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08-16 投稿


oligarchy 发音

英:['?l?gɑ?k?]  美:['ɑl?'gɑrki]

英:  美:

oligarchy 中文意思翻译



oligarchy 词性/词形变化,oligarchy变形

形容词: oligarchic |名词复数: oligarchies |

oligarchy 同义词

oligarchy 反义词


oligarchy 短语词组

1、oligarchy oliguria ─── 寡头政治 ─── 寡头

2、oligarchy of finance capital ─── 财政资本寡头

3、oligarchy examples ─── 寡头政治的例子

4、oligarchy definition ─── 寡头政治的定义

5、oligarchy meaning ─── 寡头政治含义

6、oligarchy finance ─── [财]寡头控制的金融

7、oligarchy vs aristocracy ─── 寡头与贵族

8、oligarchy countries ─── 寡头国家

9、oligarchy economics definition ─── 寡头经济的定义

oligarchy 相似词语短语

1、holarchy ─── 合弄结构

2、Aligarh ─── n.阿里格尔(印度北部城市)

3、oligarch ─── n.寡头政治执政者

4、diarchy ─── n.两头政治;两头政权(一个政权归两个统治者的政府,等于dyarchy)

5、oligarchic ─── adj.寡头政治的;主张寡头政治的

6、oligarchal ─── 寡头政治

7、oligarchs ─── 寡头政治的执政者(oligarchs是oligarch的复数)

8、oligarchies ─── n.寡头政治

9、dinarchy ─── 二人政治

oligarchy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In it, Napoleon writes: "I am dying before my time, murdered by the English oligarchy and their hired assassin. The English people will not delay in avenging me." ─── 拿破仑在遗嘱里写道:“我要在大限来临之前提前离开人世了。我是被英国寡头政治集团和他们雇佣的刺客谋杀的。英国人是不会推迟对我的复仇的。”

2、Victor Koo will be on different occasions show that the video site is now an oligarchy of the times. ─── 古永锵则在不同场合表明,视频网站现在是寡头时代。

3、And he has often fallen foul of the Argentinian oligarchy. ─── 同时他还时常与阿根廷的寡头统治相抵触。

4、He and his brother were seized by the ruling oligarchy in 404 as disaffected aliens; ─── 西元前404年他和他哥哥被统治的寡头执政者以不忠的异己分子名义逮捕;

5、The big cities were notoriously in the hands of the oligarchy of local businessmen. ─── 众所周知,大城市已经掌握在当地商人的寡头统治中。

6、In a traditional industrial society where its industries and market enjoy a relatively long period of stability, there is a great possibility of monopoly, oligarchy and strong market access restriction. ─── 在传统的工业社会,其行业、产品市场具有较长时间的稳定性,出现垄断、寡头、或较强市场进入限制的可能性很大。

7、on the other, to practice absolute monopoly, or oligarchy monopoly, in its outside market structure, which marks itself a strong regional competitor as a whole. ─── 产业集群外部市场结构接近完全垄断或寡头垄断,表现出强大的区域竞争力。

8、Oligarchy: government by a few, especially by a small faction of persons or families ─── 寡头统治政府,指由少数人或家族组成的小集团统治的政府

9、The leading system is not democratic, just like historical oligarchy, which should not he advocated or regarded as the value object of the Party construction and the state system. ─── “毛周体制”不是民主政治的体制,而是类似历史上的寡头政治,所以不宜宣传,不宜作为党的建设和国家制度的价值目标。

10、oligarchy of finance capital ─── 财政资本寡头

11、I see in China the closest ally for the poor of the world and the potential to defeat the criminal oligarchy. ─── 我认为中国是全世界穷人最亲密的盟友,并有具有打败肮脏的寡头政治的潜力。

12、one of the rulers in an oligarchy. ─── 一个寡头政冶政冶团的统冶者。

13、The two praised each other at each other in their respective industries to obtain the status after the oligarchy. ─── 两人在互相夸奖对方在各自行业取得寡头地位后。

14、This sense can only grow in the face of a government that increasingly resembles an oligarchy, a plaything of party grandees. ─── 这种意识仅出现在一个政府越来越向寡头政府靠拢,成为党内达官贵人手中玩物的时候。

15、However much I might agree with the outcome, that’s why I can’t see this decision as a triumph for freedom but rather as yet another power grab by an oligarchy. ─── 尽管我对这个结果无比地欣慰,但我不认为这个决定可以看作为自由而战的胜利,倒不如可以看作是一个寡头政治争夺又一个权利之战。

16、While the oligarchy appeared, it delayed the progress of democratization in Russia.At the same time, it prevented from fare competition in economic sphere. ─── 寡头政治的出现,延缓了俄罗斯的民主化进程,同时也阻碍了经济领域的公平竞争。

17、Market Structure of Oligarchy Competition, Performance Promotion and Market Stabilization --From a Viewpoint of Welfare Economics ─── 寡头竞争均衡、效率促进与市场稳定--一个福利经济学视角

18、The management of towns and cities has also been explored.Finally, democratic supervision and administration has been achieved replacing the oligarchy of the middle ages. ─── 其次,在城市的管理方面也进行了全面探索,使城市管理摆脱了中世纪的寡头统治,进入到民主监督与管理的时代。

19、The country is ruled by an oligarchy called the ' fifteen families' . ─── 一个叫“15个家族”寡头统治集团统治了这个国家。

20、The result of these developments is an oligarchy of private capital the enormous power of which cannot be effectively checked even by a democratically organized political society. ─── 这些发展的结果造成私人资本的寡头政治,它的巨大权力甚至连民主组织起来的国家也无法有效地加以控制。

21、This sense can only grow in the face of a government that increasingly resembles an oligarchy , a plaything of party grandees. ─── 这种意识仅出现在一个政府越来越向寡头政府靠拢,成为党内达官贵人手中玩物的时候。

22、An article in the British magazine New Scientist describes the research as evidence of a global financial oligarchy. ─── 一篇发表在英国《新科学家》杂志上的文章把这项研究描述为全球金融寡头政治的证据。

23、Reporters learned that this Wuliangye and still adhere to the "oligarchy management" pattern of sales. ─── 记者了解到,这与五粮液仍坚持"寡头管理"的销售模式有关。

24、oligarchy monopoly ─── 寡头垄断

25、Industrial Markets: Trend of Oligarchy and Its Implication ─── 浅析产业市场寡头化发展趋势及其启示

26、What the juristical oligarchy now claims is to monopolise the knowledge of the laws, to have the exclusive possession of the principles by which quarrels are decided. ─── 法律寡头政治现在所主张的是要垄断法律知识,要对决定争论所依据的各项原则有独占的权利。

27、of or relating to or supporting or characteristic of an oligarchy. ─── 属于、关于寡头政治, 主张寡头政治,或具有寡头政治特征。

28、a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin(bJasper Griffin) ─── 愚蠢的寡头政治拒绝看到历史正在把其扫入垃圾箱(b贾斯珀 格里芬)

29、"a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin" (Jasper Griffin) ─── “愚蠢的寡头政治拒绝看到历史正在把其扫入垃圾箱”(贾斯珀·格里芬)

30、Everywhere, in the countries I have named, laws engraven on tablets and published to the people take the place of usages deposited with the recollection of a privileged oligarchy. ─── 在我所提到的几个国家中,到处都把法律铭刻在石碑上,向人民公布,以代替一个单凭有特权的寡头统治阶级的记忆的惯例。

31、Rather, it is an attempt by an insecure oligarchy, which senses that its authority is feeble and falling apart, to disavow full responsibility for its actions. ─── 相反,这是缺乏安全感的寡头精英的尝试,他们认识到自己的权威性陷入衰落和分崩离析之中,因而要为自己的行动推卸全部的责任。

32、There are thus three true forms of government: monarchy, aristocracy, and constitutional republic.The perverted forms of these are tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. ─── 这样就区分出三种正宗政体:君主政体,贵族政体和共和政体,三种变态政体:僭主制,寡头制和平民制。

33、" Since then, Sparta to wantonly interfere in the internal affairs of other city, ravaged his state sovereignty, and foster oligarchy. ─── 此后,斯巴达重新肆无忌惮地干涉其他城邦的内政,蹂躏他邦主权,扶植寡头。

34、oligarchy monopolized market structure ─── 寡头市场结构

35、The result could be a China that falls into a stagnant oligarchy like that of Russia. ─── 结果可能导致中国沦为像俄罗斯那样的经济停滞不前的寡头政治。

36、What is the difference between democracy and oligarchy? What are the different types of each? ─── 民主政体与寡头政体有何不同?这两者其中又可分为哪些不同的种类?

37、But it will survive: if anyone has to suffer, it will not be the poor but “the oligarchy,” he insisted. ─── 他坚称革命的步伐将不会停止:如果有人要受苦,也不会是穷人,而是那些“寡头”。

38、But plenty of thoughtful people (many of them in the Lords) are holding out for oligarchy. ─── 不过,众多考虑周全之士(许多来自上院)还是强烈要求维持现状。

39、You cool video site that is oligarchy. ─── 优酷就是视频网站寡头。

40、Though an aristocrat , he had, as a young man, criticized the idleness and corruption of his class and built up a popular opposition to the senatorial oligarchy. ─── 虽然他出生贵族,但他年轻时就经常谴责贵族阶级的懒惰和腐化,反对元老院的寡头政治,他的主张很受人们的欢迎。

41、The other consequence of privatization was the oligarchy politics came out. ─── 民营化的一个结果是寡头政治的出现。

42、The difference between the last two is not that democracy is a government of the many, and oligarchy of the few;instead, democracy is the state of the poor, and oligarchy of the rich. ─── 后两种政体的区别并不是说,平民政体就是多数人掌权,寡头政体就是少数人掌权,而是说平民政体是穷人执政而寡头政体是富人执政。

43、Portals as a result of a lot of money and in particular brand advantages, such as video-blog phenomenon oligarchy is likely to occur again. ─── 由于门户网站的诸多特别是资金和品牌的优势,类似博客那样的视频寡头现象很可能再次出现。”

44、He considered the best state to be a polity, which he defined as a common wealth intermediate between oligarchy and democracy. ─── 他认为最好的国家是一种政治组织,他定义其为一种介于寡头政治和民主政治之间的普遍财富媒介。

45、" The impression that emerges is of a modern oligarchy. ─── 这听上去就像是一个现代寡头统治集团。

46、financial oligarchy ─── 金融寡头

47、It was ruled by the Rana oligarchy for more than a century. ─── 它就曾被拉纳寡头统治了一个多世纪。

48、How far did the Meiji constitution confirm the powers of the Meiji oligarchy? ─── 明治宪法使明治王朝的权力巩毋固到甚麽程度?

49、oligarchy competition ─── 寡头竞争

50、But the Oligarchy was too confident in those days ─── 可是当时的寡头政权实在太有恃无恐了。

51、Thus, the argument goes, "liberal democracy" is merely a decoration over an oligarchy. ─── 因此,有人质疑道“自由民主”只是盖在寡头政治上的一个装饰品罢了。

52、It had long been realized that the only secure basis for oligarchy is collectivism ─── 他们早已认识到,寡头政体的唯一可靠基础是集体主义。

53、Reporters learned that this Wuliangye and still adhere to the " oligarchy management" pattern of sales. ─── 记者了解到,这与五粮液仍坚持“寡头管理”的销售模式有关。

54、General industry after 10 years of development there will always have oligarchy, the top share of the enterprise almost no market opportunities. ─── 一般行业经过10年发展总会有寡头产生,前几名份额之外的企业几乎没有什么市场机会。

55、He dismisses his opponents as the "oligarchy, " while his opposition gives him little credit, if any at all, for what he's done well. ─── 他将其反对党斥为“寡头政治”,同时反对者对他也没什么好感,如果还有那么一点儿的话,那是因为他做得实在太好了。

56、An investigation on the ways of electricity market oligarchy competition and its behavior analysis ─── 电力市场寡头竞争的方式研究和行为分析

57、There are three main factions.The Centaurus Oligarchy, the Deltan Federation and the Star Fold Confederacy. ─── 有三大阵营:人马座,德尔塔,斯塔弗。

58、He fears the way SOEs are being privatised might create an oligarchy of a wealthy elite controlling the country's resources, as in Russia. ─── 用现在的方法实行民营化,有可能像俄罗斯那样产生由垄断国家资源的富有的精英们的寡头政治。

59、country governed by an oligarchy ─── 寡头统治的国家

60、With the development of the scheme, the optimates found at the same time the realization of their oligarchy ruling and the split between their boss and themselves. ─── “外部敌人在人数上占据如此巨大的优势,加上内部的背叛所起到的侵蚀作用,它能够坚持这么长时间,已经是个奇迹了。”

61、Coriolanus, the hero of Shakespeare's play was born in the 5th century in ancient Rome, which was right in her historical and political transition from an oligarchy to a democratic republic. ─── 剧中主人公科利奥兰纳斯生于公元前5世纪,当时罗马正处在由贵族独裁向民主共和过渡时期。

62、But plenty of thoughtful people (many of them in the Lords) are holding out for oligarchy. ─── 不过,众多考虑周全之士(许多来自上院)还是强烈要求维持现状。

63、of a financial oligarchy is a recurrent theme in America. ─── 金融寡头怀疑论是美国反复出现的话题。

64、One of his cardinal convictions was that Britain was not run as a democracy but as an oligarchy. ─── 他的一个基本信念是,英国无法成为一个民主制国家而只能是一个寡头制国家。

65、This was a blunder on the part of the Oligarchy, and a costly one ─── 这是寡头政权的一个失策,而且是一个损失巨大的失策。

66、iron law of oligarchy ─── 寡头政治铁律, 寡头垄断铁律

67、But the landed oligarchy had stunted the country's democratic development for generations. ─── 但是好几代以来土地寡头的统治阻碍了这个国家民主的发展。

68、a purblind oligarchy that flatly refused to see that history was condemning it to the dustbin(Jasper Griffin) ─── 愚蠢的寡头政治拒绝看到历史正在把其扫入垃圾箱(贾斯珀 格里芬)

69、And he has often fallen foul of the Argentinean oligarchy ─── 同时他还时常与阿根廷的寡头统治相抵触。

70、The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies. ─── 金融寡头是垄断资本主义的真正统治者。

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