石,牛黄(解毒剂)

bezoar 短语词组

1、bezoar hp ─── 牛黄hp

2、bezoar gi ─── 胃肠道疾病

3、bezoar harry potter ─── 涂哈利波特

4、bezoar sbo ─── 牛黄

5、bezoar bovis ─── [医]牛黄

6、bewigged bezoar ─── 可控牛黄

7、bezoar goat ─── [网络] 牛黄山羊

bezoar 相似词语短语

1、bezzant ─── 贝赞特

2、benzoate ─── n.苯酸盐;安息香酸盐

3、zedoary ─── n.片姜黄,郁金属植物或其根

4、bezoardic ─── 牛黄

5、reboard ─── 回舱

6、bezonian ─── n.无赖;恶棍

7、bedboard ─── 床板

8、bow oar ─── n.前桨;头桨手

9、bezoars ─── n.胃石,牛黄(解毒剂)

bezoar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For a long time being in short supply the bezoar is difficult to meet the needs of clinical medicine and relying heavily on import. ─── 长期以来,药源紧缺,难以满意临床用药的需要,大量牛黄依靠进口。

2、A rare bezoar, a pearl that forms in the stomach of certain herbivores, valued at up to 25,000 euros (NT$1.1 million) will also go under the hammer. (AFP ─── 稀有的毛粪石,也就是某些草食动物胃里形成的宝石,身价达两万五千欧元(新台币一百一十万元),也会一起拍卖。

3、Identification of Artificial Bezoar in Compound Diclofenac Sodium and Chlorphenamine Maleate Tablets and Other Compounds Preparations ─── 分光光度法鉴别氯芬黄敏片等复方制剂中的人工牛黄

4、Investigation on Clinical Effect of Bovine Bezoar Upper-Body-Clearing Soft Capsules for Acute Pharyngitis ─── 牛黄上清软胶囊治疗急性咽炎的疗效观察

5、Keywords Bezor;natural bezoar;cultural bezoar;artificial bezoar;cholic acid;UV spectrophotometry; ─── 牛黄;天然牛黄;培植牛黄;人工牛黄;胆酸;紫外分光光度法;

6、At present,in vitro culturate calculus bezoar(CBB) is a rare newly-invented first-class and raw traditional Chinese medicine. ─── 体外培育牛黄”是目前国内罕有的中药一类新药原料药。

7、“KANACIN”granule is the new anti-influenza drug made from Isatis root,Synthetic bovine bezoar and so on. ─── 地红霉素为第三代大环内酯类抗生素,其原料与制剂肠溶胶囊的研制与申报属于化学药品注册分类第三类新药。

8、Bezoar of artificial cultivation ─── 人培牛黄

9、bezoar antidotal pills ─── 牛黄解毒丸


11、Chinese herbal medicines in the territory rich in resources, a total of 38 Section 154 kinds, especially in the bezoar, musk, the most valuable leopard bone. ─── 境内中药材资源丰富,共有38科154种,尤以牛黄、麝香、豹骨最为珍贵。

12、dog bezoar ─── 狗宝

13、Patulin and bezoar detoxify piece can you eat together? ─── 感冒药与牛黄解毒片能一起吃吗?

14、Objective: To check the feasibility of for identification of artificial bezoar. ─── 目的:检验人工牛黄鉴定方法的可行性。

15、Long-term since, medical source is in short supply, satisfy hard clinical the need that uses drug, a large number of bezoar count an import. ─── 牛黄是传统名贵中药材,是中成药的重要原料。长期以来,药源紧缺,难以满足临床用药的需要,大量牛黄依赖进口。

16、2, Pieces: Aconite banned, Wu, mercury, Croton, Daphne, Euphorbia, leech, commercial land, centipede, realgar, orpiment, led by the son of cattle, musk, bidentata, bezoar, and so on; ─── 2、饮片:禁用附子、乌头、水银、巴豆、芫花、大戟、水蛭、商陆、蜈蚣、雄黄、雌黄、牵牛子、麝香、牛膝、牛黄等;

17、bezoar of stomach ─── 胃结块症

18、Determination of Artificial bezoar in Pediatric Paracetamol, Artificial bezoar and Chlorphenamine Maleate Tablets by UV Spectrophotometry ─── UV法测定小儿氨酚黄那敏片中人工牛黄的含量

19、6 in accordance with the above provisions the State Pharmacopoeia Commission should organize quality standards revision aboutthe bezoar or its substitutes. ─── 六、国家药典委员会应按照上述规定统一组织含牛黄或其代用品品种的质量标准修订工作。

20、pig bezoar ─── 肾精子

21、Experience of applying bezoar crystal in clinical treatment of warts ─── 牛黄晶治疗扁平疣临床经验

22、Fire-film: ingredients bezoar, baicalin, borneol Features: throat swelling and pain, gum swelling and pain, the... ─── 火清片: 成分 牛黄、黄芩、冰片功能:咽喉肿痛、牙龈肿痛、火热内盛毒火聚集引发的多种病症。

23、Cow bezoar and bomeol mixture double releasing-control membranes ─── 复方冰黄双层缓释药膜

24、A colonic bezoar causing bowel obstruction is a very rare occurrence.Experiencing it twice in a lifetime at the same location is even a rarer occurrence. ─── 大肠粪石引起之肠阻塞发生机会不高,同一病例在同一部位发生两次尤其罕见。

25、western bezoar ─── 西部胃石

26、Harry held out his hand, the bezoar sitting on his palm. ─── 哈利伸出手,掌心里躺着那块粪石。

27、Main Ingredients: Snake gall, bezoar, gingko, tanshinone, honeysuckle, nonanedioic acid, aloe and etc. ─── 主要成份:蛇胆、牛黄、银杏、丹参酮、金银花、杜鹃花酸、芦荟等中药成份。

28、bezoar from monkey ─── 猴枣

29、Artificial bezoar and Chlorphenamine Maleate Tablets ─── 小儿氨黄那敏片

30、Green-fire: ingredients bezoar, baicalin, borneol Indications function: the throat swelling and pain, gum sw... ─── 火青片:成分 牛黄、黄芩、冰片功能主治:咽喉肿痛、牙龈肿痛、火热内盛毒火聚集引发的多种病症。

31、Keywords Bezoar;Artificial Bezoar;Gallstones in oxen;Cholelith;Identification;HPCE; ─── 牛黄;人工牛黄;人胆结石;牛黄伪品;高效毛细管电泳;鉴定;

32、bezoar sedative pill ─── 牛黄清心丸

33、solution combined with bezoar and ethyl alcohol ─── 牛黄酒精液

34、It has almost the same cure validity as bezoar and it can be external used or taken orally. ─── 其药用价值可与牛黄相比美即可外用也可内服。

35、Primary study on antagonistic ef fect of bilirubin and bezoar against lipid peroxidation caused by nhexane in mice ─── 胆红素和牛黄拮抗正己烷致小鼠脂质过氧化作用的初步研究

36、Essential components: American ginseng, Bezoar, Astragalus root, Leech, Earthworm, Antelope horn, Whole worm, Centipede, Corneol, Notoginseng, Pseudo-ginseng and so on. ─── 主要成份:西洋参、牛黄、黄芪、水蛭、地龙、羚羊角、全虫、蜈蚣、冰片、天麻、三七等。

37、persimmon bezoar ─── 柿石

38、Keywords Ice application;Bezoar detoxicating ball;Vinorelbine;Phlebitis; ─── 冰敷;牛黄解毒丸膏;长春瑞滨;静脉炎;

39、The Antioxidative Effects of Bezoar on the Oxidative Damage Induced by m-DNB in Rats Hepatocytes ─── 牛黄抗间二硝基苯所致氧化作用的研究

40、Bezoar powder ─── 天然牛黄

41、Clinical study of the preventive effect of wet packing of the bezoar antidotal tablet with alcohol on phlebitis caused by chemotherapy ─── 牛黄解毒片湿敷预防化疗致静脉炎的临床观察

42、In Dec.1997,in vitro culturate calculus bezoar(CBB) was ratified by National Ministry of Sanitation as national newly-invented first-class medicine,and was approved for formal production. ─── 体外培育牛黄于1997年被国家卫生部批准为国家一类新药,并获准正式生产。”

43、Bezoar detoxicating ball ─── 牛黄解毒丸膏

44、It s a good method to identify artificial bezoar,cholic acid,and hyodesoxycholic acid in compound preparations by TLC,for its clear blot with good reproducibility. ─── 用TLC方法鉴别复方制剂中的人工牛黄、胆酸、猪去氧胆酸的检测准确,专属性强,灵敏性高,检出的斑点明显,颜色清晰,重现性好,可用于含有人工牛黄的鉴别。英文翻译,英语:

45、Gastric bezoar ─── 胃石

46、Artificial Bezoar ─── 人工牛黄[解热、消炎、祛痰、定惊药]

47、The external band of the product is made of white sterile cotton cloth and mercerized lint.The core of the medicine contains many Chinese medicines as bezoar, coptis, oriental wormwood, malt etc. ─── 产品外带由白色无菌棉布及丝光绒制作而成,药芯内含有牛黄、黄连、茵陈、麦芽等中药成份。

48、bezoar chest functioning pill ─── 安宫牛黄丸

49、The inhibiting effect of bezoar compound preparation on HSV-1 in vitro and its biological titration in this system ─── 牛黄复方制剂体外抗HSV-1活性及效价测定

50、What is the action of bezoar? ─── 牛黄的作用是什么?

51、Methods:Using self_made detritus basket binding with stomach endoscopy to break gastric bezoar to pieces.Treated 101 cases.Results:99 cases were cured with one therapy (99/101). ─── 方法:采用自制碎石篮与胃镜捆绑绞碎胃结石,共治疗101例胃石患者。

52、Bezoar Compound Preparation ─── 牛黄复方制剂

53、Well,let`s try again,where Mrs. Potter would you look if I asked you to find me a bezoar? ─── 好,让我们再试一次,波特先生,若是我要你拿一块牛黄给我你到哪里去找?

54、Where would you look if I asked you to find a bezoar? ─── 若是我要你拿一块毛粪石给我,你要到哪找?

55、huge gastric bezoar ─── 胃巨大结石

56、Now we are urgently need to purchase some bezoar from China.If you are able to offer the product, please contact us to talk about the details. ─── 不能查看联系方式,可能是目前您还不是" 网上广交会 "铂金会员, 或是您尚未登录!

57、A few truths Ser Bezoar did not care to hear. ─── 一些牛黄爵士不愿意听的真相。

58、Green-fire: ingredients bezoar, baicalin, borneol. ─── 火青片:成分牛黄、黄芩、冰片。

59、bezoar in stomach ─── 胃内结块

60、Keywords Self_Made Detritus Basket;Gastric Bezoar; ─── 关键词自制碎石篮;胃石;

61、To this end National drug regulatory agencies approved three bezoar substitutes namely: artificial bezoar and foster the bezoar and the ICCB one by one since 1972. ─── 为此,国家药品监督管理部门自1972年陆续批准了3个牛黄代用品,即:人工牛黄、培植牛黄和体外培育牛黄。

62、Analysis and Identification of Bezoar of Horse(Equus caballus orientalis) ─── 马宝生药分析鉴定

63、Study on the protective effect of bezoar and its Chinese herbal preparation on the lipid peroxidation on induced by n-hexane in livers and kidneys of mice ─── 牛黄及制剂对正己烷致小鼠肝、肾脂质过氧化的保护作用研究

64、Objective To analysis available reports of the detoxicating tablets(pills) of cow-bezoar adverse reactions. ─── 目的分析牛黄解毒片(丸)所致的不良反应的一般规律及其特点,为临床合理用药提供参考。

65、artificial cow- bezoar ─── 人工牛黄

66、Chinese medicine as a valuable natural resource scarcity bezoar, leading to bezoar domestic supply and demand more, the company's in vitro cultivation bezoar to provide broad room for profit. ─── 作为一种名贵中成药,天然牛黄资源奇缺,导致国内牛黄供求矛盾更加突出,公司的体外培育牛黄提供广阔盈利空间。

67、Fire-film: ingredients bezoar, baicalin, borneol Indications function: throat swelling and pain, gum swelling... ─── 火清片:成分 牛黄、黄芩、冰片功能主治:咽喉肿痛、牙龈肿痛、火热内盛毒火聚集引发的多种病症。

68、Ingredients: Snake gall, bezoar, arbutin, kojic acid complex, tanshinone, pearl, aloe, honeysuckle, angelica root, sulfur and etc. ─── 成份: 蛇胆、牛黄、熊果苷、曲酸复合体、丹参酮、珍珠、芦荟、金银花、白芷、硫磺等中药成份。

69、Keywords vinorelbine;phlebitis;solution combined with bezoar and ethyl alcohol;prevention; ─── 盖诺;静脉炎;牛黄酒精液;预防;

70、Ingredients: Snake gall, bezoar, tanshinone, pearl, Szechwan gentian, muscardine silkworm, chrysanthemum indicum, mint, honeysuckle and etc. ─── 成份:蛇胆、牛黄、丹参酮、珍珠、川黄莲、僵蚕、山野菊花、薄荷、金银花等中药成份。

71、bezoar antidotal tablet ─── 牛黄解毒片

72、Observation on curative effect of patients with local infection after intramuscular injection treated with bezoar antidotal pills ─── 牛黄解毒丸治疗肌肉注射后局部感染的疗效观察

73、To the best of knowledge, a recurrent obstructing colonic bezoar related to betel nut chewing has never been reported before in literature. ─── 我们相信这是复发性阻塞性大肠粪石的第一个报告个案,且可能因嚼食槟榔所引起。

74、A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. ─── 牛黄是从牛的胃里取出来的一种石头,有极强的解毒作用。

75、Let's try again. Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar? ─── 那好,再问你一个问题。如果我要求你去找一块胃石,那么你会到哪里去着手找?

76、Treatment of bezoar-induced intestinal obstruction is usually performed by an open approach, with either digital fragmentation or removal of the bezoar via enterotomy. ─── 摘要传统上小肠粪石阻塞都是以开腹方式处理,或是以手捏碎,或是在粪石太大太硬时,从小肠表面开洞取出。

77、Can bezoar treat eye disease? ─── 牛黄可以治疗眼病吗?

78、The Effect of Bezoar Bolus for Resurrection on Enzymes of Cerebrum and CSF of the Rabbit Model of Cerebral Edema Summary ─── 安宫牛黄丸对脑水肿家兔脑内酶的影响

79、Keywords bezoar of Hasak;TLC;UV spectrophotometry; ─── 哈萨克牛牛黄;薄层色谱;紫外分光光度法;

80、Through research, the tissues of brain contain abundant bezoar acid which has strong inhibition on the spinal cord neuron. ─── 经查明,脑组织中含有丰富的牛磺酸,对脊髓神经元有强大的抑制作用。

81、bezoar bovis ─── 牛黄

82、Ingredients: Borax, Coptis Rhizome, Toad-cake, Cow-bezoar, Pearl, Musk, Bear Gall. ─── 成份:煅硼砂,黄连,蟾酥,牛黄,珍珠,麝香,熊胆。

83、Green-fire: ingredients bezoar, baicalin, borneol. ─── 火青片:成分牛黄、黄芩、冰片。

84、It provides an important and valuable information for eliminatinging active oxygen radicals by cultured bezoar. ─── 为研究培植牛黄清除活性氧自由基提供了有价值的重要信息。

85、Potter, where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar? ─── 波特,如果我要你去给我找一块牛黄,你会到哪里去找?

86、Keywords UV Spectrophotometry;Pediatric Paracetamol;Artificial bezoar and Chlorphenamine Maleate Tablets;determination; ─── 紫外分光光度法;小儿氨酚黄那敏片;含量测定;

87、Determination of the Artificial Bezoar Powder in Bezoar Powder by Near-Infrared Spectrometry and Support Vector Machine ─── 近红外光谱法结合支持向量机测定天然牛黄粉中人工牛黄的掺入量

88、The ox says: "Bovine urinate (medicaments of bovine make water) bezoar (bovine bile condenses into lump) also be good medicine, how to say I died trashy? ─── 牛说:“牛溲(牛尿药物)牛黄(牛胆汁凝结成块状)也是好药,怎么说我死了没用?”

89、bezoar of horse ─── 马宝

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