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08-16 投稿


inversely 发音

英:['?nv??sl?]  美:[?n'v?sl?]

英:  美:

inversely 中文意思翻译



inversely 短语词组

1、inversely proportional opposite ─── 反比

2、inversely unstable ─── 反向不稳定

3、inversely definition ─── 反定义

4、inversely proportional ─── 成反比例的

5、inversely related ─── 逆相关的

6、inversely proportional definition ─── 反比定义

7、vary inversely as... ─── 和...成反比

8、inversely proportional symbol ─── 反比例符号

9、inversely proportional to ─── 与成反比

10、inversely similar ─── 相反的 ─── 相似

11、inversely correlated ─── 负相关

12、inversely proportional sign ─── 反比例符号

13、conversely vs inversely ─── 相反与 ─── 相反

inversely 相似词语短语

1、diversely ─── adv.不同地;各色各样地

2、inverses ─── adj.相反的;倒转的;n.相反;倒转;反面;相反的事物;倒数;逆元素

3、inverse ─── adj.相反的;倒转的;n.相反;倒转;反面;相反的事物;倒数;逆元素

4、invertedly ─── 相反地

5、adversely ─── adv.不利地;逆地;反对地

6、intensely ─── adv.强烈地;紧张地;热情地

7、conversely ─── adv.相反地

8、inversed ─── adj.[植]倒生的;v.使倒转;使颠倒(inverse的过去分词)

9、aversely ─── 厌恶地

inversely 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Suppose the mass varied inversely as the velocity. ─── 假定质量的变化与速度成反比

2、Experimental investigation of crack evolution in CFRP reinforced concrete beams loaded inversely ─── 反向加载条件下CFRP加固混凝土梁裂缝演化的试验研究

3、The spatial spectrum is sampled in this bandwidth.The sampling space is proportional to the bandwidth and inversely to the space-bandwidth product of the aperture function. ─── 在此带宽内对频谱抽样, 抽样间距与观察处的带宽成正比, 与孔径函数的空间带宽积成反比。

4、The value of a fraction is inversely proportional to that of the denominator ─── 分数值与分母值成反比例。

5、The expression of EMMPRIN and ECE was associated positively with lymphoid metastasis(both P

6、The force between two point charges at rest is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. ─── 在真空中,两个静止的点电荷之间的相互作用力的大小与两电荷所带电量的乘积成正比,与它们之间距离的平方成反比,作用力的方向沿两电荷的连线.

7、Cooling time is proportional to the square of wall thickness, but inversely proportional to mould temperature difference. ─── 冷却时间正比于壁厚的平方,但反比于模温温差。

8、The seepage in calcirudite was then measured experimentally as a function of the 3-D stresses.The results show that the calcirudite permeability is inversely related to the mean effective stress. ─── 在渗流-三轴应力耦合试验机上开展的砂砾岩渗流应力耦合试验的结果进一步证明,砂砾岩渗透系数与平均有效应力成负指数函数关系。

9、The analysis indicates that the maximum deflection is directly proportional to density and the square of span, and inversely proportional to stress, but independent of diameter and elastic modulus. ─── 分析结果表明:由于丝线长径比很大,丝线的最大挠度跟密度以及跨度的平方成正比,与所受的应力成反比,而同丝线的直径的具体数值和材料的刚度无关。

10、It features inversely set vane (9), i.e., coaxially upward with inlet of the pump housing. ─── 其特征在于将叶轮(9)倒置,即与泵壳进口(8)同轴朝上设置

11、The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound ─── 声强与声源的距离平方成反比。

12、The quality of compositing directly relates to the visual quality of the output and is inversely proportional to the render time. ─── 复合的质量直接与输出的视觉质量相关联并且和呈现时间成反比。

13、The proportion between "transfer amount" and "player performance" is inversely proportional, but only when you are the buying party. ─── 在“转会资金”和“玩家表现”之间的比例关系是反比,但这只体现在你抢购球员之时。

14、An 8-week course of aspirin did not affect ECFCs in 6 controls.VWF and TXM correlated directly with ADMA, and inversely with ECFCs. ─── 在6名健康对照,8周的阿司匹林干预不影响ECFC。


16、be directly [inversely, reciprocally] proportional to ─── 与...成正比例

17、Our results indicated that SAD was inversely associated with C/C genotype and C allele of NQO1 gene. ─── NQO1基因多态性与SAD发病明显关联 ,NQO1基因 6 0 9序列C/C基因型、C等位基因与SAD发病呈明显负关联。

18、The seriousness of a wound (in a firefight) is inversely proportional to the distance to any form of cover. ─── 交火后,受伤的严重程度与到掩体的距离成反比。(摘自墨菲战争法则)

19、LAEF was positively correlated with age,SBP,LVMI,IVS,IVRT and EDT ( P < 0.05 ),inversely correlated with E/A ( P < 0.01 ). ─── LAEF与年龄、收缩压、LVMI、IVS、IVRT、EDT、E/A相关 (P

20、Being faithful in the routines, on the Mondays after the Sundays, is important. It is as inversely important as it seems unglamorous. ─── 在主日之后的每个星期一,忠心于这些例行公事是非常重要的。它看似毫不起眼,却反而富含深意。

21、The LOG10 and POWER functions are inversely related to one another. ─── LOG10和POWER函数彼此反向相关。

22、The intensity of sound is inversely proportional to the square of the distance measured from the source of the sound. ─── 声音的强度与声源距离的平方成反比。

23、The pressure of a gas is inversely proportional to its volume, if its temperature is kept constant. ─── 如果温度保持不变,则气体压力和其体积成反比。

24、Our bus driver drove inversely on the highway when leaving the factory. It just let me remember the game "Midtown madness". ─── 一出门,公车就在高速公路公路上来个大逆走,让我想到以前玩的城市疯狂赛车,不过只有拖板车才能撞断电线杆在路上横冲直撞.

25、Parkinson's Law of Meetings: The time spent in a meeting on an item is inversely proportional to its value (up to a limit). ─── 帕金森会议定律:花在一个会议上的时间与这个会议的价值成反比。

26、be inversely proportional to ─── conj. 反比于(与 ... 成反比)

27、The value of a commodity, therefore, varies directly as the quantity, and inversely as the productiveness, of the labour incorporated in it. ─── 可见,商品的价值量与体现在商品中的劳动的量成正比,与这一劳动的生产力成反比。

28、Both fall off inversely proportional to the square of the distance from their source, so it was tempting to speculate that they were connected in some way. ─── 因为这两种力的大小,都与其源头距离的平方成反比,很容易便让人怀疑它们之间有某些关联。

29、Pressure varies directly with temperature and inversely with volume. ─── 压力随温度成正比例变化,与容积成反比例变化。

30、The information content of a message varies inversely with the probability of the occurrence of an event that is being reported. ─── 信息的价值与其所报告事项发生的可能性成反方向变化。

31、The combat worth of a unit is inversely proportional to the smartness of its outfit and appearance. ─── 一支部队的作战能力与它外表的好看程度成反比。

32、Inversely or oppositely related with respect to one of a group of otherwise identical properties, especially designating either or both of a pair of complex numbers differing only in the sign of the imaginary term. ─── 共轭的与性质相同的一群中的某一元素相反或相对的,尤指只有虚部不同的一个或一对复数

33、At each time step, cells that have been active within the last 15time steps are displayed as filled boxes, with the size of each box inversely proportional to the time since the cell became active. ─── 在每一个时刻,在之前15个周期内曾被激活的单元以实心方块表示,方块的面积与距离上次激活所过的时间成反比。

34、They therefore vary proportionately with the net barter terms of trade and with productivity in the export sector but inversely with productivity embodied in imports. ─── 因此,它们的变化同净易货贸易条件和出口部门的生产率成正比,而同进口所包含的生产率成反比。

35、A method was presented to identify and calculate inversely the casing external loads by the displacement data of the casing wall.The application of the proposed method was discussed. ─── 基于套管内壁变形的实测资料,利用阻尼最小二乘法建立了套管外载反分析模型,提出了确定套管外载的反分析方法,讨论了反分析法的应用。

36、The value of a program is inversely proportional to the weight of its output. ─── 一个程序的价值同其产量成反比。

37、The rate of reannealing is inversely proportion to sequence complexity ─── 再退火速度是和顺序复杂性成反比例。

38、To remind readers of this general rhythm,Golding reduced the episodes of the book to two types of opposite activities developing inversely. ─── 为了提醒读者这种总体的节奏,戈尔丁将该书的情节压缩成两种朝相反方向发展的对立性活动。

39、Even though the interest receipt is fixed, the price of the paper may go down as well as up in line inversely with interest rate movements. ─── 定息证券无疑可提供固定的利息收入,但基于证券本身的价格会随利率走势而反向变动,因此亦可升可跌,投资者必须提防。

40、Serum Ca (Ca/Mg), Fe, Co were positively associated, while Cr, Sn inversely associated with BP. ─── 在部分组Ca(Ca/Mg)、Fe、Co与血压正性联系,血Cr、Sn与血压负性联系;

41、Even if they put a lot into advertising, in the long-run, what they put in is inversely proportional to what they get out. ─── 即使在广告上进行了大量的投入,但从长远来看,其投入和产品出成反比,

42、Recreational physical activity was inversely related tothe risk of cholecystectomy. ─── 休闲活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。

43、In high dimensional decision space, the result set of SPEA is covered by GEPMO at least 87.5%, inversely at most 5%. ─── 在标准测试函数上的实验结果表明了新算法的有效性,在高维决策空间中GEPMO能够覆盖SPEA算法的结果集87.5%,但SPEA覆盖GEPMO仅为5%。

44、of force needed is inversely proportional to the rigidity of the material. ─── 需要的力度与材料的硬度成反比。

45、Based on the Health Belief Model, pregnancy weight control behaviors were positively related to Cues to action and inversely related to Perceived barriers to taking action. ─── 健康信念模式部分,发现孕期体重控制行为与行动线索有统计上的显著正相关,与障碍性认知则有统计上显著的负相关。

46、Suppose that the output (input) of evaluation DMU is invariable, its relative efficiency varies inversely to its input (directly to its output) while the input and output of reference DMUs are fixed. ─── 可考查评价决策单元输入或输出变化时其效率的变化; 当参考决策单元的输入和输出不变时,若评价决策单元的输出(入)不变,其相对效率和它的输入(出)成反(正)比.

47、The amount of love someone feels for you is inversely proportional to how much you love them. ─── 你的爱人从你那里感受到的爱跟你对他的爱成反比。

48、The Photographic Performance of a Circular Polarizing Filter Used Inversely ─── 圆偏振滤光镜反向使用时的摄影性能

49、And inversely the purpose of history is to keep time together so that all are brothers and companions in the same quest and conquest of time. ─── 因此,反过来说,历史的目的就是把时间收集到一处,从而所有的人都在时间的同一的探求和征服中成为兄弟和伙伴。”

50、And in intensity, it's proportional to the two masses, and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. ─── 引力的大小和物体的质量成正比,和距离的平方成反比。

51、The acidity of HPA is inversely related tothe kinetic energy of O KL_(23)L_(23) Auger transition. ─── 从OKL_1L_1与OKL_(23)L_(23)俄歇峰强度之比,求出氧成键时增加电荷,进一步表明了杂多酸中氧原子成键情况。

52、Its magnitude increases with voltage and varies inversely with the thickness of the insulation and directly with the length of the cable1. ─── 其大小随电压的升高和电缆长度的增大而增大,随绝缘厚度的增大而减小。

53、If other connections are available, the amperes will vary inversely with rated voltage. ─── 也可采用其它电压,但安培值将与电压值成反比关系。

54、The acceleration of an object is directly proportional and in the same direction as the net force on the object, but inversely proportional to the mass of the object. ─── 一个物体的加速度与它所受的净力直接成比例且具有相同的方向,而与这个物体的质量成反比,或。

55、The intensity of light from any source varies inversely as the square of the distance from the source. ─── 从各光源发出的光的强度与该光源的距离的平方成反比。

56、The gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. ─── 两个天体之间的引力与它们的质量成正比,而与它们之间距离的平方成反比。

57、Therefore, bond price drop on rising yield, as bond price is inversely related to bond yield. ─── 因此,债券价格下跌在收益率上升,因债券价格与债券收益率成反比。

58、It is worth noting that in resolution imager, network must mesh size and the image is inversely proportional to the level. ─── 不值得夺目的是,在照排机分辨率一按时,网目数与图像的条理成反比。

59、If the cake is in compressible (rigid), the cake thickness is directly proportional filtrate volume and inversely proportional to the filter area. ─── 如果滤饼是不可压缩的,则滤饼的厚度正比于过滤液的体积,反比于过滤面积。

60、The expressions of EMMPRIN and HGF were associated positively with lymphoid metastasis (r=0.371 and 0.339,P<0.01),and inversely with survival time (P<0.01). ─── EMMPRIN与HGF的表达均与淋巴结转移呈正相关(r=0.371和0.339,P<0.01),与患者术后生存时间呈负相关(P<0.01)。

61、Therefore, specifying a fill factor other than the default can decrease database read performance by an amount inversely proportional to the fill factor setting. ─── 因此,指定一个不同于默认值的填充因子会降低数据库的读取性能,而降低量与填充因子设置的值成反比。

62、The signals are only decomposed into one multiresolution level, and then the detail coefficients and the approximation coefficients are modified via soft thresholding and inversely synthesized. ─── 它只需把信号分解一层,然后把分解后的高频系数和低频系数同时进行软阈值量化处理,再进行小波重构,就可以有效地消除信号中的噪声。

63、The index is usually inversely correlated to the S&P 500, and a rise in the VIX typically means a drop in the stock market. ─── 该指数通常和标准普尔500指数呈现负相关,波动指数上扬通常是在股市下跌的情况下出现。

64、Using a plate whose hemisphere reflectivity is known as a standard plate, the lidar scattering cross section (LRCS) and hemisphere reflectivity of a target plate are measured inversely. ─── 在外场用已知半球反射率的靶板作为标准靶板,反演测定目标靶板激光雷达散射截面和半球反射率。

65、For high speed operation the tenter is equipped with inver selysn driver system. The tenter also can equipped with AC servo motor driver and PLC controland touth panel operation. ─── 为适应定形机的高速运行,本机采用了变频控制同步传动系统。如果客户需要,本机还可以配备最先进的AC伺服电机传动系统,PLC程序及触摸屏操作。

66、We regard health as inversely related to social class. ─── 我们认为健康状况与社会地位成相反关系。

67、Even though the interest receipt is fixed, the price of the paper may go down as well as up in line inversely with interest rate movements. ─── 定息证券无疑可提供固定的利息收入,但基于证券本身的价格会随利率走势而反向变动,因此亦可升可跌,投资者必须提防。

68、C. Inversely with the amount of scattering in the material. ─── 与材料中散射线量成反比;

69、Body moisture content of the turtleseemed to be inversely related to the fermented soybean meal content of the turtle. ─── 体组成方面,则甲鱼之体水分含量与饲料中发酵豆粉含量呈现相反的关系;

70、The opulence of the front office decor varies inversely with the fundamentalsolvency of the firm. ─── 公司入口处装潢的豪华程度和它基本的财务状况好坏成反比。

71、Recreational physical activity was inversely related to the risk of cholecystectomy. ─── 休閒活动越多,越不会发生胆囊切除手术的需要,两者在因果关系上成反比。

72、Inversely,the inversion casting process and the electromagnetic concasting process have an advantage in competition,but their processes are imperfect and needed to make further improvement. ─── 反向凝固法和电磁连铸法具有很强优势,但工艺还不成熟,有待进一步深入研究。

73、be directly [ inversely,reciprocally ] proportional to ─── 与...成正[反]比例

74、In general, as you might expect, a country's belief in evolution is inversely correlated with its belief in God. ─── 正如你所希望的那样,从大体上看来,一个国家对进化论的信任程度与它对神的信任程度是反相关的。

75、size of the nebula at this stage is inversely proportional to its mass. ─── 这个阶段的星云大小与其质量成反比。

76、Central venous pressure monitoring in elder surgical patients or patients with cardiopulmonary disease can vary inversely with the PA occlusion pressure (PAOP). ─── 在年轻的手术患者或有心肺疾病的患者中心静脉压的变化可与肺动脉楔压的变化相反。

77、The natural force of attraction between any two massive bodies, which is directly proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. ─── 万有引力任何两个巨大物体间的自然吸引力,与他们的质量成正比,并与其两者间距离的平方成反比

78、The rate of N0 oxidation also increases proportionately with the square of the hydrocarbon concentration but inversely with the NO2 concentration. ─── NO氧化速率与烃浓度的平方成正比增加,而与NO2浓度成反比。

79、In fact, the intensity of the star light that reaches the observer is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the star and the observer. ─── 事实上,一颗恒星的光到达观测者时的强度,和两者距离的平方成反比。

80、Furthermore, in the calculating process, the overburden pressure is inversely worked out as well when there is no density logging curves.The above mentioned method is testified to be feasible. ─── 同时在计算过程中,还提出了在缺少密度测井曲线的情况下,经过反演得到计算上覆岩压的方法,应用实例证明该方法可行。

81、The end-to-end TCP congestion control based on the window mechanism cause the throughput of TCP connection inversely proportional to the connection Round Trip Time (RTT). ─── TCP端到端的拥塞控制机制使得TCP连接获得的瓶颈带宽反比于RTT。

82、I wonder, in fact, if the effectiveness of protest action and media sophistication are inversely proportional. ─── 事实上我在想,抗议行为的效果和媒体的诡辩是不是成反比。

83、Its proportional to the masses of the two objects Inversely proportion to the square of distance between them. ─── 引力大小与两物体间的质量乘积成正比,与距离的平方成反比

84、inversely proportional quantities ─── 反比例量

85、the pressure of an ideal gas at constant temperature varies inversely with the volume. ─── 在常温下理想气体的气压与其体积成正比。

86、The availability of good medical care tends to vary inversely with the need for it. ─── 优质医疗服务的提供往往与需要成反比。

87、A New Pneumatic Proportional Pressure Valve with the Characteristics of Inversely Proportional Control ─── 具有反比例控制功能的新型比例气动压力阀

88、Furthermore, survivin-positive gliomas had higher Ki67 labeling index(LI) and MVD than that of survivin-negative gliomas(P

89、Orthodontic treatment of inversely impacted central incisors in the maxillae ─── 上颌中切牙倒置埋伏阻生的临床矫治

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