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08-16 投稿


hermaphroditism 发音

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英:  美:

hermaphroditism 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 雌雄同体性


hermaphroditism 词性/词形变化,hermaphroditism变形

异体字: hermaphrodism |

hermaphroditism 短语词组

1、complex hermaphroditism ─── [医] 复合两性畸形

2、complex male hermaphroditism ─── [医] 复合男性两性畸形

3、lateral hermaphroditism ─── [医] 异侧两性畸形(一侧有一卵巢,对侧有一睾丸)

4、male hermaphroditism ─── [医] 男性两性畸形

5、hermaphroditism with excess ─── [医] 过余性两性畸形

6、false hermaphroditism ─── [医] 假两性畸形, 假半阴阳

7、neuter hermaphroditism ─── [医] 中性畸形, 无性腺畸形

8、dimidiate hermaphroditism ─── [医] 异侧两性畸形(一侧有一卵巢,对侧有一睾丸)

9、protogynous hermaphroditism ─── [医] 先女后男两性畸形(女性器官先发育,随后男性器官发育)

10、unilateral hermaphroditism ─── [医] 单侧两性畸形(一侧有卵巢和睾丸,对侧仅有卵巢或睾丸)

11、protandrous hermaphroditism ─── [医] 先男后女两性畸形(男性器官先发育,随后女性器官发育)

12、transverse hermaphroditism ─── [医] 内外异性畸形(外生殖器属一性,性腺属另一性)

13、adrenal hermaphroditism ─── [医] 肾上腺性两性畸形

14、female hermaphroditism ─── [医] 女性假两性畸形

15、true hermaphroditism ─── [医] 真两性畸形

16、bilateral hermaphroditism ─── [医] 双侧两性畸形(双侧均有睾丸与卵巢)

17、spurious hermaphroditism ─── [医] 假两性畸形, 假半阴阳

hermaphroditism 相似词语短语

1、hermaphroditical ─── 雌雄同体的

2、hermaphroditic ─── adj.两性的;雌雄同体的

3、hermaphrodite brigs ─── 双桅帆船

4、pseudohermaphroditism ─── n.[遗][医]假两性畸形

5、hermaphrodism ─── 雌雄同体性

6、hermaphroditically ─── 雌雄同体的

7、Hermaphroditus ─── n.赫马佛洛狄忒斯(赫耳墨斯和阿佛洛狄忒之子)

8、hermaphrodite ─── n.[动]雌雄同体;阴阳人;两性体;[植]雌雄同株;adj.[动]雌雄同体的

9、hermaphrodites ─── n.[动]雌雄同体;阴阳人;两性体;[植]雌雄同株;adj.[动]雌雄同体的

hermaphroditism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ObjectiveTo summarize the experience of diagnosis and treatment of true hermaphroditism. ─── 目的总结对真两性畸形的诊断和治疗经验。

2、Diagnosis and management of true hermaphroditism in children: a clinical study of 9 cases ─── 儿童真两性畸形诊断与治疗:附9例报告

3、The idea of hermaphroditism has played a significant role in Western cultural history. ─── 两性阴阳人的观念在西方文化历史中扮演著重要的角色。

4、Objective: To report a true hermaphroditism due to a teragametic chimerism and to discuss the pathogenesis of tetragametic chimerism. ─── 目的:报告1例四配子异源嵌合体导致的真两性畸形并讨论其发病机制。

5、The clinical manifestation, diagnosis and treatment of adult true hermaphroditism were discussed. ─── 结合文献对成人真两性畸形的临床表现、诊断、治疗作简要讨论。

6、Keywords true hermaphroditism;diagnosis;treatment; ─── 真两性畸形;诊断;治疗;

7、protandry Sequential hermaphroditism in which an individual transforms from male to female. ─── 雄性先熟型雌雄同体的个体,会从雄性变换成雌性。

8、Hermaphroditism (see Appendix B) is suspected based on external properties. ─── 两性畸形主要根据外生殖器来判断。

9、conservative hermaphroditism ─── 保守雌雄同性

10、Objective To explore the related issues of surgical treatment of hermaphroditism in children. ─── 摘要目的探讨两性畸形治疗中外科干预的相关问题。

11、Keywords true hermaphroditism diagnosis therapy children; ─── 真两性畸形;诊断;治疗;腹腔镜;儿童;

12、neutral hermaphroditism ─── 中性畸形, 无性腺畸形

13、Diagnosis and treatment of true hermaphroditism(Report of 13 cases) ─── 真两性畸形的诊断和治疗(附13例报告)

14、Objective This paper evaluates the importance of early diagnosis and systemic treatment of true hermaphroditism. ─── 目的探讨真两性畸形的早期正确诊断与合理治疗。

15、ovotesticular hermaphroditism ─── 真两性畸形

16、accidental hermaphroditism ─── 假雌雄同体现象

17、However, as one moves higher on the evolutionary ladder, this useful hermaphroditism becomes increasingly rare. ─── 然而,当我们将目光投向较高的进化阶梯时,发现这种有益的雌雄同体渐渐变得罕见起来。

18、complex hermaphroditism ─── [医] 复合两性畸形

19、The idea of hermaphroditism has played a significant role in Western cultural history. ─── 两性阴阳人的观念在西方文化历史中扮演着重要的角色。

20、Hermaphroditism (see Appendix B) is suspected based on external properties. ─── 两性畸形主要根据外生殖器来判断。

21、Keywords 46;XX True Hermaphroditism;SRY Gene;Diagnosis;Treatment; ─── 关键词46;XX真两性畸形;SRY基因;诊断;治疗;

22、transverse hermaphroditism ─── [医] 内外异性畸形(外生殖器属一性, 性腺属另一性)

23、complex male hermaphroditism ─── [医] 复合男性两性畸形

24、Objective This paper evaluates the importance of early diagnosis and systemic treatment of true hermaphroditism. ─── 目的探讨真两性畸形的早期正确诊断与合理治疗。

25、Keywords Hermaphroditism;Sexal differentiation;Male infertility;Orthopedics; ─── 两性畸形;性分化;男性不育症;矫形外科学;

26、hermaphroditism with excess ─── [医] 过余性两性畸形

27、The strange practice of hermaphroditism is more common among species of fish than within any other group of vertebrates. ─── 有一种奇怪的现象就是鱼类的两性畸形,比起其它种类的脊椎动物,这在鱼类物种中较为常见。

28、dimidiate hermaphroditism ─── [医] 异侧两性畸形(一侧有一卵巢, 对侧有一睾丸)

29、Keywords hermaphroditism;gender;surgical intervention; ─── 两性畸形;性别;外科干预;

30、Among them, 4 cases suffered from renal injury, 3 from enorchia, 1 from hermaphroditism and 4 from tumor. ─── 肾脏损伤4例,隐睾3例,两性畸形1例,肿瘤4例。

31、spurious hermaphroditism ─── [医] 假两性畸形, 假半阴阳

32、protandry Sequential hermaphroditism in which an individual transforms from male to female. ─── 雄性先熟型雌雄同体的个体,会从雄性变换成雌性。

33、functional hermaphroditism ─── 机能的雌雄同体

34、intersex (hermaphroditism) ─── 两性畸形

35、Keywords True hermaphroditism;Laparoscopy;Children; ─── 真两性畸形;腹腔镜;儿童;

36、Keywords female pesudohermaphroditism;true hermaphroditism;operative treatment; ─── 女性假两性畸形;真两性畸形;手术治疗;

37、consecutive hermaphroditism ─── 连续的雌雄同体

38、male hermaphroditism ─── [医] 男性两性畸形

39、Approach on the Pathogenesis of XX/XY True Hermaphroditism in Pig ─── XX/XY真两性畸形猪发病机理探讨

40、false hermaphroditism ─── 假雌雄同体

41、bilateral hermaphroditism ─── 对称雌雄同体

42、female hermaphroditism ─── [医] 女性假两性畸形

43、true hermaphroditism ─── 真两性畸形真半阴阳

44、lateral hermaphroditism ─── 中分性真两性畸形

45、True hermaphroditism is a rare abnormality of human sexal differentiation. 4 cases of adult true hermaphroditism have been treated from 1980 to 1996. ─── 自1980-1996年共收治真两性畸形4例,其中社会性别女性3例、男性1例。根据性腺及外生殖器优势,均行保持男性手术。

46、sequential hermaphrodite Having male and female reproductive organs which mature at different times. In sequential hermaphroditism, the individual is either protandrous or protogynous. ─── 持续性雌雄同体具有不同时期成熟的雄性与雌性生殖的器官。在持续性的雌雄同体中,个体或是雄性先熟,或雌性先熟。

47、About 2% of the same year self-crossing crucian carp are hermaphroditism. ─── 鲫自交繁殖的当年鱼群体中发现约有2%左右的雌雄同体。

48、alternating true hermaphroditism ─── 交叉型真两性畸形

49、In true hermaphroditism (characterized by the presence of both testicular and oarian tissue), ootestis is the most common gonad type. ─── 真两性体同时具有睾丸和卵巢组织。

50、neuter hermaphroditism ─── [医] 中性畸形, 无性腺畸形

51、Keywords hermaphroditism;clinical characteristics;diagnosis;treatment; ─── 两性畸形;临床表现;诊断;治疗;

52、ObjectiveTo summarize the experience of diagnosis and treatment of true hermaphroditism. ─── 目的总结对真两性畸形的诊断和治疗经验。

53、The clinical manifestation, dignosis and treatment of adult true hermaphroditism were discussed. ─── 结合文献对成人真两性畸形的临床表现、诊断、治疗作简要讨论。

54、However, as one moves higher on the evolutionary ladder, this useful hermaphroditism becomes increasingly rare. ─── 然而,当我们将目光投向较高的进化阶梯时,发现这种有益的雌雄同体渐渐变得罕见起来。

55、Mature teratoma with malignant transformation complicating true hermaphroditism: report of a case and review of the literature ─── 真两性畸形伴成熟性畸胎瘤恶变一例

56、copmlex male hermaphroditism ─── 复合男性两性畸形

57、Purpose: To summarize the diagnostic point and therapeutic experience of 13 cases of true hermaphroditism. ─── 目的:总结13例真两性畸形的诊断要点及治疗体会。

58、adrenal hermaphroditism ─── [医] 肾上腺性两性畸形

59、unilateral hermaphroditism ─── 不对称雌雄同体

60、Keywords hermaphroditism;testicular feminization;diagnosis; ─── 两性畸形;睾丸女性化;诊断;

61、glandular hermaphroditism ─── 性腺雌雄同体

62、Purpose: To summarize the diagnostic point and therapeutic experience of 13 cases of true hermaphroditism. ─── 目的:总结13例真两性畸形的诊断要点及治疗体会。

63、Keywords Laparoscope Hermaphroditism Child Operation; ─── 腹腔镜;两性畸形;小儿;手术;

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