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08-16 投稿


unmatched 发音

英:[?n'm?t?t]  美:['?n'm?t?t]

英:  美:

unmatched 中文意思翻译



unmatched 短语词组

1、unmatched view ─── 不匹配的视图

2、unmatched potential ─── 无与伦比的潜力

3、unmatched beauty ─── 无与伦比的美丽

4、unmatched reference objects ─── 不匹配的引用对象

5、unmatched parenthesis ─── 不匹配的括号

6、unmatched crossword ─── 无与伦比的纵横字谜

7、unmatched md ─── 无与伦比的md

8、unmatched meaning ─── 无与伦比的意义

9、unmatched list of significance ─── 重要性无与伦比的列表

10、unmatched transaction ─── 不匹配的事务

11、unmatched target objects ─── 不匹配的目标对象

12、unmatched block nesting ─── 不匹配的块嵌套

13、unmatched crew ─── 无与伦比的船员

14、unmatched receiving reports ─── [经] 发票未到的收货报告单

15、unmatched resident ─── 无与伦比的住户

16、unmatched air traffic ─── 无与伦比的空中交通

17、unmatched connection ─── 不匹配的连接

18、unmatched cuisine ─── 无与伦比的美食

19、unmatched quote ─── 不匹配的报价

unmatched 反义词


unmatched 词性/词形变化,unmatched变形

动词过去分词: unmasked |动词过去式: unmasked |动词第三人称单数: unmasks |动词现在分词: unmasking |

unmatched 同义词

uncover | make known | lay bare | unveil | blow the whistle on | debunk | bare | disclose |expose | unfold | make public | uncloak | reveal

unmatched 相似词语短语

1、unlatched ─── adj.未拴的;v.拔掉…的栓(unlatch的过去分词)

2、rematched ─── n.复赛;再匹配

3、unhatched ─── adj.未孵化的;没实现的;未准备就绪的

4、outmatched ─── vt.胜过;优于;凌驾于

5、unwatched ─── adj.未受监视的;无人看管的;自动的

6、matched ─── adj.相配的;敌得过的;v.敌得过;和…相配(match的过去式和过去分词)

7、unthatched ─── vt.移去覆盖的茅草

8、unpatched ─── 未修补

9、snatched ─── v.一把抓起(某物);(非正式)偷东西,绑架;试图抓住;抓住机会;抓紧时间做(snatch的过去式及过去分词)

unmatched 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The quality of preservation is almost unmatched and quarry operations have been carried out carefully with an awareness of the value of the fossils. ─── 因为其保存质量几乎举世无双,采集工作的进行一直是一丝不苟的。

2、Gulp down knowledge with unmatched enthusiasm ─── 如饥似渴地吸收知识

3、The Grand Mercure Baolong Hotel conveniently located in this colourful metropolis and with a distinct local flair and a comfort unmatched by its attentive staff. ─── 上海宝隆美爵酒店独具海派风情,同时为宾客提供细致周到的服务及舒适温馨的氛围。

4、The Vector MP cutting technology provides unmatched productivity and accuracy, adapting to all types of forms and materials. ─── Vector MP裁剪技术提供了无与伦比的生产能力与精确性,可适应各种裁片的形状和各类材料。

5、Fans can expect to see a combination of unmatched defense as well as a diligent offense providing the scores needed to excel this season. ─── 歌迷可看到防御以及与之相结合勤政进攻得分需要提供卓越这个季节。

6、Our extensive menu of services is designed to add value to each step of the supply chain.From concept to delivery, JSI distinguishes itself with an unmatched dedication to customer service. ─── 凭借完善的国际服务网络和先进的信息网络优势,我们率先为众多国际知名公司提供专业的,个性化的物流服务。

7、They gulp down knowledge with unmatched enthusiasm ─── 他们如饥似渴地吸收知识。

8、Reliable OCV For Flexible Packaging Reliable OCV For Flexible Packaging ProofRead provides unmatched optical character verification (OCV), even when print is extremely distorted. ─── 可靠的开路电压为软包装 可靠的开路电压为软包装 校对提供了无与伦比的光学字符验证(开路电压) ,即使在打印是非常扭曲。

9、Unit labor costs rose a phenomenal 45 percent between 1973 and 1982- a record unmatched by any country. ─── 从1973到1982年期间,每个平均劳动力开支增长了45%,达到了奇迹般的高度,这是任何国家都无法比拟的。

10、We not only offer very good famous Grand Towbar but also design and make diffirent desmatic products,it combine easy handling with unmatched reliability and maximum aircraft protection. ─── 国内外的各种品牌很多,我们不但可以提供质量优良的各类进口飞机拖把,还可以根据客户的要求订制各种型号的飞机拖把,以满足不同客户的不同要求!

11、He escaped Hitler's Germany and devoted the rest of his life to humanitarian and pacifist causes with an authority unmatched by any scientist today, or even most politicians and religious leaders. ─── 二战时期,他逃离了希特勒统治下的德国并把他的余生都献给了人道主义与和平主义事业。他的影响力和威望是当今任何科学家和大多数的政治或宗教领袖都不能企及的。

12、Our unmatched experience allows us to deliver innovative retail solutions proven to perform exceptionally well in the real world of our customers and their customers. ─── NCR拥有丰富的零售行业经验,这使得其所推出的革新性方案能够在客户及其实际应用环境中具有卓越的表现。

13、Unmatched values indicate that only part of the page was written to disk. ─── 如果值不匹配,表明只有页面的一部分被写入磁盘。

14、They'll be unmatched in the world. ─── 他们就会无敌于天下。

15、ADO.NET is the.NET Framework API for data access and provides power and ease of use unmatched by previous data access solutions. ─── ADO.NET是用于数据访问的.NET Framework API,它提供的强大功能和易用性是以前的数据访问解决方案所无法匹敌的。

16、An unmatched trade from a previous day that is resubmitted to the clearing system; trade is submitted 'as of' the original trade date. ─── 前日未成交的单再被传送到结算系统并保留在原有的交易日。

17、He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century. ─── 他的才华是本世纪其他政坛人物所望尘莫及的。

18、He had a talent unmatched by any other politician of this century. ─── 他的才华是本世纪其他政坛人物所望尘莫及的。

19、NUR Tango Unmatched cost effectiveness. ─── 努尔探戈匹敌的成本效益.

20、Between the Main part,the production is suitable,which avoid the unmatch; ─── 主要构成单元之间生产能力匹配,避免生产中瓶颈问题的出现,生产效率高;

21、She has unmatched long straight legs, with the additional power of pantyhose, no one else could resisit her attraction. ─── 创建和谐干净的社区,希望大家来共同维护。对任何不法的的内容;过期无法显示的连接;灌水。请点文字连接进入举报,有赏。

22、The 3抯 ergonomic fit provides unmatched comfort, outstanding sound isolation, and accurate reproduction that will satisfy the most demanding music lover or audiophile. ─── The3抯ergonomicfit(耳模吧)提供了无可比拟的舒适、独一无二的隔音和精确的回放,即便是最挑剔的音乐爱好者或audiophile也会对它感到满意。

23、Ottoman power is unmatched in its extent and grandeur, straddling the traditional trade route between Europe and Asia. ─── 奥斯曼是无与伦比的权力的范围和宏伟,跨越传统 的贸易路线欧洲和亚洲之间。

24、In the process of becoming an outstanding company, World Family has set a series of challenging goals, and has created an unmatched learning environment for the children all over the world. ─── 作为一个顶尖企业,寰宇家庭履履为自己定出下一个挑战目标,为全球儿童创造最佳的美语学习环境!

25、The historic and cultural value of the temple's architecture, engraving and embellishments is unmatched, luring workers islandwide to learn the techniques used in building it. 2. ─── 图1:慈济宫是台湾最著名的庙宇之一,历史悠久,建筑、雕刻闻名全台,各地建庙工匠常来观摩。

26、Alcoa CSI's network of Field Service Representatives and Systems Engineers is unmatched in the industry. ─── Alcoa CSI的现场服务代表及系统工程师网络在业界是无以匹敌的。

27、"Despite resources that are unmatched anywhere in the world we have let our grades slip our schools crumble our teacher quality fall short and other nations outpace us" he said. ─── 他说:“尽管资金来源是世界上任何地方都没有办法比拟的,但是我们的学生成绩下滑,我们的学校崩溃,我们教师的质量不合格,其他国家超过了我们。”

28、If I feel my skill is unmatched I will look at the stars. ─── 不可一世时,让我抬头,仰望群星。

29、His ability to take over a game, to make an impossible play, is unmatched. ─── 他统治比赛和做出不可能完成的表现的能力实在是无人能及。

30、Overconsumption by the world's fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth. ─── 世界财富的过度消耗是个严重的环境问题,除了人口增长之外没有与其相比的。

31、With its timeless design, distinctive click, and unmatched dependability, a zippo lighter quickly becomes a prized possession. ─── 依靠其永恒的设计、独特的卡嗒声、和无与伦比的可靠性,芝宝打火机快速成为最有价值的物品。

32、If you are comfortable writing Structured Query Language (SQL) statements, you might even prefer to forgo the Find Unmatched Query Wizard, and write the union query by hand. ─── 如果您对编写结构化查询语言(SQL)语句得心应手,您甚至有可能愿意放弃“查找不匹配项查询向导”并自己编写联合查询。

33、Witnessing the unprecedented, unmatched, unparallelled streak of 58 unbeaten games. From May 1991 to April 1993. Un-freaking-believable!!! ─── 从1991年5月至1993年4月,米兰连续58场联赛不败,这项记录空前绝后,无与伦比,令人难以置信!!!

34、Dissipative control theory and linear matrix inequality are applied to sliding mode surface with nonlinear and unmatched uncertainties.Thereafter, the memoryless state feedback controllers are given. ─── 与此同时利用耗散控制理论并结合线性矩阵不等式,得到存在非线性和非匹配不确定性滑模面的无记忆状态耗散控制器。

35、Tax cuts unmatched by cuts in government consumption, together with high interest rates to prevent inflation, may not be a sustainable policy combination. ─── 只减税,不相应削减政府消费,也不利用高利率防止通胀,这种政策组合是无法持久的。

36、Robust stabilization of nonlinear systems with unmatched uncertainties ─── 一类非匹配不确定性非线性系统的鲁棒镇定

37、The most obvious adaptations making up the whale's protean shift are those that produced its streamlined shape and unmatched swimming abilities. ─── 在鲸豚演化中促成各种变化的适应,最明显的就是使牠们的体型呈流线型以及成为游泳高手的那些。

38、However,Liu Jintang's position and valuation was unmatched in modern Chinese history. ─── 但是,在历史上,他没得到相应的地位和评价。

39、But love means unmatched intelligence for those who understand love. ─── 但是对那些懂得爱的人而言,爱是独一无二的明智。

40、Create your own query to find unmatched records ─── 创建您自己的查询来查找不匹配的记录

41、On the first page of the wizard, select the table that has unmatched records, and then click Next. ─── 在该向导的第一页上,选择具有不匹配记录的表,然后单击“下一步”。

42、Last year, overseas investors spent an unmatched $10.89bn on Indian securities, pushing the Sensex up 42 per cent. ─── 去年,海外投资者在印度证券市场投入创纪录的108.9亿美元,推动印度孟买30指数上升了42%。

43、Create a join for each remaining pair of related fields by dragging them from the first table (the table that has unmatched records) to the second table. ─── 为剩余的每对相关字段创建联接,方法是将它们从第一个表(包含不匹配记录的表)拖动到第二个表中。

44、From the resulting assertionStatusReport, Xina sees that there is indeed an unmatched assertion listed against her businessEntity B2. ─── 从assertionStatusReport返回消息中,Xina发现对于她的BK2这个businessEntity确实列着一条未匹配的断言。

45、Gates' own unmatched resources provide just a starting point for his and his foundation's philanthropic potential. ─── 盖茨本人拥有无可比拟的资源,但这些资源只是他本人及其基金会发挥慈善工作的潜力的一个起点。

46、His wife is an unmatched beauty. ─── 他妻子是一个倾国倾城的美人。

47、He gulped down knowledge with unmatched enthusiasm. ─── 他如饥似渴地接收知识。

48、Foundation Fieldbus is here, active and proven in use to deliver quantifiable unmatched benefits. ─── 基金会现场总线在这儿,积极的用已验证的技术为用户提供无与伦比的收益。

49、Bonuses are subject to 搃nitial order?percentage payout.With our affiliate program, you get percentages unmatched by any of our competitors. ─── 使用我们新的通用支票,您在本公司网站的所有收入都会存入一张支票上。

50、Dave Sokol and Greg Abel, the managers of this operation, have achieved results unmatched elsewhere in the utility industry. ─── DaveSokol和GregAbel,这项业务的经理,取得了在公用事业行业中不可比拟的业绩。

51、No doubt that this occupies a unique landscape of scarce resources, villa, villa of the king, unmatched. ─── 不容置疑,这种占据得天独厚稀缺景观资源的别墅,是别墅中的王者,无可媲美。

52、Use the Find Unmatched Query Wizard to compare two tables ─── 使用“查找不匹配项查询向导”比较两个表

53、In the 20th century, mankind has created material and spiritual wealth unmatched by any other time in history. ─── 20世纪,人类创造的物质和精神财富,超过了以往任何一个时代。

54、Her agility is unmatched, and any opponent attempting to kill her will find she skips ahead of them with surprising ease. ─── 她的敏捷度无人能比,那些企图杀死她的敌人将会发现她能非常轻松地从他们面前躲开。

55、China has undergone dramatic changes since she opened up to the outside world in 1978. The economy has grown at a remarkable rate,unmatched by any other economies in the world in recent history. ─── 中国自1978年向外开放以来,经了急剧的变化,中国经济增长的速度,在近代历史中,世界上其他国家望尘莫及。

56、Alcoa CSI closures feature innovative design, precision engineering, and unmatched sealing integrity and tamper evidence. ─── Alcoa CSI瓶盖以其创新性设计、精细的工程及无可匹敌的密封完整性及防盗技术著名。

57、Lionbridge offers a highly-specialized business practice dedicated to Linguistic Validation and Clinical Trial Translation that is unmatched in terms of depth, breadth, and experience. ─── Lionbridge可以提供语言验证和临床试验翻译方面的高度专业的业务做法,无论是在深度、广度还是经验上,都是无可比拟的。

58、A humorous verse, usually consisting of two unmatched rhyming couplets, about a person whose name generally serves as one of the rhymes. ─── 四行诗一种幽默体裁,通常包括两个长短不一的押韵对句,与某人的名字一般用作一个韵脚有关

59、At the end of the Pre-market Opening Period all unmatched auction orders will be converted to either limitr orders or inactive orders. ─── 在准备开盘的最后时段所有未批配的竞价指令将被更换成为限价指令或未生效指令。

60、The integrity of his scholarship was, I believe, unmatched at Harvard. ─── 其大家风范,在哈佛无人可以望其项背。

61、His battle abilites and his combat style have no known method of suppression, making him an unmatched threat of the highest caliber. ─── 个体的战斗能力和模式,其制御方法不明,使得该个体成为极度危险的存在。

62、Three years, 3 albums, 10 single tunes, 9 concerts and the work gather edit, have held three secondary date concert, a concert, five tour concerts, occasion unmatched in grandeur. ─── 三年,3张专辑,10首单曲,9张演唱会及作品合辑,开过三次生日演唱会,一次音乐会,五场巡回演唱会,盛况空前。

63、Connect IP can be configured to your individual bandwidth needs, always providing an unmatched combination of audio quality and low network traffic. ─── IP接入可以根据需要设置带宽,以提供持续的高质量的音频和低的网络流量。

64、Its unique multi-storage engine architecture gives corporate customers the flexibility they need with a database management system unmatched in speed, compactness, stability, and ease of deployment. ─── 其独特的多存储引擎结构为企业客户提供了广泛的灵活性,赋予数据库管理系统以卓越的紧致性和稳定性,并且易于部署,同时具有无与匹敌的速度。

65、Each D150 product can also run up to 400 channels of any-to-any voice codec conversion with unmatched quality. ─── 每个D150产品还可以运行多达400个的任意到任意的语音编解码器具有无与伦比的质量转换通道。

66、However, so far, I think, love is like cactus, because it grows in the desert, with unmatched stamina, love does not need this kind of endurance it? ─── 不过,到目前为止,我认为,爱情就像仙人掌,因为它生长在沙漠,有着无以伦比的耐力,爱情不就需要这种耐力吗?

67、Since the opening up of China's economy in 1978 there has been remarkable economic growth,unmatched by any other economies in recent history. ─── 中国经济自一九七入年开放以来,一直蓬勃增长,成绩骄人,在近代历史上没有一个经济体系足可比拟。

68、Create and modify a Find Unmatched Query to compare by more than one field ─── 创建并修改“查找不匹配项查询”以便通过多个字段进行比较

69、The magnificence of the South Africa's nature reserves offers any visitor an experience that will go unmatched in their travel experience. ─── 壮观南非的自然保护区提供任何访客的经验将无可匹敌,在他们的旅行经验。

70、Scenario query expansion system can find the relevant between unmatch keyword and the concept in ontology by user s query. ─── 场景式查询扩充系统能将非本体论规範之关键字因使用者之查询而逐渐找出与其与本体论有规範之相关概念,进而建立相对应之场景。

71、To facilitate the processing, please refer to the Ref. No. for future inquiry. Expired termination form or with unmatched Ref. No. will not be processed. ─── 为更有效地处理阁下之申请,请记录此表格之参考编号,以便日后查询之用。如参考编号不符或有效期已过,本公司将不会处理阁下之终止服务申请。

72、He wore unmatched socks. ─── 他穿了左右不成对的袜子。

73、No matter how savvy you are, how adroit you are with skills unmatched by your fellow workers, somewhere in the world, someone will bid for the work that you do for less. ─── 事实上,你今天就可以辞掉你讨厌的工作、解放你的生活并获得梦寐以求的自由,虽然这些听起来令人震惊。

74、There was once a very brave general who had gone through many dangerous, death-cheating missions with unmatched valor. ─── 古时有位很勇敢的将军,战斗时出生入死,可说万夫莫敌。

75、Overconsumption by the world's fortunate is an environmental problem unmatched in severity by anything but perhaps population growth. ─── 这个世界的幸运儿所进行的过度消费成了一个环境问题,其严重程度也许只有人口增长问题能与之相提并论。

76、Christians (indeed, all faiths) should embrace modern science for what it has done to reveal the magnificence of the divine in a depth and detail unmatched by ancient texts. ─── 基督徒实在应该全心全意拥抱现代科学,因为透过科学,不管从深层观点还是细节来看,这些伟大的神迹与古时经句并不相符。

77、In the table that has unmatched records, double-click the fields that you want the query to return. ─── 在具有不匹配记录的表中,双击想让查询返回的字段。

78、Its power to generate wealth and expand freedom is unmatched. ─── 其权力以创造财富和扩大自由是无与伦比的。

79、His skill in chess is unmatched in the school. ─── 他的棋艺在全校是独一无二的。

80、College sports are regional by nature. By selecting the most significant regional game, PMC Sports delivers "national-sized" audiences and unmatched efficiencies to advertisers. ─── 大学体育活动通常是区域性的。通过选择最重大的区域比赛。PMC体育能到达全国范围的观众,这为广告主带来了无与伦比的效果。

81、Yao said that Yi is able to do things athletically that is unmatched in Chinese basketball. ─── 姚明说易建联在中国国内赛场上已经找不到对手。

82、Whatever else is going wrong for America in the Middle East, the Bush administration shows an unmatched ability to put its case in ways that make its friends squirm and its enemies fume with rage. ─── 在中东,稍有不审,美国的其他方面就将转化成错误,布什政府在处理这件事上表现出了与其实力不相称的能力,就使其盟国感到尴尬,其敌人感到愤怒。

83、How do we cope when our desire levels are unmatched? ─── 如果我们的需要没有得到满足,我们怎么处理?

84、A sense of reverie had always pervaded his painting, but his late art, such as the altarpiece for the church of San Zaccaria (1505), possessed what Mr Brown calls a "restraint and refinement" unmatched by any of his pupils. ─── 他的画总是充满了幻想,但晚期的作品,如圣扎卡里亚教堂的装饰画却被布朗认为是体现了一种“内敛与精致”而在其学生中无人媲美。

85、It is unmatched in its resistance to rot and pests, and its oils even protect nails against corrosion. ─── 它对腐烂和害虫的抵抗力是无与伦比的,它的油甚至可以保护指甲不受腐蚀。

86、Plastic make-up in recent years made some development at home and abroad, and its significant advantages, unmatched by other methods. ─── 近些年来塑型化装在国内国外取得了一定发展,它的优点非常显著,是其它方法不可比拟的。

87、No doubt, everybody who happens to be here, will gain deep and lasting impressions because this place is simply unmatched. ─── 毫无疑问,溶洞无可匹敌的美景会让每个到此游览的人都会留下持久深长的印记。

88、OOCL's extensive coverage of asian ports is unmatched and OOCL is renowned for being the leading container transport & logistics service provider for China. ─── 东方海外在亚洲港口的覆盖面之广无与伦比,是服务中国市场的主要航运公司,以领先的集装箱运输和物流服务而享负盛誉。

89、As elsewhere, Hungary's underlying problems arose from wage rises unmatched by productivity growth and social spending that is too generous. ─── 其他方面,匈牙利的症结在于与生产力发展不平衡的工资增长以及过于慷慨的社会支出。

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