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08-16 投稿


extenuation 发音

英:[?k,stenj?'e???n]  美:[?k'st?nj?'e??n]

英:  美:

extenuation 中文意思翻译



extenuation 词性/词形变化,extenuation变形

动词现在分词: extenuating |形容词: extenuative |动词第三人称单数: extenuates |动词过去式: extenuated |名词: extenuator |动词过去分词: extenuated |

extenuation 同义词

extensor muscle

extenuation 反义词


extenuation 短语词组

1、extenuation defense ─── 减刑抗辩

2、extenuation 544 ─── 减刑544

3、juridical extenuation ─── [法] 裁判上减轻

4、extenuation define ─── 减刑

5、extenuation eye ─── 缓和眼

6、extenuation circumstance ─── 减刑情节

7、extenuation of a crime ─── [法] 减轻罪行

8、extenuation circumstances ─── 减刑情节

9、extenuation defined ─── 定义的减损

10、extenuation usage ─── 减刑使用

extenuation 相似词语短语

1、eventuation ─── 事件

2、extenuating ─── adj.情有可原的;使减轻的;v.为…找借口;能减轻…的严重性;轻视(extenuate的ing形式)

3、extension ─── n.拓展;延伸;接发;(医学)牵引;(计算机)拓展名;(逻辑)外延

4、extenuations ─── n.减轻;酌情减轻

5、attenuations ─── n.[物]衰减;变薄;稀释

6、attenuation ─── n.[物]衰减;变薄;稀释

7、extenuatives ─── 可减轻的

8、extenuative ─── 可减轻的

9、extenuator ─── 减量器

extenuation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、9.Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime? ─── 倘使象他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?

2、Miss Glover could allow no extenuation of her crime ─── 格洛弗小姐是不允许袒护罪过的。

3、Judge: Do you have anything to say in mitigation or extenuation before I pass sentence? ─── 法官:在我宣读判决书前,你想说点什么求饶之类的话吗?

4、He pleaded poverty in extenuation of (ie as an excuse for) the theft ─── 他以贫穷为藉口请求为他犯的偷窃罪从轻量刑

5、He pleaded poverty in extenuation of(ie AS an excuse for)the theft. ─── 他以贫穷为借口请求为他犯的偷窃罪从轻量刑。

6、The circumstances of his marriage, too, were found to admit of much extenuation. ─── 他们发现,他的婚姻情况也是十分情有可原的。

7、plane-earth extenuation ─── 平地面衰减

8、was a comfort to him, this extenuation. ─── 这借口对他是种安慰。

9、Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime? ─── 倘使象他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?

10、Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime? ─── 倘使像他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?

11、He pleaded poverty in extenuation of(ie as an excuse for)the theft. ─── 他以贫穷为借口请求为他犯的偷窃罪从轻量刑.

12、Miss Glover could allow no extenuation of her crime. ─── 格洛弗小姐是不允许袒护罪过的。

13、He pleaded poverty in extenuation of (ie as an excuse for) the theft. ─── 他以贫穷为藉口请求为他犯的偷窃罪从轻量刑。

14、It was a comfort to him, this extenuation ─── 这借口对他是种安慰。

15、and happening to tell his majesty, by way of extenuation, that it was only a breach of trust, the emperor thought it monstrous in me to offer as a defence the greatest aggravation of the crime; ─── 我对皇帝说,这只是一种背信弃义的行为,希望能减轻对他的量刑。皇帝觉得我荒谬到了极点,竟会将最能加重其罪行的理由提出来替他辩护。

16、plead circumstances in extenuation of one's guilt ─── 请求酌情减轻罪行

17、20. It must be remembered, in extenuation of this primitive young woman, that she held these opinions in an age of general darkness. ─── 我们必须为这些幼稚无知的姑娘开脱一下,她是在一个普遍蒙昧的时代就持有这些看法了。

18、lawyer pleaded his client's youth in extenuation of the crime. ─── 律师以其当事人年少为由请求减轻其罪行。

19、1. He pleaded poverty in extenuation of (ie as an excuse for) the theft. ─── 他以贫穷为藉口请求为他犯的偷窃罪从轻量刑.

20、Counsel pleaded the accused's age in extenuation of his actions. ─── 律师以被告年龄为由要求减轻其行为过错。

21、elastic extenuation ─── 弹性衰减

22、16.Counsel pleaded the accused's age in extenuation of his actions. ─── 律师以被告年龄为由要求减轻其行为过错.

23、He always said the same thing in extenuation of the circumstance. ─── 他老说这句话来打圆场。

24、The lawyer pleaded his client's youth in extenuation of the crime. ─── 律师以其当事人年少为由请求减轻其罪行。

25、We will be guilty of criminal negligence, without extenuation, if we permit future famines. ─── 如果我们允许未来的饥荒发生,我们就是在犯罪,而且没有什么能减轻我们的罪责。

26、juridical extenuation ─── [法] 裁判上减轻

27、But if today they are merging, is this not due to the progressive extenuation of their reality principle, of their distinctive characteristics, their specific energies? ─── 但是如果今天他们正在融合,难道这不是由于由于他们的真实原则的前进显得轻微,他们的有特色的特性,他们的特有的能源吗?

28、Their works are done as an apology or extenuation of their living in the world, ----as invalids and the insane pay a high board. ─── 他们以赔罪减责为生,就像身心伤残者靠支付高额膳宿费(来赎罪)。

29、But do what he would, and seek what extenuation he would, he was certainly forced to fall back upon this: the man was a convict; ─── 无论他怎么处理,无论找什么减罪的情节,最后仍不得不回到这一点:这是一个苦役犯。

30、We are not concerned with an act of homicide committed on a sudden impulse which might serve as extenuation. ─── 这个人,先生们,这个人是很聪明的。

31、extenuation of a crime ─── [法] 减轻罪行

32、"But Arthur Dimmesdale! Were such a man once more to fall, what plea could be urged in extenuation of his crime?" ─── 但阿瑟·丁梅斯代尔可不同!倘使象他这样一个人再次堕落的话,还能为减轻罪行作何辩白呢?

33、It must be remembered, in extenuation of this primitive young woman, that she held these opinions in an age of general darkness. ─── 我们必须为这些幼稚无知的姑娘开脱一下,她是在一个普遍蒙昧的时代就持有这些看法了。

34、Extenuation or mitigation of the penalty ─── 减轻罪行或减轻刑罚

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