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08-16 投稿


rendered 发音

英:['rend?d]  美:['rend?d]

英:  美:

rendered 中文意思翻译



rendered 短语词组

1、rendered lard ─── 变成猪油

2、cost of processing service rendered ─── [经] 加工成本

3、rendered fat ─── 固化脂

4、rendered meaning ─── 呈现的意义

5、rendered images ─── 渲染图像

6、rendered it possible ─── 使之成为可能

7、bill rendered ─── [经] 开出票据

8、account rendered ─── [经] 报帐, 汇报, 结欠清单

9、cost of service rendered ─── [经] 劳务成本

10、rendered definition ─── 渲染定义

11、rendered rides ─── 渲染的游乐设施

12、an account rendered n. ─── 结欠清单

13、rendered moot ─── 有争议的

14、rendered fence ─── 渲染围栏

15、rendered means ─── 呈现方式

16、rendered image ─── 渲染的图像

17、award rendered by default ─── [经] (在一方)缺席(的情形下所作的)仲裁

18、rendered into ─── 译成(某种语言)

19、rendered to ─── 呈现给

rendered 词性/词形变化,rendered变形

动词过去式: rendered |动词现在分词: rendering |名词: renderer |动词第三人称单数: renders |动词过去分词: rendered |形容词: renderable |

rendered 相似词语短语

1、fendered ─── 挡泥板

2、Menderes ─── n.(Menderes)人名;(土)门德列斯

3、cindered ─── n.煤渣;灰烬;vt.用煤渣等铺;vi.用煤渣等铺路面

4、gendered ─── adj.依照性别而分类的

5、meandered ─── (指溪流、河流等)蜿蜒而流(meandered是meander的过去式)

6、unrendered ─── 未着色的;[建]未抹灰的

7、reordered ─── vt.再订购;重新整理;vi.再订购;n.再订购

8、tendered ─── 投标

9、renderer ─── n.渲染器;描绘器

rendered 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The quartet was rendered beautifully. ─── 四重奏演得可神了。

2、It was payment for services rendered. ─── 这是服务酬金。

3、He rendered a report to the manager. ─── 他向经理做了汇报。

4、To render inactive or ineffective. ─── 使不起作用,使无效

5、To render ineffective or impotent. ─── 使无效或无能

6、One render pass builds entire mipmap pyramid. ─── 一次渲染总会建立一个完整的纹理细化金子塔。

7、He rendered up his life for the revolution. ─── 他为革命献出了自己的生命。

8、A decree or edict rendered at such a session. ─── 审讯令这样一开庭的传令或命令

9、If you'll deliver this parcel, you will render me a great service. ─── 如果你把这包东西送去,那就帮我的大忙了。

10、They rendered assistance to the disaster victims. ─── 他们给灾民提供了援助。

11、They rendered great services to their country. ─── 他们对国家做出了巨大的贡献。

12、You are unable to render me the least assistance. ─── 你一点都不能帮我的忙。

13、You have rendered us great service. ─── 你帮了我们很大的忙。

14、The culture vessel must be rendered initially sterile. ─── 培养皿必须先行灭菌。

15、What service has he rendered to the school? ─── 他为学校做了些什么有益的事?

16、He has rendered me great help in time of need. ─── 在我贫困时,他给了我不少的帮助。

17、She has rendered me great help in time of need. ─── 在我贫困的时候,她给了我不少帮助。

18、They rendered thanks to God. ─── 他们感谢上帝。

19、To nullify or render void;abolish. ─── 使无效,使废弃;取消

20、You have rendered a great service to the country . ─── 你们为国家做了一件大好事。

21、Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's. ─── 凯撒的东西应当归还凯撒。

22、"Othello" was rendered rather poorly. ─── 《奥赛罗》一剧演得相当差。

23、Render to himself an account of himself. ─── 使自己了解自己。

24、The bacterial cells are rendered competent. ─── 使细菌细胞变成感受态。

25、It rendered this assumption infirm. ─── 它使这个假定基础不稳。

26、His illness rendered him unfit for service in the army. ─── 他的病使他不宜在军队服役。

27、If these conditions are true, the body of the control is not rendered, and a string is written in its place. ─── 如果以上条件成立,则不会呈现控件正文,而会在相应位置写入字符串。

28、His rudeness rendered me speechless. ─── 他的粗鲁使我讲不出话来。

29、To render indefinite or unspecific. ─── 使概括使不确定或不具体

30、A detailed list of goods shipped or services rendered, with an account of all costs; an itemized bill. ─── 发货清单; 发票关于发送的货物或提供的服务的一份详细的清单,带有所有费用的记录; 逐项列出的票单

31、WML devices do not render this property. ─── WML设备不呈现此属性。

32、Your action has rendered our contract invalid. ─── 你们的这种做法导致双方的合同失效.

33、He has rendered me a service. ─── 他曾帮过我一次忙。

34、Fig)He rendered up his soul to God,ie died. ─── 他魂归天国了.

35、Render to Bin operation out of memory. ─── 从内存渲染到Bin操作输出。

36、The form element is rendered with a name attribute. ─── 呈现的form元素具有name属性。

37、The Italian phrase can be rendered as 'I did my best'. ─── 这个意大利语的短语可以译为“我尽力了”。

38、Hamlet was poorly rendered by him. ─── 哈姆雷特被他演糟了。

39、He was momentarily rendered speechless with joy. ─── 他因欣喜若狂而一时说不出话来。

40、He rendered up his soul to God, ie died. ─── 他魂归天国了。

41、The candidate's private life rendered him unelectable. ─── 候选人的私生活使他成为不可选举

42、What he said can be rendered down to just one phrase: keep silent. ─── 他的话可以简单地用一个短语来表达即:保持沉默。

43、He stood up and rendered a beautiful version of 'Summertime'. ─── 他站起来表演了一段优美的《夏日时光》。

44、Value is often used to programmatically access the HTML element rendered for a control in client-side script. ─── 值经常用于以编程方式访问为客户端脚本中的控件呈现的HTML元素。

45、The girls were rendered quite speechless by the miracle. ─── 姑娘们被眼前的奇迹惊得瞠目结舌。

46、It surrounds the question of whether a work first rendered on the human body can be copyright. ─── 辩论的核心问题是,一部最初在人体上演绎的作品是否受版权保护。

47、Occurs when the background for an overflow button is rendered. ─── 在呈现溢出按钮的背景时发生。

48、Even after working and optimizing the asteroids for a week until they rendered at a great performance, the physics were still way too slow. ─── 用了一个星期的时间来优化小行星的,并获得了不错的渲染效果,物理过程的运行依然缓慢。

49、How would you render 'bon voyage' (into English)? ─── bon voyage怎样翻译(成英语)?

50、They rendered assistance to the disaster victims. ─── 他们给灾民提供了援助。

51、They rendered tribute to the conqueror. ─── 他们向征服者纳贡。

52、To render insensitive or less sensitive. ─── 使降低敏感性使不敏感或降低敏感性

53、You have rendered me a service. ─── 你帮了我的忙。

54、The actors rendered Hamlet very well. ─── 《哈姆雷特》一剧演得很好。

55、Controls inside containers are rendered in reverse order. ─── 容器内部的控件按相反的顺序呈现。

56、Quantitative analysis has rendered most valuable services. ─── 定量分析已作出了极有价值的贡献。

57、Two doctors rendered the help at the accident . ─── 事故中,两位医生给予了帮助。

58、One evening I heard a tale that rendered me sleepless for nights. ─── 一天晚上,我听说了一个传闻,把我搞得一连几夜都不能入睡。

59、You have rendered my meaning quite accurately . ─── 你把我的意思表达得相当准确。

60、He has rendered his life for the cause of communism. ─── 他已为共产主义事业献出生命。

61、The soldiers moving through the area had to struggle against the bad weather, which could render the primitive roads impassable. ─── 士兵们在穿越那一地带时,必须与恶劣气候抗争,因为恶劣气候可能使得那些原始的道路让人无法通行。

62、The Delegation did not see how a member could not be in agreement with this as an important objective of the cooperation rendered by WIPO. ─── 巴西代表团不明白,如何会有成员国认为这不是WIPO提供合作的一个重要目标。

63、They will call on you to render assistance. ─── 他们将到你那里去帮助你。

64、The treasurer rendered an account of all the money spent. ─── 会计呈递了一份开支的清单。

65、It is now easy to see how the model remains the same regardless of the actual display that is rendered. ─── 现在很容易就可以看到不管处理的实际显示是什么样子,模型都维持不变。

66、She rendered the song beautifully last night. ─── 她昨天晚上演唱的歌曲很好听。

67、How to get rendered image into a texture? ─── 如何把纹理渲染到图像中?

68、He always rendered obedience to his wife. ─── 他对老婆一贯是唯唯诺诺百依百顺。

69、You have rendered great service. ─── 你们帮了很大的忙。

70、She rendered back his money. ─── 她归还了他的钱。

71、They are usually invisible on the rendered image. ─── 在渲染的图像中通常也是看不见的。

72、His part in the drama was admirably rendered. ─── 在这一戏剧里他的角色扮演得令人赞美。

73、An accident has rendered him helpless. ─── 一件意外使他束手无策。

74、His remark rendered me speechless. ─── 他的话使我哑口无言。

75、The captain has rendered up his castle to the enemy. ─── 上尉把城堡交给了敌人。

76、They rendered us help in time of need. ─── 在困难的时候他们帮助了我们。

77、His stammer rendered him unfit for a teaching job. ─── 他的口吃毛病使他不宜担任教职。

78、His virtue rendered him popular with the teachers. ─── 他的美德使他在教师中很有声望。

79、Her sorrow and exhaustion had rendered her too weak. ─── 她又是悲痛又是疲乏,软弱得一点劲儿也没有了。

80、The dramatist's conception was well rendered. ─── 剧作家的构思得到了出色的表达。

81、He has rendered many services to the cause of education. ─── 他对教育事业作出不少贡献。

82、In English the future tense is often rendered by means of auxiliary. ─── 在英语中,未来式常用助动词来表现。

83、He rendered assistance to the sufferers. ─── 他帮助了受难者。

84、The committee rendered an account of all the money spent . ─── 委员会对全部的开支作以说明。

85、A passage rendered in this style. ─── 宣叙部以这种风格出现的那一段

86、Which video teching of render you want. ─── 你希望看到的渲染器教学。

87、A footer item is not rendered for these data control fields. ─── 对于这些数据控件字段将不呈现脚注项。

88、Two doctors rendered the help at the accident. ─── 事故中,两位医生给予了帮助。

89、He rendered a report to the commander-in-chief. ─── 他向总司令作了汇报。


非常好的英文翻译是great,作为名词、形容词和副词使用,具体分析如下:great英 [gre?t] 美 [ɡret] adj.伟大的,杰出的;优异的,显著的;很多的;重大的adv.[口语]很好地;令人满意地,成功地,顺利地;得意地n.大人物们;伟大人物;重要人物,大师;名家相关短语:

1、great opportunity 极好的机会2、great pain 剧烈的痛苦3、great patience 极大的耐心4、great picture 名画5、great pile 一大堆6、great scholar 伟大的学者7、great scoundrel 十足的无赖8、great ship 巨轮扩展资料相关例句:1、No one would deny that Beethoven's symphonies are great masterpieces.人人都认为贝多芬的交响乐是伟大的杰作。

2、The great issues of the day are education and employment.当前的重要问题是教育和就业。

3、He has rendered me great help in time of need.在我贫困时,他给了我不少的帮助。

4、Thank you. You've been a great help already. 谢谢你。你已经帮了大忙了。

5、The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great improvement. 我们1980年引进的系统有了很大改进。

6、He's a pygmy when compared with great musicians.他和伟大的音乐家相比就成了侏儒。

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