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08-16 投稿


distinctive 发音

英:[d?'st??(k)t?v]  美:[d?'st??kt?v]

英:  美:

distinctive 中文意思翻译



distinctive 同义词

distinguishable | vivid | manifest | patent | marked | precise | well-defined | evident | definite | other | unlike | noticeable | divergent | lucid | pronounced | dissimilar | discrete | clear | obvious |diverse | apparent | decided | trenchant | individual | exact | single | explicit | unmistakable | clear-cut | comprehensible | different | emphatic | conspicuous | separate | distant | distinctive | audible | plain

distinctive 词性/词形变化,distinctive变形

名词: distinctiveness |副词: distinctively |

distinctive 反义词


distinctive 短语词组

1、distinctive flavor ─── 独特的风味

2、be distinctive from... ─── 与...不同

3、distinctive emblem ─── 特殊标志

4、distinctive appearance ─── 特殊的外形

5、distinctive cultural identity ─── 独特的文化身份

6、distinctive characteristics ─── 显著特点

7、distinctive design ─── 独特的设计

8、distinctive ness n. ─── 特殊性;区别性;辨别性

9、distinctive feature ─── 区别性特征

10、distinctive features ─── 辨音特质;区别成分

11、aspiration is a distinctive feature ─── 抱负是一个显著的特征

12、distinctive flavour ─── 独特的风味

13、distinctive circumstances ─── [法] 不同情节

14、distinctive ringing ─── [计] 区别铃声

15、distinctive nature of characteristics ─── [法] 不同性质

16、distinctive odour ─── 独特的气味

17、distinctive facility ─── 独特的设施

18、distinctive mark ─── [化] 区别标记

19、Distinctive Unit Insignia ─── 独特的单位徽章

distinctive 相似词语短语

1、undistinctive ─── 不减损的

2、distincture ─── 特色

3、indistinctive ─── adj.不显著的;无特色的

4、instinctive ─── adj.本能的;直觉的;天生的

5、distractive ─── adj.分散注意力的;扰乱的

6、disjunctive ─── adj.分隔的;分离的;n.反意连接词

7、distinctively ─── adv.特殊地;区别地

8、nondistinctive ─── adj.无区别的

9、distinction ─── n.区别;差别;特性;荣誉、勋章

distinctive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She is trying to remain calm, but there is a distinct edge to her voice. ─── 她竭力想保持冷静,但她的声音中却显然带著怒气。

2、We came away with the distinct impression that all was not well with their marriage. ─── 我们离去时有一种清楚的印象: 他们的婚姻并非十分美满。

3、She has a very distinctive way of walking. ─── 她走路的样子与别人很不相同。

4、Chick peas have a distinctive, delicious, and nutty flavour. ─── 鹰嘴豆有独特可口的坚果味。

5、Soldiers wear a distinctive uniform. ─── 士兵们穿着特制的制服。

6、Beer has a very distinctive smell. ─── 啤酒有一种特殊的味道。

7、To perceive as being different or distinct. ─── 区分,辨别,分清:感觉到不同的或有区别的。

8、The thatched pavilion in the garden is distinctive. ─── 公园里的这个茅亭修建得很有特色。

9、Constituting a separate thing; distinct. ─── 分离的,个别的由独立的事物组成的,个别的

10、Dimorphism The existence of two distinct forms. ─── 二型现象:出现两种不同的类型。

11、She has her own distinctive music sense and tastes. ─── 她有自己独特的音乐感和趣味。

12、China's family planning program is distinctive in several ways. ─── 中国的计划生育在几个方面都是与众不同的。

13、Symbolism in wide rang is also a distinctive feature of his poetry. ─── 大范围地使用象征手法也是他作品的鲜明特征。

14、It's a distinct advantage around here to keep a cool head when things begin to go wrong. ─── 事情开始出差错时,保持清醒的头脑是这里的一个显著的优点。

15、A distinctive behavioral trait; an idiosyncrasy. ─── 习性明显的行为特征;习性

16、He has such a distinctive appearance that I could pick outanywhere. ─── 他外表与众不同,我在任何地方都能认出他来。

17、She aways credited her distinctive character to her parents. ─── 她总是把自己独特的性格归功于父母。

18、Several distinct articles lumped as one. ─── 几个明显的货物品种被混为一种。

19、Harmony and order as distinct from chaos. ─── 合一与浑沌区别的协调与有序

20、The distinct personality of an individual regarded as a persisting entity; individuality. ─── 个性,特性个人具有的长期以实体形式存在的独特性格; 个性

21、Saint-Simon did not develop a distinctive sociology. ─── 圣西门没有创立一门独立的社会学。

22、As to the account sales, you will please to furnish with a distinct account for each, and remit me for each. ─── 关于销售帐单,请分别列明各项收支,并请将款项分别汇交本公司。

23、A distinctive dress or costume, especially of a religious order. ─── 宗教服装独特的衣服或装束,尤指宗教教派所穿的

24、It is often windy in spring and winter. But the different weather makes Beijing distinctive. ─── 春天和冬天经常有风。但是这正是北京的特色。

25、Hakka is a distinctive Chinese Patriarchal clan. ─── 客家人是汉民族的一个民系。

26、Formation of distinct organs or structures through the interaction of adjacent tissues. ─── 个体分离通过相邻的组织间的相互作用,产生新的器官或组织结构

27、Her voice was distinctive, soft and mellifluous. ─── 她的嗓音清脆,柔和而甜美。

28、EPF has distinct properties of immu-no-supprcssion. ─── EPF有明显的免疫抑制活性。

29、Saturn is known for its distinctive rings. ─── 土星以其与众不同的光环而出名。

30、Constituting or making a difference; distinctive. ─── 区别的构成或制造差异; 显著

31、Like all virtuosos, Fermi had a distinctive style. ─── 像所有的艺术家一样,费米有他自己的独特风格。

32、His voice was quiet but every word was distinct. ─── 他说话声音不大,但字字清晰。

33、To form into a separate, distinct entity. ─── 个体化形成分离的、可区分的个体。

34、He has a distinctive goatee, so I can recognize him easily. ─── 他留着独特的山羊胡子,所以我很容易就认出他来了。

35、Traditional paper umBrellas have distinctive and pleasing quality. ─── 传统纸伞,别有韵味。

36、Fortitude is distinct from valour. ─── 坚韧不拔有别于勇猛。

37、A distinct heading which is distinctly and totally relevant to the data being sought. ─── 一种明显清晰的标题,这种标题很明确,完全与被寻找的数据有关

38、Take shape To take on a distinctive form. ─── 具有一个明确的形式。

39、Soldiers often have distinctive insignias on their lapels. ─── 士兵的翻领上常佩有特殊的军阶识别符号。

40、Distinctive Weddings of Las Vegas. ─── 备有婚礼教堂。

41、There is a distinct improvement in your English. ─── 你的英文有显著进步。

42、The distinct types are on the drawing board. ─── 制图板上有醒目的类型。

43、She had a distinctive appearance. ─── 她的外貌与众不同。

44、A distinctive uniform worn by the male servants of a household. ─── 制服一家的男仆所穿的特殊制服

45、Silk is distinct from rayon in every respect. ─── 在各个方面真丝跟人造丝截然不同。

46、The goal can be described as a distinct activity. ─── 可以将目标描述成不同的活动。

47、We need to make our products distinct. ─── 售后服务很有必要。

48、The stone-pot chicken is perhaps the most distinctive dish in Tibet. ─── 石锅鸡也许是西藏最有特色的菜。

49、Early in its history, the company recognized the need for a distinctive package in which to sell its product. ─── 在公司的初期阶段,该公司意识到了有必要设计一个独特的包装来销售产品。

50、His accent is distinctive of a sailor. ─── 他的口音是船员特有的。

51、When Miles Davis died jazz was robbed of its most distinctive voice. ─── 当迈尔斯?戴维斯去世时,爵士乐里最具特色的声音也被夺走了。

52、It has an atmosphere, seasons, and distinctive polar ice caps. ─── 它也有空气、季节和独特的极地冰冠。

53、Astronomy, as distinct from astrology, is an exact science. ─── 天文学是一门严谨的科学,与占星术完全不同。

54、He has a distinct gift for drawing. ─── 他有很明显的绘画天赋。

55、The theme of an advertisement must Be clear and distinctive. ─── 广告主题需要清晰突出。

56、Being distinct from that or those first considered. ─── 于那些首先被考虑的人或事。

57、There was a distinct sense of embarrassment in the air. ─── 周围的气氛中有一种明显的局促不安的感觉。

58、Commutation is distinct from reprieve. ─── 减刑不同于缓刑。

59、However, until now, the question of how distinctive features processed in the brain is still unclear, it need to make further study. ─── 然而到目前为止,人们对独特性特征在大脑中如何获得加工依然是个未解之谜,有待进一步的深入研究。

60、Can you find the distinctive watermarks of this stamp? ─── 你能找到这枚邮票上有明显的水纹吗?

61、An area or a region distinguished from adjacent parts by a distinctive feature or characteristic. ─── 地带,带以特有的外貌或特点而区别于临近部分的地区或区域

62、The very distinctive leaf margin makes this species easy to recognize, in contrast to the varieties that have been proposed within it. ─── 非常特别的叶缘使本种容易识别,与其变种可以区分。

63、Although they look similar, these plants are actually quite distinct. ─── 尽管这些植物看起来很相似,实际上却属於完全不同的种类。

64、The deformation frequencies are not sufficiently distinctive. ─── 其变形频率不是十分明显的。

65、His praise is a distinct honour. ─── 得到他的夸奖是一项难得的荣誉。

66、In the spectrum, distinct colours shade into each other. ─── 在光谱中,截然不同的颜色相互融合起来。

67、Any of the chemically distinct forms of an enzyme that perform the same biochemical function. ─── 同工酶,同功酶具有相同的生化功能的一种酶的不同化学形式中的任一种

68、The packaging shall be modern and distinctive. ─── 其包装应该是现代的、独特的。

69、He has his own distinctive fashion sense. ─── 他有他自己特有的时尚感。

70、The distinctive black head markings are easy to see in this photograph. ─── 图片中显而易见的是与众不同的头部的黑色斑纹。

71、She's got a very distinctive way of dressing. ─── 她穿衣服很有特点。

72、A distinct bodily mass or organ having a specific function. ─── 器官具有某一功能的明显的身体部位或器官

73、They have already split into two or more very distinctive races. ─── 他们已经分成两个或更多的很不相同的种族。

74、She dozed, and his presence became more distinct. ─── 她假寐了,他的形象变得更加清晰。

75、You should make your writing distinct. ─── 你应把字写清楚。

76、A distinctive outfit intended to identify those who wear it as members of a specific group. ─── 制服一套有特色的衣服,以将穿它的人作为特定人群的成员进行识别

77、Fortitude is distinct from valor. ─── 刚毅与勇猛不同。

78、Consisting of unconnected distinct parts. ─── 不连续的由互不关联的部分构成的

79、The weather in Yichang is very good with four distinctive seasons. ─── 宜昌气候宜人(很好)四季分明。

80、Let pi be the distinct prime divisors of m. ─── 将m的相异素因子记作pi。

81、His voice was very distinctive. ─── 他的声音很特别。

82、She has a distinct pronunciation. ─── 她的发音清楚。

83、There is a distinct improvement in your study. ─── 你的学习有显著进步。

84、The atmosphere is one of uncertainty. One senses a distinct feeling of "a plague on both your houses" and the voter looking towards the fringe parties to fill the political vacuum. ─── 形势尚不明朗,可以感觉得到选民中有一种明显的情绪,认为“双方都该死”, 他们期待着一些小党能填补政治真空。

85、There is a distinct posibility that she'll be your teacher next term. ─── 她下学期当你们的老师的可能性非常大。

86、All of the 290 rooms seemed to have been gutted by the fire - yesterday only a concrete skeleton with a distinctive zig-zag spine remained. ─── 所有290间客房似乎已被大火烧毁——到昨天,仅剩下一座触目惊心的齿型主干混凝土框架。

87、His pronunciation is quite distinct. ─── 他的发音非常清楚。

88、To give a distinctive character or quality to; modify. ─── 修饰赋予某事物特殊的性质;修饰

89、Second, both manifest distinctive dispirited thoughts. ─── 其二,两者所体现的颓废不同。

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