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08-16 投稿


broached 发音

英:[br??t?t]  美:[bro?t?t]

英:  美:

broached 中文意思翻译




broached 短语词组

1、broached rod ─── 拉刀杆

2、broached hole ─── 拉孔

3、broached with ─── 用

4、broached definition ─── 提出定义

5、broached defined ─── 拉刀定义

6、broached groove ─── 拉槽

7、broached boat ─── 拉刀船

8、broached hex ─── 拉刀六角

9、broached define ─── 拉刀

10、broached bolt ─── 拉削螺栓

11、broached topics ─── 提出的话题

12、broached state ─── 拉刀状态

broached 词性/词形变化,broached变形

动词过去式: broached |动词第三人称单数: broaches |动词过去分词: broached |名词: broacher |动词现在分词: broaching |

broached 相似词语短语

1、broaches ─── n.拉刀;铰刀(broach的复数);vt.串在叉上(broach的第三人称单数)

2、beached ─── adj.(鲸或海豚)搁浅的;v.将……拖上岸;使(鲸)搁浅;钓(鱼)上岸;让(某人)受损(beach的过去式和过去分词)

3、bleached ─── adj.变白的;漂白了的;vt.使脱色;将…漂白;将…晒得褪色(bleach的过去分词);vi.脱色(bleach的过去分词);变白

4、bached ─── v.(尤指男子)过单身生活,过独居生活;n.度假小屋;n.(Bach)巴赫(德国作曲家)

5、roached ─── n.(美)蟑螂;[鱼]斜齿鳊;n.(Roach)人名;(英、西)罗奇

6、broacher ─── n.拉床;剥孔机

7、broadhead ─── n.(Broadhead)人名;(英)布罗德黑德

8、areached ─── 受保护的

9、breached ─── n.违背,违反;缺口;vt.违反,破坏;打破

broached 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He broached out the drilled hole. ─── 他凿大钻孔。

2、If you want to make adults squirm like kindergarteners, broach the subject of salary negotiation. ─── 如果你想要成年人像幼儿园小朋友那样拘谨,那就和他协商薪资吧。

3、During a trip to the Gulf states in February, Camilla was given a necklace, a brooch and a belt from the Kuwaiti royal family. ─── 今年2月卡米拉陪同查尔斯出访海湾各国时,收到科威特王室赠送的一条项链、一枚胸针和一根腰带。

4、Main Business: horns folder, a sharp folder, fork folder, mushrooms nails, brooch and so on. ─── 主要经营范围:牛角夹,尖夹,叉夹,蘑菇钉,胸针等。

5、She broached the idea with her family, and it fell flat. ─── 她和家人说了这个想法,不过没有得到响应。

6、Complete cubic octahedral crystal crystal shape,high strength and thermal stability.Having wide cutting range.Suitable for high-power saws and geological broach. ─── 具有完整的立方八面体晶形,高强度和热稳定性。在高冲击条件下,具有较高的锯切范围。适用于大功率锯切,优质钻头。

7、It's raising a lot of ethical questions which haven't been broached before and, for which, there doesn't seem to be any easy answers. ─── 它引发了许多前所未有的道德问题,而对这些问题的回答也很难。

8、You're going to Beijing on business? Buy a Cloisonne broach for me, OK? ─── 你出差去北京帮我买一个景泰蓝胸花,好吗?

9、When a pencil is sharpened, the pencil needs to be contacted with the cutting edge and broached back and forth along the guiding groove. ─── 削笔时只要将笔贴在刀刃上,沿导向槽往复拉削即可。

10、broached the subject of a loan with his bank manager. ─── 你只得低声下气地向银行经理借贷。

11、A silver brooch was pinned to her lapel. ─── 她在翻领上别了一枚银色胸针。

12、He bought her a gilt brooch. ─── 他给她买了一枚镀金胸针。

13、The world economy is beginning to show signs of improvement, prompting some to broach the idea of unwinding measures put in place last year. ─── 世界经济正开始显现出改善迹象,因此一些人提出,应逐步取消去年推出的一系列举措。

14、We were appalled personally that this topic was even broached by the individuals that started the thread, and other threads. ─── 我们每个人都震惊于这个题目甚至是那些发帖的人从个人角度、以及从其他讨论帖提出来的。

15、If you lack the authority, coming prepare notd dawn solutions when you broach the problem. ─── 假如你权力有限,在去见上司以前要整理好解决重难点型的方案。

16、The whole work done by the author has been summed up at last, and several problems have been broached for the future researches in this field. ─── 4.对全部工作进行了总结,并针对该课题今后的深入研究提出了一些问题。

17、She used to pin a brooch on her lapel when she went to a party. ─── 她过去在赴宴时总是在衣领上别一枚别针。

18、She pinned the brooch on [ to her lapel ]. ─── 她把胸针别在胸前[在衣领上]。

19、He broached the subject to the stranger. ─── 他对陌生人提起那话题。

20、A brooch pinned on a product to add beauty. ─── 出厂前加上一个别针,使成品更加出色。

21、The design of soline broach is analyzed. Autho indicated that the calculation of regrinding accuracy is the key step in the design of this broach. ─── 对具有隙角、后角的花键拉刀的合理设计进行了分析,说明了重磨精度计算是这种拉刀设计必不可少的步骤。

22、It was News Corporation that broached the possibility of releasing films early on pay-television-a move that still enrages cinema owners. ─── 正是新闻集团提出了在付费电视上首先播放电影的可能性——这让院线方至今愤怒不已。

23、Faceted seal brooch in Ocean Blue and Black Diamond crystal; rhodium-plated details. ─── 在上雕琢平面的封印别针在海洋蓝色和黑金刚石水晶;铑被镀的细节。

24、Red coral tree brooch Red coral tree brooch. ─── 天然红珊瑚枝,用台玉和珊瑚点缀,富有中国红的传统特色。

25、You're going to Beijing on business?Buy a Cloisonne broach for me, OK? ─── 你出差去北京帮我买一个景泰蓝胸花,好吗?

26、He broach the subject of a loan with his bank manager. ─── 他向银行经理提出贷款问题。

27、He wanted to discuss something else and instinctively, I broached the idea of a group experiment to him. ─── 他本来想讨论别的东西,我本能地向他提出了群体实验的想法。

28、Have you broached the subject of the money he owes us? ─── 你谈没谈起他欠我们钱的事?

29、The failed keyway broach was analysed by chemical analysis, hardness testing and metallograph-ic examination. ─── 对断裂单键拉刀进行了化学成分分析、硬度测定和金相检验。

30、A brooch or buckle set with jewels. ─── 宝石胸针(扣子)宝石镶嵌的胸针或扣子

31、In gold lettering on a small, almond-shaped brooch was the word Mother. ─── 在一个小巧的扁桃状胸针上刻着金字:母亲。

32、Eg: He broached a barrel of cider. ─── 他钻孔开了一桶苹果酒。

33、As if in the end some grain of hope and communication might still be broached. ─── 似乎终于有一点希望和沟通可能仍然会被谈及。

34、Her thought, when he first broached this, was that she ought to make some demonstration of astonishment or wrath. ─── 她在想,当他刚说出来的时候,应该有些震惊或忿怒的表示。

35、Various brooch, necklace, in China, good quality with best price. ─── 各种胸花,项链,在中国,良好的质量,最合理的价格。

36、Doctors often broach the euthanasia option to their patients, a form of pressure. ─── 医生经常会将自己就安乐死的意见讲述给病患,无形中对患者施加压力;

37、Hehehe......Queensnoopy has made her first flower brooch (including the ribbon) all by herself. ─── 去完日本旅行都有一个月啦!

38、A couple of weeks ago I tried to broach the matter but he looked as if he was about to have a coronary, so I shut up. ─── 几周前,我设法把这个问题提出来,但他看上去似乎就要犯心脏病了,因此我闭上了嘴。

39、She broach the subject of a picnic to her mother. ─── 她向母亲提起野餐的问题。

40、The main products is necklace, bracelet, earring, ring, brooch, ornament set and more than hundreds of fashion jewelry. ─── 主要经营有:项链、手链、耳环、戒指、胸针、套链、钥匙扣等百多种流行饰品。

41、Gates again broached the idea of philanthropy. ─── 他一向不愿抛头露面。

42、If you lack the authority,come prepared with solutions when you broach the problem. ─── 如果你权力有限,在去见队长以前要准备好解决问题的方案。

43、In addition,we have scarf,necklace,button,brooch garment accessories with reasonable price. ─── 另生产围巾,项链,纽扣,胸针等服装辅料,价格合理。

44、But by thinking constructively about how to broach a difficult subject, you might make it less painful and more productive, for everyone. ─── 但是,通过建设性地去考虑如何提出一个困难话题,你也许为每个人减少了谈话的痛苦,增加了谈话的成果。

45、I wonder if I might give you a brooch. ─── 不知我是否可以给您一只胸针。

46、She even told stories about my late brother, a topic that hadn't been broached since that last time I had tried to get her to talk about him, in 2001. ─── 她甚至给我们讲我死去的哥哥的故事,自从上次(在2001年)我试着和她谈论哥哥的事之后就再也没有提到过这个话题。

47、She had “a glare that could wilt a cactus” according to a writer in Time, and wore a broach in the shape of a dollar sign. ─── 一位时代杂志的编辑曾这样形容她:“她的‘眼神能把仙人掌瞪枯死’,并且戴着一个美元符号的饰针。”

48、Butterfly brooch by Coral and Jade, Coral and Jade is honorable among Chinese, and butterfly bring loves! ─── 典型的中国式首饰设计,蝴蝶是代表美的化身,用翡翠做成身体,银镀白,间镶嵌水钻。为职业套装和礼服配饰首选,体现高贵的风格。

49、Her cameo broach adds to her romantic look. ─── 她的宝石别针更为她增添了浪漫的感觉。

50、To get the material sharps, use the glue, broach. ─── 上午搞定材料,下午就开始做了。

51、Her thought, when he first broached this, was that she ought to make some demonstration of astonishment or wrath. ─── 她在想,当他刚说出来的时候,应该有些震惊或忿怒的表示。

52、He said Mr Thain never broached the subject of his own future in the merger discussions. ─── 他说,塞恩在合并谈判时,从没提到有关他自己前途的话题。

53、To broach points crumbs slot with design, calculation, slot width chip runs the number of slots crumbs. ─── 再对拉刀分屑槽进行设计,分别用公式计算出分屑槽宽、分屑槽的个数。

54、It was a subject broached by assistant manager [and former Blues right-back] Steve Clarke on his recent appearance on Chelsea TV's Big Match Countdown. ─── 助理教练克拉克(前右后卫)最近一次出现在切尔西电台的“大赛倒计时”节目时,把这一问题拿出来做了讨论。

55、If you lack the authority, coming prepare notd with solutions when you broach the problem. ─── 假如你权力有限,在去见上司以前要准备好解决疑难题目的方案。

56、Mainly engaged in all kinds of ornaments include: cards, Wang cards, Fazan, horns folder, bracelets, sweater chain, brooch and so on. ─── 主要经营各种饰品包括:对卡,横卡,发簪,牛角夹,手链,毛衣链,胸针等等。

57、He felt that was unlikely, because he had not yet broached the subject this year.He was unhappy that his daughter seemed somewhat estranged from him now. ─── 对于GRE,就是个8股,这个估计跟电视台做专题节目一样,有个所谓的合格文章的套路,虽说不满分,也一般是高分。

58、P> In gold lettering on a small, almond-shaped brooch was the word Mother. ─── 在一个小巧的心状胸针上刻着金字:母亲。

59、She wore a jewelled brooch at the neck of her dress. ─── 她领口上别着一个宝石别针。

60、For the first time in six years, they broached the topic of a Palestinian State. ─── 在六年里这还是他们首次提及巴勒斯坦建国的议题。

61、ZND2160 Complete crystal shape with full surface, good diaphaneity and low impurity, suitable for circular saws, frame-saw and geological broach. ─── ZND2160晶体完整,晶面饱满,透明度高,杂质含量低,晶形与晶体强度性能优越。使用于圆锯切片、框锯切片、地质钻头。

62、She broached the subject of the farm. ─── 她谈到农场问题。

63、We had barely broached the airport perimeter when he pulled to a halt, and a second man climbed into the front passenger seat. ─── 我们还没开出机场地界他就把车停了下来,另外一个男人上了车,坐在司机旁边。

64、Lily's brooch looks exquisite. It must be very precious. ─── 丽丽的胸饰很别致,看得出来是个名贵的东西。

65、She was the first to broach the idea of my escape when we realized the great new tasks. ─── 在我们意识到新的伟大任务之后,是她首先提出了要我逃跑的想法。

66、Catherine delicately 11)broached the possibility, reminding Patrick how beautifully he sang, telling him how much fun it would be. ─── 凯瑟琳很巧妙地向帕特里克问及这件事的可能性。她提醒帕特里克,他的歌唱得有多动听,告诉他那是多么有趣的事。

67、She was dreading having to broach the subject of money to her father. ─── 她正在为不得不向父亲提出钱的事犯愁。

68、People 13 broach are inserted on her hand simultaneously. ─── 们的13把叉子一齐插在她的手上了。

69、Accordingly, Mrs. Hurstwood decided to broach the subject. ─── 基于这些想法,赫斯渥太太决定要提出这个问题。

70、Various hole push knives, Broach, rectangle button pushing knives, Broach. ─── 各类圆孔推刀、拉刀、矩形花键推刀、拉刀。

71、The paper introduces the process and method of CAD lor broach based on VBA. The characteristics of the system is discussed. ─── 介绍了基于VBA进行拉刀CAD设计的流程和方法,论述了系统的特点。

72、Our produce is include the 925 silver ring,earring,pendant,bracelet,brooch,necklace,anklet,jewelry set and so on. ─── 产品种类包括925银戒指,耳环,吊坠,手链,胸针,项链,脚链,珠宝套装等。

73、One afternoon I broached the subject of Mitchel and Hollis, who had both worked closely with her during the war. ─── 一天下午,我提到了米切尔和霍利斯--这两个人在战争期间同她工作来往很多。

74、Her beloved broach was nowhere to be found. ─── 她心爱的饰针找不到了。

75、He broached the subject at the meeting. ─── 他在开会的时候提起那话题。

76、She was wearing a small silver brooch. ─── 她戴着一枚银质的小胸针。

77、He lights up when the subject of the market is broached and launches into a discussion of his biggest investment positions. ─── 说到和市场有关的话题时,他立马兴奋起来,然后开始谈论自己最大的那些投资仓位。

78、He said Mr Thain never broached the subject of his own future in the merger discussions. ─── 他说,塞恩在合并谈判时,从没提到有关他自己前途的话题。

79、If you lack the authority, come prepared with solutions when you broach the problem. ─── 如果你权力有限,在去见上司以前要准备好解决问题的方案。

80、I knew at once, from the way he looked up at me as I entered, that serious matters were about to be broached. ─── 从他抬起眼睛看我进去的神情,我立即就知道了他要谈的问题是相当严重的。

81、Would you show me this brooch? ─── 你能将这枚胸针拿给我看看吗?

82、She treasured the brooch because it was an heirloom. ─── 她把这枚饰针视为珍宝,因为这是祖上传下来的。

83、Can the brightest brooch shield me from reproach? Can the purest diamond purify my name? ─── 华丽的胸针难道能为我抵挡流言蜚语?无暇的钻石难道能洗清我的罪名?

84、A small pin or brooch worn as an ornament or a badge of membership. ─── 勋章作为装饰物或表示成员资格标志而佩戴的小饰针或徵章

85、Your new black evening gown is beautiful and that gold brooch adds the final touch. ─── 你的新黑色礼服很漂亮,那金胸针又大增其魅力。

86、I knew at once, from the way he looked up at me as I entered, that serious matters were about to be broached. ─── 从他抬起眼睛看我进去的神情,我立即就知道了他要谈的问题是相当严重的。

87、Scarf shawls, handbags, brooch, wool collar and so on. ─── 围巾披肩、手袋、胸花、毛领等。

88、A diamond brooch, not large but dainty in design. ─── 一个钻石胸针 不大 但设计得很精美。

89、Word had spread: the brooch was dead. ─── 于是就传开了:胸针已经淘汰了。

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