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08-16 投稿


laces 发音

英:[?le?siz]  美:[?le?s?z]

英:  美:

laces 中文意思翻译



laces 短语词组

1、laces tutorial ─── 鞋带教程

2、laces for nike soccer cleats nike ─── 足球鞋鞋带

3、shoe laces ─── 鞋带(shoelace的复数)

4、shoe-laces (shoe-lace ─── 的复数) [服装] 鞋带

5、laces shoe store ─── 鞋带 ─── 鞋店

6、laces shoes ─── 鞋带 ─── 鞋

7、laces place ─── 鞋带店

8、expands laces ─── 扩展鞋带

9、laces out ─── 系鞋带

10、laces literacypro ─── 文学花边

11、lady's laces ─── [网络] 女士鞋带

12、laces out dan ─── 鞋带脱落

laces 词性/词形变化,laces变形


laces 常用词组

lace up ─── 用带子束紧

shoe lace ─── 鞋带

laces 相似词语短语

1、places ─── n.地点;位置;位数(place的复数);v.放置(place的第三人称单数)

2、lace ─── n.花边;鞋带;饰带;少量烈酒;vt.饰以花边;结带子;vi.系带子;n.(Lace)人名;(意)拉切

3、laches ─── n.懈怠;疏忽

4、lacer ─── n.胶带接合机

5、aces ─── abbr.自动检测和估算系统(AutomaticCheckoutandEvaluationSystem)

6、Maces ─── n.钉头槌(mace的复数形式)

7、laced ─── adj.有花边的;绑带子的;加酒的;v.用带子束紧;交织在一起;润色(书、讲话等)(lace的过去式和过去分词)

8、faces ─── n.表面(face的复数);脸色;脸面;v.向;面对;转向(face的三单形式)

9、daces ─── n.鲦鱼;n.(Dace)人名;(英)戴斯;(西)达塞

laces 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、We provide all kind of superior laces and embroidery. ─── 各种优质蕾丝、刺绣品。

2、Duchess satin with the lace applique. ─── |洋锻加上蕾丝绣花?

3、Under her lace and glitz, he wore a jockstrap. ─── 在“她”的蕾丝和浮华后面是他的护裆。

4、A coarse, large-patterned lace without a net ground. ─── 凸边花边,网带没有地网的、粗制的、大花的花边

5、The landlady always wore a dress with delicate lace. ─── 女房东总是穿着带精致花边的裙子。

6、Jacket belayed with silver lace. ─── 夹克被绑缚上银色饰带。

7、Her handkerchief has a lace border. ─── 她的手帕有花边。

8、The inner sole features a laces graphic. ─── 内在脚底以图表的鞋带为特色。

9、Attaching lace, making shoulder straps, ... etc. ─── 可缝蕾丝花边及肩带缝制等等.

10、She ornament her dress with lace. ─── 她以花边装饰她的衣服。

11、She wears a dress with delicate lace. ─── 她穿了一件带有精致花边的裙子。

12、Her uniform was trimmed with laces. ─── 她的工作服镶有花边。

13、Jordan mechanic checks a wheel before the lace. ─── 乔丹车队的机械师在赛前检查轮胎。


15、His hands lace behind his head through strands of whitening hair. ─── 他的双手抱在脑后,手指穿过几缕发白的头发。

16、She untied the laces on one of her sneakers. ─── 她解开了她一只运动鞋的鞋带。

17、Fancy lace around front and back neck and armhole. ─── 在前领、后领和袖窿有花边。

18、Her dress had got a fine lace train. ─── 她的礼服上有精美的纱拖裙。

19、She help the child loose the lace of his shoes. ─── 她帮孩子解开鞋带。

20、She wore a murrey-coloured gown with a little lace collar. ─── 她穿了一件带花边小领子的黑紫色长袍。

21、Her dress was ornamented with lace. ─── 她的衣服用花边装饰。

22、He wants some brown shoes with lace, size nine . ─── 他想要棕色的第带鞋,9号的。

23、Her veil was made from 100-year-old Irish lace. ─── 她的面纱是用有着一百年历史的爱尔兰饰带制成的。

24、You have there a new lady's dress. With costly laces, too. ─── 你这里有一件女式新衣裙,而且镶有名贵的花边。

25、She embellished the simple dress with colorful laces and ribbons. ─── 她用花边和缎带来装饰她那平淡的服饰。

26、She has to wear lace ups at school. ─── 她上学得穿系带的鞋.

27、She ornamented her dress with lace. ─── 她用花边装饰衣服。

28、Lace stockings suspender design, glamorous &romantic. ─── 吊袜带蕾丝设计,精致浪漫。

29、Barry was sitting on the bed, tying the laces of an old pair of running shoes. ─── 巴里正坐在床上系一双旧跑鞋的鞋带。

30、Her blouse has a ruffle of lace around the neck. ─── 她的衬衫领子镶有褶裥花边。

31、PANTY &BRA SET. COTTON, LACE, LYCRA IN USA SIZES. ─── 女裤或是胸罩套.棉,花边,以美国标准码的弹性?

32、Cut me a lace of his swaddling. ─── 剪一条他的襁褓给我。

33、Compare the most beautiful Mechlin lace to that if you can! ─── 你把最美丽的精致花边拿来比比看!

34、She wore a white satin gown trimmed with lace. ─── 她穿着一条饰有蕾丝花边的白色缎子长裙。

35、'I saw his shoe as he went out the door. White trainers, with red laces. It had to be him. ' ─── 他走出门的时候,我看到他的鞋了。白色运动鞋,系着红色鞋带。肯定就是他!

36、A tattered lace handkerchief twitched in her fingers. ─── 她的指间绕着一块破烂的花边手帕。

37、He loosed the laces of his shoes. ─── 他解开了自己的鞋带。

38、The edge of her skirt was piped with small lace. ─── 她的裙摆镶有花边。

39、The seamstress ornamented the dress with lace. ─── 女裁缝用花边来装饰衣服。

40、She edged the sleeve with lace. ─── 她给袖子镶上花边。

41、When they saw how tightly the lace was drawn. ─── 他们见到花边紧紧地系在她脖子上时。

42、She put on a dress trimmed with lace. ─── 她穿了一件饰有花边的衣服。

43、She let a piece of lace into a dress. ─── 她在衣服上镶入一块花边。

44、He bent down and undid the laces of his shoes. ─── 他弯腰解开鞋带。

45、In the decades since, the laces have been unpicked. ─── 几十年来,胸衣的带子被解开了。

46、The doctor told her not to lace the corset . ─── 医生告诉她不要系腹带。

47、Her skirt has very exquisite lace. ─── 她的裙子有非常精致的花边。

48、Her skirt was trimmed with lace. ─── 她的裙子饰有花边。

49、His evening dress is laid with lace. ─── 她的夜礼服饰有花边。

50、The tablecloth was edged with lace. ─── 台布四周镶有花边。

51、All kinds of fabric, embroidery, laces, kint. ─── 各种织物、绣花品、蕾丝、针织品。

52、Then he cuts off the leather top of the laces and eat them as if they were spaghetti. ─── 查理第一个拿出鞋带吃了它们,好像它们是意大利面条。

53、The doctor told her that it was harmful to lace her waist. ─── 医生告诉她用胸衣束腰是有害的。

54、But I am going to make a headpiece of lace. ─── 但我准备做一个蕾丝头饰。

55、She knocked on the door and cried, @Laces! Colorful laces! ─── 她敲了门后叫道:“缎带!彩色的缎带

56、Your shoe laces have come undone. ─── 你的鞋带散了。

57、"She was only 12 yuan per metre lace was not about to agree. ─── 刘女士听说花边每米才12元并未在意,就同意了。

58、She had learned much about laces and those little neck pieces which add so much to a woman's appearance. ─── 对于那些花边和能大大增加女性风采的领饰,她现在知道的也不少。

59、She let a piece of lace into her dress. ─── 她在衣服上镶了一条花边。

60、She opened the door and bought some pretty laces. ─── 她开了门,买了些漂亮的缎带。

61、Is heaven lace with gold roads and God a white man. ─── 天堂周围是不是金黄色的大道,上帝是白人吗?

62、Ornamental accessories, such as ribbons or laces, for women's clothing. ─── 女服装饰品妇女服装上丝带或花边之类的装饰性附件

63、Her dress, cap was trimmed with lace (with a pink ribbon). ─── 她的衣服、帽子饰着花边(淡红色的缎带)。

64、Her dress was embellished with lace. ─── 她的衣服镶有花边。

65、My daughter wears a dress embellished with lace and ribbons today. ─── 今天我女儿穿了一件有花边和饰带的连衣裙。

66、She used lace to rim the front of the skirt. ─── 她用蕾丝装饰她裙子的前边。

67、Do lace the severing clouds in yonder East. ─── 在那东方为破裂的云朵镶花边。

68、Silk, tea, porcelain, lacquer screens, lace shawls, ivory fans. ─── 丝绸,茶叶,瓷器,漆器上,花边围巾,象牙球迷。

69、In summer, gloves made of lace or tulle are ideal. ─── 夏天,蕾丝或者薄纱制的手套最好。

70、She bordered a sheet with a silk lace. ─── 她用丝绸花边给床单镶边。

71、She edged the pillowcase with lace. ─── 她给枕头套镶上花边。

72、It has a round collar with lovely lace. ─── 在它的圆领上点缀著可爱的蕾丝边。

73、She was a vision in white lace. ─── 她穿着镶白色网眼纱边的衣服美极了。

74、Hi i got the shoes but the laces on them are broken and I cannot tied one of them up. ─── 您好,我的鞋,但对他们的鞋带被打破,我不能并列其中之一。

75、Your laces are undone. ─── 你的鞋带松开了。

76、How do you fasten your shoes? buckles? laces? etc. ─── 你的鞋子是用什么方式系好的?带扣?鞋带?

77、A fine lace with a floral pattern. ─── 华冷西恩花边带有花卉图案的精美的花边

78、But the author, luckily for his readers, laces the sweet plainness of his stories with a sense of the absurd and the frightening. ─── 但是值得读者庆幸的是,作者在平淡的故事中加入了荒诞和恐怖感。

79、Wide fancy lace on base of front yoke. ─── 在前过肩有较宽的花边。

80、Your shoes laces have come undone. ─── 你的鞋带松了。

81、To wrap or wind about with or as if with a lace or laces; encircle. ─── 卷上,围绕用或似用带子捆扎或缠绕;环绕

82、He will walk over to me, snuggle in and preen me. Romeo loves to take my hair or my hand in his mouth and he also plays with my shoe laces. ─── 它走到我身旁,依偎着我,用羽毛抚摸我。罗密欧喜欢用嘴衔我的头发或手,它还喜欢玩我的鞋带。

83、She enriched her bonnet with a lace. ─── 她用花边装饰自己的帽子。

84、To be fastened or tied with laces or a lace. ─── 以系带系紧用束带或花边束缚或固定

85、He stopped to do up his shoe lace . ─── 他停下来把鞋带系上。

86、Lace garlands through a trellis. ─── 在格子架上编织花环

87、She detailed the lingerie and skirt with lace and embroidery. ─── 她用花边和刺绣装饰女内衣和裙子。

88、You gallantly re-tie her laces to make two more unlinked bunny ears. ─── 在您的坚持她勉强地采取她的脚您的膝部... 和漫步与她不可能地连接了鞋带。

89、She bent down to tie her shoe laces. ─── 她弯下身子去系鞋带。

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