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08-16 投稿


depreciate 发音

英:[d??pri??ie?t]  美:[d??pri??ie?t]

英:  美:

depreciate 中文意思翻译




depreciate 网络释义

vt. 使贬值;贬低;轻视vi. 贬值;轻视;贬低

depreciate 反义词

appraise | evaluate |appreciate | estimate | value

depreciate 词性/词形变化,depreciate变形


depreciate 短语词组

1、depreciate thesaurus ─── 贬低词库

2、depreciate in value ─── 贬值,跌价

3、depreciate means ─── 折旧方法

4、depreciate antonym ─── 贬低反义词

5、depreciate synonyms ─── 贬低同义词

depreciate 同义词

cheapen | vilipend | decline | lessen | disparage | underestimate |deflate | dishonor | impute | run down | belittle | denigrate | deteriorate | lower | undervalue | downgrade | deprecate | alloy | criticize | devaluate | devalue | dis

depreciate 相似词语短语

1、appreciate ─── vt.欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别;vi.增值;涨价

2、depreciated ─── 轻视

3、depreciates ─── vt.使贬值;贬低;轻视;vi.贬值;轻视;贬低

4、depreciator ─── 折旧器

5、deprecate ─── vt.反对;抨击;轻视;声明不赞成

6、depreciative ─── adj.蔑视的;贬值的

7、depreciable ─── adj.可蔑视的;可贬值的

8、deprecates ─── vt.反对;抨击;轻视;声明不赞成

9、deprecated ─── vt.强烈反对,抨击;对……表示不赞成;贬低(deprecate的过去式和过去分词)

depreciate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To promote retail, undertake at the same time still have depreciate. ─── 为了促进零售,同时进行的还有降价。

2、We depreciate the product price to achieve greater market share. ─── 为了获得更大的市场份额,我们降低了产品价格。

3、Inorder to resolve some problems in the reality and political matters, Choson Korea took some steps to revere Ming and depreciate Qing. ─── 他们对于正统论的论述,依从朱熹的思想,且只关心中国历史上王朝的正统性,而不关心其本国历史上王朝的正统性。

4、And we usually depreciate our machinery in ten years,so it still has three-fifths of the original value. ─── 我们这里的设备折旧率一般为十年,所以它还值原来价值的五分之三。

5、Do not answer to this kind of innocent accusation, which depreciate yourself. ─── 不要回应这种无聊的指控而贬低自己。

6、depreciate financing ─── 折旧融资

7、Envy is blind and kows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others.--Titus Livins Livy, Ancient Rooman historia ─── 嫉妒是瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外,什么也不知。古罗马历史学家李维

8、New cars start to depreciate as soon as they are on the road. ─── 新车一上路就开始贬值。

9、Shares continued to depreciate on the stock markets today. ─── 今日股市股价继续下跌。

10、The first sight, everything depreciate you in my eyes. ─── 初次见面,我就那么轻视你。

11、"Suppose countries X and Y have equal purchasing power in year 1 and no inflation. In year 2, inflation jumps to 10 % in country X. according to PPP, country X's exchange rate would in time depreciate by 10 %. " ─── 假定x、Y两国在一年内购买力相等,且没有通货膨胀。在第二年中,x国的通货膨胀了10%,根据购买力平价,X国的汇率将下降10%。

12、For some, a twinge of unease or guilt that they aren't doing something more productive may also accompany and depreciate the enjoyment of prolonged viewing.Researchers in Japan, the U. ─── 对某些人而言,把时间全花在看电视,其他什麽事也没做,令他们良心不安,因此减低了长时间看电视的乐趣。

13、During use before abandonment, the company should depreciate the asset so that at disposal or abandonment, its carrying value equals its salvage value. ─── 在放弃前的使用时候,公司应该贬值资产以便在处理或放弃,它的运送价值等于它的海难救援价值。

14、The right-minded neither exalt nor depreciate the mind of the miracle worker or the miracle receiver. ─── 具有正见者既不会高估施行奇迹的人,也不会低估领受奇迹的人。

15、Fixed assets include land, plant, buildings and furniture. Assets such as plant and equipment that over time wear out or become outdated are said to depreciate. ─── 固定资产包括:土地,工厂,建筑和内部家具机器等。类似工厂和设备经年累月会损坏和过时,这个被称作折旧。

16、Depreciate or Amortize - An accounting procedure that gradually reduces the book value of an asset through periodic charges to income. ─── 折旧或摊销?一种逐渐减少某固定资产的帐面价值并定期在收入中抵扣的会计程序。

17、After entering a life, not only foreign car can depreciate substantially, and homebred car also will active ground or be forced the ground depreciates. ─── 入世后,不仅国外轿车会大幅度降价,而且国产轿车也将主动地或被迫地降价。

18、I really glad that I went to the workshop, it tell me a fact: Regardless if you like or dont like, if you dont add in some value to yourself, you will depreciate, just like money. ─── 感谢我去上理财的讲座,它让我认清一个事实:不管你喜不喜欢,你都要知道如果你不给自己增值,那么你就会贬值.好象钱一样.

19、China makes Xu Jianfeng of network vice president think, these are not true depreciate, "The service that because these depreciating,the product provides is relatively fewer also. ─── 中国制造网副总裁许剑峰认为,这些并不是真正的降价,“因为这些降价产品提供的服务也相对更少。

20、Make investment finally when investor when acceptance, can give the lower estimate before trading the value normally also or it is to depreciate financing. ─── 当投资者最终做出投资承诺时,通常会给予更低的交易前估值亦或是降价融资。

21、We must not depreciate the work she has done. ─── 我们不应该看轻她所完成的工作。

22、A 16.5yuan combo named "day to day valued combo"will be served,the highest depreciate rate of these four combos is 32.6%,even lower than 10 years ago in price. ─── 推出名为16.5元“天天超值套餐”举措,四款套餐最高降幅达32.6%,价格甚至比10年前还要低。

23、We should not depreciate what he has done. ─── 我们不应该轻视他所做的事。

24、They have chosen one kind of bad long-term property, this kind of property will not cause them to obtain benefits, will definitely depreciate. ─── 他们选择了一种糟糕的长期资产,这种资产不会使他们获益,而且肯定会贬值。

25、We mustn't depreciate their achievements. ─── 我们不可蔑视他们的成就。

26、Don't depreciate what I have done. ─── 不要轻视我做出的努力。

27、Does Dialogic depreciate what to mean?Show its value Chinese market?Show its felt the pressure that comes from domestic manufacturer?Perhaps this is an introduction only. ─── Dialogic降价意味着什么?表明其看好中国市场?表明其感受到了来自国内厂商的压力?也许这只是一个引子。

28、It is no benefic to depreciate all the products. ─── 把所有的产品都降价出售没有什么好处。

29、At the end of the day, the decision is for China itself to make.No country is in the position to pressurize the Chinese side to appreciate or depreciate the RMB. ─── 但是,这是由我们自己决定的,任何国家不能对人民币升值或贬值施加压力。

30、All the works of man have their origin in creative fantasy. What right have we then to depreciate imagination. ─── 人类的所有成就都源于创造性幻想。那么我们没有权利轻视想象力。

31、If you buy a new car, it will rapidly depreciate in value. ─── 如果你买一部新车,它的价值会迅速的贬值。

32、We should not depreciate the value of justice. ─── 我们不该低估正义的价值。

33、But it is not stable to combine low yields, high deficits and governments that are happy to see their currencies depreciate. ─── 但是,要把低借贷、高额赤字和乐见其货币贬值的政府三者统一起来的话,是不大可能的。

34、A more subtle way of getting rid of at least part of your foreign debt is to allow your currency to depreciate. ─── 逃避至少一部分国外债务的一个更为精辟的方式是让本国货币贬值。

35、As it is land that appreciates, whilst buildings generally depreciate in value, this is an excellent point to keep in mind when buying. ─── 因为土地总是升值的,而建筑通常是贬值的,这是你购买时要注意的一点。

36、Even if the renminbi appreciates against other main currencies on a weighted average basis, it may depreciate against a particular currency, depending upon developments in the cross exchange rates. ─── 即使以加权平均数计人民币兑其他主要货币上升,但视乎交叉汇率走势而定,人民币兑某特定货币仍可能下跌。

37、My friend( glancing at Mr Bowen) told me on our way here that most garments makers here in the States depreciate their machinery in just five years. ─── 我的朋友(了一下伯恩先生)来这儿的路上告诉我,大多数美国成衣商的设备折旧率仅为五年。

38、But finalized the forward price without the capital to appear earlier this week recedes and holds steadily, suggested that the exchange rate or will depreciate temperately. ─── 但无本金交割远期价格本周早些时候出现回落并持稳,暗示汇率或将温和贬值。

39、In the short term, the US Dollar could continue to depreciate against the Sterling and Euro, but these currencies look increasingly expensive on valuation terms. ─── 在短期内,美元对英镑和欧元可能继续贬值,但这些货币的估值越来越贵。

40、Hope breathed data can reveal the secret of a few change, let what consumer faces a wave depreciate mad tide, undertake the car is consumed sensibly decision-making. ─── 希望无声的数据能泄露一些变化的秘密,让消费者面对一波波的降价狂潮,理智地进行汽车消费决策。

41、Whether if the currency invested will appreciate or depreciate against the Singapore dollar in the next 3 years. ─── 在未来3年,投资所使用的货币兑新元是升值,还是贬值。

42、They keep very few "Paper" Ruby at home or bank.Doesn't destabilize their economy if Ruby appreciate or depreciate. ─── 如果这样就可行的话,一个世界超级大国还需要对不同意识形态地区发动军事纠正来控制财富在分配吗。

43、When many neighboring countries devalued their currencies by a large margin, we weighed the pros and cons and decided not to depreciate the Renminbi. ─── 在周边许多国家货币大幅度贬值的情况下,我们权衡利弊,坚持人民币不贬值。

44、At the end of the day, this decision is for China itself to make, no country is in a position to pressurize the Chinese side to appreciate or depreciate the RMB. ─── 但是,这是由市场和我们自己决定的,任何国家不能对人民币升值或贬值施加压力。

45、The house began to depreciate the moment be bought. ─── 房子从被买下的那一瞬间起价值就开始下跌。

46、But many analysts predict the greenback might depreciate substantially in the coming years because of the ailing US economy. ─── 但是许多分析家预测,由于美国经济萧条,明年美元可能会贬值相当严重。

47、In order to satisfy the needs and depreciate the iatrical cost, we need a kind of cardiogram detecting system which can communicate with the PC as to use its powerful calculation. ─── 为了满足对心电监护设备的需求,降低医疗成本,需要一种能与 PC 机进行通信和数据传输、利用 PC 机强大运算能力的心电检测系统。

48、Don't depreciate my efforts to help/what I have done. ─── 不要轻视我为帮忙所付出的努力[我已做的事

49、They have opted for a terrible long-term asset, one that pays virtually nothing and is certain to depreciate in value. ─── 他们选择了一项可怕的长期资产,一种实际上没有付出任何代价但肯定会贬值的资产。

50、My friend(glancing at Mr Bowen)told me on our way here that most garments makers here in the States depreciate their machinery in just five years. ─── 我的朋友(看了一下伯恩先生)在来这儿的路上告诉我,大多数美国成衣商的设备折旧率仅为五年。

51、If properly handled and protected , wood furniture does not depreciate in value . ─── 如果精心经销与保护,木制家具不会价格下跌。

52、Rapid growth in the supply of a national money tends to depreciate that currency in foreign-exchange markets ─── 一国货币供应量的迅速增长会促使这种货币在外汇市场上跌价。

53、Nothing would have been better designed to promote European neutralism or to depreciate the value of alliances . ─── 没有什么比这更能助长欧洲的中立主义或贬低联盟的价值了。

54、Envy is blind and kows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others. Titus Livins Livy, Ancient Rooman historian ─── 嫉妒是瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外,什么也不知。古罗马历史学家

55、If you neglect this property, it will depreciate. ─── 如果你忽视这份资产,它无形中就贬值了。

56、Depreciate When Placed in Service ─── 启用时折旧

57、Tolerate good-hearted, again excellent person too and over the feeling will also depreciate, wanting romance not necessarily so, the most romantic matter loves only you a person nothing but ─── 宽容有爱心,再优秀的人过于滥情也会贬值,不见得要浪漫,最浪漫的事无非是心里只有你一个人

58、The property will depreciate in value if not kept in repairs. ─── 房产若不勤于整修则会折旧减值。

59、"In my eyes, and all those who have read it with anything like impartiality, it is a review driven by an almost manic desire to bad-mouth and perversely depreciate anything of value," he wrote. ─── “不仅是我,任何不抱有偏见的人读到这篇书评,都会觉得此文充斥着一股近乎狂暴的执念,因而满是刻毒的言辞;并且一棍子打死了全部有价值的内容。”

60、Had the queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. ─── 如果示巴女王也住在天井对面的公寓里,总有一天德拉会把头发披散下来,露出窗外晾干,使那女王的珍珠宝贝黯然失色;

61、Given sluggish domestic demand, most countries in the developed world would like to see their currencies depreciate. ─── 由于国内需求的低迷,大多数发达国家将愿意看到他们的货币贬值。

62、The IMF will often ask these nations to take steps to decrease their imports of perhaps depreciate their currencies ─── 国际货币基金组织往往要求这些国家采取措施减少进口,或者将他们的货币贬值。

63、non- depreciate rate ─── 不贬值汇率

64、"Ah, depreciate other persons' dinners; you ministers give such splendid ones." ─── “今年狂欢节我在罗马。”“那我们知道。”波尚说道。“是的,但你们却不知道我曾被强盗绑票过。”“根本没有强盗这种东西。”德布雷答道。

65、Moreover, in her efforts to praise Ellen and depreciate May, due to her unconscious acceptance of patriarchal mode of thinking, she also forms another series of binary oppositions. ─── 另一方面,山于她无意识中对父权思维模式的接受,在她的女性人物的塑造中,也出现了一系列的二元对立。

66、8.We all agreed that he used the pretence to account for any disappointment he could not conceal, rather than he would blame the real cause of it, or disparage or depreciate any one. ─── 我们都认为他宁可利用这种借口来说明他无法掩藏他那失望的心情,而不愿追究失望的真正原因,也不愿轻视或讥笑任何人。

67、It will just depreciate its way out of the current mess. ─── 它就是要通过贬值来走出目前的困境。

68、Envy is blind and knows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others. ─── 嫉妒是瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外,什么也不知。

69、The question has often been asked: "Will China need to depreciate its currency,the Renminbi". ─── 人们经常问:“中国是否需要把人民币贬值?”

70、Don' t depreciate my efforts to help / what I have done. ─── 不要轻视我为帮忙所付出的努力[我已做的事].

71、We have explained that plant assets such as buildings and equipment depreciate because of physical deterioration or obsolescence. ─── 我们已经解释了建筑物、设备等固定资产因为实物损耗或过时而折旧。

72、Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have lat her hair hang out the widow some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. ─── 如果希巴女皇住在气窗对面的公寓,德拉总会有一天把头发悬在窗外去晾干,只是为了使那位皇后的珠宝和首饰相形见绌。

73、The house begins to depreciate. ─── 房价开始下跌。

74、As for the teachers, some of them depreciate moral education or lack the devotion to education career and students. ─── 教师方面问题是轻视德育,缺乏对教育事业和学生的热爱,没有正确的学生观。

75、"H'm hum, if you have already get married 50 year never divorce over, and that very day return, depreciate 20%." ─── “嗯哼,如果您已经结婚50年没离过婚,并且当天返回,减价20%。”

76、There were calls for allowing the exchange rate to depreciate, in order to enhance competitiveness and, through higher import prices, get deflation out of the system. ─── 当时有人提出让汇率贬值以增强香港的竞争力,并透过较高的进口价格来消除通缩。

77、I expect the USD to depreciate with the softening US housing market, not because the overall US economy will slow sharply, but because investors are fixated on that sector and are likely to overreact. ─── 我之所以预计美元将会随着美国房屋市场软着陆而贬值,不是因为美国经济将会急剧减速,而是因为,投资者将会注意到那个部门,并有可能反应过度。

78、Shares continued to depreciate on the stock markets today. ─── 今日股市股价继续下跌。

79、It was unjustifiable for people to mock and depreciate it by writing works in order to beautify prosperous age and please lords' by praising their exploits. ─── 人们往往以点缀盛世、悦君主的歌功颁德之作来讥贬,是不公正的。

80、Consequently, it is inappropriate either to depreciate it or to overrate it. ─── 因此,对于道家生态智慧既不能简单地贬低和否定,也不能过于拔高。

81、Don't depreciate my efforts. ─── 不要轻视我的努力。

82、Suffer financial crisis effect, exit is atrophic, alibaba must depreciate sales promotion, in order to maintain the growth of supplier client. ─── 受金融危机影响,出口萎缩,阿里巴巴必须降价促销,以维持供应商客户的增长。

83、Rapid growth in the supply of a national money tends to depreciate that currency in foreign-exchange markets. ─── 一国货币供应量的迅速增长会促使这种货币在外汇市场上跌价。

84、Automobile market in the second half of year: new car come into the market and cars depreciate ─── 下半年车市:新车上市汽车降价

85、Firms would be allowed to deduct immediately the cost of all spending on long-term equipment rather than depreciate it over time. ─── 公司将被允许立即减少所有长期装备的支出成本,而不是待其贬值。

86、I was observing you both when you were walking in the garden, and, on my honor, without at all wishing to depreciate the beauty of Mademoiselle Danglars, I cannot understand how any man can really love her." ─── 你们在花园里散步的时候,我把你们两个人都观察了一番,凭良心说,虽然我丝毫不想故意贬低腾格拉尔小姐的美,但我没法理解有什么男子能真的爱她。”

87、Their cultural displays are that the culture depreciate,the value tendency becomes common customs,legal sense become indifferent and so on. ─── 失业人员引发社会治安问题的文化表现主要是文化贬值、价值取向世俗化、法制意识淡薄等。

88、Some musicologists depreciate Liszt's compositions. ─── 一些音乐学家贬低李斯特的作品。

89、Envy is blind and kows nothing except how to depreciate the excellence of others. ─── 嫉妒是瞎子,除了贬低别人的优点之外,什么也不知。古罗马历史学家李维。

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