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08-16 投稿


unqualified 发音

英:[??n?kwɑ?l?fa?d]  美:[??n?kw?l?fa?d]

英:  美:

unqualified 中文意思翻译



unqualified 网络释义

adj. 不合格的;无资格的;不胜任的;不受限制的;无条件的;绝对的

unqualified 反义词


unqualified 短语词组

1、unqualified products ─── 不合格产品

2、unqualified right ─── [法] 无限制权利

3、unqualified denial ─── [法] 绝对否认

4、unqualified name ─── [计] 非限定名

5、unqualified endorsement ─── [经] 无条件背书, 不受限制的背书

6、unqualified product ─── 不合格品

7、unqualified acceptance ─── [经] 无条件承兑

8、unqualified opinion report ─── [经] 无条件监查报告书

9、Rifle Unqualified ─── 步枪不合格

10、unqualified contribution ─── 不合格的贡献

11、unqualified job-seeker ─── [法] 不合格的就业者

12、unqualified id before token ─── 令牌前的非限定id

13、unqualified certificate ─── [经] 无条件证明书

14、unqualified id ─── 不合格id

15、unqualified immunity ─── 无限制豁免

16、unqualified keeper ─── 不合格保管员

17、be unqualified to do sth ─── 不能胜任某事

18、unqualified call ─── [计] 非限定调用

19、unqualified opinion ─── 无条件意见

unqualified 词性/词形变化,unqualified变形

副词: unqualifiedly |

unqualified 同义词

untrained | unentitled | complete | ineligible | outright | utter |incompetent | decisive | unfit | unable | unreserved | pure | incapable | categorical | absolute | unskilled | inexpert | ill-equipped | unprofessional | untaught | out-and-out | definite | unconditional | total | comprehensive

unqualified 相似词语短语

1、unqualitied ─── 非品质

2、unqualifiedly ─── 无资格地;不合格地;无保留地

3、unqualited ─── 不合格

4、unquantified ─── adj.没有用数量表达的

5、unqualifies ─── 不合格

6、nonqualified ─── 不合格

7、qualified ─── adj.合格的;有资格的;v.限制(qualify的过去分词);描述;授权予

8、underqualified ─── adj.学历不足的

9、requalified ─── 重新鉴定

unqualified 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、General experience in the XP community is an unqualified "no". ─── XP社会的普遍经验认为这绝对不可能。

2、He was unqualified and totally inexperienced. ─── 他不够资格,而且毫无经验。

3、His newspaper friends did not allow him to forget his unqualified statement of the day before . ─── 他的新闻界朋友不允许他忘却他前一天所说的不符事实的说明。

4、As a demonstration of the vigorous enforcement of U.S. antitrust laws and the effort to safeguard competition, the AT&T breakup was an unqualified success. ─── 在显示美国人严格执行反托拉斯法以保护竞争方面,美国电话电报公司的分离是一个全面的成功。

5、To declare unqualified or ineligible. ─── 宣布不合格,认定不合适

6、The semi-drunk's suggestion that someone should sing a song was received with unqualified approbation by everybody. ─── 半醉汉要求唱歌的建议得到大家无条件的拥护。

7、For problems rectification still unqualified tenement, the city property will reduce their quality, until the complete removal of the property market severe punishment. ─── 对于出现问题整改仍不合格的物业单位,该市房产局将对其进行降低资质、直至彻底清除出物业市场的严厉处罚。

8、The springback of plate after bending is one of main aspects leading to products' unqualified dimensions and shape in precise metalforming. ─── 在精密成型中,弯曲后的回弹是造成工件尺寸、位置和形状精度不合格的主要原因之一。

9、If you really want a child to be unqualified, then you must introduce the blank namespace to do it. ─── 如果想使子元素符合要求,则必须引入空命名空间。

10、We find that unqualified specimen because of poor quality control of preanalysis account for 9 40%.of total complete blood count specimen. ─── 40%,其中因临床标本采集和运输不当造成的标本质量问题占72。

11、We are at sea as for the solutions but require you to call back the unqualified goods. ─── 别无他计,我们只有要求贵公司予以收回。

12、With the high quality and excellent service of its products as well as the guarantee of exchanging any unqualified product, Xin Li has built good reputation among customers. ─── 从严生产,从优服务,严格做到不合格产品不发运,不合格产品包退换的服务准则,由此树立了品牌的良好声誉。

13、You must go over all the products by yourself, and those unqualified must be redone. ─── 你必须亲自一个一个过筛子,质量不合格的产品一律返工。

14、To continually check and confirm the unqualified item in the system, assist each relevant department to finish the corrective measures for the unqualified item and follow it. ─── 不断核实并确认在体系审核中发现的不符合项,协助各相关部门完成不符合项的纠正措施并跟踪措施有效性;

15、If the current Type represents a type parameter in the definition of a generic type or generic method, this method returns the unqualified name of the type parameter. ─── 如果当前Type表示泛型类型或泛型方法的定义中的类型参数,则此方法返回类型参数的非限定名称。

16、A multi-year dry mortar testing engineers revealed to the author : If careful testing, about half of the small cement plants are unqualified. ─── 一位多年干砂浆检测的工程师向笔者透露:如果认真检测,约半数的小水泥厂的水泥都是不合格的。

17、Many said he was unqualified to be president because of his limited experience in national government. ─── 有些人说他没有资格当总统,因为他缺少在国家政治中的经验。

18、The event was an unqualified success. ─── 这项活动取得了极大的成功。

19、Another type of audit report is "conditions requiring a departure." There are two conditions requiring a departure from a Standard Unqualified Audit. ─── 另一个审计报告是“需拆离情况报告”。以下两种情况需要从标准不合格项审计报告中拆离出来

20、If Party A finds Party B is unqualified during the probationary period, Party A can dissolve the contract and pay the Party B salaries according to his/ her actual working time. ─── 在试用期内甲方发现乙方不符合录用条件的,可以即行解除本合同,并向乙方按实际工作时间支付本合同规定的乙方的报酬。

21、He is an unqualified practitioner of law. ─── 他是个无资格的律师。

22、The rules for searching assemblies for qualified and unqualified types in type parameter lists are the same as the rules for qualified and unqualified nongeneric types. ─── 在程序集中搜索类型参数列表中限定类型和非限定类型的规则与搜索限定非通用类型和非限定非通用类型的规则相同。

23、Any acceptance or unplanned construction of the unqualified acceptance of the plan, not for titling property registration procedures. ─── 凡建设工程未经规划验收或者经规划验收不合格的,产权登记机关不予办理产权登记手续。

24、The language of the Constitution suggests that the delegation doctrine should not be regarded as an absolute or unqualified principle. ─── 宪法用语暗示,不应视授权理论为绝对或无条件的原则。

25、Also, the switch case labels changed to just the unqualified name as the constant. ─── 同样,switch选择标签变为不再限制使用常量参数。

26、Fig5. Briefcases with combination locks belong to guys with strong memory. The unqualified should avoid using them for the likelihood of hassling with a customs officer. ─── 图五:那种组合密码锁的包是给有好记忆力的人用的,如果想避免和机场检察官吵架,请谨慎使用。

27、They will surely try to ring in an unqualified delegate. ─── 他们肯定想塞进一名不合格的代表进来。

28、A precision testing tracker is fixed to find the unqualified products. When the unqualified products are founded, the machine will stop working automatically. ─── 三、有精度检测跟踪装置,如有不合格的产品能够自动停机。

29、The main reason for their being unqualified is that several manufacturers used low quality raw materials and too much formaldehyde. ─── 不合格的主要原因是个别生产企业使用了品质较差的原料和过量的甲醛。

30、A when product of the unqualified plywood, plywood that stick a face exists main problem is formaldehyde release a quantity to exceed bid. ─── 不合格胶合板、贴面胶合板产品存在的一个主要问题就是甲醛释放量超标。

31、If you are spending your time trying to close unqualified leads then you are not going to have much time to lie on the beach and soak up the rays. ─── 如果你是花你的时间尝试关闭不合格导致你不会有那么多时间躺在沙滩和队友的光芒。

32、Does not specify attributeFormDefault, reverting to the default unqualified. ─── 不指定attributeFormDefault,恢复为默认的unqualified。

33、Is entitled to reject unqualified material which is not passed inspection by quality secure department. ─── 对未经质保部检验而确定为不合格的物资,有权拒绝入库。

34、She thinks I`m nothing but an unqualified himbo. ─── 她认为我只是虚有其表。

35、In unqualified sample 14 groups are jelly food, among them 4 groups of check give benzoic acid, 8 groups of check give solubility content of solid form content is unture. ─── 不合格样品中14组是果冻食品,其中4组检出苯甲酸,8组检出可溶性固形物含量不合标准。

36、Those who are unable to express themselves accurately are unqualified to act as witnesses. ─── 不能正确表达意志的人,不能作证。

37、In case any of such four items as the contents, editing and proofreading, designing and printing of a book is unqualified, the said book is unqualified. ─── 内容、编校、设计、印制四项中有一项不合格的图书,其质量属不合格。

38、I gave her my unqualified support. ─── 我全力支持她。

39、Unqualified acceptance of the project without acceptance or not to use. ─── 对未经验收或验收不合格的项目,不得交付使用。

40、Improving measures are put forward through cause analysis on unqualified DWTT of L360MB pipeline steel. ─── 分析管线钢L360MB落锤不合格的原因,提出生产改进措施。

41、Detect in water mouth in, staff member discovery shares 38 sample unqualified, main reason is anti-corrosive reach discharge project unqualified. ─── 在水嘴检测中,工作人员发现共有38个样品不合格,主要原因是耐腐蚀及流量项目不合格。

42、Most of our qualified teachers are underpaid, and many of our paid teachers are unqualified. ─── 大多数称职教师薪水不足,而同时却有许多教师虽然拿了薪水,却不称职。

43、According to the result of the survey done by NLFD in 1996, all of the unqualified gauzes and cotton were sterilized by ethylene oxide. ─── 但若因灭菌不完全或运送、保存不当以致遭受微生物污染,则对于上述医疗品质影响甚钜。

44、Unqualified teachers stand little chance of being employed. ─── 不合格的教师不大有受雇的可能。

45、"In many countries it's not necessarily doctors who are prescribing, it's nurses, paramedical staff and unqualified staff," she said. ─── 在很多国家,没有必须的医生来行使处方权,那里只有护士,药剂师以及不合格的医务人员。

46、Unqualified stand little chance of being hired. ─── 不合格的教师不大有受雇的希望。

47、Unqualified products control and ingredient quality monitoring in process of storage and dumping to meet Cargill Standard. ─── 不合格产品的控制以及原料在卸货、储存和投料过程中的质量监控。

48、With the high quality and excellent service of its products as well as the guarantee of exchanging any unqualified product," HuaChuan" has built good reputation among customers. ─── 从严生产,从优服务,严格做到不合格产品不发运,不合格产品包退换的服务准则,由此树立了“华川”品牌的良好声誉。

49、Within these standards, OSHA 29CFR 1910.331 -.335 are requirements that relate to the training of “Qualified” and “Unqualified” persons in electrical safe work practices. ─── 在这些标准中,OSHA29CFR1910.331-.335对培训电气安全工作中的“合格”和“不合格”人员的培训提出了要求。

50、His praise of her was not entirely unqualified. ─── 他对她的表扬是完全没有保留的。

51、The link between the judge through testing of the process to allow qualified to unqualified processes restrictions, thus ensuring the "green building" can be achieved. ─── 各环节之间,通过检验评判,对合格的工序给予放行,对不合格的工序加以限制,从而保证“绿色建筑”得以实现。

52、In some countries coaching qualifications are held in greater esteem by the governing body than an unqualified coach who gets world records and Olympic medals from an athlete. ─── 在有些国家,科班出身的教练比不是科班而是创造世界纪录获得奥运会奖牌的运动员出身的教练员,更能得到管理机构的器重。

53、Weed out unqualified applicants. ─── 剔除不合格的申请人

54、Washing function rinses the main index of the effect, report sits implement rinse ability. This are unqualified, explain product structure designs existence issue. ─── 冲洗功能冲洗效果的重要指标,反映坐便器冲洗能力。该项不合格,说明产品结构设计存在问题。

55、A man with despicable soul is unqualified and extravagant to talk love, the love is just a kind of utility tool to the devil. ─── 一个灵魂丑恶的男人是不配奢谈爱情的,爱情对于魔鬼只是一种功利性的工具而已。

56、A name "looked up in the context of an expression" is looked up as an unqualified name in the scope where the expression is found. ─── 在“表达式的语境中查找”的名字是被出现该表达式的作用域中作为非限定名称查找的。

57、Those still unqualified shall be retrained or sent back. ─── 不合格的,延长培训期限或者退回。

58、His newspaper friends did not allow him to forget his unqualified statement of the day before. ─── 他的新闻界朋友不允许他忘却他前一天所说的不符事实的说明。

59、The committee winkled out the unqualified candidates. ─── 委员会把不合格的候选人剔除了。

60、Each EJB 3 business interface with the unqualified name intf of a session bean bean translates into a service by the name bean_intf. ─── 带有一个会话beanbean的非限定名称intf的每个EJB3业务接口都转换为一个名为bean_intf的服务。

61、The imprinter is used for the X-light detector to identify unqualified tires on the automatic product line of mass tires. ─── 在大批量轮胎自动化生产检测线上,为了对不合格轮胎进行标识,设计了配合X光探伤机输出坏胎标记的标识器。

62、Audit risk is a certified public accountant has an important misstatement of the accounting statements issued an unqualified opinion is still the possibility. ─── 审计风险是指注册会计师对有重要错报的会计报表仍发表无保留意见的可能性。

63、It seemed to set the seal on his new relationship with the British public: one of unqualified affection. ─── 这看似是要确定他与英国公众的新关系——这是一种有些不融洽的感情。

64、The cylinder sieve will repeatedly send those unqualified chips or shivers back to the shredding chamber, while whose qualified ones will be let out of the sieve. ─── 圆网筛能把不合格的胶料反送回破碎室循环破碎,合格胶料漏出。

65、Their term of office is four years. They could be dismissed and replaced if anyone of them is proved to be unqualified. ─── 一般任期四年,如果不合适,可以撤换。

66、He is unqualified to teach English. ─── 他不适合教英语; 他没有教英语的资格。

67、She was unqualified for the job. ─── 她无资格做这份工作。

68、Unqualified superlatives are the worst of all. ─── 不加限定的最高级是最糟的。

69、The reproductive conditions of anti-lymphocyte immunoglobulin(ALG) semi-finished product unqualified in pyrogen were studied. ─── 对热原不合格的抗淋巴细胞免疫球蛋白(ALG)半制品再制条件进行了研究。

70、His skilful direction saved the play from being an unqualified. ─── 他巧妙的导演挽救了那场戏免于完全失败。

71、It would be excellent for the employee too, as parents know how to produce the sort of unqualified praise that bosses almost never provide. ─── 对员工来说,这也将是一种美妙的体验,因为父母懂得怎样毫无保留的表扬孩子,而老板几乎从来不会给予同样程度的溢美之词。

72、He is unqualified for the position. ─── 他不适於担任该项职务。

73、Potentially harmful to your health due to unqualified silicone. ─── 不合格的密封圈,卫生指标达不到保障。

74、Land market order rectification work to unqualified acceptance, without provisions for the implementation of construction land system, will stop approving the construction site. ─── 对土地市场秩序治理整顿工作验收不合格的,未按规定执行建设用地备案制度的,一律停止建设用地审批。

75、Dispose the unqualified raw and supplement material and outsourcing products. ─── 对不合格的原辅材料及外协品进行处理;

76、Foreigners are unqualified to discuss Chinese literature! ─── 外国人没有资格谈论中国文学!

77、He was totally unqualified for his job as a senior manager. ─── 他担任高级经理职务完全不够格。

78、When the CONSTRAINED flag is used, the member name must be directly resolvable to a qualified or unqualified member name. ─── 如果使用CONSTRAINED标志,则成员名称必须可直接解析为限定或未限定的成员名称。

79、A name "looked up in the context of an expression" is looked up as an unqualified name in the scope where the expression is found. ─── 在“表达式的语境中查找”的名字是被出现该表达式的作用域中作为非限定名称查找的。

80、Compared with plastic bags sold by supermarkets and stores, free plastic bags offered by stalls in wet markets and small eateries are usually unqualified on thickness. ─── 对话转接客服人员可以将访客转接给相关的部门或人员,实现客户和工作人员的无障碍直接沟通,也可以邀请多个相关部门共同服务顾客,对顾客的问题给出更专业、更权威的答案。

81、To render unqualified or unfit. ─── 使不合格;使不适合

82、In addition, some Engineering and Technical job classifications by assignment or duties may also be considered in the “Unqualified” category for purposes of this training. ─── 另外,为培训的目的,被分配或从事设计和技术工作的人员也可以划入“不合格”人员一类。

83、Shall not assist any entry into the profession of a person known to be unqualified in respect to character, education, or other relevant attribute. ─── 不准帮助任何已知的在性格、教育或其他相关资质方面的不合格的人进入教育职业。

84、According to the opinion expressed by the auditor, there are essentially three types of audit reports, the unqualified disclaimer. ─── 审计意见的种类除了前述的“无保留意见”外,还有“保留意见”及“反面意见”。

85、Auditor's opinions are classified into four categories: unqualified opinion, qualified opinion, adverse opinion, disclaimer opinion. ─── 审计报告包括四种:无保留意见的审计报告、有保留意见的审计报告、反对意见的审计报告、拒绝表示意见的审计报告。

86、Any traffic policeman who is assessed to be unqualified shall not be on post to perform his duties. ─── 交通警察经考核不合格的,不得上岗执行职务。

87、Her husband glared at her. This was unqualified defiance. ─── 她丈夫恶狠狠地瞪了她一眼,毫无来由地挑衅道。

88、There is much deficiency in the traditional APU frame, such as unqualified solidness, the possiblility of resonation or increasing of the heavy laod. ─── 原来的APU组合底架在实际使用中具有很大的缺陷,如刚度过大、容易产生共振及重量过大等,本文正是基于组合底架的这些缺陷而进行相应的改进设计。

89、Why do you think he is unqualified for the job? ─── 你为什么会认为他不能胜任这份工作呢?

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