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08-16 投稿


manslaughter 发音

英:['m?nsl??t?]  美:['m?nsl?t?]

英:  美:

manslaughter 中文意思翻译



manslaughter 网络释义

n. 杀人;过失杀人;一般杀人罪

manslaughter 短语词组

1、unlawful act manslaughter ─── 非法行为引起死亡

2、intoxication manslaughter ─── 醉酒杀人

3、manslaughter ohio ─── 俄亥 ─── 俄州过失杀人

4、manslaughter frog ─── 误杀青蛙

5、manslaughter 1st degree ─── 一级过失杀人罪

6、manslaughter conviction ─── 过失杀人罪定罪

7、manslaughter 1922 ─── 过失杀人1922

8、gross negligence manslaughter ─── 严重疏忽误杀

9、voluntary manslaughter ─── [法] 故意杀人

10、involuntary manslaughter ─── [法] 过失杀人罪

11、manslaughter 1922 film ─── 过失杀人1922年电影

12、commit manslaughter ─── [法] 误杀, 过失杀人

13、manslaughter definition ─── 过失杀人定义

14、manslaughter ulitization ─── [法] 过失杀人, 误杀

manslaughter 词性/词形变化,manslaughter变形


manslaughter 相似词语短语

1、laughter ─── n.笑;笑声

2、horselaughter ─── n.喧哗的笑;纵声大笑;傻笑(horselaugh的变形)

3、to slaughter ─── 屠杀

4、granddaughter ─── n.孙女;外孙女

5、draw laughter ─── 引来笑声

6、slaughter ─── n.屠宰;大屠杀;(非正式)彻底击败;v.屠宰(动物);(尤指大量)屠杀(人、动物);(非正式)彻底击败(对手);n.(Slaughter)(美)斯劳特(人名)

7、preslaughter ─── 笑前

8、flaughter ─── 弗劳特

9、canned laughter ─── 预先录制的笑声

manslaughter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、was had up for manslaughter. ─── 误杀罪被送上法庭。

2、If charged and convicted of gross vehiular manslaughter, Garrison could face up to10 years in prison. ─── 若加?辿]祸致人死命被起诉,一旦罪名成立后,他就会被判10年有期徒刑。

3、Below such circumstance, the news of adversary of the component part of software of product manslaughter other that we often hear certain software business, baleful even attack. ─── 在这样的情况下,我们经常听到某些软件商的产品误杀他人软件构件、甚至恶意攻击对手的新闻。

4、misdemeanor manslaughter ─── 轻误杀罪

5、The jury found him guilty (of manslaughter). ─── 陪审团裁定他(误杀)罪名成立.

6、Andy is serving a ten spot for manslaughter. ─── 安迪因误杀要服刑十年。

7、360 odd tiger, said: "antivirus software manslaughter is a normal phenomenon. ─── 奇虎360表示:“杀毒软件误杀是正常的现象。”

8、The guards are facing manslaughter and other charges over a shooting incident in a Baghdad intersection last year that left 17 Iraqi civilians dead. ─── 保安们将会面对谋杀和其它的指控,原因是在去年巴格达的枪击事件中造成17名伊拉克平民死亡。

9、" 360 claimed that the current antivirus Gongce stage in the day, thousands of 360 selected users to use the test, the company has not received reports of users on manslaughter. ─── 声称目前360杀毒在公测阶段,每天选取几千名360用户进行使用测试,公司并没有接到用户关于误杀的举报。

10、For a manslaughter, 360-odd tigers are very helpless guardian of safety. ─── 对于出现误杀,奇虎360安全卫士也很无奈。

11、The 16-year-old, from North London, who cannot be named because of his age, denied murder but admitted manslaughter. ─── 那名少年来自伦敦北部,今年16岁,因为他的年纪而不能透漏他的姓名,他否认谋杀,但承认杀了人。

12、However, 360 companies deal with the attitude of manslaughter case, where an industry joke, as "people bought the technology, did not learn other people's attitude. ─── 但是360公司对待误杀事件的态度,也如某业内人士戏言的那样“买来了人家的技术,却没学会人家的态度”。

13、A homicide committed without malice (as in negligent motor vehicle operation) or in the “heat of passion” (as in a quarrel which escalates to violence) is generally considered manslaughter. ─── 丁林先生在他的故事最后部分说到” 迟到的正义仍然是正义。”

14、He was jailed for manslaughter. ─── 他 因 杀 人 罪 被 判 入 狱 。

15、Would fellow policemen have rallied around Mr Kurras, who was twice acquitted of manslaughter, had they known him to be a communist spy? ─── 如果当时警察同事们知道库拉斯是一名共产党间谍的话,他们还会站在两次被判过失杀人罪不成立的库拉斯一边吗?

16、As time, the two companies have yet to agree on manslaughter incident. ─── 截至发稿时,两家公司尚未就误杀事件达成一致。

17、Symantec manslaughter in 2007 operating system has given rise to great security disaster, the aftermath of the proceedings so far-ping. ─── 2007年赛门铁克误杀操作系统曾引起很大的安全灾难,至今诉讼余波未平。

18、Police say they plan to formally charge 32-year-old Chanton Jenkins with three counts of intoxication manslaughter. ─── 警方说,他们计划以三项酒后误杀罪名正式起诉32岁的查尔顿詹金斯。

19、Thus a person cannot be guilty of both murder and manslaughter for the same homicide, nor can a person be retried for the same crime after the case has been resolved. ─── 但是,却可以被判犯有谋杀罪和抢劫罪,只要他在抢劫的同时还进行谋杀。

20、Then the guest, he who had been cleansed of manslaughter, whose name was Adrastos, hurling a spear at it missed the boar and struck the son of Croesus. ─── 于是应验了梦里所说的他被矛尖击中的预言。有一个人跑回去向克洛伊斯报告事情的经过。

21、She was found guilty of manslaughter and put on probation for two years. ─── 她被判过失杀人罪,缓刑两年。

22、A mainland right of abode claimant was found guilty of murdering an immigration officer at immigration tower in August 2000. The other six defendants were found guilty of manslaughter and arson. ─── 一名内地居留权诉讼者被裁定于2000年8月,在入境处谋杀一名入境主任罪名成立,其馀六名被告被裁定误杀及纵火罪成立。

23、In the US, homicide can refer to murder or to negligent or accidental manslaughter, but the finding need not trigger criminal charges. ─── 在美国,蓄意杀人罪指谋杀或意外过失杀人罪,但是这个发现不应该引发刑事指控。

24、Was found guilty of manslaughter ─── 误杀罪成

25、Re-era mandate forcing people not settled on the battlefield in order to rush Hamlet. Comenius Bora due to manslaughter and was used Claudius, and finally come to a tragic end. ─── 重整时代的任务逼迫着未曾安顿好人心秩序的哈姆雷特匆匆上了战场,而终因误杀波乐纽斯,被克劳狄斯所利用,最后落得了悲惨的结局。

26、If charged and convicted of gross vehiular manslaughter, Garrison could face up to 10 years in prison. ─── 若加里森因车祸致人死命被起诉,一旦罪名成立后,他就会被判10年有期徒刑。

27、Rising experts advise users, due to the current 360 yet to respond to acts of manslaughter, users can choose to temporarily uninstall its software products, to ensure that their information security. ─── 瑞星专家提醒用户,由于目前360还未对误杀行为作出反应,用户可以选择暂时卸载其软件产品,来保证自己的信息安全。

28、Antivirus manslaughter was 360 this document, the user virtually no viable rehabilitation measures, can only choose to uninstall rising personal firewall. ─── 而被360杀毒误杀此文件之后,用户几乎没有任何可行的修复措施,只能选择卸载瑞星个人防火墙。

29、He was had up for manslaughter. ─── 他因误杀罪被送上法庭。

30、The jury was out for nearly a week before they returned to court with the manslaughter verdict. ─── 陪审团休庭近一周后,重新开庭,并做出了过失杀人的裁定。

31、"Isn't Xiangling the girl there was all that talk about? The one bought just before they came to the capital, who was at the bottom of that manslaughter case?" ─── "那香菱小丫头子,可就是常说临上京时买的,为他打人命官司的那个小丫头子么?"

32、His cry bitterly is worn tell a wife, long Long drank his chemical not carefully, already toxic die, it is the manslaughter that oneself become father this son! ─── 他痛哭着告诉妻子,龙龙不小心喝了他的化学药品,已经中毒身亡,是自己这个当爸爸的误杀了儿子!

33、She was cleared of murder and jailed for just five years for manslaughter. ─── 她谋杀罪不成立,只为过失杀人罪坐了5年牢。

34、She is convicted of the manslaughter of her husband . ─── 她被宣判犯有杀害丈夫的罪行。

35、a case of murder or manslaughter; a murder case; a bloody incident ─── 血案

36、When a train crashes and people are killed or injured, those in charge of the company can face corporate manslaughter charges. ─── 如果一列火车撞毁,造成人民死伤,企业将遭到过失杀人的指控。

37、Star Granville 2 antivirus software is a green, super fast speed, the use of standardized design of antivirus tools, so bloated from the past, huge, manslaughter and other antivirus software long-standing problem. ─── 星威2杀毒软件是一款绿色的,速度超级快,采用标准化设计的杀毒工具,因此摆脱了以往的臃肿,庞大、误杀等杀毒软件的老大难问题.

38、Rising from the company's response perspective, we do not rule out the manslaughter is rising designed traps. ─── 从瑞星公司的反应上看,我们不排除此次误杀是瑞星公司设计的陷阱。

39、A judge yesterday praised the family of a manslaughter victim after they donated his organs. ─── 一名法官昨赞赏误杀案受害人的家属,捐出受害人器官。

40、He teacheth all Arts and Sciences in an instant, and is an Author of Bloodshed and Manslaughter. He teacheth all things Past, and to Come. ─── 他能使人立即明白所有的艺术与科学,并且是血腥与屠杀的创造者。

41、9 see joke: A cameraman in Vietnam war takes a such pictures: Jump over enemy of strafe of for military use, have a lot of civilian by manslaughter, topple in succession. ─── 9看笑话: 越南战争中的一位摄影师拍到这样一幅画面:越军用机枪扫射敌人,有许多平民被误杀,纷纷倒下。

42、Case, a model husband loves aerospace test homemade rocket model manslaughter of his wife. ─── 案件中,一名酷爱航天模型的丈夫试射自制火箭模型时误杀了自己的妻子。

43、kill sb. by accident; manslaughter ─── 误杀

44、The jury returned a verdict of manslaughter and the judge will pass sentence next week. ─── 陪审团裁定为误杀罪,法官将于下周判刑。

45、a case of homicide or manslaughter ─── 人命案子

46、motor manslaughter ─── 驾驶误杀

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