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08-16 投稿


roves 发音

英:[r??vz]  美:[ro?vz]

英:  美:

roves 中文意思翻译





roves 词性/词形变化,roves变形

动词过去分词: roved |动词现在分词: roving |动词第三人称单数: roves |动词过去式: roved |

roves 短语词组

1、roves rail ─── 罗夫斯铁路

roves 相似词语短语

1、Groves ─── n.格罗夫斯(男子名)(女子名)或(姓氏)

2、troves ─── n.(有价值或令人喜爱的)藏品;无主财宝,埋藏物;宝库;n.(Trove)(美、意、瑞)特罗韦(人名)

3、coves ─── n.小湾;山凹;小峡谷;vt.使内凹;使成拱形;vi.内凹;成拱形;n.(Cove)人名;(英)科夫

4、moves ─── v.移动;感动(move的第三人称单数);搬家;n.位置变动

5、droves ─── n.一群人;畜群(drove的复数);v.买卖;驱赶(drove的三单形式)

6、doves ─── n.白鸽(dove的复数);菜包肉末饭

7、loves ─── 爱情

8、rovers ─── n.巡游者;海上掠夺

9、proves ─── 证明;证明是

roves 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Wasmuth tosses out problems for her students to solve and then roves the room, examining their work. ─── 沃斯默思抛出一个个问题,让学生解答,然后在教室里来回走动,检查他们的完成情况。

2、The daytime and dark night, writing and loves, long article and fragments, rove around and spread. ─── 白天和黑夜,文字和爱恋,长篇和片断,游走和蔓延。

3、Nominally, Mr Rove is the deputy chief of staff; in practice, he is far more powerful than that. ─── 名义上,罗夫(首席政治顾问)是副总管,实际上他的作用远超于此。

4、It will improve the quality and the standard by double oxygen bleached to dew retting rove after boiling. ─── 对雨露麻粗纱煮练后进行两次氧漂,可提高漂后租纱质量,改善细纱条干及成纱品质指标。

5、and long-range roves capable of exporting the Martian surface for years on end. ─── 以及发射能常年观测火星表面的远程漫游卫星。

6、I first met him when Karl Rove,who would later run Bush's campaign for president and is now a Bush adviser in the White House,called to say that Bush was going to run for governor and wanted to talk with me. ─── 我第一次结识他缘于后来小布什竞选总统的组织者、时任白宫顾问的卡尔罗夫。他给我打来电话,说小布什打算竞选州长,想找我谈谈。

7、I began to rove in the city again, as I just seek for something I lost without my attention, but I don't know what to do or where to go. ─── 从此又开始在这个城市之间流浪,就象一个人在寻找不知何时何地丢失了的东西,是如此的迷茫而无所适从。

8、And they will totter from sea to sea, And from the north even to the east; They will rove about, seeking the word of Jehovah, But they will not find it. ─── 12他们必飘流,从这海到那海,从北边到东边;往来奔跑寻求耶和华的话,却寻不着。

9、Farewell to the Highlands, farewell to the North, The birth place of valour, the country of worth, Wherever I wander, wherever I rove, The hills of the Highlands for ever I love. ─── 再见了高地,再见了北方,那勇敢的故里,那高贵的家乡;不管在哪里漂泊,不管在哪里流浪,高地上的群山,是我永远热爱的地方。

10、Citicorp: Me rove you short dime. ─── 内行人早在117-125的范围内入帐,等著165挂著卖。

11、Prim before " old friend " those who began to become rove " stranger " . ─── 以前规规矩矩的“老朋友”开始变成了飘忽不定的“陌生人”。

12、We must not take it for granted that the board of the directors will a rove of the investment plan. ─── 我们决不可想当然地认为董事会一定会批准这个投资计划的。

13、To rove and raid in search of booty. ─── 劫掠为了寻找劫掠品四处流浪和抢劫

14、He roves about in the garden of the palace and upon the ramparts: yes, once he even shot your father and mother right in the heart. ─── 他在御花园里,在散步场上跑来跑去。是的,他从前有过一次射中了你爸爸和妈妈的心啦。

15、He roves about in the garden of the palace and upon the ramparts: yes, once he even shot your father and mother right in the heart. ─── 他在御花园里,在散步场上跑来跑去。是的,他从前有过一次射中了你爸爸和妈妈的心啦。

16、Cuts storehouse Rove to smile while very directly replied: I have not tasted, if you (reporter) are willing to deliver me one, I certainly am happy. ─── 切库罗夫一边笑一边很直接地回答:“我还没有尝过呢,如果你(记者)愿意送我一个,我一定非常高兴。”

17、Sloping roofs can be further categorized into the double slope roof, the cone, cross roves and combinations of these several forms. ─── 倾斜屋顶又可以再分为两面倾斜形、圆锥形、十字交叉形及混合形。

18、The moon roves to be too bright. ─── 月亮徘徊是太明亮的。

19、I entirely a rove of that theory. ─── 我完全赞成那种理论。

20、No matter where I rove When will I see de bees humming all round de comb? ─── 在那里有我故乡的亲人,我终日在想念。走遍天涯,到处流浪,历尽辛酸。

21、But Rove got some of the blame last year when Republicans lost control of Congress, leading to a mixed assessment of his political prowess by the experts. ─── 在去年共和党在国会失利时也被指责,导致了专家们对他政治威力的混乱评价。

22、In the rebuilding eco-environment, productive farm land const ruction is a base, planting trees and bushes and growing grasses are key measures to imp rove eco-environment. ─── 在实施过程中,以基本农田建设为基础,林草建设为重点,进行综合治理。

23、But that failure also testified tothe skill with which Gingrich, Rove, Norquist, and the like wereable to consolidate and institutionalize the conservative movement. ─── 但是这方面的失败也是拜金里奇,罗夫和罗奎斯特等人的所赐,他们有能力巩固并制度化保守党的政治运动。

24、"Massage?"In mouth habit of asked 1, can not help launching association of thought right away, a pair of chemisette hand imitate Fo already beginning rove around on my body. ─── “按摩?”嘴里习惯的问了一句,不禁马上展开了联想,一双女人的手仿佛已经开始在我身上游走了。

25、Most busine and industries a rove of deregulation from government control. ─── 政府逐步撤消对经营活动的控制。

26、Directio : Decide whether or not each of the following statements a roves of the book written by Profe or Baker. ─── 在1)文中,作者在前面引用了出版者的赞扬之辞,而后接着表明难以接受此说法,在说明他对此书持否定态度。

27、If Mr Rove is indeed planning to spend the next few years working on his memoirs and generally vindicating the Bush presidency, he is in for a busy retirement. ─── 如果罗夫确实计划接下来几年里自己著书为布什的任期作辩护,那他退休后就有的忙了。

28、I want to thank Chairman Mark Racicot and the campaign manager Ken Mehlman the architect, Karl Rove. ─── 我感谢优秀的竞选团,感谢你们所有人付出的努力。你们的勤奋和智慧每天都给我留下了深刻的印象。

29、His backbone is straight, the pretty and precious finger roves nigh on the black and white key, feel like dancing. ─── 他的背脊挺直,美丽珍贵的手指游走在黑白按键上,恍若跳舞。

30、Main Top Mast Shroud: This photo shows the main top of the Main Mast. Shows the start of the topsail mast shroud being rove through the dead-eyes. ─── 主桅楼桅杆:照片显示主桅的主桅楼。显示了上桅帆始端穿过“死眼”。

31、But that failure also testified to the skill with which Gingrich, Rove, Norquist, and the like were able to consolidate and institutionalize the conservative movement. ─── 但是这方面的失败也是拜金里奇,罗夫和罗奎斯特等人的所赐,他们有能力巩固并将保守党的政治运动制度化。

32、They stopped near the river and rove stakes for the night. ─── 他们在河边停下,支起帐篷过夜。

33、The paper introduces a new method and a new instrument on direct testing rove elongation Percentage with some techniques such as telemetry in operating of roving frame. ─── 文章介绍了一种在粗纱机运行过程中利用遥测等技术直接测量粗纱伸长率的新方法和新仪器。

34、Because of Mount Zion, which is desolate-Foxes rove in it. ─── 18因为锡安山荒凉,狐狸行在其上。

35、A helpless leaf aimlessly roves in the wind. It knows nothing about its direction, roving, wandering until it drops onto the root of some tree, sometime. ─── 无用的枯叶在风中漫无目的的飘动着.它不知道它最终归属地,但它会一直飞着,直到某一天它飞落到树的脚边。

36、Rove works in miracles every day: such as weakening the strong, and stretching the weak; making fools of the wise, and wise men of fools; favouring the passions, destroying reason, and in a word, turning everything topsy-turvy. ─── 每天爱运作在奇迹:那么就是减弱强的,和舒展微弱;做傻瓜的明智,和明智的傻瓜;倾向激情,毁坏的原因,和在词,转动一切颠倒。

37、you dwells above the mountain and roves with the wind. ─── 你们的真我居于高山之巅,与风道游四方。

38、To seek thee did I often rove Through woods and on the green; And thou wert still a hope, a love; Still longed for, never seen. ─── 我时常漫游,为了找你,踩着草地,穿过密林;如今仍在期待,虽不眼见,你仍是希望,是恋情。

39、Wayne Slater is the author of a book entitled, Bush's Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush. He spoke to CBS television. ─── 是布什的脑袋:K.R.如何造就布什一书的作者。他对CBS电视台这么说。

40、Presidential advisor Karl Rove and former counsel Harriet Miers will be made available for questioning, but not testimony under oath. ─── 总统顾问卡尔·夫和前法律顾问哈丽雅特·尔斯将会接受质问,但不用对证词起誓。

41、I rove to search for the value of my life. ─── 流浪只是在寻找生命的价。

42、I first met him when Karl Rove, who would later run Bush's campaign for president and is now a Bush adviser in the White House, called to say that Bush was going to run for governor and wanted to talk with me. ─── 我 第 一 次 结 识 他 缘 于 后 来 小 布 什 竞 选 总 统 的 组 织 者 、 时 任 白 宫 顾 问 的 卡 尔 罗 夫,他 给 我 打 来 电 话 , 说 小 布 什 打 算 竞 选 州 长 , 想 找 我 谈 谈 。

43、Mr Rove may have outlived his usefulness to the White House. ─── 对白宫而言,罗夫或许已经没有利用价值,但这并不能掩盖他过去的辉煌。

44、During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory, and brought light, life and love to the great world below. ─── 白天,他驾着用金子和象牙制成的战车,给广阔无垠的大地带来光明、命和仁爱。

45、In fact,my dream is very simple, earn ten million yuan, then rove with my darling all over the world! ─── 我的梦想其实很简单:赚够一千万,带着我的女人去流浪!

46、He loved to rove the green hills and clear waters. ─── 他喜欢漫游于山青水秀之乡。

47、Mood rove, stand or fall, how had dominated oneself sentiment? ─── 心情飘忽不定,时好时坏,怎么控制好自己的情绪?

48、In addition, congressional Democrats continue to press Rove to testify about what role if any he had in the firing of nine U.S. ─── 施压然他证实去年他在开出九名美国律师中担当的的任务,如果有的话。

49、Former White House top political adviser Karl Rove is being subpoenaed to appear before Congress. ─── 前白宫首席政治顾问卡尔洛夫接到了国会船票。

50、How is the person's mood old rove? ─── 人的情绪怎么老飘忽不定?

51、I disa rove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it. ─── 我不同意你说的话,但是我愿意誓死捍卫你说话的权利。

52、They have also subpoenaed top presidential aide Karl Rove. ─── 他们同时传讯高级总统助理卡尔罗夫。

53、In addition to Rove's denial, an Associated Press search of Nexis could find no stories that quote Rove making that comment. ─── 另外除了罗夫的拒绝,在新闻全文数据库中也没有罗夫这样的评论。

54、BOA: Me rove you rong dime.Five dollah.Citicorp: Me rove you short dime. ─── 十一月买的没有贴同样的讯息,但是二月的那台又有了。

55、I am a soul which roves around in the heaven. ─── 我是一个游走在天堂的灵魂。

56、The House Judiciary Committee was expected to authorize subpoenas for Rove, Miers and their deputies on Wednesday; the Senate Judiciary Committee was to follow suit a day later. ─── 法庭星期三要求白宫司法委员会批准对罗瓦,米尔斯和他们的助手的传唤;一天以后议会司法委员会也提出同样的要求。

57、My grandfather loved to rove the countryside . ─── 我祖父喜欢到乡下走一走。

58、And all along the way, Karl Rove would act as his political right hand man. ─── 一直以来,卡尔洛夫都扮演着布什总统政治上的左右手。

59、Bush loyalists, led by Karl Rove, have duly over-interpreted this poll in order to soften their former boss's reputation as America's most divisive president. ─── 洛夫领导着布什的忠实追随者,布什作为美国最容易引起分歧的总统,是他们前任上司,他们为了软化布什的名誉,而已适时过分诠释民调结果。

60、Red roves and green trees, sapphire sea and blue sky in the scenic resort will make you feel happy and fresh. ─── 步入景区,红瓦绿树,碧海蓝天,令人心旷神怡。

61、Some examples are given to p rove that taking advantage of″ the most favorable condition of measurement″ can make relative error minimal in science experiment. ─── 在科学实验中,利用测量最有利条件,可使实验结果的相对误差最小。

62、Desperate for his scalp, the Democrats want to subpoena Mr Rove: the president, citing executive privilege, refuses to give him up. ─── 民主党急于将其拿下,希望传讯罗夫:但总统援引行政特权[2],拒绝交人。

63、He rove about his student. ─── 他扫了他的学生一眼。

64、Rove: And the worst thing is, if anything goes wrong there's no-one to blame now. ─── 一样的。其实没有他在身边,也是一种挑战。他就象是我的合作机长,我们一起去创作,去发表。不过现在我要亲自和会计,律师打交道了..烦呀,不过我一定要去做。

65、She at home roves, is excited the cheeks to be bright red. ─── 她在家里转来转去,兴奋得脸颊飞红。

66、Democratic Senator and presidential contender Barack Obama said Rove was the architect of a strategy that left the country more divided than any time in memory. ─── 民主党参议员和总统竞选人奥巴马说,罗孚是导致这个国家前所未有的分裂的战略的设计者。

67、As the key strategist for first Governor then President Bush, Rove learned lessons that paid big political dividends. ─── 从早先的政府官员到如今的总统,罗孚一直是布什重要的战略家,他付出巨大的政治代价吸取了教训。

68、Although most other members of the Bush administration, save Karl Rove, might have trouble finding such a wide-ranging deal, Rice found a strong market among talent agencies. ─── 尽管布什政府的绝大多数其他成员,除了卡尔若夫,很难找到这么大的买卖,但是赖斯在经纪公司中发现了广阔的市场.

69、Inclined to rove. ─── 善于漫游的;善于远行的

70、The CSRC shall decide on whether to a rove, postpone the a roval or disa rove the busine operation within 30 working days upon formal acceptance of the a lication. ─── 中国证监会自受理开业申请之日起30个工作日内作出批准、延迟批准或不批准开业的决定。

71、By the time it became clear that the Republicans were going to receive a drubbing in last year's mid-term congressional elections, Mr Rove's influence had anyway declined. ─── 不过从那以后,罗夫这颗耀眼的明星开始逐渐失去光芒。等到去年共和党在议会中期选举中明显失利,罗夫的影响已经开始变弱。

72、That which is you dwells above the mountain and roves with the wind. ─── 你们的真我居于高山之巅,与风道游四方。

73、She sat still for a moment, then her eyes began to rove about the room. ─── 她静静地坐了一会儿,眼睛开始慢慢地扫视房间。

74、The constant using and cleaning of the fabric will change the tint of the denim and also the rove and the structure of the fabric. ─── 由于使用和清洗,粗斜纹棉布的色彩会发生细微的变化,其他一些天然纤维织物上的粗纺线粒和 织物结构也会发生变化。

75、Rove: Is it a lot easier for you now? Writing and creating, not having to collaborate with anyone else? I mean, you get to make all the calls now. ─── 现在是不是简单多了?可以自由自主地创作,不用和别人合作。你现在要完全控制大局了。

76、Current and former White House colleagues paid tribute to Rove as the key strategist in helping Mr. Bush win the presidency twice. ─── 现任以及前任时期的白宫同事因为罗孚在布什的两次总统胜选中担任重要战略家赠送其礼物。

77、Rove has been at the president's side for more than 14 years, starting with Bush's run for Governor of Texas. ─── 为布什出谋划策超过14年之久的罗夫从布什当年竞选德州州长时就开始为其服务。

78、The hunt is now on for a smoking e-mail that will prove what many Democrats suspect: that Mr Rove ordered the firings of politically independent prosecutors. ─── 现在正在追查的是一封引人关注的电子邮件,该邮件证实了许多民主党人的怀疑:正是罗夫下令解雇政治独立的检察官。

79、Today a House panel authorizes subpoenas for Karl Rove, Harriet Miers and others. ─── 今天,参议院一个专门小组批准对卡尔?洛夫,哈丽雅特?迈尔斯以及相关人士进行传票。

80、Tayebali A,G M Rove,J B Souse.Fatigue Response of Asphalt Aggregate Mixtures.Paper to be Presented at Annual Meeting of Association of Asphalt.Paving Technologist,1992-02. ─── 中华人民共和国交通部.公路工程沥青及沥青混合料试验规程.人民交通出版社,1993.

81、Other Chinese scientists are also working on roves. It is not c----- when a final choice will be made. ─── 还有其他的中国科学家在致力于月球漫游器研究开发工作,中国还未确定最终将做出一个怎样的抉择。

82、Every serious Republican candidate for the presidency employs people who bear the stamp of Rove. ─── 每一个认真的共和党总统候选人都会请一个带有几分罗夫风格的竞选顾问。

83、One who roams or roves about, as in search of amusement or social activity. ─── 游荡者如为寻欢作乐或参加社会活动而四处游荡的人

84、During the day hed rove his carriage of gold and ivory,and brought light,life and love to the great world below. ─── 白天,他驾着用金子和象牙制成的战车,给广阔无垠的大地带来光明、生命和仁爱。

85、Is fond of , as to roves half a lifetime you say such as is an old girl friend who departs paring from . ─── 爱,对于漂泊半生的你来讲,已象是一个分分离离的老朋友。

86、Messrs Gonzales and Rove and the rest of the Texas posse now have the luxury of spending their retirements in their home state. ─── 现在,冈萨雷斯、罗夫和德州派其他诸位先生,有的是时间在得州老家打发退职后的日子。

87、But since then Mr Rove's star has been on the wane. ─── 但从此之后,罗夫身上的光环开始褪色。

88、FDA a roves ci latin, a powerful anti-cancer drug. ─── FDA批准一种有效的抗癌药物-顺铂.

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