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08-16 投稿


bastardize 发音

英:['bɑ?st?da?z; 'b?st-]  美:['b?st?da?z]

英:  美:

bastardize 中文意思翻译



bastardize 短语词组

1、bastardize def ─── 巴斯塔尔迪兹

2、bastardize definition ─── 卑鄙的定义

3、bastardize contract ─── 巴斯塔迪兹合同

4、bastardize define bastardize ─── 定义

5、bastardize antonym ─── 反义词

6、bastardize syn ─── 巴斯塔迪泽综合征

7、bastardize words ─── 粗话

bastardize 词性/词形变化,bastardize变形

动词第三人称单数: bastardizes |动词过去分词: bastardized |名词: bastardization |动词现在分词: bastardizing |动词过去式: bastardized |

bastardize 相似词语短语

1、bastardizes ─── vi.退化;变劣;vt.使…品质低落;判定…为私生子

2、bastardises ─── 巴斯塔迪西斯

3、to bastardize ─── 巴斯德化

4、bastard file ─── 粗锉刀;[机]粗齿锉

5、bastardies ─── n.私生子;庶出

6、bastardised ─── 卑鄙的

7、bastardism ─── 巴斯德主义

8、bastardized ─── adj.退化非纯种的;非正宗的;v.判为私生子;误用;使退化(bastardize的过去分词)

9、bastardise ─── 巴斯塔迪丝

bastardize 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The bastard knew by now that he had given the game away. ─── 到如今,那个坏蛋才知道他的秘密已经被泄露了。

2、He jumped at the bait when he heard the bastard's sweet words. ─── 在那个浑蛋的花言巧语下,他就入了圈套了。

3、"You poor silly bastard, giving me cramps like a kid. ─── “你这个可怜愚蠢的混蛋,象个小孩一样让我痉挛。

4、The word 'bastard' is often used as a term of abuse. ─── “杂种”一词常用作咒骂用语。

5、Poor bastard! He's been had. ─── 可怜的家伙,他上当受骗了。

6、Alexander: You indorse the Negro that titled my care a whore and me a bastard? And I attaint you? ─── 亚历山大:你保护的人将我的母亲叫作婊子,说我是私生子。而我玷污了你?

7、There is likewise another great advantage in my scheme, that it will prevent those voluntary abortions and that horrid practice of women murdering their bastard children, alas! ─── 另外,我的方案还有一大优势,他能够防止有意堕胎和父母谋杀私生子的行为。哎!这种现象在我们生活中太常见了。

8、Joey: You bastard! You invaded my mind! ─── 乔伊:你这个混蛋!你侵入了我的头脑。

9、He was never concerned about being born a bastard. ─── 他从不介意自己是私生子。

10、Soldier #1: You Bolshie bastard. ─── |你这个布尔什维克的杂种.

11、"And of course there's the little bastard," Davis went on. ─── “当然还有那个小杂种。”戴维斯继续说道。

12、And before anything gets cute, we're not talking about the Terminator type of android obesity, more the Fat Bastard type of android obesity. ─── 但,这并不是绝对,有些男人倾向是梨形,而有些妇女倾向形成苹果形,特别是更年期后。

13、"You dirty bastard"his friend said,and tried to kick me in the groin.More by good luck than good management I turned sideways. ─── “你这个杂种”,他的朋友一边骂一边用脚踢我的下身。我事先并未料到,但却很幸运地躲开了。

14、Damn it! Get out now, you bastard! ─── 你老妈的!立刻出来呀,混旦!

15、History record the name of royal bastard, but cannot tell us the origin of wheat. ─── 历史记载了不少私生龙子龙孙的大名,I却不能告诉我们小麦的起源。

16、That bastard! He is as stink as this. ─── 包龙星那个狗官,比臭豆腐更臭。

17、Damned!You irresponsible bastard,get teady for your dismission! ─── 可恶,你这溜班的混球,准备开除吧!

18、"You've a good bastard, Gallagher," he shouted sullenly, clapped him on the back. ─── 他拍了拍加拉格尔的背,把脸一板,大声说道:“加拉格尔,我看你是个十足的混蛋。

19、You poor bastard! ─── 你这个可怜虫!

20、He's a real bastard,leaving his wife in that way. ─── 他真狠心,弃妻子于不顾.

21、Alexander: You defend the man that called my mother a whore and me a bastard? And I dishonor you? ─── 亚历山大:你保护的人将我的母亲叫作婊子,说我是私生子。而我玷污了你?

22、Master self-abasement: "The other place comes to bastard here. ─── 主人自谦:“我们这里王八都是外地来的。”

23、In "Groundhog Day" (1993), notice how easily he reveals that Phil (the weatherman, not the groundhog) is a perfect bastard. ─── 在这部影片中,我们可以看到他是如何把菲尔(那个天气预报员,不是土拨鼠)这个不折不扣的混蛋演绎得维妙维肖的。

24、He called you a bastard, do you hear? ─── 人家叫你吃屎呀,你听到了没有?

25、A: How could you do that to my puppy ? You bastard ! ─── 你怎麽可以这样对待我的小狗?你这个混球!

26、Key-riced ya *ill*, fat, filthy bastard, W.H.O. and C.D.C. are lookingfor you! ─── 出于验证的需要,请键入您在下图中看到的字符或点击辅助功能图标后所听到的数字。

27、Another woman was awarded relief for her bastard child. ─── 另外一个女人因为她的私生子得到了赔偿。

28、The poor bastard of a driver could freeze out there. ─── 司机那个可怜虫该冻坏了。

29、Guaranteeing the image of the exhibition, the participators should make sure that the data is right and have no dummies and bastard. ─── 参展单位要确保参展资料的准确性,以防止假冒伪劣产品进入展馆。如有侵权,后果自负,组委会不予承担。

30、The homologue of the sequence of sea bass and bastard halibut to pufferfish, zebra fish and Atlantic salmon ranged differently from 28% to 68%. ─── 与红旗东方?、大西洋鲑和斑马鱼序列之间同源性变化很大,从28-68%,变化不等这两种鱼的同源性在68.4%。

31、To an even greater extent than that of England, the American drama of the nineteenth century was a bastard art-form. ─── 十九世纪的美国戏剧作为一种驳杂的艺术形式,更甚于英国。

32、You conniving bastard! ─── 你这个阴险的家伙!

33、"Bastard! " the man screamed. He was shocked and found out this guy was a moron. ─── “混帐!”那人大叫起来,使他吃惊了。那人是一个傻子。

34、Their language was a bastard Arabic, and yet they were not Arabs; I was quite sure of that. ─── 他们说着不纯的阿拉伯语,我敢肯定他们不是阿拉伯人。

35、History records the name of royal bastard but cannot tell us the origin of wheat. ─── 历史记载了不少私生龙子龙孙的大名,却不能告诉我们小麦的起源。

36、Chelsea: My father is a God-damn bastard. ─── 切尔西:我爸爸是个该死的讨厌鬼。

37、Bones : Oh, you rat bastard . ─── 哦,你个出尔反尔的烂人。

38、You bastard! ─── 你这杂种!

39、Why does a sleazy bastard like me like whores so much? ─── 为什么像我这样的肮脏家伙如此迷恋妓女?

40、Friend: Did you find that bastard? ─── 友人:妳找到那个混蛋了吗?

41、When you are sad,I will get you drunk and help you plot revenge against the sorry bastard who made you sad. ─── 你要是悲伤了,我会把你灌醉,帮你密谋一个复仇计划,好好教训一下那个让你伤心的浑蛋。

42、Tiangaodehou I do not know the bastard, with my dirty villain of the heart to look at the good of all, I like that movie Vicious landlord, the bully those good people! ─── 不知天高地厚的混蛋,用我那肮脏的小人之心去看待那善良的一切,我就好像那电影里恶毒的地主,在欺压那些好人们!

43、"It makes him a devilish suspicious bastard," Harris observed. ─── “这说明他是一个凶险狡诈的家伙”哈里斯说。

44、However, the premise is the team must work as one, looks like in our week to be able to defeat the thunder bastard teak to be the same. ─── 不过,前提是球队必须齐心协力,就像我们周中能够战胜雷吉纳一样。”

45、The king's bastard plotted to usurp the throne. ─── 国王的庶子阴谋篡夺王位。

46、He knew Carlo would be working at his book and the cheap bastard wouldn't get her a car. ─── 他知道卡罗忙着干他的赌注登记活动,而这个下贱坯子也不会给她买辆汽车让她到处逛逛。

47、You ought to sue the dirty bastard. ─── 你应该控告那个不要脸的混蛋。

48、He is a prize bastard. ─── 他是个头号大坏蛋。

49、Master Blifil called Tom a beggarly bastard. ─── 博利菲尔少爷把汤姆称作是与乞丐一样的杂种。

50、He's a real bastard. ─── 他是个十足的恶棍。

51、He hoped the old bastard croaked. ─── 他希望老杂种早点死去。

52、Easy, man, easy, we shall burn the witch and beat the bastard all in good time. ─── 别急,朋友,别急,时候一到,我们就会把那个女巫烧死,把那个私生子打败的。

53、He called me a bastard; She called her children lazy and ungrateful. ─── 他叫我私生子;她叫她的孩子们懒且忘恩负义。

54、They will bastardize the issue of the second marriage. ─── 他们将作贱第二次婚姻所生的孩子。

55、He was born an unwanted bastard. ─── 他生下来就是一个不受欢迎的私生子。

56、He's a real bastard, leaving his wife in that way. ─── 他真狠心,弃妻子於不顾。

57、Keep that bumptious bastard out of my hair, but book me on his flights. ─── 别让这个自高自大的家伙惹我生气,不过在替我订票的时候,要订他飞的班次。

58、"Now I want you to remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. ─── “现在,我希望你们记住,没有一个为国捐躯的混账曾赢得战争的胜利。

59、His brother was a prize bastard and a miser. ─── 他的兄弟是个头号大坏蛋,还是个吝啬鬼。

60、Let him not peep or steal, or skulk up and down with the air of a charity-boy, a bastard, or an interloper in the world which exists for him. ─── 不要再让他偷看或偷窃,也不要让他在那个为流浪儿,坏蛋和好事者专门准备的世界里到处乱转。

61、He was a real bastard. ─── 他是个十足的混蛋。

62、Which bastard dares to say that those have no relationship to the self ? ─── 二十八部分:哪一个混蛋敢说这一切与自己无关?!

63、"The dumb bastard sure is skinny," he said with the superior affection. ─── 他又说:“这畜生倒真是瘦得够瞧的,”同情中有一种居高临下的味道。

64、Bastard! You always sneak out when I fall asleep. ─── 你个该死的!每次吼我们睡着觉就偷走。

65、He's a suspicious bastard. ─── 他是个疑心重重的混蛋。

66、Say, "A bastard", or "A scumbag" which one do you like? ─── 一写死有余辜,一写死不足惜。

67、A bastard style of architecture. ─── 伪造的建筑式样

68、You bastard! You've made her cry. ─── 你这个浑蛋!你把她弄哭了。

69、Why is it necessary to choose a foundling - i.e., a bastard - to be CEO. ─── 为什麽要选一个弃儿(也就是私生子)当总裁?

70、If I kill you now without giving you a second chance, I'll be like the unsporting bastard who runs off with his pile the first time he makes a lucky throw. ─── 倘若我此刻杀了你,不给你翻本的机会,未免不是英雄好汉,这叫做王八羔子,赢了就跑。

71、You baking, frying,biscuit-baking,pancake-making,bald-headed bastard! ─── 你烤,炸,烤点心做薄饼,秃头私生子!

72、Yousnot - nosed little bastard! ─── 你这个目中无人的小杂种!

73、He wasI I know it! The bastard! My brothers will kill him! ─── 他就在那里!我就知道!这混蛋!我的兄弟会杀了他!

74、Osean G Company D Dammit, dammit! That bastard! ─── 可恶,可恶!这些混蛋!

75、Thimmmpt... Open a fortune cookie and learn Chinese, I think not. I'll stick with trying not to bastardize English. ─── 一块签饼然后学里面的中文,我不这么想,我会坚持不让自己的英语退步。

76、His parents weren't married, so he's a bastard. ─── 他的父母并没有结婚,所以他是个私生子。

77、Harry you old bastard! Fancy meeting you here. ─── 哈里,你这老家伙!想不到在这里遇见你。

78、"You dirty bastard, " his friend said, and tried to kick me in the groin. More by good luck than good management I turned sideways. ─── "你这个杂种", 他的朋友一边骂一边用脚踢我的下身。我事先并未料到,但却很幸运地躲开了。

79、He almost made it, little bastard, little bugger. ─── 他差不多就达到标准了,小杂种,小虫人。”

80、He's one Bullheaded old bastard. ─── 他是个顽固的老家伙。

81、A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD. ─── 亚扪人或是摩押人不可入耶和华的会。他们的子孙,虽过十代,也永不可入耶和华的会。

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