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08-16 投稿


amplified 发音

英:[??mpl?fa?d]  美:[??mpl?fa?d]

英:  美:

amplified 中文意思翻译



amplified 词性/词形变化,amplified变形

过去式:amplified 原型:amplify 过去分词:amplified

amplified 短语词组

1、amplified gesture ─── 放大手势

2、amplified back bias ─── [电] 放大反X压

3、amplified agc ─── [电] 放大自动增益控制

4、amplified a.v.c. ─── [电] 放大式自动音量控制

5、amplified it ─── 放大了它

6、amplified science ─── 放大科学

7、amplified lipstick ─── 放大唇膏

8、amplified interpretation ─── [法] 扩大解释, 引伸的解释

9、amplified bible ─── 放大圣经

10、amplified bible free ─── 放大圣经免费

11、amplified parts ─── 放大部分

12、amplified factor ─── [化] 放大倍率

amplified 相似词语短语

1、unamplified ─── 非放大的

2、amplifier ─── n.[电子]放大器,扩大器;扩音器

3、amplifies ─── vt.放大,扩大;增强;详述;vi.详述

4、exemplified ─── vt.例证;例示

5、ammonified ─── v.使……氨化;加氨,加氨于……

6、simplified ─── adj.简化了的;v.简化,精简(simplify的过去式和过去分词)

7、amplifiers ─── n.[电子]放大器,增强剂(amplifier的复数);功放

8、alkalified ─── v.(使)成碱化

9、anglified ─── v.使英语化;使英国化(anglify的过去式和过去分词)

amplified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To determine which transmembrane domain could locate PF40 in the ER, 4 truncated PF40 fragments were amplified by PCR and fused with gfp. ─── 为了确定PF40的内质网定位区段,构建了pf40的4个不同长度的缺失片段(f12、f14、f56、f36)与报告基因gfp连接的植物表达载体,由农杆菌介导转化烟草。

2、The ermA and ermC genes were amplified by PCR. ─── PCR检测与诱导型克林霉素耐药相关的ermA、ermC基因。

3、The recombinant plasmid was packaged and amplified after being transfected in HEK293 cells through Lipofectamine. ─── 利用脂质体介导重组腺病毒载体转染HEK293细胞,包装出完整的腺病毒;

4、Homology analysis indicated that the amplified gene had 88% homology with IAG52A gene. ─── 同源比较分析显示,扩增的iagFJ9基因与已知的小瓜虫抑动蛋白基因IAG52A基因具有88%同源率。

5、She amplified on her remarks with drawings and figures. ─── 她通过图画和数字进一步阐发她的话。

6、Moreover, such a simple logic can be iterated and amplified, since all neurons work on a similar principle of connecting and sharing. ─── 此外,既然所有的神经元的连接和分享原理都大同小异,这种简单逻辑可以重复和放大。

7、C3d-P28 coding gene was amplified by PCR. ─── 将PCR获得的补体C3d-P28 DNA序列以头尾串连的方式构建四聚体。

8、He amplified his remark with a graph showing the latest sales figures. ─── 他用一张标有最新销售数字的图表进一步阐述自己的意见。

9、The troops were amplified to protect the garrison. ─── 兵力增强了,以保卫驻地。

10、VP0, VP1andVP3 gene of AEV-VRE9 strain was individually amplified and cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector. ─── 分别扩增AEV-VRE_9 Vp0、Vp1、Vp3基因,将扩增的Vp0、Vp1、vp3基因分别克隆到pGEM-T Easy载体中。

11、He amplified his new findings wiht drawing and figure. ─── 他用图表和数字进一步阐述他新近的发现。

12、In addition, the amplified IL-15 cDNA fragment from plasmid pBS-IL15 was digested with BamH I and cloned into EcoR I (filled in)/BamH I pBV220 vector. ─── 另外,将经BamHI酶切的IL-15cDNA扩增片断与经EcoRI酶切、补平、再经BamHI酶切的pBV220载体相连,构建成重组质粒pBVB-IL15。

13、The effect can, accordingly, be amplified by reflecting the light back and forth a few times through the sample. ─── 因此,把光在样品中来回反射数次,就可以把效应加强。

14、He amplified on his remarks with drawings and figures . ─── 他用图表详细地解释他的话。

15、No. These terms need to be amplified. ─── 不,这些用语尚待说明。

16、The genome of NS5A and HVR1 region were amplified by the methods of Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction ( RT - PCR). ─── HCV HVR1及NS5A基因片断扩增:采用巢式逆转录聚合酶链反应法(RT-PCR)。

17、A total of 317 DNA fragments were amplified using 20 primers among 6 species in genus carya. ─── POPGEN32软件分析显示:山核桃属6种植物间,遗传距离最小为0.2216,存在于山核桃和湖南山核桃之间,表明二者亲缘关系最近;

18、A 1.13kb part of the BCR promotor region was amplified and sequenced from 30 CML patients and 19 controls. ─── BCR基因启动子区用PCR方法扩增了1.13 kb的序列范围,通过测序的方法获得了30例CML和19例对照的启动子区序列。

19、Title: Establishment and optimization of reaction system of random amplified polymorphic DNA in Carthamus tinctorius L. ─── 关键词:红花;随机扩增多态性DNA;反应体系;构建

20、If the front edge of the front - end shaped pulse is sloping, the approximately flat-top pulse after amplified can be obtained. ─── 如果前端整形脉冲前沿为斜坡状,放大后可以得到近平顶的脉冲。

21、A fragment of 1 011 bp was amplified,and sequence analysis showed it had a 98% homology with Leptospira kirschneri. ─── PCR扩增出1 011 bp大小的目的片段,序列分析显示它与Leptospira kirschneri的LipL41基因成熟肽序列同源性高达98%。

22、But there was no doubting the shock, especially when it was amplified three days later by an even bigger no from the Dutch. ─── 但这无疑是一大震动,尤其当三天后荷兰以更多票数否决该草案使事情扩大化。

23、The 3FLAG-Id3 fusion gene was amplified from p3FLAG-Id3-CMV-10 vector and subcloned into retroviral vector pMX-CITE/IRES-EGFP. ─── 以p3FLAG-Id3-CMV-10为模板,用PCR扩增3FLAG-Id3融合基因,将其亚克隆至逆转录病毒载体pMX-C ITE/IRES-EGFP中;

24、It is also used to export amplified sound to recording devices including recordable CDs and tape cassette systems. ─── 它还用于将放大的声音输出到录音设备中,包括可写式CD和盒式磁带系统。

25、The cDNA of the S4 gene frame of DRV-YB was(amplified) by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction,cloned into pMDT-18 vector and sequenced. ─── 将S4cDNA克隆到PMD18-T载体上,并进行了鉴定和核苷酸序列测定。

26、In this research, there are 73 alleles were amplified by 14 SSR primers and with the mean of 5.2. ─── 14对SSR引物共扩增出73个等位变异,平均每时引物扩增出5.2个等位变异。

27、H1/H2 can amplified genomic DNA from both Arthrobacter ilicis and R. . tritici, but no product was amplified from Cur. ─── H1/H2引物对可以从Arthrobacter ilicis和目标菌Rat.tritici中扩增出分子量约为400bp的产物,而Cur.

28、But there was no doubting the shock, especially when it was amplified three days later by an even bigger no from the Dutch. ─── 但这无疑是一大震动,尤其当三天后荷兰以更多票数否决该草案使事情扩大化。

29、Amplified Invisibility. Attack once and stay unseen. ─── 增强隐形术:在第一次攻击之後仍保持隐形。

30、When the HER2 gene is amplified, HER2 is overexpressed, increasing cell growth and reproduction and often resulting in more aggressive tumor cells. ─── HER2基因放大,HER2就会表达过度,增加细胞生长繁殖,并经常导致更多的攻击性肿瘤细胞。

31、The result showed that the fragments amplified by ? TA/M-CTC, E-AT/M-CTA and ? ACT/M-CAT were 140bp, 199bp and 408bp in length. ─── 将差异片段进行回收、克隆及测序分析,结果表明三种引物组合E-TA/M-CTC、E-AT/M-CTA、E-ACT/M-CAT扩增的差异片段分别为140bp、199bp、408bp。

32、From the point of view of piano technique we group scales and arpeggios together, since arpeggios are essentially magnified, amplified scales. ─── 从钢琴弹奏法这个观点来看,因为琶音从本质上来说是基础的放大,是放大了的音阶,所在我们将音阶与琶音放到了一起。

33、The resulting products, now enriched for differentially expressed genes, were PCR amplified using primers that matched the sequence of the adapters. ─── 将PCR产物用Qiagen胶提试剂盒纯化,连接到PT7Blue T vector(Novagen),做序列分析,并用GCG软件在基因库中比较;

34、The performance impact of various workload characteristics and their interrelationships are amplified in such environments. ─── 在这样的环境中,多种工作负载及工作负载之间的关系对性能的影响被放大了。

35、HVR1 was amplified in 61 patients. ─── 61例HVR1SSCP阳性 ,HCV准种数目为 (6 2± 2 4)条。

36、The music was amplified with microphones. ─── 那音乐被麦克风扩大了。

37、The sequence of PCR amplified product was completely matched the related sequence of SARS coronavirus gene. ─── PCR扩增产物经测序证明与SARS冠状病毒基因序列完全一致。

38、But the cerl lines with amplified N-myc usually failed to respond to NGF. ─── 但对有N-myc扩增的神经母细胞瘤则可能因NGF受体缺乏而无明显促分化反应。

39、A leader is amplified in significance beyond all reason. ─── 一个领袖的重要性被不合理地夸大了。

40、When each error are cumulated, is it amplified so as not to accept. ─── 单个模块的误差累积起来,是否会放大,从而达到不能接受的程度。

41、The amplified strings require less energy to produce a rich resonant sound. ─── 声音被放大了,在琴弦上反需用很小的力量,就能产生丰满的、共鸣音响。

42、The genomic DNA of porcine parvovirus (PPV) Z strain cultured with PK15 cells was extracted and its NS1 gene was amplified and sequenced. ─── 从猪细小病毒Z株提取基因组DNA ,利用PCR扩增部分基因 ,并对该扩增片段进行测序与分析。

43、Acoustics - Requirements relative to noise level limiting devices intended for use in premises where amplified music is produced. ─── 声学。音乐播放声音可放大的房屋中使用的噪声级限制设备的要求。

44、He amplified on his speciality . ─── 他详述了他的专业。

45、Properties of Amplified Spontaneous Emission (ASE) of the phosphate glass waveguide laser pumped by LD at 980nm are also studied in detail. ─── 利用数值分析的方法模拟了980nm二极管激光器抽运时激光器的放大自发辐射(ASE)特性。

46、The segments amplified with 3 cpDNA and 3 mtDNA universal primers were digested by 15 restriction endonucleases. ─── 3个叶绿体和3个线粒体通用引物扩增出的片段,用15种限制性内切酶对其进行酶切。

47、The zot gene encoding Zonula occludens toxin was amplified from classic Vibrio cholerae genomic DNA by PCR. ─── 从霍乱疫苗菌中抽提基因组DNA,用PCR的方法扩增zot基因。

48、However,false-positives can not be avoided when bacterial ribosomal RNA gene was amplified with universal primers. ─── 但是,在使用通用引物扩增细菌基因时,假阳性很难避免。

49、The other was deflation, which amplified the effects of the existing tariff and the Smoot-Hawley increases. ─── 另一个因素是通货紧缩,通缩放大了现行关税及斯姆特-霍利法案所增加之关税对经济产生的影响。

50、In last year,the wheat planted in this area has amplified to three of fifth in total region. ─── 去年,这个地区种小麦土地面积增加到全地区耕地面积的五分之三。

51、There is some unexplained shouting and the tinny, amplified voice of a woman who seems to be warning people to stay indoors. ─── 耳边时常还转来莫名的叫喊和透过扩音器所发出的尖细的女性声音——她似乎警告人们,要呆在室内不要外出。

52、He amplified his remarks with drawings and figures. ─── 他用图示和数字进一步阐明他讲的话。

53、There's no necessity to tell about all combinations, they are the same as the IFV Combos, except the majority are amplified in range and damage. ─── 其他组合没有必要说了,都和IFV组合是一样的,除了射程和伤害的提高以外。

54、The genetic relationships of 64 Chinese date cultivars were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA(RAPD). ─── 利用RAPD技术对枣 64个品种及类型的遗传变异进行了研究。

55、The size of the amplified PCR product was 822 bp. ─── PCR扩增片段大小为822bp,最小检测量为1080个HPs。

56、A total of 181 clear and repeatable bands were amplified from 27 selected RAPD primers, and 101 alleles were detected from 29 SSR primer pairs. ─── 27个筛选的RAPD引物扩增出181条清晰可重复的带,29对SSR引物探测出101个位点。

57、A total of 92 DNA bands were amplified, 61 of which were polymorphic and the percent of polymorphic bands (PPB) was 66.30%. ─── 共获得92条清晰条带,其中61条具有多态性,多态条带比(PPB)66.3%。

58、The amplified VL and VH genes of 5E1 was 420 bp and 426 bp,respectively. ─── 5E1VL基因全长420bp,VH基因全长426bp;

59、Dessler has amplified on his paper. ─── 赛尔在他的论文中作了详述。

60、Abnormal single strand bands were found in the amplified fra gments as well of exon 1of EDAgene in t he patients as well as their mothers,the carriers. ─── EDA致病基因(EDA1基因)外显子1的PCR产物经SSCP分析显示,患者及其携带者母亲出现异常单链条带。

61、He amplified ( on ) his new findings with drawings and figures. ─── 他用图表和数字进一步阐明他新近的发现。

62、Beta2-toxin gene was amplified from chromosomal DNA of Clostridium perfringens type C by polymerase chain reaction(PCR). ─── 利用PCR技术,从C型产气荚膜梭菌染色体基因组中扩增了0。

63、A specific amplified DNA fragment was obtained from cytoplasmic male sterility line "CMS3411?7" of Chinese cabbage using RAPD technique. ─── 利用RAPD技术从大白菜细胞质雄性不育系CMS3411-7的DNA中得到1个特异扩增片段CMSO-PL01670,进一步以该片段为探针进行Dot和Southern杂交证实了该片段为不育系所特有。

64、Also used for general STOP VALVE symbol when amplified by specification. ─── 如果有进一步的说明,也可用作通用的停止阀。

65、Intolerant speech is often amplified and impossible to retract. ─── 偏执的言论往往会被扩大,达到无法收回的地步。

66、Through the remainder of the morning and early afternoon, she updated and amplified the earlier material. ─── 在上午余下的时间和下午上半段时间里,她对早先的材料作了进一步修改和扩充。

67、They ran from building to building, pulling doors off or prying up roofs, calling in amplified voices. ─── 它们从一座建筑跑到另一座建筑,扯掉大门或者掀开屋顶,用经过放大的声音不断地呼唤。

68、Even minute amounts of DNA can now be amplified, using the POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION, to provide sufficient material for genetic fingerprinting. ─── 即使仅获得很少量的DNA也可使用聚合酶链式反应来扩增以提供足够的材料进行遗传指纹分析。

69、We cannot predict what we might achieve when our own minds are amplified by AI. ─── 当我们自己的思想被人工智能放大时,我们无法预测我们可能会取得什么成就。

70、He amplified on this subject. ─── 他详细论述了这个问题。

71、He amplified his remarks with a graph showing the latest sales figures. ─── 他用一张标有最新销售数字的图标进一步阐述自己的意见。

72、Amplified of the green fluent protein (GFP) gene from plasmid PCR3.1, and add suitable restriction enzyme cutting site. ─── 从含有gfp基因的质粒pCR3.1上扩增出全长基因,并且加上合适的酶切位点。

73、There were some different amplified results between the two groups of shrimp with primers OPF - 09, OPZ -11. ─── 在OPF-09、OPZ-11两个引物的扩增结果中,发现两个亲本群体及其子代有差异标记。

74、Herpes simplex virus glycoprotien D gene was amplified from HSV 2 Sav strain. The D gene fragment was cloned into M13mp18 and M13mp19 and sequenced. ─── 从单纯疱疹病毒2型(HSV?2)Sav株中扩增糖蛋白D(gD)基因646bp片段,克隆入M13mp18、M13mp19测序载体。

75、Touch your face with your hands to see how the Light of your Third Eye is amplified by the touch of your hands. . . ─── 透过你们的双手去感受、用你们的双手抚摸你们的脸庞并看着你们第三眼的光芒被放大。

76、He amplified the whole course of the incident. ─── 他详述了事件的全过程。

77、The genes of ermA,ermB,ermC,msrA,mecA,and icaA were amplified by PCR. ─── 对ermA、ermB、ermC、msrA、mecAi、caA基因进行PCR扩增;

78、The fact that he is a very persuasive and influential person amplified all of he problems that he was causing among the other employees. ─── 他以非常有说服力和影响力的事实扩大了他在其他员工间引起的问题。

79、Synergy can be created, and the results generated can be amplified. ─── 不仅可以创造综效,而且产生的效果还可能加倍。

80、The screaming baby amplified his headache. ─── 嚎啕大哭的婴儿令他更加头疼。

81、The sounds are amplified using a variety of microphon es. ─── 他们使用各式各样的麦克风来放大乐器的声音。

82、In a healthy sharing environment, any evidence of injustice can get amplified to get the public's attention. ─── 在健康的分享环境中,任何有关社会不公的证据都将被放大,进而获得公众的关注。

83、According to the capacity of isopropyl benzene oxidation reaction in Yansan chemical factory, the airlift reactor in our laboratory is amplified. ─── 将实验室规模的气升式反应器依照燕山化工二厂异丙苯氧化反应的生产能力进行了放大。

84、When sound is amplified , it can be heard a greater distance . ─── 声音一放大,可能听得更远。

85、The reward of success will be much amplified if the path leading towards it is treacherous, and vice versa. ─── 如果成功的道路曲折艰辛,那么其报酬也就更加丰厚,反之亦然。

86、As positive control, the DNA of muscle and skins of Muntiacus crinifrons were extracted and amplified respectively. ─── 同时提取黑麂肌肉和皮毛样品的DNA作为对照。

87、The completed VP 2 gene was amplified from PPV RFDNA by PCR method. Then the products were cloned into pMD18-T vector and the sequence was determined. ─── 利用PCR技术从猪细小病毒的RFDNA模板中扩增了含有VP2 全基因的 2 0kb的基因片段 ,将PCR产物克隆至 pMD18 T载体 ,利用双脱氧末端终止法测定了VP2 全基因的核苷酸序列。

88、B.thuringiensis can be identified according to 500bp amplified fragment. ─── 500 bp片段可以作为苏云金芽孢杆菌鉴定探针。

89、The genomic DNA was extracted from the selective cultures and the GL-7-ACA acylase gene was directly amplified by PCR technique. ─── 从土壤的选择性培养液中提取微生物的DNA,通过PCR的方法直接扩增成功得到GL-7-ACA酰化酶基因。

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