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08-16 投稿


magisterial 发音

英:[,m?d??'st??r??l]  美:[,m?d??'st?r??l]

英:  美:

magisterial 中文意思翻译



magisterial 词性/词形变化,magisterial变形

副词: magisterially |

magisterial 短语词组

1、magisterial district court ─── 地方法院

2、magisterial ineptitude ─── [法] 判处失当

3、magisterial district court docket sheets ─── 地方法院裁判官卷宗表

4、magisterial definition ─── 权威定义

5、magisterial district judge docket sheet ─── 地方法官案卷

6、magisterial district court 24-3-01 ─── 地方法院24-3-01

7、magisterial district docket sheet ─── 行政区案卷表

magisterial 相似词语短语

1、ministerial ─── adj.部长的;内阁的;公使的;牧师的

2、Yagi aerial ─── 引向反射天线

3、magisterialness ─── 权威

4、barristerial ─── 路障

5、magistral ─── adj.教师的;独断的

6、magisterially ─── 威严地

7、magisterium ─── n.教权;(天主教的)教诲职责

8、magisteries ─── 法官

9、listerial ─── 李斯特菌的

magisterial 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、managed the employees in an aloof, magisterial way ─── 以冷漠专断的态度来对待这些雇员

2、This light is from official hat in ancient. The logs are enchased with two hazy grasses and two limpets. The type is very simple meaning magisterial. ─── 本台灯两侧为原木造型为乌纱帽,原木之间镶嵌前后两块磨砂玻璃,原木上部两侧各有一帽翅,造型简朴大方,寓意升官发财,时运亨通

3、magisterial statement ─── 权威的声明

4、In Totentanz 2, a crimson tinted flood is superimposed over a magisterial robed figure, an Aryan blonde seated as if on a throne. ─── 在《死亡之舞》2里,染成深红的洪水叠加在一个威风凛凛、身着长袍的人物上——一个金发碧眼的雅利安人,如同坐在国王的宝座上一般。

5、Below this kind of circumstance, entrepreneur became lifelong restrict official of magisterial or accurate government. ─── 在这种情况下,企业家变成了终身制长官或准政府官员。

6、It says to get high-sounding here, but when it saw superior is magisterial, brush walk on the ground, stand even rise lackey, so careladen and ashamed thing, were we done? ─── 它在这里说得冠冕堂皇,可它见到了上级长官时,擦在地上行走,还要立起来侍候,这样劳苦羞耻的事,我们做了吗?”

7、As you continue to grow up, more will commune with me, more will commune with the Magisterial Son. ─── 随着你继续成长,你会更多地与我交流,更多地与权威之子交流。

8、Now he has stood back and produced a magisterial history which brings all the strands of the story together and becomes, among its other virtues, a persuasive account of early capitalism. ─── 该书结合资本主义其他优点,对早期资本主义给出了一个令人信服的评价。

9、Nowadays the military profession is in abeyance and the magisterial robe is the badge of honor ─── 这种年头,真是武事不修,文官得道,关于这一点,有一句拉丁话说得非常深刻。”

10、magisterial decisions ─── 地方法官的决定

11、a magisterial account of the history of the English language ─── 有关英语历史具有权威的记录

12、magisterial ineptitude ─── 判处失当

13、Some build a project, both neither presses a program, also not classics argumentation, by magisterial volition, one case is decided sound, become " regretful " project. ─── 有些建设工程,既不按规划,也不经论证,凭长官意志,一格定音,成为“遗憾”工程。

14、She would appear on the porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty. ─── 她会出现在阳台上,以她雍容之美成为注目的焦点。

15、be magisterial in front of a petty rebuke ─── 在小的指责面前持满不在乎态度

16、He talked with the magisterial authority of the head of the family. ─── 他说起话来俨然一副一家之主的口吻。

17、The substance of this magisterial thesis is the research and improvement of speaker recognition which is based on the VQ (Vector Quantization) and HMM (Hidden Markov Model). ─── 本论文主要内容是基于矢量量化(VQ) 和隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)的说话人识别算法的研究和改进。

18、'You have treated my instructions as if they were waste paper,'Palmerston told Elliot in a magisterial rebuke, and replaced him. ─── 彭玛斯顿勋爵严厉谴责义律漠视他的训令,召回义律,另派砵甸乍爵士接任。

19、His magisterial work on the agrarian question is still valid. ─── 他关于土地问题的权威著作至今仍然适用。

20、He talked with the magisterial authority of the head of the family. ─── 他说起话来带着一副一家之主的口吻。

21、World History of Human Disease is a magisterial work. ─── 世界人类疾病史》是一部权威的作品。

22、"The report is magisterial, the clay in soup is too much. ─── “报告长官,汤里泥土太多了。”

23、Mr Sen's latest book answers both difficulties in magisterial style. ─── 他的新书权威地回答了这两方面难题。

24、managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way; ─── 用专横、无情的方法管理职员;

25、His magisterial study of Roman law is likely to be the standard book on the subject for many years. ─── 他对罗马律法的权威性研究可能是多年来论述这个问题的典?性作品。

26、Magisterial frightened jump, result soldier is red face runs to say: "The report is magisterial, still did not hit the mark. ─── 长官吓了一跳,结果士兵红着脸跑回来说:“报告长官,还是没有打中。”

27、His work is technical, however, and the fine detail has sometimes hidden the shape of the whole.Mr Sen's latest book answers both difficulties in magisterial style. ─── 然而他的作品却是专业化的,精密的细节还有时掩盖了其大轮廓,不过桑的最新出版睿智地回答了开篇两者的难题。

28、his magisterial work 'The Roman Wall in Scotland' ─── 他的睿智之作《苏格兰的罗马墙》

29、Our factory is natal product by country magisterial agency detection identifiation by average.accord with standard completely. ─── 本厂生产的产品经国家权威机构检测鉴定通过,完全符合标准。

30、his distinguished bearing; the monarch's imposing presence; she reigned in magisterial beauty ─── 他那高贵的仪态;君主的威严驾临;她为王威严

31、"Not, I beg you to must not be done so, magisterial. ─── “不,我求求您千万别这样做,长官。

32、dummy can be magisterial and deferent epistolary confidential letter, even if is captured to also ask not clear exact details; ─── 哑巴可为长官传送书信密件,即便被俘也问不清底细;

33、When I have finished he always says, in magisterial sort of way: "You lead a very happy and very full life. ─── 在我说完这些以后,我丈夫总以类似法官的口气说:"你的生活很幸福,而且非常充实。

34、magisterial industry ─── 主导产业

35、his distinguished bearing; the monarch's imposing presence; she reigned in magisterial beauty. ─── 他那高贵的仪态;君主的威严驾临;她为王威严。

36、even Professor Dumbledore, Harry Potter’s magisterial head teacher, has now been incarnated with Gambon’s sly sense of fun. ─── 这没有快速痊愈的方法,你只能很小心地坐下,定时吃止痛药,等它们愈合。而且我要尽量避免过多地笑。”

37、When I have finished he always says, in magisterial sort of way: “You lead a very happy and very full life. ─── 在我说完这些以后,我丈夫总以类似法官的口气说:“你的生活很幸福,而且非常充实。

38、The poem is obviously magisterial. ─── 很明显,这首诗有其权威性。

39、"She would appear on the porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty"(Harper Lee) ─── “她会出现在阳台上,以她雍容之美成为注目的焦点”(哈珀·李)

40、"She would appear on the porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty" (Harper Lee) ─── “她会出现在阳台上,以她雍容之美成为注目的焦点”(哈珀·李)

41、She would appear on the porch and reign over the street in magisterial beauty(Harper Lee) ─── 她会出现在阳台上,以她雍容之美成为注目的焦点(哈珀 李)

42、19.He concludes that it is hard to find any contemporary issue of statecraft and foreign relations that does not have an antecedent in Thucydides' magisterial account of the Peloponnesian War. ─── 他总结说,我们很难在现代的国家治术和对外关系中找到在修昔底德对伯罗奔尼撒战争的天才描述中没有先例的问题。

43、The magisterial reformers were right to reject the early versions of it that appeared in the teaching of some radicals. ─── 权威改教家拒绝这种早期版本是正确的。这些早期版本已经出现在一些极端分子的教导中。

44、9 see joke: The first day when enter camp in recruit, senior office or officer to be opposite recruit people say: "Begin from now, you must be subject to absolutely to magisterial word, knew? ─── 9看笑话: 在新兵入营的第一天,长官就对新兵们说:“从现在开始,你们对长官的话必须绝对服从,知道了吗?”

45、For this, we suggest: One, must plan lawfully, build lawfully, overcome magisterial volition stoutly. ─── 为此,我们建议: 一、必须依法规划,依法建设,坚决克服长官意志。

46、Cry magisterial and angrily: "If I am you, early committed suicide!Early committed suicide!! ─── 长官生气地喊道:“假如我是你,早就自杀了!”

47、Magisterial reprimand: "Do not understand? ─── 长官斥责道:“难道不懂吗?”

48、Not a little while, magisterial call authority: "Jump! ─── 不一会儿,长官叫大家:“跳!”

49、Duty soldiers says: "The report is magisterial, if crocodile has the fear of my half, river water cannot be drunk. ─── 勤务兵说:“报告长官,假如鳄鱼有我一半的害怕,河水就不能喝了。”

50、Your Inner Fish is, perhaps, a rather trite title for such a magisterial work. ─── 也许对于一本如此权威的著作来说,《你体内的鱼》是一个比较陈腐的标题。

51、But tell him, also, to set his fraternal and magisterial heart at ease: that I keep strictly within the limits of the law. ─── 但是,也告诉他,请他放宽他那一副傲然的手足之情的心肠吧。我是严格遵守法律限制的。

52、an autocratic person; autocratic behavior; a bossy way of ordering others around; a rather aggressive and dominating character; managed the employees in an aloof magisterial way; a swaggering peremptory manner. ─── 专制的人;专制的行为;差使别人的专横习惯;有点好斗、专横的性格;用专横、无情的方法管理职员;傲慢、专横的举止。

53、His associate says: "Not, not be completely such, magisterial people be the normal person in bedlam? ─── 他的伙伴说:“不,不完全是这样,长官们不就是疯人院里的正常人吗?”

54、"" report is magisterial, either! ─── 报告长官,不是!""

55、A few places, allow magisterial one makes. ─── 一些地方,一任长官一个令。

56、a magisterial forehead ─── 样子威严的前额

57、a magisterial thesis ─── 硕士论文

58、A dog is watching the master's face almost as tenderly as the master took in the still more magisterial physiognomy of the house; ─── 一只狗狗一脸谦逊地看着主人,正如主人看着屋里更有威严的人一样;

59、Of or relating to a magistrate; magisterial. ─── 和地方行政官有关的;师长的

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