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08-16 投稿


cavorted 发音

英:[k??v??t?d]  美:[k??v??rt?d]

英:  美:

cavorted 中文意思翻译



cavorted 短语词组

1、cavorted mean ─── 空化平均数

2、cavorted meaning ─── 扭曲的意义

3、cavorted syn ─── 空穴综合征

4、cavorted def ─── 空翻def

5、cavorted antonym ─── 扭曲反义词

6、cavorted in a sentence ─── 在一句话中支离破碎

7、cavorted define ─── 扭曲的定义

cavorted 词性/词形变化,cavorted变形

动词现在分词: cavorting |动词第三人称单数: cavorts |动词过去分词: cavorted |动词过去式: cavorted |

cavorted 相似词语短语

1、carted ─── n.二轮运货马车;vt.用车装载;vi.驾运货马车;用运货车运送;n.(Cart)人名;(法)卡尔;(英、芬)卡特

2、caverned ─── n.洞穴;凹处;vt.挖空;置…于洞穴中

3、cavorting ─── vi.腾跃;欢跃;寻欢作乐

4、cavitated ─── v.在……成穴;形成空洞(或泡)(cavitate的过去式及过去分词)

5、cavort ─── vi.腾跃;欢跃;寻欢作乐

6、cavorter ─── 卡沃特

7、cavorts ─── vi.腾跃;欢跃;寻欢作乐

8、averted ─── adj.转移的;移开的;v.避免(avert的过去分词);转开

9、aborted ─── adj.流产的;夭折的;v.(使)流产;(使)夭折(abort的过去式及过去分词形式)

cavorted 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The children cavorted in the water,splashing and ducking each other. ─── 孩子们在水里互相泼水嬉戏并按彼此的头。

2、Photo Gallery: Las Vegas Weddings Newlyweds cavort along downtown Las Vegas’s Fremont Street. ─── 意译:拉斯维加斯婚礼图片。新婚夫妇腾跃沿着拉斯维加斯商业区弗里蒙特大街。

3、Car tail patterns of muscle sense, like the one about animals cavort. ─── 车尾端的形态充满肌肉感,宛如一头正要腾跃的猛兽。

4、cavorted with woolly mammoths and giant sloths and other Ice Age behemoths in Europe and Asia, starting about 2.5 million years ago. ─── 在约二百五十万年前,长毛犀与长毛象、大树懒及其他冰河巨兽活跃在欧洲和亚洲的土地上。

5、eg: My dog cavorted in the snow as he was seeing snow for the first time. ─── 我的狗狗在雪中跳跃,仿佛是第一次见着雪一样。

6、The children cavorted in the water, splashing and ducking each other. ─── 孩子们在水里互相泼水嬉戏并按彼此的头

7、Local kids still head off for school, take shortcuts through restored plazas, and cavort in the playgrounds until it is time to head home for dinner. ─── 当地的孩子们仍不得上学,抄近路穿过已修复的广场,在操场上蹦荡着直到回家吃晚饭。

8、claimed she cavorted with a police sergeant in a Jacuzzi, but she denies this. ─── 据称她曾和一位警佐在按摩浴缸里寻欢作乐,但她不承认。

9、It cavorted with woolly mammoths and giant sloths and other Ice Age behemoths in Europe and Asia, starting about 2. 5 million years ago. ─── 在约二百五十万年前,长毛犀与长毛象、大树懒及其他冰河巨兽活跃在欧洲和亚洲的土地上。

10、Veteran Oscar watchers hoped in vain to glimpse the Jerry who, as the Academy Awards host 50 years ago, cavorted and mugged for nearly 20 minutes when he was told the show had run short. ─── 奥斯卡的老观众们空期待了一场,他们本希望杰瑞像在50年前的学院奖颁奖礼上那样,调皮捣蛋了近20分钟,直到被告知典礼时间不够了才作罢。

11、Ten marine life animal babies and their mothers happily cavort in the water to words that can be sung to the classic tune of " Down in the Meadow. ─── 本书作者用简单的文字及生动的油画插画介绍了海洋中的一些生物,从海牛到水母,同时这也是一首儿歌喔,书末还有附上歌词跟音谱喔!

12、Cavort: to bound or prance about in a sprightly manner; caper ─── 以活泼的姿态跳跃或腾跃

13、This is simply the pursuit of cultural landscape greening rate offered by the content window to window to see King, is the environmental design cavort, Shanghai has first step in this regard. ─── 这与单纯地追求绿化率又多了景观文化的内涵,要做到窗窗见景,确是环境设计上的腾跃,在这方面上海又先行一步。

14、St. Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony, which is another name for marriage. ─── 圣保罗欢闹了基督教。他传讲了圣恶毒,就是婚姻的另一个名字。

15、At the first parade, in 1989, 150 people cavorted down West Berlin's Ku'damm to the blare of techno from a single Volkswagen bus. ─── 在1989年的首次游行上,150名群众伴着一辆大众公交车上传来的泰克诺乐曲翩翩起舞,沿着西柏林Ku’damm大街而去。

16、Satisfied sun-warmed we sprawl in the grass and watch our kites cavort . ─── 阳光和煦,我们心满意足地趴在草丛里,看风筝在天上欢跃。

17、The children cavorted in the water, splashing and ducking each other. ─── 孩子们在水里互相泼水嬉戏并按彼此的头

18、Boys cavort with horses during a fiery sunset on a beach in Timor Indonesia. ─── 意译:热带的目的地图片。男孩子们腾跃和马群当一个炽热的日落在印尼帝汶岛海滩。

19、Equity and commodity markets initially cavorted in response to signs that China, the world's only super-economy still going strong, was acting decisively to ensure things stayed that way. ─── 这些迹象表明,中国这个全球唯一还保持着强劲增长的超级经济体,正果断采取行动,以确保这种形势的继续。起初,股票市场和大宗商品市场为此上演了涨升行情。

20、Japan and China each sent new probes to the moon while others swung by planets as they cavorted across the solar system. ─── 中国和日本各发射了一颗月球探测器,而其他一些国家也跃跃欲试,欲对太阳系的刹尕世界展开探索。

21、st . paul cavorted to christianity . he preached holy acrimony , which is another name for marriage. ─── 圣保罗欢闹了基督教。他传讲了圣恶毒,就是婚姻的另一个名字。

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